How will they rule ??!

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One thing we would know for sure is that the same people defending everything Trump does would be criticizing Hillary regardless of what she was doing. Right?
They would be attacking her every day like they did with Obama.

Would not matter one iota what she said or did.

One reason why.....

One reason why.....


No, it's because America has the First Amendment, and Germany does not.

Had you been aware of that, you would have avoided making an absolute fool out of yourself by posting a tweet from someone else who also made a fool out of himself or herself. While "First Amendment" is occasionally misused in Internet debates, or at least is often a simplistic answer to a complex question, in this particular case, it's the game, set, and match to this entire question. If you don't like it, I recommend that you start a campaign to amend the First Amendment to the United States Constitution to something that is more to your liking. I wish you the best of luck in that endeavor.
One reason why.....

One reason? You sure that reason is a misinformed message board comment followed by a faggy meme? Or, is that one reason the US Constitution?

It has absolutely nothing to do with being proud of it and everything to do with the Constitution. Here in America we believe in freedom of speech. If you want to live under a quasi dictatorship that censors what you wear and say, then move to Germany.

Not to mention, you fools are too stupid to even realize what you're saying. You talk out of both sides of your mouth, constantly trampling on your own argument, proving you're a shit for brains.

"Hate speech is wrong and we should give the government the power to censor it."

"Half of the government (Republicans) are facist Nazi sympathizers and the president, the leader of the government, is literally a fascist Nazi."

So, like all of you claim, if the second quote is true, then why in the hell would you ever want to give a fascist Nazi president and a fascist Nazi sympathizing government the power to censor you? Seriously, how dumb can you be?
One reason? You sure that reason is a misinformed message board comment followed by a faggy meme? Or, is that one reason the US Constitution?

It has absolutely nothing to do with being proud of it and everything to do with the Constitution. Here in America we believe in freedom of speech. If you want to live under a quasi dictatorship that censors what you wear and say, then move to Germany.

Not to mention, you fools are too stupid to even realize what you're saying. You talk out of both sides of your mouth, constantly trampling on your own argument, proving you're a shit for brains.

"Hate speech is wrong and we should give the government the power to censor it."

"Half of the government (Republicans) are facist Nazi sympathizers and the president, the leader of the government, is literally a fascist Nazi."

So, like all of you claim, if the second quote is true, then why in the hell would you ever want to give a fascist Nazi president and a fascist Nazi sympathizing government the power to censor you? Seriously, how dumb can you be?
Ft. Campbell is stupid, but there are many college professors, etc, who are not. They are advocating suppression of free speech, even now, even with the current administration. Apparently, they calculate that even under this regime, any type of Orwellian speech policing will target the right and not themselves. As it is, it's probably moot, as such laws or regulations will never make it through the courts. They already know this, so they are really just blowing off steam and, as a side effect, giving moral support to their street thug enforcers (Antifa, etc).
Johnson has to be pro immigration to get any traction in New Mexico. The state is over half Hispanic and crossed the tipping point long ago. It is New Mexico.

[laughing] at Vandalay.

A true libertarian wouldn't care how Willy identified.

Next he'll tell us a true fan would do this or do that.
In today's world you are not what you say you are, you are what the left says you are.
One thing we would know for sure is that the same people defending everything Trump does would be criticizing Hillary regardless of what she was doing. Right?
They would be attacking her every day like they did with Obama.

Would not matter one iota what she said or did.
Wow, the ignorance of this post defies all logic.
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Wow, the ignorance of this post defies all logic.
Bullshit and you know it.
You nor any of your ilk would ever gone a day without trying to find something to be offended over or bitching about if HRC had been elected just as you never missed a day bitching about Obama.
Haha. we really are living in bizarroworld. what idiots.
The idiots altlefters or whatever the hell they are, and the idiots who bend over backwards to kiss their asses.
They need to be thrown in a mental institution.
Bullshit and you know it.
You nor any of your ilk would ever gone a day without trying to find something to be offended over or bitching about if HRC had been elected just as you never missed a day bitching about Obama.
You are explaining word for word what you and you other idiot lefties have been doing to Trump for 2 years. Word for word.
Bullshit and you know it.
You nor any of your ilk would ever gone a day without trying to find something to be offended over or bitching about if HRC had been elected just as you never missed a day bitching about Obama.
You cannot be serious or this dumb. If you are this dumb then you need some serious help. It is incredible how disillusioned you and a few other posters on here are. Your socialistic views and un-American style rhetoric is typical of the left and dangerous to the country since you can't see the harm criminals like Hillary and racist terrorist like Obama and the alt left really are.
Words/phrases I'd be happy to never see or hear again.

  • Alt right
  • Alt left
  • Triggered
  • Cuck (unless in a porn title)
  • Antifa
  • Kellyanne Conway
  • Rachel maddow
  • Sean hannity
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • The bitch from Missouri (don't know her name) calling for assassination of the potus
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Reactions: bigblueinsanity
Words/phrases I'd be happy to never see or hear again.

  • Alt right
  • Alt left
  • Triggered
  • Cuck (unless in a porn title)
  • Antifa
  • Kellyanne Conway
  • Rachel maddow
  • Sean hannity
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • The bitch from Missouri (don't know her name) calling for assassination of the potus
Add racist to that. It is the most over used word and, the meaning has changed from its true definition to a definition that if you are white and conservative, that means racist.
The other day me and my friend were discussing via text the hypocrisy of rules for different races. For example you could say black power, and that's okay. But if you say white power it's automatically racist in any context.

I have an iPhone 5 so I can't speak for any other phone. But anyone who has an iPhone, if you type in "black" followed by a p, predictive text suggests "power" immediately.

If you type in "white" and p, po, pow, powe, power... it never even suggests the word "power".

Go on, try it.
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