How will they rule ??!

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[roll] i love some good irony
That bdell guy I linked above who thinks the government is killing blacks through hurricanes...he's a writer...for Complex. Read this guy's twitter and try to remember that he's a ...writer.

He's a real wordsmith.

Annnnnd this one got me.

"We was kangs."
We will wait for you to publish the data that shows that DACA enrollees receive more in taxpayer benefits than they pay in taxes.
Quit pretending as if you care about these people. For your kind, it's not about compassion; it's about virtue signaling. You are the guy who always volunteered to be the hall monitor back in junior high.
One could argue that white liberals are actually the most racist people on the planet. Considering you are willing to not only willing to go out of your way to enable laziness to prove your loyalty to not being a racist. You will also do it while calling other white people that do not see things as you do racist simply because another race is involved.

DACA has nothing to do with race. If there happened to be some illegal Australians involved in this and sent home you'd never know.......
One could argue that white liberals are actually the most racist people on the planet. Considering you are willing to not only willing to go out of your way to enable laziness to prove your loyalty to not being a racist. You will also do it while calling other white people that do not see things as you do racist simply because another race is involved.

DACA has nothing to do with race. If there happened to be some illegal Australians involved in this and sent home you'd never know.......

White liberal elites are the most racist people on the planet. They're also the ones who convince minorities they're oppressed and need to be saved. They also have the bigotry of low expectations.
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Nearly 35,000 people retweeted that. It's incredible to me to see the double standard that exists. "Make America Brown Again" gets no blowback, no consequences, no outrage yet there's this constant rage over white people and people would lose their minds if that shirt said white. Everyone would condemn it. They'd have sensitivity training and counselors and puppies and candy brought in.
That bdell guy I linked above who thinks the government is killing blacks through hurricanes...he's a writer...for Complex. Read this guy's twitter and try to remember that he's a ...writer.

He's a real wordsmith.

Annnnnd this one got me.

"We was kangs."
YOu know who else says stuff like this...Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh, two of the rights favorite mouthpieces. Rush just said today or yesterday that people should ignore news about this hurricane because it's all a plot by the deep state and the local media. Remember they are tv personalities followed by millions of Republicans and the President...remember that.
So that justifies the lefts lunancy reporting of only anti Trump everything?

Get real
YOu know who else says stuff like this...Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh, two of the rights favorite mouthpieces. Rush just said today or yesterday that people should ignore news about this hurricane because it's all a plot by the deep state and the local media. Remember they are tv personalities followed by millions of Republicans and the President...remember that.

Surprised you listen to those TV personalities.

But since you do, and I don't, is there a way you could link to a Limbaugh video or transcript showing what you claim?
YOu know who else says stuff like this...Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh, two of the rights favorite mouthpieces. Rush just said today or yesterday that people should ignore news about this hurricane because it's all a plot by the deep state and the local media. Remember they are tv personalities followed by millions of Republicans and the President...remember that.

Surprised you listen to those TV personalities.

But since you do, and I don't, is there a way you could link to a Limbaugh video or transcript showing what you claim?

No he can't. Because he's completely incorrect and just proves that all he is is a headline pimp. That's not at all what rush said.

Dude has no thoughts of his own.

Good job copkilla. You have proven that you are one of the biggest idiots that wears the blue and white. Hell, one of the biggest idiots in this country. You can't think for yoursef. You don't even attempt it. Nor do you try to convince anyone that you do.
Surprised you listen to those TV personalities.

But since you do, and I don't, is there a way you could link to a Limbaugh video or transcript showing what you claim?

Essentially what he said is the media will hype up the storm, regardless if it's going to be a strong storm or not. By doing this it creates buzz for their station/network. It also makes for panic which results in gas, food, etc. being bought up all over the area that will be effected.

I don't see how anyone can argue those points. They are true.
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If there was a video of Osama Bin Laden explaining how he wants Islam to flood the world in order to overcome the hate and as they get dense in population they are to start terrorizing every region they are in.........would libs still go along with it?

Why yes, as a matter of fact they would!
I'm really sick of hearing about the dangers of global warming from people who live in cities. If you actually think it's a problem, move out of the concrete jungle where there is 24/7 construction. Cities are quite literally destroying the environment to pave roads (so cars can drive more freely), building higher density housing (so more people can cram in there making us more reliant on the small pockets of actual agriculture), all while saying we should continue borrowing to increase consumption in the present because over consumption in the present has no bearing on the future. Is it possible to be more hypocritical?
No matter if you like Rush Limbaugh or not, he is right. Only a fool would think that leftists meteorologists/scientists don't use their biases about climate change to determine how storms are reported on.

And no, he did not say to ignore warnings about Hurricane Irma or that it was being controlled by the deep state. Cardkilla made that up.
Why is it that the same climatologists who claim to be able to predict what the climate will be like in 40 years couldn't predict one of the biggest hurricanes to ever hit the U.S.? What don't they know the exact track of this storm? Because climate change is a fraud.
My god, does Trump have to show up at a nazi rally and start personally shooting them or something?

I am not in favor of kicking 800,000 largely productive people out of the country, and have no doubt that won't happen. Do you think their jobs are going to be filled by unemployed Americans, just dying to install roofs and lay bricks? Right, sure, that will happen . . .

But for once, I do agree with Trump that the Congress should get off its ass and pass immigration laws, i.e., do their damn job. Way too much power has over the years landed on the President's death, maybe all the way back to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution where Lyndon Johnson was given a blank check, leading to 58,000 US KIA for no apparent reason that anyone has ever identified.
How do you know they are mostly productive? Do you know each and every one?
Yeah, not sure where you are looking, but it's wrong. From NILC (National Immigration Law Center).

Who is eligible for an initial grant of DACA?
To be eligible for deferred action under the DACA program, you must:
  • Have come to the United States before your sixteenth birthday.
  • Have lived continuously in the U.S. since June 15, 2007.
  • Have been present in the U.S. on June 15, 2012, and on every day since August 15, 2012.
  • Not have a lawful immigration status on June 15, 2012. To meet this requirement, (1) you must have entered the U.S. without papers before June 15, 2012, or, if you entered lawfully, your lawful immigration status must have expired before June 15, 2012; and (2) you must not have a lawful immigration status at the time you apply for DACA.
  • Be at least 15 years old at the time you apply for DACA.
  • Have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, be an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or U.S. armed forces, or “be in school” on the date you submit your DACA application. See below for more information about meeting the “be in school” requirement.
  • Have not been convicted of a felony offense. A felony is a federal, state, or local criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.
  • Have not been convicted of a significant misdemeanor offense or three or more misdemeanor offenses. See below for more information about offenses that may disqualify you.
  • Not pose a threat to national security or public safety. DHS has not defined precisely what these terms mean but has indicated that they include gang membership, participation in criminal activities, or participation in activities that threaten the U.S.
Th reason they didn't include under 16 is simple.

They have to be at least 15 years old before they can apply, and with most programs involving the government, it's a very tedious, drawn out and slow moving process. It often takes months/years for approval, meaning most applicants have already turned 16+ by the time they're actually approved as a recipient.

Those who are lucky and get approved more quickly, while still being 15 years of age, make up a very, very small percentage of the recipients. Moreover, under 16 recipients are so miniscule they barely affect the percentages, so much so, they are irrelevant to the point of the chart.

Fuzz is a typical liberal, lying to further the agenda. I don't know why people still engage that idiot.
Yup, those Hispanics are just incapable of doing as good a job as the white people, that's what it sounds like your saying. Half the people I've worked with during my brief stints in construction, painting and tobacco work were druggies, drunks or just plain crazy. Which is why they're doing this type of work, they can't get a regular job.

Hispanics for the most part have a great work ethic and they know what they are doing. If someone's cutting corners it's because their boss let's them get away with it. But don't act like its just Hispanics who do shoddy work, there are a multitude of 'white' crews who cut corners and use shoddy materials to save a buck. Just laughable.
In the words of Walter,"You're an idiot". You believe what you are told or you are anti American and believe this country should fall or both. I believe both, cleansing of this nations begins with shit like you. I don't curse much but, you warrant it from me.
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Even if one disagrees with the position, surely we can agree trumps never had any problem taking a position on an issue.
I think the point is that Trump is famous for taking multiple positions on issues, often on the same day. He has no problem contradicting himself.
You're nuts. The kids did nothing wrong & shouldn't be punished for nothing. Want to punish someone? First punish the politicians that let them stay here. If you won't do that, you got nothing but your own anger.

Yes, the kids are here illegally & Congress are dumb asses for not fixing that.

Or do you prefer sending the kids - even if some are now 35 - to their parents' country over legalizing them here? BTW, were I the supposed receiving country, I'd want documentation that the kids even originated in my country. Where you going to get that?
Breaking the law is breaking the law. If it is illegal you should correct it. You really that dumb?
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I think the point is that Trump is famous for taking multiple positions on issues, often on the same day. He has no problem contradicting himself.
He does it to play and confuse fools like you.

And it clearly works. Trolling liberals is childs play, and Trump is the grand master of it.

Face it rq, Trump is your daddy, and he will be for 8 years.