How will they rule ??!

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Trump at his core may be more libertarian but he has surrounded himself with right-wing zealots and has adopted the right wing since those are the only ones giving him any traction.

Chuckling at your "Populism has quite a few libertarian beliefs" statement. Libertarianism has quite a few conservative and liberal beliefs. It is fiscally conservative, socially liberal, and isolationist with regard to foreign policy. How in the hell have "left wingers" hijacked it? Libertarianism is what it has always been, always held the same beliefs whereas the left and right have continuously moved their goal post.

Populism has no core beliefs,"Populism is a mode of political communication that is centred around contrasts between the "common man" or "the people" and a real or imagined group of "privileged elites", traditionally scapegoating or making a folk devil of the latter. Populists can fall anywhere on the traditional left–right political spectrum of politics, and can often be characterised as centrist where populists portray both bourgeois capitalists and socialist organizers as unfairly dominating the political sphere." . What populism is changes with the needs and attitudes of "common man".
What about the common man who doesn't pay bets? Which party do they belong too?
I always know to put a point in my column when you start with the "pay bets" lines.

Yeah, because shit forbid someone making a bet and actually paying it.

And you stiffed this board's greatest humanitarian ever. Brady literally makes dreams come true. You make bets , lose, and then won't pay them.

Cancer has a better rep than you.
You are allowed to wish death on Republicans and anyone who supports Trump.

Yet you try that the other way, your banned, racist, or something else like a Nazi.

Like the mo. state senator maria nadal who wished for trumps assassination.

Because of her color she most likely won't be prosecuted, but more likely will be reelected.
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I liked that his handle is queersocialism. Haha
Trump did run on an "I'm the only one who can fix things" platform.

Part of running a government is the ability to influence senators and congressmen. Clearly Trump overestimated his ability to do this.

Or maybe he overestimated the integrity of senators and congressmen...or at least their desire to put the best interests of our nation ahead of their personal interests.
#FakeNews. Go rat somebody else out and get them banned asshole

I'm part of a libertarian chat group (not on here) and Yes, 99% of them are total Trump. Go eff yourself narc boy

@Willy4UK : You've made solid appearances on the CBBoard, so I'm aware you're not always a douche. But if you think I'd ever report anyone or quite frankly not argue with anyone, then you don't know what you're talking about. If I wanted to get rid of people who disagree with me I wouldn't be posting. Secondarily, wtf are you talking about?
For those wanting to criticize every move Trump makes, how would things be better if hillury was president? How would America be stronger?
For those wanting to criticize every move Trump makes, how would things be better if hillury was president? How would America be stronger?

Here's a better question: why is our system so bad that we had to choose between two abysmal candidates?
By traditional political definition, libertarians are defined by being socially liberal and fiscally conservative. That's the very generalized definition. It can be boiled down to a more specific definition, however. At the core, libertarians believe in the principle of non-violence. What that means is that government using violence or the threat of violence to encroach on the will of otherwise free people is a violation of liberty.
  • Trump is in favor of "financial regulations that benefit America". While this excites the patriots, it means more government manipulation of financial markets
  • Trump's A.G. Jeff Sessions announced a "crackdown" on marijuana as recently as a few months ago with execution of the plan still pending
  • One of his main platforms is the extension of ICE, the creation of a wall, and increased surveillance of "unsavory" immigrants (illegal or otherwise)
  • Trump has strongly advocated stop and frisk tactics, as well as expansion of the police state.
  • As evidenced by last night, Trump is expanding military operations, further involving the US in foreign affairs and further violating the concept of "live and let live"
Many more examples can be listed.

Perhaps somebody can say they voted for Trump because he's more "libertarian" than Hillary. While those people lack principle, I can buy that. However, if they go beyond merely voting and "support" Trump, then they simply aren't libertarian.
Here's a better question: why is our system so bad that we had to choose between two abysmal candidates?

Only one candidate was awful, and she lost. Proud to say not only did I vote for Trump. I helped elect him over that POS criminal.

GTFO hater. You really surprised America didn't want Bernie or Hillary?

Maybe East and West coast did.
Or maybe he overestimated the integrity of senators and congressmen...or at least their desire to put the best interests of our nation ahead of their personal interests.

I've come around a lot to Trump since the election. The economy is booming, jobs numbers are great, and he's done nothing at all to infringe on anyone's rights.

At the end of the day though, if you talk that big a game, at least own it. Don't blame everyone else in the world - the best leaders I've ever worked with own their mistakes and are accountable for them.
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For those wanting to criticize every move Trump makes, how would things be better if hillury was president? How would America be stronger?
One thing we would know for sure is that the same people defending everything Trump does would be criticizing Hillary regardless of what she was doing. Right?
They would be attacking her every day like they did with Obama.

Would not matter one iota what she said or did.
@Willy4UK : You've made solid appearances on the CBBoard, so I'm aware you're not always a douche. But if you think I'd ever report anyone or quite frankly not argue with anyone, then you don't know what you're talking about. If I wanted to get rid of people who disagree with me I wouldn't be posting. Secondarily, wtf are you talking about?

You mean, you didn't rat me out?

Well shit, i take back all those bad things then.
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