How will they rule ??!

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I appreciate the point the cartoon is making, but that should be Trump taking the car keys away from a teenager and leaving them at the Republican doorstep. A baby is wildly inaccurate.

Yeah, great idea to have the majority of the population be the least productive groups in the country.

What do the anti-white liberals think is going to happen when these people are the majority? You think they will be as generous? You think maybe, just maybe it will start to look like every country that these groups run? Might ask the white farmers in South Africa how things are going.

Can't wait for political offices to be filled with Jamal, Juan and Rosa who declare the constitution is "racist."
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Trump trashes the press alot but ultimately he is a child who wants approval. He lashes out like a guy hates on his ex but still loves her and everybody knows it. I like some of the people he has put into place and some of his instincts are right on some crucial issues, but ultimately what is being said about him that day and that hour is more important to him then the major issues....the small stuff trumps (apologies for the that) the long game and agenda that someone with a guiding political philosophy would be more concerned with.
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Trump trashes the press alot but ultimately he is a child who wants approval. He lashes out like a guy hates on his ex but still loves her and everybody knows it. I like some of the people he has put into place and some of his instincts are right on some crucial issues, but ultimately what is being said about him that day and that hour is more important to him then the major issues....the small stuff trumps (apologies for the that) the long game and agenda that someone with a guiding political philosophy would be more concerned with.
Yeah... bullshit. I think he's setting them up. Give a little to take a lot. I'm willing to hold tongue for now.
According to that, it sounds like the Freedom Caucus are willing to tank Trump's entire agenda to further their own agenda. What's that saying? Who needs enemies when...

Are they the new never Trumpers? Is this why Trump is suddenly ready to deal with D's? Are they the R's he's annoyed with?

“You have this perfect storm of a very condensed legislative calendar, a number of quote unquote must-pass vehicles — from the debt ceiling to storm relief — and they’re in the enviable position of having everything to gain and nothing to lose.”

“He showed the Freedom Caucus that he doesn’t have to cater to them and won’t cater to them when it comes to the debt ceiling and how it all plays out."

“They weren’t elected to run the country and they can’t be going on suicide missions. Yet they continue to do that because a lot of them live in silos, these echo chambers where they can have their own way.”

Still, should conservative lawmakers ultimately turn their ire on their party’s leadership and rebel against Ryan, they could further imperil Trump’s stalled legislative goals.

“I can’t imagine anything more counterproductive to Republicans’ shared vision of conservative reform."

I agree, but at what cost? Read above.

Conservatives mount opposition to Trump’s deal with Democrats, but fail to stop it in the Senate

"Both Freedom Caucus and Republican Study Committee members appear poised to send a message later this week by voting against the debt-and-spending deal Trump agreed to — showing they are willing not only to defy Trump, but also to risk political attacks for opposing relief for hurricane victims."
Yeah... bullshit. I think he's setting them up. Give a little to take a lot. I'm willing to hold tongue for now.
It is bullshit. She's taking credit for something that Trump has already clearly said multiple times. All the tweet said is DACA recipients didn't have to worry about deportation during the six months given to Congress. That's it. Anyone paying attention already knew that.

Not only that, but DACA status is for two years, so even if Congress doesn't act, most of them still won't have to worry right away because it'll be phased out, not ended immediately, and they'll be allowed to serve out the remaining months/years left on their status.
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Conservatives mount opposition to Trump’s deal with Democrats, but fail to stop it in the Senate

"Both Freedom Caucus and Republican Study Committee members appear poised to send a message later this week by voting against the debt-and-spending deal Trump agreed to — showing they are willing not only to defy Trump, but also to risk political attacks for opposing relief for hurricane victims."

Yeah, further adds to my belief that they've joined the rest of the never Trumpers.

What a sad group. So eager to stick it to Trump and to try to hijack the WH, they're willing to vote against Harvey relief because they didn't get their way over a few extra months of debt ceiling increase.

Trump trashes the press alot but ultimately he is a child who wants approval. He lashes out like a guy hates on his ex but still loves her and everybody knows it. I like some of the people he has put into place and some of his instincts are right on some crucial issues, but ultimately what is being said about him that day and that hour is more important to him then the major issues....the small stuff trumps (apologies for the that) the long game and agenda that someone with a guiding political philosophy would be more concerned with.

I don't believe that its all about the here and now for Trump. He knows exactly what he's doing. The Republicans have dragged their feet on the agenda he was elected to do. He tried to play their game for the 8 months, and that basically put 2-3 Senators in a position of power over him. He's simply switched up the game.

Healthy politics is about give and take, he needs the Dems, they need him, so he's going to give a little in return for them giving a little. It's the way Politics have worked up until the last 20 years or so.
Yeah... bullshit. I think he's setting them up. Give a little to take a lot. I'm willing to hold tongue for now.
Back to this for a minute. I don't see what it matters to Pelosi/Democrats anyways. They're perfectly okay with illegal immigration. Matter of fact, they encourage it. The outrage and drama from these people is nauseating.

Even if Congress doesn't act, and DACA does eventually end completely, does anyone really think any of them will go anywhere? Does anyone really think businesses will stop hiring them?

Of course not. They'll simply go back into the shadows, living among the rest of the illegals, carrying on with their daily lives. All Trump is doing is putting an end to an unconstitutional program, and rightfully so.

Sure, some will get caught up in sweeps and be deported, but there's 800K of them. Expecting them all to be caught and deported is naive. Basically, nothing changes except for the government being on the hook for illegal grants of amnesty.
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The fact that the minority party is controlling Congress tells me all I need to know about the majority's leadership.
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Leftists and globalists have absolutely targeted whites in their countries. This cannot be denied. They've tried to camouflage their tactics/marketing but the goal was always the same. I heard it described best in this way

"First, their immigrant pawns were temporary guest workers.Then it was a multi-racial experiment, then they were refugees, then the answer to a shrinking population and asylum is just another one. Different excuses, different lies."

These people provide us with no benefit whatsoever. We are taxed to oblivion only to watch it go to foreign invaders and their ridiculous amount of offspring through social welfare.

Those saying this was never a white country are total liars. Just look at the U.S. census and its history to see how much things have changed.

White population
1900-1910- 89%

And here is where the decline starts
1980-83% -5% drop in less than 10 years
1990-80%- Now an 8% drop within 20 years
2000-75%- 13 percent drop in 30 years
2010-72%- A 16% drop in 40 years?

Now according to most sources, whites are about 63 percent. 63! We went from 90 percent to 63 percent in that short period of time?

We continue to be bombarded about diversity and "white privilege" while we are being targeted to be decreased and eliminated. It's now being taught in schools, in media and in our government. Everything is centered around chasing the last white person down.

Leftists are insane and are the only people around the world who wants to watch their people and culture be destroyed. No other group does this. NONE!
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Freedom Caucus Senators joined with never Trumpers McCain, Flake and Graham to vote against the emergency Harvey relief/debt ceiling increase.

We know why McCain, Flake and Graham voted against it. They're against everything Trump. Why would Freedom Caucus Senators vote against it? Seriously, holding hurricane relief funds hostage? How low can you go? That relief is much more important than a few extra months added to the debt ceiling.

I mean, it's not like the three months don't run out and they don't get to do it all again in December. Can't they easily negotiate and fight for the amount of months they actually wanted then? Why is it so important now, especially when it involves holding the hurricane relief funds hostage?

What's the point of this opposition? Are they just throwing a fit, showing out because they didn't get their way; or, have they officially joined the never Trumpers and are now opposing just to oppose?

Here Are The 17 Republicans Who Voted Against Harvey, Debt Ceiling Bill
Baby boom is over. White people decided they weren't having babies. What is Govt supposed to do? They are accustomed to a certain lifestyle based on population. They gotta replace these lazy ass white people.

You can try and argue it's their right to kill babies at an alarming rate, to abandon the family nucleus, etc, if you want. Would actually love to hear you try. I suspect your argument will start something like "well black people blablabla" and you would be a racist idiot for ignoring the problems of "your" people and blaming minorities. White people have dropped the ball. Look at our crooked ass govt from local to federal level. White. We ALL gotta do better.
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Back to this for a minute. I don't see what it matters to Pelosi/Democrats anyways. They're perfectly okay with illegal immigration. Matter of fact, they encourage it. The outrage and drama from these people is nauseating.

Even if Congress doesn't act, and DACA does eventually end completely, does anyone really think any of them will go anywhere? Does anyone really think businesses will stop hiring them?

Of course not. They'll simply go back into the shadows, living among the rest of the illegals, carrying on with their daily lives. All Trump is doing is putting an end to an unconstitutional program, and rightfully so.

Sure, some will get caught up in sweeps and be deported, but there's 800K of them. Expecting them all to be caught and deported is naive. Basically, nothing changes except for the government being on the hook for illegal grants of amnesty.

Let's say we made all illegals citizens today with all rights. The left would still encourage more illegal immigration and not uphold the law. It would never stop. The ultimate goal is to rid America of white conservatives.

Off topic, but I saw some Muslim ladies with headscarfs walking around the Crestwood, KY Wal-Mart the other day. Why? Before long they will be in Pikeville and Prestonsburg.
Allen said the initial data from January “didn’t include” a “post-election review of paper ballot applications.”

“Now that those are entered, the difference is like 30—and that’s the best accountability we’ve ever had,” Allen told Fox News. “Their claim is false and ridiculous.”

He explained that city uses an electronic poll book system launched in 2014, and, “We’ve had to go back and go through paper applications every election cycle since then, and the paper applications have filled in the gap every time.”

Always cherrypicking.
Speaking of vote fraud, it looks increasingly apparent that Trump really did win New Hampshire. The only reason he received fewer votes? Massholes crossing the border and voting illegally.
bwahaha, because people didn't register cars...that's this guys logic. Maybe, umm, they don't own cars? Maybe they are college students. Evidently it is now a requirement to have a car to be eligible to vote in New Hampshire.
His bogus claims in kansas were proven lies as well. it's no surprise that someone who wants to find voter fraud finds it every turn. Not a fan of the scientific method.
's no surprise that someone who wants to find voter fraud finds it every turn
Maybe because there IS voter fraud, you complete imbecile.

There are reports coming out almost weekly about the ridiculous amount of voter fraud.

Its probably a miracle that Trump overcame Hillarys attempt to steal the election.
If I were Trump I would be readying my infrastructure plan right now. Texas needs it after Harvey and a chunk of Florida could be completely wiped out by Irma.

Announce it, dare the establishment GOP losers and democrats to oppose it. I bet you it would pass.
how many of you have pre ordered what is sure to be a timeless classic?

Between still blaming Bernie sanders and saying people don't like her because she is a woman I don't know if I can hold my excitement

"I wasn’t just running against Donald Trump. I was up against the Russian intelligence apparatus, a misguided FBI director, and now the godforsaken Electoral College," she writes toward the end.
If I were Trump I would be readying my infrastructure plan right now. Texas needs it after Harvey and a chunk of Florida could be completely wiped out by Irma.

Announce it, dare the establishment GOP losers and democrats to oppose it. I bet you it would pass.
I doubt it, congress doesn't care.