How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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The best part is they thought it would get alllllll the sjw love. Wrong. All the sjw are furious because it focuses on all the wrongs of masculinity.

So the sjw crowd was ok with an all male movie, only because it deals with percieved negative aspects of traditional masculinity.

Lol my god

They're also bitching because it's being written by two men.
I doubt many of those dudes are LBGT, BLM, Antifa, PETA, Media, Liberals, College Professors, ACLU. Maybe a couple of rednecks though.
No doubt at all. Those people are only out for themselves which is why they are always in peoples faces saying Look at me! Look at me! Where are they now? They're like little children, if they know that their whining won't work in one area or parent they go to the next never thinking about anything but themselves. BLM, Antifa, give up your time and money and go help Houston's people in their time of need.
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Yeah. Our problems started with white people discovering things like how they they helped give us

Western civilization
The technology they're using to post
Etc Etc
Some other gems from that OrwellNGoode account. Below is why I just laugh when we get bull crap female action star stuff crammed down our throats. It was fine in Alien, Terminator and Underworld but it's 24/7 now.

And which group do you think did this to a dog?