How will they rule ??!

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You ever notice how many American pickups are in those rescuer videos. I thought heroes drove Prius or a Subaru? What about electric cars? Since when does an F 250 have more use than the car Al Gore wants me to drive?
I'll tell you right now... I'm no redneck, but I do my own work, I have a toy trailer to pull and I own some land o tend, so I need a truck. I'm no construction worker or gardener or field hand. Just a man who needs a vehicle that offers me utility to be a GD man. In that light, knowing who I am and how important a truck is to my daily operation... If you're a man w/o a truck... I'll make some pretty quick judgements about you.

You can have an old beater and drive a benz... but that beater means more to me concerning who you are as a man.

Can any of you figure out the motive here? The media and police are stumped.

I am stumped as well. How can anyone be so stupid to not get the motive.

Good news is these were not hate crimes.

"As far as I know Fredrick never had a problem with white people,” his mother said. “He would do odd jobs for people and some of those people were white men.”

Police said they did not know if the shootings were racially motivated.

Baker has said she saw no clear motive.
Not surprised a bit this is happening. Left wing anti white people rhetoric is to blame for this.

I mean, you have leftists openly writing stories on how white people are all racists, nazis. Hell, Affinity Magazine had a story yesterday with the headline "Actually, all straight white men are the problem"

The left owns this actual racist violence. Funny how you don't see libs pouring into the thread to denounce this guy like they were all in here after Charlottesville. BLM is a much more bigger and relevant threat that some moron nazis. BLM has committed numerous acts of violence, but it gets ignored.
I'll tell you right now... I'm no redneck, but I do my own work, I have a toy trailer to pull and I own some land o tend, so I need a truck. I'm no construction worker or gardener or field hand. Just a man who needs a vehicle that offers me utility to be a GD man. In that light, knowing who I am and how important a truck is to my daily operation... If you're a man w/o a truck... I'll make some pretty quick judgements about you.

You can have an old beater and drive a benz... but that beater means more to me concerning who you are as a man.

I drive a 4 door F150...not because I really "need" a truck on a day to day basis, but I have a family, and the back seat in my truck is way roomier than any SUV I looked at, and it comes in handy when I need things like mulch or firewood or anything that you can throw in the back of a pickup.

I also hate sitting low on the road. On a nice day I get plenty of clean looks at cleavage in the car next to me from my elevated perch.
I drive a 4 door F150...not because I really "need" a truck on a day to day basis, but I have a family, and the back seat in my truck is way roomier than any SUV I looked at, and it comes in handy when I need things like mulch or firewood or anything that you can throw in the back of a pickup.

I also hate sitting low on the road. On a nice day I get plenty of clean looks at cleavage in the car next to me from my elevated perch.
2002 Dodge Dakota, purchased new, replaced engine two years ago. Loan it to my pals whenever needed. Beat to hell and wouldn't drive on a long trip. It's a blessing to have around for odd jobs and driving on old dirt roads.

If you didn't already know Kaep was a POS, look who he is with.
If you were an NFL player, would you want a POS like Kaepernick as a teammate? I would be afraid that Muslim loving son of a bitch would strap a bomb on himself and blow the whole team up.
I have trouble understanding how this all works.

Muslim declares devotion to ISIS, kills 49 gays at a gay nightclub= "Not all Muslims. The problem is AR-15."

Muslims commit terror attack after terror attack= "We're terrified of Islamophbia and the backlash it may cause. Not all Muslims. Change our facebook filter."

Blacks kill cops= Obama still promotes BLM while talking to a group of cops. No marches. Just tons of excuses and attempts to try and compare criminals resisting arrest to that of executions by a BLM/black supremacists.

Blacks kill whites= crickets

Leftists routinely attack conservatives and one even tries to massacre a GOP congressmen= Ignore Antifa, focus on Scalise's voting record and that he was "saved" by a black lesbian.

One white guy kills another white girl after running her over during a protest where they were blocking the street= "OMG! WHITE SUPREMACY! This is Trump's fault. White people are evil. TAKE DOWN STATUES!!!!!"

Easy to understand. They are what they claim others are. They are racist and full of prejudice. They automatically count against anyone who is white, male, or Christian. God forbid the trifecta of all three. But it doesn't just end there.

The far left is by far the most racist and sexist party in the country. They make everything about skin color or sex and then try to act as the savior for all minorities and women. They paint a picture that all minorities and women are helpless to do anything on their own and need help via the government to do something as simple as vote, get a job or take a piss. Assuming a group of people are too helpless to figure out such things seems pretty racist/sexist to me.
I drive a 4 door F150...not because I really "need" a truck on a day to day basis, but I have a family, and the back seat in my truck is way roomier than any SUV I looked at, and it comes in handy when I need things like mulch or firewood or anything that you can throw in the back of a pickup.

I also hate sitting low on the road. On a nice day I get plenty of clean looks at cleavage in the car next to me from my elevated perch.

step yo game up....Z71 with a leveling kit
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