How will they rule ??!

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I am not in favor of kicking 800,000 largely productive people out of the country, and have no doubt that won't happen. Do you think their jobs are going to be filled by unemployed Americans, just dying to install roofs and lay bricks? Right, sure, that will happen . . .

But for once, I do agree with Trump that the Congress should get off its ass and pass immigration laws, i.e., do their damn job. Way too much power has over the years landed on the President's death, maybe all the way back to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution where Lyndon Johnson was given a blank check, leading to 58,000 US KIA for no apparent reason that anyone has ever identified.

The bottom line is this: bammer took action changing immigration laws. He stepped outside his authority. Trump is trying to right a wrong (one of many) by putting it where it the lap of Congress. If they want to change the law or not, let them....and let them suffer whatever consequences they suffer.
You would be 100% wrong. Not sure how home building survives without immigrants doing much of the skilled labor these days. At least half of the work crews are hispanic, at least here in central Kentucky. Ditto for the horse farms. But yeah, lets kick em all out. Seems reasonable.
Mexicans did about 35% of the work on my new house. They did quality work. Not enough Americans that either have the skills or desire to do much of the work that needs to be done.
What if we kept the illegals that did the work on my house and sent about a dozen pseudo-disabled or drug addicted citizens to another country?
Where did I ever say this in my post?

This is laughable. Your definition of skilled and my are totally different. I've been in the roofing business for 20 years. Moved to Florida during the boom and to be able to work year round. Got my license and branched out independently eight years ago. In the circle of contractors and clientele I associate with, all purposely avoid those types of crews like the plague.

Common knowledge in the business, biggest reason you're hiring illegals is to take shortcuts and save money. Will they underbid by a couple thousand dollars, have a gang of 10 of them show up and knock it out two days sooner?

Sure, but the saying rings true -- you get what you pay for. Most of the time they make up for the underbid by cutting corners and the work is shoddy as hell. Plus, you better hope it doesn't leak years down the road; otherwise, you'll be calling someone like me to come behind them and fix it.
Yup, those Hispanics are just incapable of doing as good a job as the white people, that's what it sounds like your saying. Half the people I've worked with during my brief stints in construction, painting and tobacco work were druggies, drunks or just plain crazy. Which is why they're doing this type of work, they can't get a regular job.

Hispanics for the most part have a great work ethic and they know what they are doing. If someone's cutting corners it's because their boss let's them get away with it. But don't act like its just Hispanics who do shoddy work, there are a multitude of 'white' crews who cut corners and use shoddy materials to save a buck. Just laughable.
Yup, those Hispanics are just incapable of doing as good a job as the white people, that's what it sounds like your saying. Half the people I've worked with during my brief stints in construction, painting and tobacco work were druggies, drunks or just plain crazy. Which is why they're doing this type of work, they can't get a regular job.

Hispanics for the most part have a great work ethic and they know what they are doing. If someone's cutting corners it's because their boss let's them get away with it. But don't act like its just Hispanics who do shoddy work, there are a multitude of 'white' crews who cut corners and use shoddy materials to save a buck. Just laughable.

Man. You're so ridiculous it's just mind blowing

The guy said "illegals" not hispanics. People that hire illegals are taking short cuts. It's pretty simple. I'd pay good money to meet you in person just so I can verify all the things that I think about you. Name your price.
IMO this DACA issue has been handled brilliantly by Trump. It keeps his base happy, and at the same time, the way he stated it (Congress needs to do their job, if they don't, I will revisit in 6 months) puts the onus on them to solve it.

People are already upset with congress, this basically forces them into action. I don't believe Trump wants to deport a bunch of people, so this allows him to show toughness and consistency to his base while at the same time putting the screws to congress.
Yup, those Hispanics are just incapable of doing as good a job as the white people, that's what it sounds like your saying.

No one ever said that. I'm speaking of a very specific group. You're the one conflating it with all, not me. Besides, the point is, this notion that Americans don't want to do construction work is a flat out lie. I'm speaking from experience. I've been on a job site my entire life. It's not that they don't want to do the work, it's because a lot of them have been forced out by cheap labor.

Hard to compete with someone willing to work for $10/hour when you've been in the business a decade and expect to be paid what you're worth, and by the square. @Tskware clearly has been bamboozled by the "they only take the jobs that Americans don't want" propaganda. It couldn't be further from the truth.

Half the people I've worked with during my brief stints in construction, painting and tobacco work were druggies, drunks or just plain crazy. Which is why they're doing this type of work, they can't get a regular job.

Just because you associate yourself with trash doesn't mean the rest of us do.
Did they get a clean Harvey aid bill or did the Dems and RINOS screw that up also?
I really don't want to share a country with people like this.


IMO this DACA issue has been handled brilliantly by Trump. It keeps his base happy, and at the same time, the way he stated it (Congress needs to do their job, if they don't, I will revisit in 6 months) puts the onus on them to solve it.

People are already upset with congress, this basically forces them into action. I don't believe Trump wants to deport a bunch of people, so this allows him to show toughness and consistency to his base while at the same time putting the screws to congress.

Come on now, you didn't think Paul Ryan would let Trump get away with telling Congress to do its job and actually focus on accomplishing something did you?

“We will not be advancing legislation that doesn’t have the support of President Trump because we are going to work with the president on how to do this legislation,” Ryan (R-Wisc.) said during a news conference of Republican House leaders.

Of course he's already trying to push blame back to Trump for their inevitable failure.

Edit: I suppose there's the chance that quote is completely out of context but I don't care enough to watch an actual video of that weasel talking find out.
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Man. You're so ridiculous it's just mind blowing

Should be expected by now. Ideas, opinions and beliefs are such trash, accusations of racism, trying to shut down debate is the only way he knows how to defend them.

The guy said "illegals" not hispanics. People that hire illegals are taking short cuts. It's pretty simple.

Most people got this. Again, it's common knowledge in the business, at least among those I associate with. If you're willing to break the law and hire illegals for cheap labor to save a few bucks, then, the majority of the time, you're also the guy who's willing to cut corners and do subpar work to save even more money.

And just to be clear, it's not always the workers' fault the work is subpar, either. Cutting corners also includes buying cheap equipment/materials.
Come on now, you didn't think Paul Ryan would let Trump get away with telling Congress to do its job and actually focus on accomplishing something did you?

“We will not be advancing legislation that doesn’t have the support of President Trump because we are going to work with the president on how to do this legislation,” Ryan (R-Wisc.) said during a news conference of Republican House leaders.

Of course he's already trying to push blame back to Trump for their inevitable failure.

What a snake Ryan is. He and McConnell need to retire. Useless clowns.
IMO this DACA issue has been handled brilliantly by Trump. It keeps his base happy, and at the same time, the way he stated it (Congress needs to do their job, if they don't, I will revisit in 6 months) puts the onus on them to solve it.

People are already upset with congress, this basically forces them into action. I don't believe Trump wants to deport a bunch of people, so this allows him to show toughness and consistency to his base while at the same time putting the screws to congress.

He's beginning to get his sea legs on the Presidency. Congress makes the laws, not the President, an executive order is simply a temporary band aid. Congress likes EO's because it prevents them from having to make tough decisions that could affect their getting reelected, but thats the job they signed up for.
There's also the possibility Trump will cut some slack on Congress, and reup DACA...IF they fund the wall and pass tax reform.
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I finally saw Dunkirk last night. Pretty good film mostly because of the way it was shot. Anyways, I couldn't help but think of how brave these young men were and what they had to go through and then compare it to the SJW cucks that are rampant in that age group today who claim about life not being fair.

Went from this


To this



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I agree. That feeds into my last post about how shocking it is that people lap up the lefts absurdities so easily.

The answer is the indoctrination of college age kids. Its alarming.

Id love to see the stat showing those kind of numbers.

If theyre so productive, then there should be zero objection to ending any government support for them. Right?
If they're so productive, sending them home is an act of love. Just imagine the positive impact they can have making their homelands great again.

American citizens can then get those great jobs they've stolen.

IMO this DACA issue has been handled brilliantly by Trump. It keeps his base happy, and at the same time, the way he stated it (Congress needs to do their job, if they don't, I will revisit in 6 months) puts the onus on them to solve it.

People are already upset with congress, this basically forces them into action. I don't believe Trump wants to deport a bunch of people, so this allows him to show toughness and consistency to his base while at the same time putting the screws to congress.
His tweet last night was dumb. He essentially gave up his leverage. He needs to quickly enumerate the concessions he expects for this DACA bullshit. (RAISE Act and Wall.)

He essentially implied he'll reinstate DACA if Congress doesn't legalize it. That's utter bullshit and a guaranteed move to alienate his base.
IF we need to compromise with the lefties...

There should absolutely without a doubt 100% be NO path to citizenship that doesn't involve leaving the country and coming back in through the normal channels all the non-criminals used to immigrate. Especially no right to vote.
No need for the Dreamers to leave. Not their fault they are here. That's not compromising with a Lefty but from the belief of a Conservative: me.
The dems pandering over the illegal immigration issue drives me nuts.

No one has a problem with immigration. Why do they act like its so unreasonable to require them to follow the process? These dreamers shouldve already been well into the process, but id wager 99% of them hwvent done anything towards acquiring legal status

I mean, i get that its all about votes. But why do so many people buy it hook line and sinker?
No data, but I'd wager more than 1% of Dreamers have applied for legal status to the extend DACA was a legal process - which I strongly doubt.
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I am not in favor of kicking 800,000 largely productive people out of the country, and have no doubt that won't happen. Do you think their jobs are going to be filled by unemployed Americans, just dying to install roofs and lay bricks? Right, sure, that will happen . . .
But for once, I do agree with Trump that the Congress should get off its ass and pass immigration laws, i.e., do their damn job.
Any evidence Dreamers are the backbone of the construction workforce vs. other legal immigrants & illegal aliens?

Trump is totally right on this.
Looked it up out of curiosity. Saw this two faqs down from what he copied and pasted. Wonder if he missed it or purposely ignored it?

How old do I have to be to apply for deferred action?
In general an applicant must be at least 15 years of age at the time they apply. The exception to this rule is if the applicant is in removal proceedings, has a final order of removal or has an order of voluntary departure: then, they can seek DACA even if they are below the age of 15.

Again you miss the larger point. Someone tweets out a graphic on the breakdown of DACA applicants and "reasons" that it isn't a program aimed at children. Obviously missing the point that one must have been here as a child to be eligible.
If someone's cutting corners it's because their boss let's them get away with it.

That was part of the point. From my experience, if you're the guy willing to break the law and hire illegals, then nine times out of 10, you're also the guy willing to cut even more corners. It's a red flag, and the reason people that I know avoid those crews. What I said was quite simple to grasp. Not sure why you're having such a hard time with it.

But don't act like its just Hispanics who do shoddy work, there are a multitude of 'white' crews who cut corners and use shoddy materials to save a buck.

You're delusional, making stuff up. Read above. My point is very clear. No one ever acted like there weren't other crews that do the same. Matter of fact, I completely agree that there are plenty out there. They're no better than the others. We weren’t discussing them, though. We were discussing someones/something very specific. If you would like to discuss those other crews, I'd be more than happy.
If they're so productive, sending them home is an act of love. Just imagine the positive impact they can have making their homelands great again.
They are home. They know nothing else. That's the shame of it & why laws ought to be passed to fix it. But that doesn't justify a dictatorship.
Again you miss the larger point. Someone tweets out a graphic on the breakdown of DACA applicants and "reasons" that it isn't a program aimed at children. Obviously missing the point that one must have been here as a child to be eligible.
I wasn't speaking to that point. I was specifically addressing your comment complaining that somehow the chart was fake news or propaganda because it didn't include recipients under 16. I was pointing out to you that they probably weren't included because recipients under 16 are a very, very low percentage of recipients, and do nothing to actually change the percentages.
Any evidence Dreamers are the backbone of the construction workforce vs. other legal immigrants & illegal aliens?

Trump is totally right on this.
Which thing did he say that you agree with? I ask because he has danced around most every conceivable position on the subject. His tone appears to change dependent upon his audience. His latest statements appear to suggest he thinks Congress should make DACA or something similar, law. But of course today is Wednesday. Thursday, or even later today he may say something different.
They are home. They know nothing else. That's the shame of it & why laws ought to be passed to fix it. But that doesn't justify a dictatorship.
No, they're not home. They're illegal aliens squatting on American soil thanks to their criminal parents.

Sending their parents home with them will be an excellent way to help them get acclimated to being where they belong.

Rewarding lawlessness such as this will only get us more illegal aliens.
That was part of the point. From my experience, if you're the guy willing to break the law and hire illegals, then nine times out of 10, you're also the guy willing to cut even more corners. It's a red flag, and the reason people that I know avoid those crews. What I said was quite simple to grasp. Not sure why you're having such a hard time with it.

Also, notice that you never see kids cutting grass or doing jobs like that anymore? You can't be a full-time working adult and try to do the landscaping thing for a living because this is what happens. One guy might have the business and then hire a bunch of illegals who will do mediocre work for garbage pay and they don't care about the garbage pay because there's about 12 of them living in one house and the government will take care of other expenses. Much different than a guy trying to support his own house with a wife and a kid.
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No, they're not home. They're illegal aliens squatting on American soil thanks to their criminal parents.

Sending their parents home with them will be an excellent way to help them get acclimated to being where they belong.

Rewarding lawlessness such as this will only get us more illegal aliens.
You're nuts. The kids did nothing wrong & shouldn't be punished for nothing. Want to punish someone? First punish the politicians that let them stay here. If you won't do that, you got nothing but your own anger.

Yes, the kids are here illegally & Congress are dumb asses for not fixing that.

Or do you prefer sending the kids - even if some are now 35 - to their parents' country over legalizing them here? BTW, were I the supposed receiving country, I'd want documentation that the kids even originated in my country. Where you going to get that?
I really don't want to share a country with people like this.


I would gladly sign up for this system so long as everyone is happy with the system and people aren't getting taken advantage of. The problem is, that isn't how communism works in practice. Humans are simply not wired this way, and I can't figure out why those folks cannot see that.