How will they rule ??!

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Sooooo is this is the type of hat Trump should have been wearing in Texas?

Just a matter of time before a real attempt is made, if this wasnt. The left and msm know exactly what theyre doing

Probably won't hear much about it because:

1. The media won't do anything to cast Trump in a sympathetic light

2. This seems like pretty lax security.
Trump must have balls the size of boulders to be able to deal with this shit on a daily basis.

Lord knows no one on the left could deal with any type of blowback. They have their egos stroked non-stop by echo chamber media and Hollywood and academia. Anyone who opposes them is called a Nazi and a safe space is needed.

Dude was a billionaire and has an insanely gorgeous wife. He didn't need this shit. But he's taking all of these people on. You don't go through all of this without having good intentions. He sure as hell didn't need the money. He didn't need the headaches and fear of his life or media creating this toxic culture.

Obama got his butt kissed by SNL and every celebrity and every media network from the left. The man lied about every scandal and the media helped bury it. He created so much racial tension and animosity toward cops. He made us so weak. He is easily the worst president in my lifetime and perhaps ever.

I'd love to see Obama deal with even five percent of the hate that Trump gets and see how fast he relies on the race card to bail him out.
Suspicious, but I think this is benign. If you look up the road in the video, there is already a police car at the entrance of a road on the right. I looked up the location online, and the road that police car is blocking actually runs parallel to the main road as it approaches the intersection.

My guess is that some local yokel didn't have a clue why the road was being blocked and thought they could take a shortcut around whatever was causing the traffic tie-up at the intersection (imagine all the cars backed up on the side road the police car blocked, and the trees would block the driver's view of the police car and the motorcade). And they thought wrong.
Imagine switching the races here and tell me this wouldn't be 24/7 coverage and they wouldn't be invited to the White House and Facebook HQ and given scholarships and all that.

Black college harassing white women for supporting Trump, cursing at them, stealing their hat and tweeting about "beating the eff out of them" is somehow acceptable. Disgusting.
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Imagine switching the races here and tell me this wouldn't be 24/7 coverage and they wouldn't be invited to the White House and Facebook HQ and given scholarships and all that.

Black college harassing white women for supporting Trump, cursing at them, stealing their hat and tweeting about "beating the eff out of them" is somehow acceptable. Disgusting.
Not women. 16 year old girls.

So wearing clothing that shows support for the POTUS on a historically black college campus is now antagonistic? Being upset about being harassed, having your hat ripped off your head, and verbally abused is an example of "white privilege?"

I've had about enough of this bullsh!t. If bullying 16 year old girls makes you feel vindicated, your values are seriously effed up. For sh!t's sakes, if a 16 year old girl wearing a hat that says "Make America Great Again" is disrespectful to you, GTFO before you get taken out, you never had any basis for anyone's respect to begin with.
BLM protesting a Confederate monument in Brandenton, Florida. Americans, of all races/sexes, showed up to show their support for the monument. You know who didn't show up? Odd that they're such badasses but only show up when they outnumber 10 to 1 in their liberal safe spaces.

p.s. I understand these guys associated with Uncle Sam's Misguided Children are mostly veterans/hardcore patriots and have probably never desecrated a flag before in their lives, but these dudes need to seriously step their flag desecrating game up.

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Trump must have balls the size of boulders to be able to deal with this shit on a daily basis.

Lord knows no one on the left could deal with any type of blowback. They have their egos stroked non-stop by echo chamber media and Hollywood and academia. Anyone who opposes them is called a Nazi and a safe space is needed.

Dude was a billionaire and has an insanely gorgeous wife. He didn't need this shit. But he's taking all of these people on. You don't go through all of this without having good intentions. He sure as hell didn't need the money. He didn't need the headaches and fear of his life or media creating this toxic culture.

Obama got his butt kissed by SNL and every celebrity and every media network from the left. The man lied about every scandal and the media helped bury it. He created so much racial tension and animosity toward cops. He made us so weak. He is easily the worst president in my lifetime and perhaps ever.

I'd love to see Obama deal with even five percent of the hate that Trump gets and see how fast he relies on the race card to bail him out.
Right on. Your post encapsulates everything about Trump.
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A couple Boston guys went in to the Boston "free speech" rally neutral, got berated and labeled a Nazi because of their skin color/appearance, then one got sucker punched by a BLM thug, both left with hatred in their hearts.

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Interested to see what becomes of antifa moving forward. Pelosi and msm had some negative comments about them recently. So im sure the marching orders were sent out to cut ties with them.

Curious to see if soros cuts his money to them. He still needs anarchy.
Interested to see what becomes of antifa moving forward. Pelosi and msm had some negative comments about them recently. So im sure the marching orders were sent out to cut ties with them.

Curious to see if soros cuts his money to them. He still needs anarchy.

I think what pisses me off more than any of it is that it took this long for them to even be acknowledged by media. Most Democrats didn't even know who Antifa was until two weeks ago yet thought there was nazis on every corner. Then because Dems are incapable of being critical of any of their politicians or base, they defend them and even compare them to WW2 soldiers.

Antifa was great for when they could hide in the shadows of the media blackout but Charlottesville and Trump's comments forced them to talk about it. Then media has to defend it but thanks to videos on social media , it made the truth easily accessible.
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We are at a tipping point. Leftist politicians have had their minions protesting a free and fair Election for almost a year. They are allowed to attack and the media ignores it. I think the Nazis rising is a creation of the left to take heat away from their support of Antifa.

Antifa and BLM are the Democrat Party.
Interested to see what becomes of antifa moving forward. Pelosi and msm had some negative comments about them recently. So im sure the marching orders were sent out to cut ties with them.

Curious to see if soros cuts his money to them. He still needs anarchy.

Did Soros cut money when they changed from being occupy to Antifa?

They'll change their name, use the same violent tactics, the media will ignore it for as long as possible, then once they've embarrassed themselves to the point it can't be ignored anymore, they'll change their name again.

Rinse. Repeat.
A couple Boston guys went in to the Boston "free speech" rally neutral, got berated and labeled a Nazi because of their skin color/appearance, then one got sucker punched by a BLM thug, both left with hatred in their hearts.

Everyone should contact their congressman and senator and demand that BLM, Nazi's, and antifa groups are classified as terrorist groups.
Economy/stocks rolling...consumer confidence highest in years...job participation business/investments up...illegal immigration dropping...foreign policy actually being monitored with a stern hand for a change...defense spending programs unemployment numbers dropping...

...all this with one party that has nothing on their agenda except to bash Trump. Pretty amazing.
Honestly, I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for people who constructed their city in a flood plain. Same goes for people in hurricane zones.

Yeah, you have a great beach town and house on the ocean. That's great. I'd love to have one. But a hurricane may blow through. That's your choice.

I choose to live on top of a hill out of a floodplain, where the risk is really a tornado or historically catastrophic earthquake.
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