How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Report: Shoplifting up 24% this year.

Thanks, Joe!
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I'm opposed to abortion as a means of birth control with exceptions only for rape/incest.
I'm just not cool with my moral beliefs being forced down the throat of others via the government.
My rights end where yours begin.
Abortion is often a healthcare decision. The government shouldn't be in control of those medical decisions.
Just because you want a Christian theocracy style government doesn't mean we all do.
Abortion should be a decision made between a woman, her doctor and her God. I don't want any part of it.
And, Village Idiot, stop using reproductive health as euphemism for abortion.

It's not healthy, at all, for a woman's future reproductive health. At all. Look into it. Idiot.

Reproductive health should be used to describe things that make it more likely, like eating right and avoiding STD to increase fertility, not kill fetuses and wreck wombs, you brainwashed Idiot.
Yeah....super healthy reproductive health thanks to Retardlicans. She just needs some vitamins and a salad. Derp derping as always.
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And what did your mother tell you about that? Think back and realize that every time someone says something about Jan 6, you don't have to post the same shit every single time in response, Village Idiot. Like, anything about it, and here you come, slavishly devoted to your idiocy.
Keep waiting for the day you fools realize that Jan 6th was not a sightseeing tour and the election wasn't f'ing stolen. Other than that and extremist abortion policies I actually can find some common ground with most Pubs.
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A whole lot of folks in here are setting themselves up for disappointment, lol. It's just too bad that RFK couldn't have stepped up so that other countries wouldn't laugh as much at our upcoming election.
No. Many come here with plenty of opportunity, like Vivek's parents. You compare Vivek to LeBron like it's the same thing. It very much isn't and you know that. Vivek comes from and is a wealthy elite(the exact people you claim to hate btw). LeBron's from a poor single mom in OH. The Black equivalent of Brahmins don't exist. Because any time they tried we did things like firebomb Black Wall Street back to the Stone Age in the Tulsa Race Massacre. LeBron succeeded despite his circumstances. Vivek succeeded because of his.

Yes some do but only because from a young age they amd their family literally worked every waking hour to get the opportunity. The opportunity usually consists of an entry level tech job, sometimes in customer service, wherein they have to leave their family (even spouses) with no idea how or when they can ever see them again. Nothing free, no handouts.

Did you think they just plucked some random Indian off the street and they were magically good at tech?

Now imagine if blacks or any American applied themselves that much while starting that far ahead of these people.

Imagine what mexicans could do if theyd bother to learn the language and assimilate like the indians, while theyre getting free everything plus handouts.

Its all about culture. Work hard, apply yourself, and you will have a great chance to be successful on some level. Blacks used to do this before Democrats poisoned their minds (and bodies) so they could get a dedicated voter base.

Before you undoubtedly claim "thats racist!" guess what - you can apply the exact same thing to Appalachians and poor rural whites. Hardest working blue collar parts of America turned into financial drains and drug addicts by handouts and an fda who sold them out to pharma.

Change the culture.
I thought that's the Pubs plan already for this year. No?

There was talk of it but i only hear it from desantis. Hopefully its happening in secret but idk......Trump isn't keen on taking pointers, as we know.

If they dont ballot harvest too or file suits now, they stand to lose a layup of an election.
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All the reasons people are calling on Venezuela to have a fair election are all things that literally happened in the usa in the 2000 election. Almost to the tee.

You could actually argue it was worse in the us. Here they started counting. Only when they saw dems lost did they completely change everything. They threw out monitors, and took a secret count with windows boarded/blocked. Then emerged with a different winner.

Noone with any semblance of objectivity can say that was a fair count. So if anyone rightfully wants to call out Venezuela they should call out the 2000 election.