How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I would gladly sign up for this system so long as everyone is happy with the system and people aren't getting taken advantage of. The problem is, that isn't how communism works in practice. Humans are simply not wired this way, and I can't figure out why those folks cannot see that.

I'm curious if these people have ever met someone who lived under communism? I do like people born in the late 1990s telling me how socialism works and how all of other failures weren't really "socialism/communism."

Lenin's "useful idiots" term remains an accurate term even to this day.
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I'm curious if these people have ever met someone who lived under communism? I do like people born in the late 1990s telling me how socialism works and how all of other failures weren't really "socialism/communism."

Lenin's "useful idiots" term remains an accurate term even to this day.

What I don't understand.
Dems hate Russia, but wanna be like them. Talk about confusing

They're the "good guys" remember?

Eff these mother touchers. These are private citizens.

Oh, and they can track down people in a golf club who have broken no laws but can't be bothered to find illegals.
I'm curious if these people have ever met someone who lived under communism? I do like people born in the late 1990s telling me how socialism works and how all of other failures weren't really "socialism/communism."

Lenin's "useful idiots" term remains an accurate term even to this day.
Is it intellectual dishonesty or ignorance that people try and equate soviet communism and European style socialism?
The notion that the states should be allowed to pick and choose voter ID for a national election is absurd. No way should the rest of the country trust California to not be shady. It's the leftist haven for illegals and fraud. And I 100 percent believe that state has bogus votes. 100 PERCENT.
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I'm curious if these people have ever met someone who lived under communism? I do like people born in the late 1990s telling me how socialism works and how all of other failures weren't really "socialism/communism."

Lenin's "useful idiots" term remains an accurate term even to this day.
WOrked with a guy who grew up in East Germany & was in his early 20's when the wall cam down. He was weird & sorta amoral I thought.
No data, but

You shouldve just stopped there.

Where does the Constitution address immigration?

It doesnt. Just as it doesnt adress alot of things, like murder drug trafficking, etc.

However it does lay out the heirarchy for how laws such as those and immigration are to be enacted and enforced. Which they were enacted and still in force. They just need enforced.
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The real problem behind both illegal immigration and marijuana is the do nothing congress.

They all want to ride the fence. Theyll give interviews and tweet, but not take any legislative action. That lets them pander to all sides.

I LOVE what trumps done with daca. Hes making them all come off the fence and put skin in the game. And its killing them to have to
You're nuts. The kids did nothing wrong & shouldn't be punished for nothing. Want to punish someone? First punish the politicians that let them stay here. If you won't do that, you got nothing but your own anger.

Yes, the kids are here illegally & Congress are dumb asses for not fixing that.

Or do you prefer sending the kids - even if some are now 35 - to their parents' country over legalizing them here? BTW, were I the supposed receiving country, I'd want documentation that the kids even originated in my country. Where you going to get that?

Compromise. Those under 18 can stay as long as they start proper paperwork.

One thing that amuses me about the left's phony bleeding heart bull crap and virtue signaling is that they do not even come close to giving or as being generous as Republicans. I'm not talking politicians. I'm talking voters.

Obviously the right are more religious than the left (the left's religion is climate change and big government-lol) but those Christians the left hates so much, do a hell of a lot more than your BS tweets and protests.

Democrats are only generous with other people's money and love to dump problems off on other neighborhoods.
I did nothing wrong and I'm being punished via tax dollars and debt to go to their social programs.

Since when is "they did nothing wrong" become a reason to screw over John Q Taxpayer?
Let me know when you know Dreamers are a net drain on the government. And it's not cost-free to send them anywhere.
I LOVE what trumps done with daca. Hes making them all come off the fence and put skin in the game.

Yes, but if they do something, he will also have to "put skin in the game" by either signing or not signing whatever legislation is passed.

The same is true about healthcare and the whole "Repeal and Replace" debate. It is currently all things to all people. IF they every grow the balls to pass something they will immediately lose half of their support as the reality of replacement comes to light.
I did nothing wrong and I'm being punished via tax dollars and debt to go to their social programs.

Since when is "they did nothing wrong" become a reason to screw over John Q Taxpayer?
We will wait for you to publish the data that shows that DACA enrollees receive more in taxpayer benefits than they pay in taxes.
I LOVE what trumps done with daca. Hes making them all come off the fence and put skin in the game. And its killing them to have to
Agreed, I think Trump is going about it the right way, though no doubt there are some who would love to send an amnesty bill to Trumps desk. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.
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If that's the case we should just let everyone in regardless of age, employment skills, education and it will be an improvement on the economy, right? We need more poor, unskilled immigrants to improve the economy?
If what's the case? If referring to me, the past is past & I'm talking about those already here, not those that want to come going forward.
Yes, but if they do something, he will also have to "put skin in the game" by either signing or not signing whatever legislation is passed.

The same is true about healthcare and the whole "Repeal and Replace" debate. It is currently all things to all people. IF they every grow the balls to pass something they will immediately lose half of their support as the reality of replacement comes to light.

Even if one disagrees with the position, surely we can agree trumps never had any problem taking a position on an issue.
You would be 100% wrong. Not sure how home building survives without immigrants doing much of the skilled labor these days. At least half of the work crews are hispanic, at least here in central Kentucky. Ditto for the horse farms. But yeah, lets kick em all out. Seems reasonable.

This post is as uninformed as most liberal minded ideas are.

1- most crews have dropped the illegal portion of their workforce due much harder enforcement and more frequent jobsite visits.

2- no one is kicking skilled labor out........prove that idea please!
I love how all you left leaning libtards love to take a stand on this immigration shit like you are God almighty. How bout you go actually talk to someone who was an actual immigrant, people who came to this country the right way, wanted to be an American, and earned it, then get their opinion on these issues of just letting anyone get the same thing they struggled for after breaking our laws. you leftist commies do nothing but politicize the issue for your own personal political gain. common sense and rules and the constitution be damned.