How will they rule ??!

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And this "movement" had to begin decades ago. No small feat that is happening here. Slowly but surely, the Wild West is going to be tamed.

I'd like to see seal team six get that pope. Or AT LEAST some TV media outlet cover this so people can see this stuff and make up their own mind. Because they just see leaders playing that "refugees are people too! We must have compasssion and save the world!!! Yayyyy!!!" crap and it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy. They don't understand this is big govt/big religion orchestrated crap.
Called it last night we would take payment to keep the illegals.....and financially you have to accept it. Call it a down payment all you want but realize the cost involved on getting everyone out and to their homeland, and instead of incurring that cost you simply get paid to keep them!

Double payment on the books really, and we are capatilists so BOOM!

They will pay for this MF'er one way or another.


Anne Coulter is a fantastic follow/read regarding immigration. She has been top notch regarding this issue and spoke about the GOP being total pussies when it came to immigration and how the GOP like Jeb Bush, had waved the white flag and thought they had to start catering to Hispanics/illegals in order to win.

Trump runs on giving illegals the finger and wins despite all odds. No way the majority is for open borders or even immigration. I'd say a good 50 percent would perhaps even support a stoppage on ALL immigration. I know I would.
Unbelievable how Obama stopped Iran from getting a nuclear bomb and Trump screwed it up this quickly.

Hard to believe we've reached a point in time where some idiots are openly cheering for America to get nuked. They choose a true fascist and a communist country over our president and freedom. It's truly mind boggling.

They've been so brainwashed in these major cities through school, social media, the media, etc. It is truly sad.
Hard to believe we've reached a point in time where some idiots are openly cheering for America to get nuked. They choose a true fascist and a communist country over our president and freedom. It's truly mind boggling.

They've been so brainwashed in these major cities through school, social media, the media, etc. It is truly sad.

Just over the last handful of years, we've seen the left mourn Castro, side with North Korea, openly work for a coup on the president, wish death on the president, physically assault conservatives, have their media promote it, take up for Muslims despite Boston bombing, San Bernadino, Orlando night club, etc all while they lose their marbles about white people.

They're as crazy as you could possibly be. I have no doubts they would cheer on a 9/11 type scenario again bash Trump over it.
Just over the last handful of years, we've seen the left mourn Castro, side with North Korea, openly work for a coup on the president, wish death on the president, physically assault conservatives, have their media promote it, take up for Muslims despite Boston bombing, San Bernadino, Orlando night club, etc all while they lose their marbles about white people.

They're as crazy as you could possibly be. I have no doubts they would cheer on a 9/11 type scenario again bash Trump over it.

Without question they would. Anything that they think makes Trump look bad, they are for. So be it if it takes several thousand American lives. It's sick.

I couldn't stand Obama. But, like most people who don't agree with the current president, I was an adult about it and waited until he was out of office. I didn't hope for tragedy to make him look bad at the expense of American lives and pray he was impeached by any means necessary.
Meet the Jewish couple who is leading "the resistance" and their cohorts.




In 2016, 71 percent of Jews voted for Clinton. In 2008, nearly 80 percent voted Obama. They have overwhelming ownership of media and the entertainment industry; a staggering amount. There is consistent promoting of anti-white, anti-Christian, pro open borders and negative coverage of Republicans from this group yet Christians always support Judaism (and Israel) when they don't really view Christians in the same light at all and vote against conservative values all the time.

That's odd to me. Is that odd to anyone else?
Meet the Jewish couple who is leading "the resistance" and their cohorts.




In 2016, 71 percent of Jews voted for Clinton. In 2008, nearly 80 percent voted Obama. They have overwhelming ownership of media and the entertainment industry; a staggering amount. There is consistent promoting of anti-white, anti-Christian, pro open borders and negative coverage of Republicans from this group yet Christians always support Judaism (and Israel) when they don't really view Christians in the same light at all and vote against conservative values all the time.

That's odd to me. Is that odd to anyone else?

Look at that smug mf'er. I'd could knock him out with one punch
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Without question they would. Anything that they think makes Trump look bad, they are for. So be it if it takes several thousand American lives. It's sick.

I couldn't stand Obama. But, like most people who don't agree with the current president, I was an adult about it and waited until he was out of office. I didn't hope for tragedy to make him look bad at the expense of American lives and pray he was impeached by any means necessary.

In a weird universe, I would love to see how the media coverage would be if Trump were the one to "get" Bin Laden. I can just see the headlines now. "Was Bin Laden really a bad guy?" "How Trump's call to take out OBL could start WW 3" "Islamic community fears they could be next after Trump murders Bin Laden; a peaceful Muslim."
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In a weird universe, I would love to see how the media coverage would be if Trump were the one to "get" Bin Laden. I can just see the headlines now. "Was Bin Laden really a bad guy?" "How Trump's call to take out OBL could star WW 3" "Muslims community fears they could be next after Trump murders Bin Laden; a peaceful Muslim."

That's spot on. Could you picture 9/11 headlines? "Why we deserve this." "Trump's policies are to blame for attack" and "Who hijacked the planes? Russia. Here's what we know"
So I just wanted to research this myself since no one can talk about it without fear of being labeled.

Sumner Redstone, born Sumner Rothstein, majority owner of Viacom

Brian Roberts runs Comcast/NBC (Founded by his father Ralph)

Bob Iger runs Disney

Steve Ross, born Steven Rechnitz founded Time Warner. Now run by Jeff Bewkes who was married to Margaret Brim from 1993-2014)

Leslie Moonves runs CBS, which was founded by William S. Paley

You know what all of these have in common? All five of these networks, along with Newscorp, own 90 percent of media. You know what else they have in common? They're all Jewish with the exception of Jeff Bewkes, the current head of Time Warner, to my knowledge but his now ex-wife Margaret is Jewish. The founder, Steven Rechnitz was though.

Newscorp, run by Rupert Murdoch (Fox News), is the only one that's not Jewish.

That's incredible that a group who doesn't even make up two percent of the nation's population, owns that much of the media yet it's not allowed to mention this. Less than two percent of the population, who overwhelmingly votes Democrat and pushes open borders, controls our media so yes, it's accurate to say this and not be labeled "Alex Jones."
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