How will they rule ??!

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So I just wanted to research this myself since no one can talk about it without fear of being labeled.

Sumner Redstone, born Sumner Rothstein, majority owner of Viacom

Brian Roberts runs Comcast/NBC (Founded by his father Ralph)

Bob Iger runs Disney

Steve Ross, born Steven Rechnitz founded Time Warner. Now run by Jeff Bewkes who was married to Margaret Brim from 1993-2014)

Leslie Moonves runs CBS, which was founded by William S. Paley

You know what all of these have in common? All five of these networks, along with Newscorp, own 90 percent of media. You know what else they have in common? They're all Jewish with the exception of Jeff Bewkes, the current head of Time Warner, to my knowledge but his now ex-wife Margaret is Jewish. The founder, Steven Rechnitz was though.

Newscorp, run by Rupert Murdoch (Fox News), is the only one that's not Jewish.

That's incredible that a group who doesn't even make up two percent of the nation's population, owns that much of the media yet it's not allowed to mention this. Less than two percent of the population, who overwhelmingly votes Democrat and pushes open borders, controls our media so yes, it's accurate to say this and not be labeled "Alex Jones."

Perhaps Jewish people are good at that stuff. Not like they're forcing you to watch. Is it a conspiracy that 90% of the NBA is black?
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I always imagine what a political thread get together would look like and I think I found it:
Nobody cares what you think.
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Perhaps Jewish people are good at that stuff. Not like they're forcing you to watch. Is it a conspiracy that 90% of the NBA is black?

Are you suggesting that the media industry is a meritocracy?

You don't think it's odd that such a small group can promote a ginormous amount of propaganda and control info to the masses?
Perhaps Jewish people are good at that stuff. Not like they're forcing you to watch. Is it a conspiracy that 90% of the NBA is black?
Tough subject but the difference in your example is blacks are not represented in leadership so there is no conspiracy. The legitimate question is, do Jewish leaders show favoritism within their organizations for advancement? Watching and reading about Madoff you get a real idea of how close those communities are and why he was able to capitalize on that blind trust.
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Why/how did the Pope suddenly become "cool"? What had to happen for that to take place? It wasn't long ago - even early as obama's first term - the vatican/pope/catholicism was pure garbage. Their reputation was done. And for damn good reason. Reasons that are still going on right now. Media. Hollywood. Everyone publicly shat on the vatican.

Then in steps the new progressive Pope! And media/hollywood/everyone pretty much agreed and praised him/vatican for the new progressive "world without borders" bs. Now he's holding fn worldwide summit deals on *HUMAN TRAFFICKING*??? And media/hollywood is not alarmed by that even a little bit?
I'm no religious nut, but if you aren't paying attention something somewhere is telling us we are completely f'n up earth and plans to get rid of us!

Mass fires, earthquakes, whole cities under water, some fat boi in the jungle shooting off bombs like they are fireworks!

Cue up the Jimi:

There must be some kind of way out of where!!!!!!!
I'm suggesting that instead of sitting around bitching about successful Jewish people, you stick to the specifics of what jewish people did to (your words) control the media and why your average WASP couldn't have done the same.

Wealth begets more wealth and the Jews made their wealth because they effectively invented banking.

You know what Sharia Law says about charging interest? No sir, can't do it... I imagine you might lose a hand for doing it. The Jews made untold wealth during the rise of the Islamic empire simply by loaning money and collecting interest, which was also prohibited in Europe to a lesser degree by the Catholic church historically.

Not directed at you, but it amazes me so money people don't know very fundamental things about WOrld history, important critical things which shaped the world as it stands today.
I've learned so much about what a phony Ted Cruz is especially compared to the image he tried to portray during the 2016 Presidential Election especially when you see who his backers were and who worked on his campaign. Plus, considering he was a Bush policy-maker and his wife worked for Goldman Sachs.

Again, Trump was the only one that was beating her. Every other candidate on that GOP stage would have got smoked just like McCain and Romney.
Meet the Jewish couple who is leading "the resistance" and their cohorts.




In 2016, 71 percent of Jews voted for Clinton. In 2008, nearly 80 percent voted Obama. They have overwhelming ownership of media and the entertainment industry; a staggering amount. There is consistent promoting of anti-white, anti-Christian, pro open borders and negative coverage of Republicans from this group yet Christians always support Judaism (and Israel) when they don't really view Christians in the same light at all and vote against conservative values all the time.

That's odd to me. Is that odd to anyone else?
Jewish Americans are suicidal. The left hates Jews. I don't know why so many in America are leftists. I guess liberalism is their true religion.
That's spot on. Could you picture 9/11 headlines? "Why we deserve this." "Trump's policies are to blame for attack" and "Who hijacked the planes? Russia. Here's what we know"
Hell there were (and still are) people who say Bush did 9/11. I couldn't even imagine the crazy nonsense they would be saying about Trump.
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How much money do illegal immigrants and DACA recipients send back to Mexico each year, 2-3 billion dollars? How much is Trump wanting for the wall?
Mexico is about to pay for the wall.
Once again it is always pretty simple with Trump. If ever you do not know or understand WTF is going on, figure out how we can be better off financially and go that route.

Oh we gave congres 6 months on DACA, Trump is trying to get paid.

Oh we are just watching NK test bomb after......Trump is trying like hell to get paid. Then we sell a bunch of nukes to Japan.

Oh we got a wall and a budget, what is taking so long to start? Trump is trying to get paid!

It is truly amazing to have a capitalist president run a capitalist nation!

I laugh my butt off at how crazy leftists nuts are in this PJW video after the election. These people are so crazy.
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I always imagine what a political thread get together would look like and I think I found it:

Is it racist of me to absolutely love this pic? I mean, you could substitute these people with black folks, Mexicans or Asians and change the flags around and I'd still love it, provided the fat guy jumping still had that beard.
Tough subject but the difference in your example is blacks are not represented in leadership so there is no conspiracy. The legitimate question is, do Jewish leaders show favoritism within their organizations for advancement? Watching and reading about Madoff you get a real idea of how close those communities are and why he was able to capitalize on that blind trust.
It's part of the Jewish religion to care for their own. Has been that way since OT days.