How will they rule ??!

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She ate her benefits. Benefits, does that not just make you angry. Benefits should be earned not entitled. She should pay us for irreparable damage for our eyes.
They have a balanced budget amendment
They get money from a higher govt authority (feds)

Can we do have our Fed govt do a balanced budget and get funding assistance from the UN?
So what is stopping the feds from passing or working to a balanced budget?
Having a balanced budget and having to work within one do you think that they understand that there is less liability on the state when all of their citizens are covered, thus financially more fiscally responsible?

All states get money from the feds. MA is actually one of those states that gets fewer $$ from the feds than they send to the feds. Typical of most blue states. Red states on the other hand are mostly parasites in that fashion receiving more federal $$ than send.

But what does any of that have to do with the fact that Obamacare was fashioned after the MA plan?
MA doesn't get to bill the Feds if there are cost overruns in their plan.

I'm all for a balanced budget. That's why I think it's totally irresponsible to be even thinking about a tax cut for billionaires. It's a shame that nobody even talks about it any more. None of them have the balls to make the tough choices and do what is necessary to get there.


It's like they don't even attempt to make sense anymore. Just throwing crap to the wall to appease their hysterical base.

"Trump plans to unleash dinosaurs from sleeper Russia."

"White nationalists and Nazis contact Zorp in space. Look to communicate with undocumented space aliens to create second holocaust using Russian super soakers and NERF guns."
I was listening to 1A on NPR this morning. They talked about how Trump asserted our aim of "victory" in Afghanistan. I think everyone on the panel agreed that a true victory was unattainable, we can't defeat the Taliban. Some sort of negotiated peace is a virtual necessity. So why would our president say that?

Because...well, what the hell do you expect our president to say? "We have no chance of winning, we've wasted a decade and a half and 750 billion dollars, and now we are going to pull out. But before we do, we are going to make a big show of it and try to get leverage for peace talks." We know that as difficult as it is for us to have boots on the ground in Afghanistan, pulling out of Afghanistan and leaving the country in a power vacuum would be way worse. Many people would lose their lives in the aftermath, and the Taliban would likely take over again.

If you read between the lines and understand the complexities of the situation, you will come to understand that our government realizes that we can't win, and want to negotiate an end to the war. However, the official Afghan government has been losing substantial ground to the Taliban, so the Taliban has no reason to even come to the table to negotiate, they are taking and no giving is necessary.

If we push back, however, and turn the tide, we can force the Taliban back into negotiations and work out a pact. Indeed, we might not even be required to make that push. The threat of us throwing more troops and weapons at the Taliban could be sufficient to make them realize that they probably won't hold on to the land they have gained of recent, and their current position puts them in a position of power. The Taliban have an opportunity to quit while they are ahead, and they would be wise to take it.

We are also leaning on the powerful nations in the region, India and Pakistan, to contribute. It's their back yard, and they need to be involved in a regionally negotiated peace. Remember, the Taliban have been using the mountains of Pakistan as their safe haven. Will Pakistan continue to do that? Will we breach the border in pursuit of the Taliban as part of our push? Pakistan can exert some influence over the Taliban, maybe they threaten to allow our troops to cross the border to catch them?

Bringing in India, I think, is more of a threat to Pakistan. I'm sure we wouldn't turn away their economic assistance, but the subtext is that if Pakistan is not going to help, then we will form stronger bonds with Pakistan's nemesis, India. And who's to say that we don't unite with India and push the Taliban right along with the Pakistanis into the Arabian Sea?

We are going to have "victory." Victory is peace.
So who with whom are you going to negotiate these peace talks?
Pakistan doesn't control the northern half of its own country. Likewise there is virtually no government control in over 90% of Afghanistan. We already have very close ties to both nations. And how do you suggest India get to Afghanistan? I don't see the Pakistanis or Iranians giving that access.

We HAVE crossed the border. Remember, Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan. We can control whatever specific area we wish to control as long as we want to keep a military presence in that area but as soon as they leave that control is gone.

Like you wrote, we've spent 15 years and 3/4 of a trillion $ there and accomplished very little. Russia spent over a decade there and accomplished very little. What makes you think that if Pakistan can't control half of their own country that they would be able to control even a small part of Afghanistan?

Peace requires that both or in this case, all parties want it.

The only thing we've accomplished in Afghanistan is to make heroin cheap here at home for all the junkies.
We need to either:

1) get out of the me altogether. Or

2) drop nukes/do whatever it takes to eliminate any opposition there.

Half measure are getting us nowhere. Since we know we dont have the stomach for #2, #1 is really the only option.
You are explaining word for word what you and you other idiot lefties have been doing to Trump for 2 years. Word for word.
But isn't that exactly what the right did to Obama for 8 years?

Replace Russia with the Birther many years did Trump hold onto that one?

Paybacks are hell, enjoy the ride.
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So who with whom are you going to negotiate these peace talks?
Pakistan doesn't control the northern half of its own country. Likewise there is virtually no government control in over 90% of Afghanistan. We already have very close ties to both nations. And how do you suggest India get to Afghanistan? I don't see the Pakistanis or Iranians giving that access.

We HAVE crossed the border. Remember, Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan. We can control whatever specific area we wish to control as long as we want to keep a military presence in that area but as soon as they leave that control is gone.

Like you wrote, we've spent 15 years and 3/4 of a trillion $ there and accomplished very little. Russia spent over a decade there and accomplished very little. What makes you think that if Pakistan can't control half of their own country that they would be able to control even a small part of Afghanistan?

Peace requires that both or in this case, all parties want it.

The only thing we've accomplished in Afghanistan is to make heroin cheap here at home for all the junkies.
Thanks for being the Al Qaeda insurgent we need.
Good luck to you.
Loved trump quoting exactly what he said on all 4 statements about Charlottesville. Then calling out antifa by name.

Guarantee, if you attack Barack obama to trumps first couple statements and read theM to any idiot calling trump a racist,they would say it's a great speech and nothing racist at all.
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But isn't that exactly what the right did to Obama for 8 years?

Replace Russia with the Birther many years did Trump hold onto that one?

Paybacks are hell, enjoy the ride.

You're such a fool. Republicans and democrats are going to hate on each other. It's just a fact.

What you didn't have with obama was the press being an extension of the Republican Party. And that's pretty much all that matters.

But to your point, no not all republicans spent 8 years bashing obama. Hell, they basically caved to his every want and desire. For you even attempting to equate the treatment of obama and trump just shows that you're xo pelted fake and dishonest.
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Loved trump quoting exactly what he said on all 4 statements about Charlottesville. Then calling out antifa by name.

Guarantee, if you attack Barack obama to trumps first couple statements and read theM to any idiot calling trump a racist,they would say it's a great speech and nothing racist at all.
Glad to hear it. Trump has to be the one to shine a light on antifa. Media won't. Democrats won't. Repukes won't. Jeff Sessions apparently won't.

We elected Trump to FIGHT these bastards. Total War.
I love how your try to lump all minorities into a class as one. That is very, very racist and shows your white bias.


OR -- it could just be that the constant "lockstep" propaganda is having the intended effect

If I were from another planet and arrived here
and listened to BLM

I'd assume that they DID speak for all blacks, latinos and -- as they say -- queer folk

Which is just not true of course

BUT when you have so many groups being amplified by the media -- almost 24/7 --- and they're ALWAYS pretending as if they have ONE VOICE and ONE VISION TOGETHER and the rest of it

You can't be surprised when / if some people start to think that a Marxist / antifamily group like BLM actually DOES speak for all minorities

That's a BIG PART of what they're shooting for --- sudden authority that's absolute in nature

With no room for resistance -- or even questioning

Or MAYBE HES A RACIST -- I really don't know him so -- there's a chance both things are right I suppose

psssst.......why don't we ask him????

OR -- it could just be that the constant "lockstep" propaganda is having the intended effect

If I were from another planet and arrived here
and listened to BLM

I'd assume that they DID speak for all blacks, latinos and -- as they say -- queer folk

Which is just not true of course

BUT when you have so many groups being amplified by the media -- almost 24/7 --- and they're ALWAYS pretending as if they have ONE VOICE and ONE VISION TOGETHER and the rest of it

You can't be surprised when / if some people start to think that a Marxist / antifamily group like BLM actually DOES speak for all minorities

That's a BIG PART of what they're shooting for --- sudden authority that's absolute in nature

With no room for resistance -- or even questioning

Or MAYBE HES A RACIST -- I really don't know him so -- there's a chance both things are right I suppose

psssst.......why don't we ask him????

All day, every day, the left pushes collectivism on all fronts. Whites are privileged and must atone. "Uneducated straight white males and their white supremacy ruined the country." Identity politics is non-stop. Republicans must be stopped or "blacks will end up back in chains." "Trump supporters are nazis look what one guy did last week."
All day, every day, the left pushes collectivism on all fronts. Whites are privileged and must atone. "Uneducated straight white males and their white supremacy ruined the country." Identity politics is non-stop. Republicans must be stopped or "blacks will end up back in chains." "Trump supporters are nazis look what one guy did last week."

Yes - this is the Marxist voice and tactic

They create groups who didn't previously have a political identity or consciousness and then "rub raw the sores of discontent" (Alinsky) so that they'll be GALVANIZED .... to help spearhead social change

And since Marxist thought (and that includes the original basic Socialist creed) DOES NOT ACCEPT the notion of 'good or bad' / 'right or wrong' becomes easy over time to have those newly minted Social Battering Rams going from rock throwing anarchists ...... to mass murderers

I've seen the technique referred to as "Vanguard Political Groups"

I think the key is to have honest conversations - don't fall for the current PSY OPS that are being waged

Turn off your TV's more often (assuming you have them)

and let's hope that spirited, intellectually honest "traditional liberals" are willing to call out their highjacked party as R's and Libertarians also help promote rational conversions

and I LOVE me some football ..... but maybe it's time we take a damn break from following some of these events and leagues that insist on becoming political outlets as well

Goodness what a bunch of asshattery in the media
I don't have TV but just seeing their sneering faces online is almost enough for me to bazooka barf
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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO – Black Chicagoans Say Leave Washington Statue Alone

Inner-city blacks are rejecting calls from a Chicago pastor to tear down a local George Washington monument and change the name of Washington Park. For one community organizer, the attacks against our nation’s historical monuments are an attempt to manufacture a race war that won’t help anyone in the black community.

In the fallout of the Charlottesville, VA, rally over the removal of a Robert E. Lee monument, Bishop James Dukes, a pastor, is calling for the name of Chicago’s Washington Park to change and for the removal of the park’s monument to our nation’s first president, George Washington.

Chicago community organizer Paul McKinley invited my co-producer, Andrew Marcus, and me on a tour of the south side neighborhood surrounding Washington Park to hear from him and other residents their feelings on the media manufactured debate to erase our nation’s history.

McKinley, along with area residents we encountered during our shoot, disagree with Dukes and say George Washington should be left alone.

McKinley explains how the Charlottesville debacle was a “bait and switch” designed by Democrat and communist revolutionary forces to distract the people from what is really going on in the community.

McKinley says, “While they’re talking about changing the name, our community needs jobs, contracts, and opportunities. This is a way to stop talking about black folks [not] working. Black folks … got no contracts. Our schools [are] being closed down. Our houses [are] being boarded up. But you want to talk about a statue.”

“The Democrat Party has proven it cannot feed the African American community. So they’re pretending that, okay, we’re going to fight your fight about something that’s got something to do with racism,” he adds.

At the statue, a group of local residents having a picnic after work chimed in on the issue.

After establishing that, George Washington was, in fact, a slave owner, they told us the statue should stand.

One of the residents informed the group of the Dukes calls to potentially replace President George Washington’s monument with a statue of Chicago’s first black mayor, Harold Washington. To which another replied, “Let it stay up there. What are they taking it down for? Harold Washington ain’t gonna change nothing if you put his statue up there. Leave that statue alone. Let George Washington stay up there.”

Another woman on the scene followed us back to our truck to make the point: “The big issue right now needs to be people trying to survive out here because that statue ain’t going to prove no point … this statue’s been sitting there for so long that should be the last thing on people’s mind is that statue!”

In agreement with the local residents, McKinley pointed out the despair and acres of vacant, undeveloped land surrounding the park.

“Here’s a block, here, where you only got two houses on the whole block. Both sides of the street,” he says. “Let’s go two blocks from the park….just vacant land….the Democrats [have done] nothing for black folks in the black neighborhood. They get the money from Washington, DC, to do the development in the community and they don’t do nothing.”

“You think these people walking around here [are] concerned about whose name is on the park and they don’t have no livelihood in their community?” he continues.

McKinley closed by telling us, “The majority of black folks feel like the people that you were [just] talking to. Majority of them feel like this is a game. This is garbage. It ain’t real. Y’all lying. This ain’t on nothing. That’s how the majority of black people feel.”