How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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That's a lawsuit.
It should involve more than just a lawsuit. It should involve a discharge (and, actually it already has; El Pigo just lost his other job as a paramedic), and probably some incarceration. This HAS to stop. It's nice that the bigwigs in the force and in the mayor's office are outraged, now. They were rather silent about this outrage until the video went viral. Speaking of the video, I'm glad there was one, or the nurse might have just been shot. At the very least, she would have been accused of spitting on, or slapping the, kidnapping officer.
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey teacher leave us kids alone
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
All in all were all just bricks in the wall
Dude... I absolutely loathe Kimmel. I'm talking, I'd seriously contemplate the jail time.

And it started with that Halloween stunt where he goaded his dumb**** fans into tricking their kids that they'd eaten all their candy. What kind of degenerate ****stick does that to an innocent child? What kind of mindless shitstain fans rush to their cameras to take advantage of their own kids' trust in their parents?

Screw that whole lot, man.
For the record, I read that article, and far from accepting their behavior, Britain sentenced those guys to between 10 and 29 years, not exactly easy on rapists on the other side of the pond, it seems. Unless you think three decades in Brixton would be a real picnic.

But to the bigger point, I tend to agree somewhat, and have always had a problem with "hate crimes". I mean, murder is murder, if you get convicted, you most likely get life or one hell of a long time, that seems like life. I have read that the justification is that hate crimes are crimes against an entire group, not just an individual, and so you need enhanced punishment to merit the crime. I don't know, I just have a hard time buying it. And I suspect you are right in that the term is applied far more to white people than black, although a crime against a gay person is also a hate crime. Just a real hard legal concept for me to accept.

I agree with you, I don't know how you can charge a person for what you think they are thinking?
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Coming to the Democrat party near you. And they'll cheer.

It is also telling that the graphic fails to account for those applicants < 16 years old. Since the pie chart only accounts for those 16+

What are you talking about? Under 16 easily makes up the smallest % of recipients. You do realize someone has to be at least 15 years old just to apply, don't you?

The fact that you think the program consists of hundreds of thousands of children under 16 proves you are a lemming, brainwashed by the MSM propaganda.
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So road to 9/11 on History is going in depth to what was happening. Surprisingly what was really happening has led to Islam flooding the world to degree I can't imagine how their narrative has been sold upon us!
Yes and King Barry loved the lemmings who cheered on all his wonderful EO's. Get a clue. Both sides of the aisle are filled with sheep who follow everything their saviors tell them. Thats why this country needed someone who didn't give a shit about partisan politics.

Amen mother f******
So road to 9/11 on History is going in depth to what was happening. Surprisingly what was really happening has led to Islam flooding the world to degree I can't imagine how their narrative has been sold upon us!

Pretty amazing huh? From evil killers hell bent on destroying the west to peace loving victims who are unfairly protrayed as violent. All in about 10 years.

Helluva a pr campaign.

But seriously, i really think it all started when banks were teetering on the brink at the onset of the great recession. I think jewish owned/run banks were so desparate to avoid collapse, they were willing to run terrorist money through their banks.

At the same time, the jewish controlled media started the pr campaign for them and obama started painting them as sympathetic victims.

Other world leaders followed suit, as they all barely avoided financial collapse.

Essentially, we mortgaged our banking and financial system to muslims, paying for their cash infusions in pr and government support for their religion
Fuzz/RQ approves of Bill Clinton who raped women and children.

I'd leave my kid with Jeffrey Dahmer before I'd leave my kid with RQ/Fuzz.

Fuzz/RQ prolly would have my son getting gang raped by his "muslim oppressed friends" while laughing because an 8 yr old can't use his white privilege due to RQ/Fuzz's diversity. Bet Fuzz/RQ would let my hypothetical wife get raped too
Fuzz/RQ approves of Bill Clinton who raped women and children.

I'd leave my kid with Jeffrey Dahmer before I'd leave my kid with RQ/Fuzz.

Fuzz/RQ prolly would have my son getting gang raped by his "muslim oppressed friends" while laughing because an 8 yr old can't use his white privilege due to RQ/Fuzz's friendship to pedop
I read the week leading up to and election night on this thread tonight. Sure felt good to relive that time. Found this and thought I would bring it forward. Just like the age old question "which came first, chicken or egg?" and "do priests become pedophiles, or do pedophiles become priests?" What about politicians?

Here's some fun Reddit reading

When I link it, it turns into a media link and makes the huge picture...
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I read the week leading up to and election night on this thread tonight. Sure felt good to relive that time. Found this and thought I would bring it forward. Just like the age old question "which came first, chicken or egg?" and "do priests become pedophiles, or do pedophiles become priests?" What about politicians?

What page did you start on? Will get a kick outta the sheep like keyser
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Don't know what this means

But I think he is setting up congress. Might toss this little bone in order to get some things pushed through.

Honestly, I really don't care about the people already here because of this. If they want to make them do some things to stay, it's not the highest thing on the list for me. I want it to be cut off for the future but I won't lose too much sleep over the ones here.
For the record, I read that article, and far from accepting their behavior, Britain sentenced those guys to between 10 and 29 years, not exactly easy on rapists on the other side of the pond, it seems. Unless you think three decades in Brixton would be a real picnic.

But to the bigger point, I tend to agree somewhat, and have always had a problem with "hate crimes". I mean, murder is murder, if you get convicted, you most likely get life or one hell of a long time, that seems like life. I have read that the justification is that hate crimes are crimes against an entire group, not just an individual, and so you need enhanced punishment to merit the crime. I don't know, I just have a hard time buying it. And I suspect you are right in that the term is applied far more to white people than black, although a crime against a gay person is also a hate crime. Just a real hard legal concept for me to accept.
I am for the death penalty when it comes to violent crimes and for harsh penalties for rape (if you get 20 years you spend 20 years) 2nd offense life or castration, your choice. Yes, it must be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt but more to the point of violent rape and or gang rape. Punishment fitting the crime. My point was more to the acceptance of certain acts (we will deal with it as part of the deal) in order to accommodate certain groups. If you come here assimilate (accept our laws) or pay the price. The price should deter their wanting to come here if it goes against their beliefs.
Don't know what this means

But I think he is setting up congress. Might toss this little bone in order to get some things pushed through.

Honestly, I really don't care about the people already here because of this. If they want to make them do some things to stay, it's not the highest thing on the list for me. I want it to be cut off for the future but I won't lose too much sleep over the ones here.
The ones that are educated, receive no assistance from the government, are gainfully employed, have NO legal history(not even a parking ticket): I have no problem keeping them, but develop a 10 year process to make them legal. We need to keep the productive ones.
IF we need to compromise with the lefties...

There should absolutely without a doubt 100% be NO path to citizenship that doesn't involve leaving the country and coming back in through the normal channels all the non-criminals used to immigrate. Especially no right to vote.

Additionally, the program ends now. Those of you that are here under the program benefited from a lawless unconstitutional executive dictate - much like the was the countries you're fleeing from are governed. All future entrants to the United States must do so proper legal channels the way all the non-criminals immigrate.

If those two things can happen, I'd be willing to compromise and allow these illegal squatters stay.

Edit: That first line is very poor phrasing, but shows the trap we run into with the constant onslaught of the leftist propaganda. WE don't need to compromise with the left. WE have the US Constitution and law on our side. The first line should read, if the left is willing to compromise...
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The dems pandering over the illegal immigration issue drives me nuts.

No one has a problem with immigration. Why do they act like its so unreasonable to require them to follow the process? These dreamers shouldve already been well into the process, but id wager 99% of them hwvent done anything towards acquiring legal status

I mean, i get that its all about votes. But why do so many people buy it hook line and sinker?
Money well spent. Gives you something to talk about in the unemployment lines. Also makes for nice anti-Trump one-liners in the memo field at the bottom of those student loan payments that eat up all your parents' money.

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