How will they rule ??!

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It could've passed the senate if every Democrat voted for it, they didn't. It's disingenuous to say the Republicans are why it failed in the Senate. Also, there is already a House bill on immigration passed, just waiting on Schumer to bring it up to vote.

This bill was an election year ploy that only benefitted the establishment, whether it passed or failed. If it passed it would've centralized more power in DC with more judges, and still allowed 5000 people per day entry in the US.
This is factually inaccurate
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Nothing you quoted said anything about a right to unrestricted abortions for all.
Can you read English?

- will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to reproductive health and rights.

Any law restricting a woman's decision to abort her baby, 0-40 weeks, is by definition a RESTRICTION. The SCOTUS Roe decision banned 3rd trimester abortion but your side calls for UNRESTRICTED abortion up to and including 40 weeks.

According to This is the list of Dem luminaries who are for NO restrictions on abortion. NONE. ZIP ZERO NADA. Their reasons are listed by hovering above.

These include Buttplug, Sanders and Warren.
My bad, I was thinking it only needed 50 to be moved to the House, and then 60 once the House passes it. Any way, it only received 43 votes in the Senate, which isn't even all the Democrats, and 2 of the 3 writers voted against it. It was an election year ploy, as the House has already passed an immigration bill, seems like the Senate would bring that up for a vote if they were serious about immigration.
Democrats would have passed it had Rs been onboard. The Ds that voted No were symbolic, like Warren and Sanders not voting for it because it had funding for bombs for Israel in it. They would've gotten in line had it been close.

When the SCOTUS was dominated by leftist activists, Biden was fine with the Court. The Dems always want to change government and protocol when it serves them to make changes, but then cry when their changes are used by the GOP.
She was voted into power by the Dems as VP.
There's no time for a primary and infighting that tears down the nominee. The delegates will make it official as they should.
Her choice is the most logical given the circumstances and time constraints.

Sure. The candidate they installed after lying to you about the incumbent's health to prevent a primary you could have participated in.

Also, the candidate they selected was polling in the single digits when she tried to become President in a more “fair” primary. Was only given VP spot because she’s a black woman (Biden’s words) not because she was popular or even capable.

You had no say in this. Feel free to rationalize it by cheerleading for it now. It’s comical.
They are of many political minds, but around +90% of those minds realize the American political truth. That isn’t me treating them like anything. That’s pointing to their actual voting patterns. You know, facts. Data. Sorry if that’s too real for MAGA feels.

You can deny this history of liberal subjugation if you want, historian, but I referenced an actual demonstrative quote from a liar you hoped would be reelected as president. The party you support has treated black voters like a voting block for decades and encourages fear to keep them in their place. Sorry if that is too real for Hamas.
Laundering money through Identity theft. Why is this not a huge scandal?
? They aren’t. The opposite. They’re significantly more advantaged. Indian and Asian immigrants have significantly higher average income, education, and status levels. Which all lead to higher average outcomes. Vivek is a Brahmin, not an untouchable.

This generalization of Asian minorities (yes, India is in Asia) is racist and denies the facts that many Asians have come to this country as refugees and without much in the way of finances and have, in time and generations, made great wealth. Some of the greatest poverty in the world exists in Asia.
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You think Vivek's Brahmin parents arrived here "with practically nothing"? A psychiatrist and an engineer for GE? You're even more of an idiot than I thought. And that's saying something.
You think every immigrant is like that? Who’s the idiot?

You intentionally misrepresent everything. A more unkind person would call that lying. Not me, though. I realize that it’s in your programming and you can’t escape it.

For the record, everyone, in case you’re confused like Karl Jr., most immigrants don’t have parents who are engineers and doctors.
Like Trump's SCOTUS pick of ACB?

Picking a woman is not DEI. Telling the world that you are excluding all candidates but black women IS DEI. If Trump did that, he did the same disservice to ACB as Biden did to us and Kamala.

The difference, of course, is that ACB was on many people’s diverse short list of qualified candidates. Harris had to drop out of the Dem primary because she could not get enough traction to even make it to Iowa. Even Dem voters did not think she stacked up.

Some here, not you, might see the distinction.
You can deny this history of liberal subjugation if you want, historian, but I referenced an actual demonstrative quote from a liar you hoped would be reelected as president. The party you support has treated black voters like a voting block for decades and encourages fear to keep them in their place. Sorry if that is too real for Hamas.
Just like Hillary's deplorable quote, Joe's statement to Charlamagne was right on the money.
Sure. The candidate they installed after lying to you about the incumbent's health to prevent a primary you could have participated in.

Also, the candidate they selected was polling in the single digits when she tried to become President in a more “fair” primary. Was only given VP spot because she’s a black woman (Biden’s words) not because she was popular or even capable.

You had no say in this. Feel free to rationalize it by cheerleading for it now. It’s comical.
These are the same people that gushed over Jailbird Avenatti. 🤣 Anything that's alive and hates Trump gets them excited. Well, plus all the dead Biden voters.
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Once again, noone loves anything as much libs love killing babies.

Keep JD Vance Weird

Crazy thing is hes about as normal as people get at least as of 10 years ago.

Libs call him "weird" because he doesn't dance naked in the street with a buttplug and constantly dream about killing babies, which is their normal for men.

RNC better have an army of folks ready to go in swing states (especially GA, MI and PA).

I wish theyd sue now. Force these secs of state to clear their rolls of people that shouldn't be on there. Unfortunately its too late now because theyd just stall, but it should've been done immediately after the cheat of 2020.

The only alternative now is to do what desantis said: harvest your own ballots where its allowed. Fight fire with fire.
Stories like this are just exhausting. They had one job… to coordinate and run the Olympic Games. But they can’t possibly manage to do that without going off on these woke loony tangents in the process like trying to battle climate change.

If I were an Olympic athlete, there is ZERO chance I would be in the Olympic village knowing they weren’t going to have basic modern amenities like air conditioning.
Well France and the EU have pretty much ceded their sovereignty over to the WEF/UN so that's who's really calling the shots on all of this.
There are an incredible amount of many videos on places like RNCResearch that shows all of the crazy left wing policies Kamala supported in the 2020 primary and the media didn't like her has a candidate then cause they knew she wouldn't be able to win so she actually got some criticism, but know it is is time to get on board and she is getting Obama level love and propaganda.

Just amazing how they know we have all the old clips, but soulless and shameless enough to do their propaganda.

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You think every immigrant is like that? Who’s the idiot?

You intentionally misrepresent everything. A more unkind person would call that lying. Not me, though. I realize that it’s in your programming and you can’t escape it.

For the record, everyone, in case you’re confused like Karl Jr., most immigrants don’t have parents who are engineers and doctors.
It may hurt me a little to put myself in the category , but in a lot of cases I think it is lying.
I don't like being unkind, but I already knew I wasn't perfect.
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This generalization of Asian minorities (yes, India is in Asia) is racist and denies the facts that many Asians have come to this country as refugees and without much in the way of finances and have, in time and generations, made great wealth. Some of the greatest poverty in the world exists in Asia.
Some exceptions did. But the statistics, that y'all yourselves are using to compare minority groups, are all about averages. Of which the Black population and whichever Asian immigrant population you want to compare it to have entirely different socioeconomic backstories.