How will they rule ??!

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Money well spent. Gives you something to talk about in the unemployment lines. Also makes for nice anti-Trump one-liners in the memo field at the bottom of those student loan payments that eat up all your parents' money.

College is absolutely worthless unless you're going into stem of medical or whatever but the liberal art degrees are worthless. You just deal with these crackpots.

It's fascinating how the left managed to worm its way into completely owning academia, media and Hollywood.
'More Dead Cops' Banner Found Hanging on Overpass in NY

The ones that are educated, receive no assistance from the government, are gainfully employed, have NO legal history(not even a parking ticket): I have no problem keeping them, but develop a 10 year process to make them legal. We need to keep the productive ones.

Exactly. And pay back taxes.
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How does one possibly function in society and actually believe this? How could anyone have a television or a phone or a computer and believe this? You log on to twitter and it's pro Democrat talking points and negative stuff about Trump all the time.

Throughout the whole election campaign, she had all of media except Fox, campaigning for her, protecting her, colluding with her, burying sxandals and serving as an attack dog and PR firm for her. She had celebrties campaigning for her. Dems now have social media censoring and banning conservatives.

Without media influence, Dems would be effed.
I am not in favor of kicking 800,000 largely productive people out of the country, and have no doubt that won't happen. Do you think their jobs are going to be filled by unemployed Americans, just dying to install roofs and lay bricks? Right, sure, that will happen . . .

But for once, I do agree with Trump that the Congress should get off its ass and pass immigration laws, i.e., do their damn job. Way too much power has over the years landed on the President's death, maybe all the way back to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution where Lyndon Johnson was given a blank check, leading to 58,000 US KIA for no apparent reason that anyone has ever identified.
You know who I dislike? Matt Walsh of The Blaze. He and the self righteous type are clueless. They bash Trump non-stop and pine for Cruz and Rubio. Still.

They always fall for the "preacher character." They eat it up and think the role of president should be for pastor. Rubio and Cruz would've got crushed. Absolutely crushed. Rubio was outdone by Chris Christie in a debate. Hillary and the media would obliterate him not to mention, their background on immigration would cause voters to stay home.

We got killed in 2008 and 2012 because Republicans ran two losers, two cowards who were Democrat-lite and not much different. GOP wanted us to have Bush so that shows you how out of touch the RNC was.
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You know who I dislike? Matt Walsh of The Blaze. He and the self righteous type are clueless. They bash Trump non-stop and pine for Cruz and Rubio. Still.

They always fall for the "preacher character." They eat it up and think the role of president should be for pastor. Rubio and Cruz would've got crushed. Absolutely crushed. Rubio was outdone by Chris Christie in a debate. Hillary and the media would obliterate him not to mention, their background on immigration would cause voters to stay home.

We got killed in 2008 and 2012 because Republicans ran two losers, two cowards who were Democrat-lite and not much difference.

The Blaze was OK when it first started. Then, you could barely navigate the website due to all the ads so I stopped ever going.

My car radio generally stays on 550 AM so I have the misfortune of catching some of Glenn Beck's show if I'm in the car mid morning. Holy shit he's a lunatic. No wonder his media company is crumbling.
Honestly though, I do credit Glenn Beck in a large part for exposing the coordinated "progressive" movement for what it was.

The never Trump mindset, and complete inability to see some good he's actually doing is annoying.
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I am not in favor of kicking 800,000 largely productive people out of the country, and have no doubt that won't happen. Do you think their jobs are going to be filled by unemployed Americans, just dying to install roofs and lay bricks? Right, sure, that will happen . . .
Pretty sure very few are, which has been made very evident in this thread... if read.

The point is to stop the bleeding, correct the system, tax accordingly and let the wages adjust themselves as the market adjusts to illegal laborers no longer driving labor wages down. You know. Long view stuff.
I read from about 1100 to 1216. Saw where Jamo was a big fan of the boy scouts and would be happy to donate the 100 he lost to them. Dems are just all around bad people.

Yea I can promise even though my pack info was given via email he never once contacted them!
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What are you talking about? Under 16 easily makes up the smallest % of recipients. You do realize someone has to be at least 15 years old just to apply, don't you?

The fact that you think the program consists of hundreds of thousands of children under 16 proves you are a lemming, brainwashed by the MSM propaganda.
I guess you missed this comment on the graphic..."If #DACA is a program for "kids" then why are the majority of DACA applicants mostly in their 20s and 30s? "?

Also, below are the requirements for eligibility. I see nothing stating that someone must be 15 to apply.

Individuals who meet the following criteria can apply for deferred action for childhood arrivals:

  • are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012;
  • came to the U.S. while under the age of 16;
  • have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present. (For purposes of calculating this five year period, brief and innocent absences from the United States for humanitarian reasons will not be included);
  • entered the U.S. without inspection or fell out of lawful visa status before June 15, 2012;
  • were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  • are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or armed forces;
  • have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors of any kind; and
  • do not pose a threat to national security or public safety.
I haven't looked, but are there actually legitimate stats to support the statement that the 800,000 illegal aliens benefiting from Obama's unconstitutional amnesty are in fact "largely productive"?
I think he is going by voting stats.
You know who I dislike? Matt Walsh of The Blaze. He and the self righteous type are clueless. They bash Trump non-stop and pine for Cruz and Rubio. Still.

They always fall for the "preacher character." They eat it up and think the role of president should be for pastor. Rubio and Cruz would've got crushed. Absolutely crushed. Rubio was outdone by Chris Christie in a debate. Hillary and the media would obliterate him not to mention, their background on immigration would cause voters to stay home.

We got killed in 2008 and 2012 because Republicans ran two losers, two cowards who were Democrat-lite and not much difference.
Even though I was way wrong last year in saying DT could not win, I did say very early one that if the GOP were to ever win again their nominee would have to take on the media directly and forcefully. I really think his "rigged" comments after the Lynch tarmac meeting turned it around. Rubio is too wimpy and Cruz too weasily to do it.
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I'll call BS on 800k illegals being productive and not sucking the government tit dry.

Having lived and worked around illegals, Trump was my guy from day one. Backwards people, many cant speak English, always have money for shitty Mexican beer, much lazier than the stereotype and many think you're supposed to put used toilet paper in the trash can instead of the toilet. No joke.

I'd love to give them California though and build a wall around that too.
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Also, below are the requirements for eligibility. I see nothing stating that someone must be 15 to apply.

Yeah, not sure where you are looking, but it's wrong. From NILC (National Immigration Law Center).

Who is eligible for an initial grant of DACA?
To be eligible for deferred action under the DACA program, you must:
  • Have come to the United States before your sixteenth birthday.
  • Have lived continuously in the U.S. since June 15, 2007.
  • Have been present in the U.S. on June 15, 2012, and on every day since August 15, 2012.
  • Not have a lawful immigration status on June 15, 2012. To meet this requirement, (1) you must have entered the U.S. without papers before June 15, 2012, or, if you entered lawfully, your lawful immigration status must have expired before June 15, 2012; and (2) you must not have a lawful immigration status at the time you apply for DACA.
  • Be at least 15 years old at the time you apply for DACA.
  • Have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, be an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or U.S. armed forces, or “be in school” on the date you submit your DACA application. See below for more information about meeting the “be in school” requirement.
  • Have not been convicted of a felony offense. A felony is a federal, state, or local criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.
  • Have not been convicted of a significant misdemeanor offense or three or more misdemeanor offenses. See below for more information about offenses that may disqualify you.
  • Not pose a threat to national security or public safety. DHS has not defined precisely what these terms mean but has indicated that they include gang membership, participation in criminal activities, or participation in activities that threaten the U.S.
Th reason they didn't include under 16 is simple.

They have to be at least 15 years old before they can apply, and with most programs involving the government, it's a very tedious, drawn out and slow moving process. It often takes months/years for approval, meaning most applicants have already turned 16+ by the time they're actually approved as a recipient.

Those who are lucky and get approved more quickly, while still being 15 years of age, make up a very, very small percentage of the recipients. Moreover, under 16 recipients are so miniscule they barely affect the percentages, so much so, they are irrelevant to the point of the chart.
Even though I was way wrong last year in saying DT could not win, I did say very early one that if the GOP were to ever win again their nominee would have to take on the media directly and forcefully. I really think his "rigged" comments after the Lynch tarmac meeting turned it around. Rubio is too wimpy and Cruz too weasily to do it.

Yep. Watching Romney puss out to the media really opened my eyes. That's also why I couldn't stand the GOP candidates who were always upset about Trump's rhetoric. DT didn't have to bow down to donors or the RNC and said what the people wanted- we hated illegal immigration and hated the biased media. He's the first one to take it on.

Seriously though, Romney let the media portray him as a murderer and backed down to that moderator who incorrectly said Obama's statement was true in the second debate. Then didn't even mention Benghazi in the third debate.

Trump gave the middle finger to all of it. And it's because of Trump and thankfully to WikiLeaks, that the media's mask is now off. Forever grateful for that.
Serious question. Have you ever been within 10 feet of construction site? My guess is no.

You would be 100% wrong. Not sure how home building survives without immigrants doing much of the skilled labor these days. At least half of the work crews are hispanic, at least here in central Kentucky. Ditto for the horse farms. But yeah, lets kick em all out. Seems reasonable.
It's really simple, Trump can keep his promises on immigration and be re-elected or virtue-signal to keep his brat daughter happy, lose his base, and be a 1 term President. Very, very simple. Trump was elected on IMMIGRATION. Period. No DACA bullshit until the wall is fully funded and RAISE Act is law.
Yeah, not sure where you are looking, but it's wrong. From NILC (National Immigration Law Center).

Who is eligible for an initial grant of DACA?
To be eligible for deferred action under the DACA program, you must:
  • Have come to the United States before your sixteenth birthday.
  • Have lived continuously in the U.S. since June 15, 2007.
  • Have been present in the U.S. on June 15, 2012, and on every day since August 15, 2012.
  • Not have a lawful immigration status on June 15, 2012. To meet this requirement, (1) you must have entered the U.S. without papers before June 15, 2012, or, if you entered lawfully, your lawful immigration status must have expired before June 15, 2012; and (2) you must not have a lawful immigration status at the time you apply for DACA.
  • Be at least 15 years old at the time you apply for DACA.
  • Have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, be an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or U.S. armed forces, or “be in school” on the date you submit your DACA application. See below for more information about meeting the “be in school” requirement.
  • Have not been convicted of a felony offense. A felony is a federal, state, or local criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.
  • Have not been convicted of a significant misdemeanor offense or three or more misdemeanor offenses. See below for more information about offenses that may disqualify you.
  • Not pose a threat to national security or public safety. DHS has not defined precisely what these terms mean but has indicated that they include gang membership, participation in criminal activities, or participation in activities that threaten the U.S.
Th reason they didn't include under 16 is simple.

They have to be at least 15 years old before they can apply, and with most programs involving the government, it's a very tedious, drawn out and slow moving process. It often takes months/years for approval, meaning most applicants have already turned 16+ by the time they're actually approved as a recipient.

Those who are lucky and get approved more quickly, while still being 15 years of age, make up a very, very small percentage of the recipients. Moreover, under 16 recipients are so miniscule they barely affect the percentages, so much so, they are irrelevant to the point of the chart.

Oh hush, @fuzz77 says that is just a faux news piece of bullshat meant to rile up the kkk.
But yeah, lets kick em all out. Seems reason
Where did I ever say this in my post?

Not sure how home building survives without immigrants doing much of the skilled labor these days. At least half of the work crews are hispanic, at least here in central Kentucky.

This is laughable. Your definition of skilled and my are totally different. I've been in the roofing business for 20 years. Moved to Florida during the boom and to be able to work year round. Got my license and branched out independently eight years ago. In the circle of contractors and clientele I associate with, all purposely avoid those types of crews like the plague.

Common knowledge in the business, biggest reason you're hiring illegals is to take shortcuts and save money. Will they underbid by a couple thousand dollars, have a gang of 10 of them show up and knock it out two days sooner?

Sure, but the saying rings true -- you get what you pay for. Most of the time they make up for the underbid by cutting corners and the work is shoddy as hell. Plus, you better hope it doesn't leak years down the road; otherwise, you'll be calling someone like me to come behind them and fix it.
College is absolutely worthless unless you're going into stem of medical or whatever but the liberal art degrees are worthless. You just deal with these crackpots.

It's fascinating how the left managed to worm its way into completely owning academia, media and Hollywood.

I agree. That feeds into my last post about how shocking it is that people lap up the lefts absurdities so easily.

The answer is the indoctrination of college age kids. Its alarming.

I am not in favor of kicking 800,000 largely productive people out of the country,

Id love to see the stat showing those kind of numbers.

If theyre so productive, then there should be zero objection to ending any government support for them. Right?
You really think Trump is going to force the world backwards? You've bought into the media BS and watched too many SNL/Colbert episodes..

Society moves forward, with or without the President. He might not spend his entire effing day trying to appease every group of people for votes (Thank God).. but he's not going to stone the gays and hang the blacks.

Trump won't be allowed or able to reverse the trends, and that may be a good thing (I'm a conservative mostly for economic reasons).

If you think he's going to bring us back into 50's.. [roll] Just stop..

I see @moe_schmoe liked this.. so I wanted to check back in after reading it after all these months.. I was told we'd be well underway into Nazi, Germany by now.. How we lookin'? I don't see any tanks outside, but I imagine any minute..
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LOL at Fuzz

Copies and pastes from an immigration website that bills itself as "The nation's leading LGBTQ immigrant rights organization" without exercising a single ounce of critical thought and is once again completely wrong.

Looked it up out of curiosity. Saw this two faqs down from what he copied and pasted. Wonder if he missed it or purposely ignored it?

How old do I have to be to apply for deferred action?
In general an applicant must be at least 15 years of age at the time they apply. The exception to this rule is if the applicant is in removal proceedings, has a final order of removal or has an order of voluntary departure: then, they can seek DACA even if they are below the age of 15.
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