How will they rule ??!

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China is using NK as bargaining chip in negotiations with Trump.
Trump wants to fire up US manufacturing, that is a direct threat to Chinese manufacturing.

China is thinking Trump will back off that line of thought in order to quell NK with China's help. Like past US Presidents have in order to ease tensions.
Trump isn't like past a Presidents, he isn't going to reward bad behavior, that only brings more bad behavior in the future.

I think he is going call Chinas bluff by Japan changing their Constitution, and no longer only being a defensive military, that is the last thing China wants.

Which is kind of my point......why make the first move when you know China is letting this BS happen just to negotiate? Let Japan start on NK and quickly jump in behind them then go to China and tell them to F off for allowing this shit to happen l.

Then ramp up manufacturing anyway and smack China down a notch or two.

That away once we are done with NK others will not follow down their stupid path again hoping China will have their backs. It isn't the case. When has China ever been directly at war with anyone? I legit can not remember ever hearing about them in war in history class and damn sure not while I've been alive
Which is kind of my point......why make the first move when you know China is letting this BS happen just to negotiate? Let Japan start on NK and quickly jump in behind them then go to China and tell them to F off for allowing this shit to happen l.

Then ramp up manufacturing anyway and smack China down a notch or two.

That away once we are done with NK others will not follow down their stupid path again hoping China will have their backs. It isn't the case. When has China ever been directly at war with anyone? I legit can not remember ever hearing about them in war in history class and damn sure not while I've been alive

The object is to avoid war, but end up on top economically.
We were in a war with China in Korea.
The object is to avoid war, but end up on top economically.
We were in a war with China in Korea.
China is using North Korea to try to get 'revenge' on Trump. Trump is the first US President in decades who is not essentially kissing Chinas ass, and they are clearly not happy about it. They are setting Kim free to cause mass chaos on the world.
China is using NK as bargaining chip in negotiations with Trump.
Trump wants to fire up US manufacturing, that is a direct threat to Chinese manufacturing.

China is thinking Trump will back off that line of thought in order to quell NK with China's help. Like past US Presidents have in order to ease tensions.
Trump isn't like past a Presidents, he isn't going to reward bad behavior, that only brings more bad behavior in the future.

I think he is going call Chinas bluff by Japan changing their Constitution, and no longer only being a defensive military, that is the last thing China wants.

Japan kicked China's ass once and can do it again. Nuke up Japan and watch China put an end to the little fat boy.
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I posted on a top conservative's twitter account in response to this douche saying the wall is a a waste of resources and to find better ways for border patrol.

I replied that it wasnt a waste of resources at all and that it's cheaper than propping up illegals just so Dems can get future votes.

This douche responds "Stop it. This type of stupidity gives us conservatives a bad name."

What? Everything I said was correct. Why does this cuck think Dems are against a wall and enforcing immigration laws? And the wall is cheaper than a constant flow of this BS

The mother flipping truth. This country would be toast if Hillary won. Never Trumper Republicans are morons who couldn't see it. You know all of the crap we were terrified of with Europe? That was coming here. And you bet the house that the 2A was gonna be on the agenda after she won in 2020. She would've flooded us with so many illegals that it would be impossible to ever beat Democrats again.
I posted on a top conservative's twitter account in response to this douche saying the wall is a a waste of resources and to find better ways for border patrol.

I replied that it wasnt a waste of resources at all and that it's cheaper than propping up illegals just so Dems can get future votes.

This douche responds "Stop it. This type of stupidity gives us conservatives a bad name."

What? Everything I said was correct. Why does this cuck think Dems are against a wall and enforcing immigration laws? And the wall is cheaper than a constant flow of this BS
That "conservative" you were talking too probably employs illegals.
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You know what I don't blame cuck republicans! Honestly they got taken to school on the race games for years which allowed the current situation where trump is cleaning house and balancing the voter blocks.

When you consider the American population. And the percentages of each race/nationality, and then consider the ratios of the people in each block that vote then the conservatives should have never taken a bath like they had nationally.

Especially when it wasn't happening state by state, region by region, or even in most local town voting.

So until the illegals and shady minorities are quantified and qualified the real voters are not and will not be represented correctly.

That is happening and then and only then can republicans begin to play a different political game. You can't teach old dogs new tricks..........hell these old dogs didn't even know tricks were being played!
I think Trump is being smart about this DACA thing; Congress will NEVER figure this thing out and therefore at the end of the six months POOF!!! Bye-bye illegals!

I think Congress has had plenty of time to figure it out and Trump should have ended it. Congress has things, that benefit the American people, that are much more important and need to be worked on. Their plate is full, so much so, they already can't handled it.

Not to mention, if R's do somehow manage to get together and figure it out, then what message does that send to the voters about whose side they're on and where their priorities lie? They can come together, working hard and get a bill passed on amnesty for illegals, but not health care, tax reform etc...? Not a good look.
I think Congress has had plenty of time to figure it out and Trump should have ended it. Congress has things, that benefit the American people, that are much more important and need to be worked on. Their plate is full, so much so, they already can't handled it.

Not to mention, if R's do somehow manage to get together and figure it out, then what message does that send to the voters about whose side they're on and where their priorities lie? They can come together, working hard and get a bill passed on amnesty for illegals, but not health care, tax reform etc...? Not a good look.
Sessions is holding a briefing on DACA tomorrow.
The word racist is the modern Scarlet Letter.

Giving this false overused charge any legitimacy is about over.

Losing an argument label the opponent a racist.
The word racist is the modern Scarlet Letter.

Giving this false overused charge any legitimacy is about over.

Losing an argument label the opponent a racist.

Yeah, a lot of us don't give a damn about this pathetic attempt to label. Cucks fall for it. The rest of us don't give a damn.

They yell "racist" like it's garlic to a vampire. In reality, it just shows how hysterical and intellectually lazy they are. They will be in for a world of hurt when no one gives a crap about this label.
I think Trump is being smart about this DACA thing; Congress will NEVER figure this thing out and therefore at the end of the six months POOF!!! Bye-bye illegals!
Unfortunately, it gives time for lawyers and a federal judge to come up with a reason the left and corrupt republican politicians will agree with and therefore make null and void Trump's decision.
Congress can't figure things out. There is 0% chance they think of something that could work out for DACA........because legally there is nothing that works to allow an illegal to be here legally.

I'd assume Trump did this to possibly give foreign countries time to pony up and pay us to keep these people.
I think sen. mccarthy was on to something.

I do too - and the IRONY of having Marxists REPEATING his aggressive approach to opposing 'the other' is hilarious

Think about it

Sen McCarthy was ridiculed and basically accused of seeing communists behind every bush and having a presence where maybe their footprint was overstated

Currently were all being bombarded with NAZIS!!!!! NAZIS EVERYWHERE!!!! war cry from the more Trotsky-like element of the Socialist movement -- AntiFa (and the more militant org "RAM" -- linked below) ARE the enemy if our constitutional republic

They openly state that violence and revolution is appropriate
And they are communists -- so they're NOT going to agitate for an improved system of checks and balances in a new and improved Republic.

So they're the revolutionaries saying the things that the opposition SHOULD be saying --- "Enemy at the Gate!!" type thing

Only they're full of horseshit about the threat of "Nazis" -- the media is all over this of course--- playing out their Leftist version of stereotypical Marcarthyism as well

Now check these people out -- they're a more organized and seemingly more committed to violence -- version of Antifa that's training and planning for neighborhood level combat.........WITH NAZI's (translation -- anyone that wants to preserve the Constitutional Republic)

So their full name is The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement


In the US - an Abolitionist was someone who opposed chattel slavery and was taking some type of action in or around the 19th century
Many were Christian or other ppl of faith .....

This communist organization -- that's openly planning violence and advocating destruction of our system of govt --- has assumed the name of a historical US Movement that was composed of VERY different people with VERY different goals

They've been 'weaponizing' words in this nation at least since the 60's - and the Marxist element is particularly good at it

I would suggest - if you haven't done it already -- start getting mentally ready / ok ==== whatever =---- with KNOWING that your opposition to this Revolution (no matter how subtle etc) IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO

Don't WORRY about the words they're going to call you
Don't even take the damn bait and waste time trying to explain
You won't have a 'right' answer anyway

You're no longer dealing with politics as usual with what's happening here - and it WILL become more intense -- it WILL become increasingly violent

They're at the end of the Marxist script you see
This is the part where Capitalism finally falls and Marx/Engels are vindicated and the WORLD moves forward with a Collective system of economics ......and faith

People like Soro, the current Communist Pope and others like H. Schellnhuber fm what appears more and more like Communist occupied Germany

This last guy has been working hard to advocate for a Global Constitution, Enforceable Courts, and an empowered World Council / Govt

Here's a link that provides some of his background info:

And here's a link to the Nov 17 POPULATION CONTROL Conference that the Pope is hosting = where this German NWO Prince will join others who are leading climate change / and advocating REVERSAL of Population Growth -- and advocating coercion if needed

here's a link to the coming conference:

The Vatican is actually meeting with MAYORS from around the world right now....kind of an end around with your local govt if you ask me (assuming you come back and try to change policy / law etc of course) --- but not surprising

You'd think these big events would be better reported right?

A wall isn't going to do a damn thing to stop illegal immigration. It was symbolic from the get go. Granting amnesty to a group of illegals already here, and letting the rest of the people in the world know you can ignore the laws of the United States and be granted amnesty years down the road is going to dial back any progress we've made over the last year.
Oh boy, that pope stuff is weird and creepy. Apparently he's been doing this at least a couple of years.

Things make more sense knowing the pope has been creating an underground worldly movement to spread refugees and ideals.

One big reason for this, per small town Europe mayors, is their towns are not reproducing, they are slowly dying. They need refugees to rebuild.

That's exactly what's happening/going to happen here.