How will they rule ??!

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If what's the case? If referring to me, the past is past & I'm talking about those already here, not those that want to come going forward.
So, everyone that committed a crime in the past should be given amnesty going forward and we should only punish those committing crimes going forward, got it.
I think the point is that Trump is famous for taking multiple positions on issues, often on the same day. He has no problem contradicting himself.
Only to morons who do not care about this country and would rather lie, cheat or steal to further the leftest agenda. congrats rgarnold, you qualify as one of these morons. You must be proud.
The same GOPers crying about Trump cutting a short deal with the democrats would have made an even worse deal with Trump. True shit.

Anytime the GOP establishment is crying about something, I feel happy. Screw em.
The same GOPers crying about Trump cutting a short deal with the democrats would have made an even worse deal with Trump. True shit.

Anytime the GOP establishment is crying about something, I feel happy. Screw em.

More proof that Trump should have an (I) after his name instead of an (R.)

That picture of him and Schumer is awesome. Like a big eff you to Mitch and Paul Ryan.
Rush just said today or yesterday that people should ignore news about this hurricane because it's all a plot by the deep state and the local media

Did you ever stop to think that he's talking about the propaganda that is being manufactured because of the storm? Like all the negative reports picking at everything and anything, trying to blame Trump for something because he actually handled the situation so well?

You know, like the excessive whining about how he didn't show 'empathy'? They must've have said that word thousands of times across CNN, MSNBC, CBS etc... Those people live in the biggest of bubbles and abhor middle America. They have zero room to talk about empathy.

Or, the reports about Melania's shoes? 'Oh my God, it's a constitutional crisis! She boarded the plane wearing heels.' Because she couldn't possibly own a change of shoes, right? There's also the negative reports about Trump wearing a USA hat. A f*cking USA hat! Since when is it a negative for the president of the United States to wear a damn USA hat?

He's right. People should ignore that stupid shit.
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If you are not watching road to 9/11 on history then you truly are missing out.

Only 3 shows in and it is amazing and in depth to the degree of hate and why the hate exists from Islam. It isn't just random, well kinda, how it happened. But my god what could have been had Bin Laden not been brainwashed by an Egyptian.
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Did you ever stop to think that he's talking about the propaganda that is being manufactured because of the storm? Like all the negative reports picking at everything and anything, trying to blame Trump for something because he actually handled the situation so well?

You know, like the excessive whining about how he didn't show 'empathy'? They must've have said that word thousands of times across CNN, MSNBC, CBS etc... Those people live in the biggest of bubbles and abhor middle America. They have zero room to talk about empathy.

Or, the reports about Melania's shoes? 'Oh my God, it's a constitutional crisis! She boarded the plane wearing heels.' Because she couldn't possibly own a change of shoes, right? There's also the negative reports about Trump wearing a USA hat. A f*cking USA hat! Since when is it a negative for the president of the United States to wear a damn USA hat?

He's right. People should ignore that stupid shit.

Media is using these storms to promote climate change. First major hurricanes to hit us since 2012. No hurricanes = climate change. Hurricane hits us = climate change. Everything that nature does or don't do is climate change to these idiots.
Something needs to be done so they can't reproduce.

Here's the lovely lady. I don't think anybody's lining up.

Not their fault they are here.

It's not my fault I'm offered outrageously expensive, shitty health insurance, and when I refuse it I'm forced to pay a 'tax'. Since Congress can't figure it out, does that give Trump the right to wave his magic pen and repeal it, Constitution and separation of power be damned?

But that doesn't justify a dictatorship.

Following the Constitution and respecting the separation of power isn't a dictatorship, it's America's Constitutional Federal Republic. What Obama did, ignoring the separation of power, usurping the Constitution and taking it upon himself to write law is an example of a dictatorship. So, in realty, those defending DACA are the ones justifying a dictatorship.

The kids did nothing wrong & shouldn't be punished for nothing.

Again, neither did I, yet I'm still punished with Obamacare. That's the way she blows. Just because Congress can't get its shit together, and because I don't like the outcome, doesn't give Trump the right to act like a dictator, as Obama did with DACA, and take it upon himself to write his own law repealing Obamacare.
Well, I'm a guy who respects the Constitution and rule of law, so yes, there is a need for them to leave.

Where does the Constitution address immigration?

What does that have anything to do with respecting the Constitution? Are you really this clueless? What makes DACA unconstitutional is the way it came about.

Congress voted on the Dreamer Act and voted it down. That should have been the end of it. The president doesn't have the power to then write law that usurps federal law just because he disagrees with Congress' decision.

Obama acting like an emperor, taking it upon himself to write and enforce law, Congress be damned, is what makes DACA unconstitutional.
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Curious how what Obama did is any different than what Reagan, Bush I or Eisenhower did to shield certain segments of immigrants from deportation?

LOL at Obama acting like an Emporer...who is bullying companies, states, etc to get their way now? Threatening Alaska because they didn't vote his way.

If it was so unconstitutional why wasn't there a halt to it by any court?
LOL at Obama acting like an Emporer... If it was so unconstitutional

Do you seriously not know how the government works? The separation of power? If you're such a troglodyte that you need further explanation of why/how it's unconstitutional, don't take it from me, take it from Obama, in his own words. Pay attention, you might learn something.

I'm not following. All they did was settle on the debt ceiling increase and funds for Harvey relief. R's wanted six months, they settled on three months. So, according to the source, three months is giving away the store?

I'd say Trump got exactly what he wanted and did exactly what he intended to do. Give a sign of bipartisanship, a willingness to work across the aisle, to get his foot in the door with Democrats in red states, gearing up for tax reform. Notice who was by his side backing his tax plan, cheering him on, when he gave his tax reform speech yesterday?