How will they rule ??!

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Here's something I found while researching. I'd like @CastleRubric to take a gander or tell me his thoughts because of him being a fantastic historian.

The "Hooton Plan"
During World War II, Hooton proposed to eradicate the German people by infiltrating them slowly with masses of non-European male immigrants, thereby breed "war strains" out of them.

Earnest Albert Hooton (November 20, 1887 – May 3, 1954) was a Jewish-American physical anthropologist known for his work on racial classification and his popular writings such as the book Up From The Ape. Hooton sat on the Committee regarding blacks, a group that "focused on the anatomy of blacks and reflected the racism of the time." He was also a Harvard professor.




More of this is in Theodore Kaufman's (Jewish author) book from 1941 called "Germany Must Perish."


In 1944 another book was written which advocated the mass psychological brainwashing of the German people. It was called ‘What to do with Germany’ and was written by Louis Nizer.


Read the following from the official DIRECTIVES FOR RE-EDUCATION of 1945:

“Re-education will be compulsory for young and old alike, and must not be restricted to the classroom.
We should employ the great power of conviction that goes with dramatic presentation in its service – movies can be used to greatest effect here.

We should employ the greatest authors, producers and stars under the auspices of an “International University” to dramatize the limitless evils of Nazism, and contrast these evils with the simple beauty of a Germany that is no longer obsessed with marching and shooting.

These movies will have the mission of creating an appealing picture of democracy.

In addition, radio broadcasts will be used to penetrate German homes with formal lectures and informal discussions.

German authors, dramatists and publishers should be subjected to constant examination through this “International University” as well, since they are all educators.
Undemocratic publications must of course be suppressed from the beginning.

Only after German thinking has been strengthened in the new democratic ideals should we allow opposing views, when we are confident that the Nazi virus has been eliminated. This way, we will gain immunity for the future.

The re-education process must penetrate all of German society.
During their leisure time, the working classes should also receive simple lessons in democracy. Summer outings and popular educational events can help accomplish this.

Many German prisoners of war will remain in Russia after the war is over – not voluntarily, of course, but because Russia needs their labor.
This is completely legal and it lessens the danger that returning prisoners might form the nucleus of a new national movement.
Even if we do not wish to keep German prisoners after the War, we should send them to Russia.

The “International University” provides the best vehicle for monitoring and controlling the details of the German educational system, including schools, lesson plans, selection of teachers and textbooks – in short, all pedagogical institutions and materials.
In addition, we need a “High Command” for our re-education offensive.

Particularly gifted German students should be given opportunity to further their education in our schools; they should then return to Germany as teachers and found a new democratic tradition that combines a sense of international citizenship.

Whenever possible, their professors should be liberal and democratic. The intervention of “foreigners” could have an agitating effect and it must be kept to a minimum, but should not cause us to lose control.

Every imaginable kind of democratic influence should be employed in the service of re-education. This calls for the efforts of churches, movies, theatre and radio as well as the press and labor unions.

Re-education should take the place of military service.
Every German should be required to participate, just as they were formerly conscripted.

The task has fallen to us of protecting world peace and freedom.

This is the freedom that was born on Mount Sinai, lay in its cradle in Bethlehem, spent its early youth in England and whose stern schoolmaster was France.
It is the freedom that spent its early manhood in the United States, the freedom that is destined to spread all over the world – if we do our duty.”

The above ‘directives’ could quite easily be applied to the West today, an ‘international university’ brainwashing the people of the West to embrace their own genocide.

A letter published by the Miami News, 12th July 1938, entitled ‘Kill off the Germans’ stated that:

“Nothing but almost complete extermination of the savage
whites will insure peace on earth and goodwill toward men.”


Well worth the read especially understanding the context of today and how everything is going. I know it's forbidden. to dare question any of this stuff especially given that anyone who is critical of this group gets shamed but tell me there isn't anything to this type of stuff.

Can any of you figure out the motive here? The media and police are stumped.

I am stumped as well. How can anyone be so stupid to not get the motive.

Good news is these were not hate crimes.

"As far as I know Fredrick never had a problem with white people,” his mother said. “He would do odd jobs for people and some of those people were white men.”

Police said they did not know if the shootings were racially motivated.

Baker has said she saw no clear motive.
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Can any of you figure out the motive here? The media and police are stumped.

I am stumped as well. How can anyone be so stupid to not get the motive.

Good news is these were not hate crimes.

"As far as I know Fredrick never had a problem with white people,” his mother said. “He would do odd jobs for people and some of those people were white men.”

Police said they did not know if the shootings were racially motivated.

Baker has said she saw no clear motive.

I noticed comments have been disabled for that story. Big shock there.

Can any of you figure out the motive here? The media and police are stumped.

I am stumped as well. How can anyone be so stupid to not get the motive.

Good news is these were not hate crimes.

"As far as I know Fredrick never had a problem with white people,” his mother said. “He would do odd jobs for people and some of those people were white men.”

Police said they did not know if the shootings were racially motivated.

Baker has said she saw no clear motive.

Gee, i don't know. real head scratcher. a job for clouseau.
I noticed comments have been disabled for that story. Big shock there.

This woman, Jean Peters Baker, can't figure out the motive.

She worked for McCaskill.

She should be told to clean out her desk. She can't figure out the motive of a serial killer that wants to kill all white people.

If this were reversed, bigger than Houston on evening news.
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This woman, Jean Peters Baker, can't figure out the motive.

She worked for Mccasskill.

She should be told to clean out her desk. She can't figure out the motive of a serial killer that wants to kill all white people.

If this were reversed, bigger than Houston on evening news.

"He never showed any hatred for white people. He would do odd jobs for them."

Haha. Yeah, okay. I'd love to see how often the average black family rants about whites on a daily basis. There's a guy at work here who likes to put his phone on speaker even when he's in the bathroom. In his convos, you can always hear the other guy going on about "this white boy" or "this white girl." I've been around long enough at work, at school and reading social media to know how much whites are hated by I believe a big portion of this community. So yeah, her claims of "I never knew he didn't like white people" is bull crap.
"He never showed any hatred for white people. He would do odd jobs for them."

Haha. Yeah, okay. I'd love to see how often the average black family rants about whites on a daily basis. There's a guy at work here who likes to put his phone on speaker even when he's in the bathroom. In his convos, you can always hear the other guy going on about "this white boy" or "this white girl." I've been around long enough at work, at school and reading social media to know how much whites are hated by I believe a big portion of this community. So yeah, her claims of "I never knew he didn't like white people" is bull crap.

In his defense, he only killed 5. There are a couple of billion he did not kill.
i dont know why i do it,, but about once a week i check yahoo..

holy crap

at least 20 negative stories, 0 positive..including brilliant takes that obama should give trump lessons on how to respond to a tragedy..LO EFFING L..also including brilliant reporting about "trump taste in steak shows unwillingness to realize others might be able to do something better."

no wonder we have idiots in this country. the media is actively attempting to dumb down everyone.

hey libs, i disagree with eating a well done steak and having ketchup. but i wont judge anyone based on that being their preference! that shows more about the person making that comparison than it does on the person eating the steak.. jesus christ.
i dont know why i do it,, but about once a week i check yahoo..

holy crap

at least 20 negative stories, 0 positive..including brilliant takes that obama should give trump lessons on how to respond to a tragedy..LO EFFING L..also including brilliant reporting about "trump taste in steak shows unwillingness to realize others might be able to do something better."

no wonder we have idiots in this country. the media is actively attempting to dumb down everyone.

hey libs, i disagree with eating a well done steak and having ketchup. but i wont judge anyone based on that being their preference! that shows more about the person making that comparison than it does on the person eating the steak.. jesus christ.

I used to check yahoo daily. I'd read the comments and usually feel a bit better because most people had common sense. But then the stories (opinions) got so ridiculous I eventually quit checking at all.

Yahoo is just another leg of the centipede that is crazy, biased, lost their damn minds media.
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See? This is why it's so hard to pin a clear motive. If it was racial he would have had to kill at least 25 by brunch.

I have trouble understanding how this all works.

Muslim declares devotion to ISIS, kills 49 gays at a gay nightclub= "Not all Muslims. The problem is AR-15."

Muslims commit terror attack after terror attack= "We're terrified of Islamophbia and the backlash it may cause. Not all Muslims. Change our facebook filter."

Blacks kill cops= Obama still promotes BLM while talking to a group of cops. No marches. Just tons of excuses and attempts to try and compare criminals resisting arrest to that of executions by a BLM/black supremacists.

Blacks kill whites= crickets

Leftists routinely attack conservatives and one even tries to massacre a GOP congressmen= Ignore Antifa, focus on Scalise's voting record and that he was "saved" by a black lesbian.

One white guy kills another white girl after running her over during a protest where they were blocking the street= "OMG! WHITE SUPREMACY! This is Trump's fault. White people are evil. TAKE DOWN STATUES!!!!!"
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Texas is full of Nazis?

I know France was because my uncle's killed them. Some were likely Vichy.

One of my favorite WW2 moments is still when the British sunk the French Fleet. I hate the French.

Just to follow up


Pretty good comments:

"France's Charlie Hebdo mocking Houston flood victims as Nazis. Remember when we mocked their dead? Me neither."

"Of course this is safe for them. Charlie Hebdo knows a team of evangelical Texans will never storm their offices shouting "Praise God"
i dont know why i do it,, but about once a week i check yahoo..

holy crap

at least 20 negative stories, 0 positive..including brilliant takes that obama should give trump lessons on how to respond to a tragedy..LO EFFING L..also including brilliant reporting about "trump taste in steak shows unwillingness to realize others might be able to do something better."

no wonder we have idiots in this country. the media is actively attempting to dumb down everyone.

hey libs, i disagree with eating a well done steak and having ketchup. but i wont judge anyone based on that being their preference! that shows more about the person making that comparison than it does on the person eating the steak.. jesus christ.
In my efforts to remove myself from Google, I left gmail for yahoo until I can decide on an email software.

Yahoo not only sends you a daily GD link as an email to all of THEIR daily news... but, when you clean out your in-box to where there is nothing there, they feel it necessary to use your empty in-box as a platform to show you their pointed videos of news for the day. I mean, absolutely shameless shit.
It's quite comical the world .. and not just France and foreign countries but professors in Florida and Hispanic women in California think Houston is populated by all white people.

Honest question for you and others on here.

What will the left do when whites no longer are scared of the left's labels of "racism" and "Nazi?" What do they think playing identity politics and bashing whites on an obsessive basis will result in? More white people being conscience of what is occurring and being aware they're under attack?
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It's quite comical the world .. and not just France and foreign countries but professors in Florida and Hispanic women in California think Houston is populated by all white people.
Yes, indeed. In reality, Houston may be the most diverse major city in the USA.

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, whites made up 51% of Houston's population; 26% of the total population was non-Hispanic Whites. Blacks or African Americans made up 25% of Houston's population. American Indians made up 0.7% of the population. Asians made up 6% (1.7% Vietnamese, 1.3% Chinese, 1.3% Indian, 0.9% Pakistani, 0.4% Filipino, 0.3% Korean, 0.1% Japanese), while Pacific Islanders made up 0.1%. Individuals from some other race made up 15.2% of the city's population, of which 0.2% were non-Hispanic
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I think CNN is full of it. I sure as hell don't think you bring a mic with you to rescue someone. I can't completely say that it isn't a third person but I believe it's staged especially considering the camera man did not follow and they have the man go to the bank closest to land.

This was after that black woman freaked out on them for exploiting people.
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This woman, Jean Peters Baker, can't figure out the motive.

She worked for McCaskill.

She should be told to clean out her desk. She can't figure out the motive of a serial killer that wants to kill all white people.

If this were reversed, bigger than Houston on evening news.

If the skin colors were reversed victim/perp the motive would've been established immediately.
The mainstream liberal propaganda media disagrees. According to them, it's been one of his worst.

Trump showed no *empathy* (like those people actually have the moral high ground, who are just oozing empathy for the trashy rednecks in Texas), Melania had the gall to board a plane in heels (who knew a billionaire's wife actually had a change of shoes), and Trump tried to profit off of the disaster by wearing a 'USA' hat (this stone speaks for itself. anything pro America offends them).
Who believes them anyway? The only question is how long can Trump keep this momentum going?

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