How will they rule ??!

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One thing we would know for sure is that the same people defending everything Trump does would be criticizing Hillary regardless of what she was doing. Right?
They would be attacking her every day like they did with Obama.

Would not matter one iota what she said or did.

Yet you do not answer the question. What would she be doing or would have done that would have been good for America? In fact, in your opinion, what did obama do that was good for America?
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I've come around a lot to Trump since the election. The economy is booming, jobs numbers are great, and he's done nothing at all to infringe on anyone's rights.

At the end of the day though, if you talk that big a game, at least own it. Don't blame everyone else in the world - the best leaders I've ever worked with own their mistakes and are accountable for them.
I believe he has enough equity with the American people that he could simply say "I made a mistake". He'd get even more support.
Here's a better question: why is our system so bad that we had to choose between two abysmal candidates?

Our leaders are a reflection of our country. IMO, we got the two candidates we deserved, though Trump is/was infinitely better. Why have we declined to the extent that the quality of candidates has continually declined since, IMO, RR? Do we even have a pool of future, developing candidates? I'm afraid we're in a mess.
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Bullshit and you know it.
You nor any of your ilk would ever gone a day without trying to find something to be offended over or bitching about if HRC had been elected just as you never missed a day bitching about Obama.
Mr. Fuzz,
Name one thing obama did that did not warrant our bitching; one thing that was good for America.
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I believe he has enough equity with the American people that he could simply say "I made a mistake". He'd get even more support.

That's just not trump though. like it or not, he says what he wants and gives no quarter or apology.
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The prez's rally has turned into an intense rant against the media.

That's just not trump though. like it or not, he says what he wants and gives no quarter or apology.

At least you know where he stands...unlike most politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouths so as not to offend whomever they may be speaking to at the moment.
So what is stopping the feds from passing or working to a balanced budget?
Having a balanced budget and having to work within one do you think that they understand that there is less liability on the state when all of their citizens are covered, thus financially more fiscally responsible?

All states get money from the feds. MA is actually one of those states that gets fewer $$ from the feds than they send to the feds. Typical of most blue states. Red states on the other hand are mostly parasites in that fashion receiving more federal $$ than send.

But what does any of that have to do with the fact that Obamacare was fashioned after the MA plan?
MA doesn't get to bill the Feds if there are cost overruns in their plan.

I'm all for a balanced budget. That's why I think it's totally irresponsible to be even thinking about a tax cut for billionaires. It's a shame that nobody even talks about it any more. None of them have the balls to make the tough choices and do what is necessary to get there.
rathole questions, per usual.

If the GOP passed a balanced budget and really took on entitlements you it would be nonstop granny over the cliff commercials and you would be all in.

And whether MA sends more money to DC than gets back has zero to do with the point of Fed being used to support their healthcare.
Mr. Fuzz,
Name one thing obama did that did not warrant our bitching; one thing that was good for America.
Other than Bin Laden, its going to be a very short list. In fact I'll help him out and list his positives for America below:
Other than Bin Laden, its going to be a very short list. In fact I'll help him out and list his positives for America below:

The man was playing cards throughout that. He didn't do a damn thing. In fact, his decision to not allow a photo and to immediately toss him out to sea is something you know damn well that Trump would never do. Those families of 9/11 deserved to see it
I always know to put a point in my column when you start with the "pay bets" lines.
You have no points. You don't even have a column.

You've been owned more in this thread than a buffalo nickle. The fact you keep coming back for more punishment isn't exactly a glowing indication of you intellectual prowess.

But, GD it sure does make me laugh.
McKinley closed by telling us, “The majority of black folks feel like the people that you were [just] talking to. Majority of them feel like this is a game. This is garbage. It ain’t real. Y’all lying. This ain’t on nothing. That’s how the majority of black people feel.”

I believe that bc you don't see black peoples at these lil hipster ass racial protests.
Was Newsweek ever this disrespectful to Obama? I would like to see that same cover with Obama replacing Trump, since we were engaged in war throughout Obama's 8 years.

Only president to be at war *every single day* of his 8 year term. Quite remarkable really. Deserves some sort of statue.
Our leaders are a reflection of our country. IMO, we got the two candidates we deserved, though Trump is/was infinitely better. Why have we declined to the extent that the quality of candidates has continually declined since, IMO, RR? Do we even have a pool of future, developing candidates? I'm afraid we're in a mess.
Because with the exception of Trump (independently wealthy, media-proof), there is no avenue for an outsider to gain the popular vote. You have to play the game and be bathed in and blessed by the Washington establishment to even have a chance. And the Washington establishment is only interested in perpetuating and enriching itself.
Seeing the direction that our country is moving in. I figure it's just a matter of time be for Mount Rushmore is defaced and destroyed. So i'm guessing the libs would want to replace it with their own monument. What 4 people would you think would make the liberal snowflakes happy to see on their very own Mount Rushmore ? I would pick these 4 for them. What do you think? Would this pacifie them?

Karl Marks - Author of The Communist Manifesto
Ho Chi Minh - The liberals God during the Vietnam war
Saul Alinsky - Author of the book, Rules For Radicals
Ted Kaczynski, AKA The Unabomber - A hero to the environmentalists

How hilarious would it be to watch a liberal worship service at this mountain?
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The media has created last night version of Trump - sounds like they don't like what they created.

Anything they deem acceptable that comes out of his mouth must be from his cabinet and advisors - but usually if it was acceptable the timing wasn't right - too late, read off the prompter and not from the heart and on and on.

Report like he is the dumbest human being on the planet, act like he was a failed business man, give POTUS zero credibility and they wonder why he attacks them? Magazine covers of him with KKK hoods and looking dopey with a military helmet on...."why does this man call us #fakenews IM SO OFFENDED!

Remember the Nato speech in May? OMG they are laughing at him...OMG he is insulting them...OMG he didn't recommit to defense pledge...PUTIN!

one month later....NATO Allies Inch Toward Defense Budget Goal Championed by Trump...“This is a significant increase,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Thursday in Brussels, where he’s hosting a meeting of defense ministers from the 29-nation alliance. “We are moving in the right direction when it comes to burden sharing and defense spending.”

Remember "Fire and Fury"? What is he doing OMG nuke war he is senile someone get him out of here that rhetoric is too much!!!

one week later...Lil Kim crawls back into his hole and nothing from the media

They expect him to unite the country at a rally...LOL...unite the country that hasn't been united since after the 9/11/01 attacks...hey pal, Unite the Country (our next segment is on how you are mentally unstable and unfit to be President)..."elections have consequences" was a mic drop for the last guy, but we expect a uniting message from your rallies...

Trump has his eyes set back on the Swamp...and that includes MSM. It will continue - if the media care to unite the country, they can change the angle to their reporting...if not, he will continue to send them the STFU message.
So you all are just going to ignore the fact that the President of the US went out in front the nation and lied for an hour and a half, rewriting history and ranting about everyone who opposes him? Right/Left doesn't matter. He's an utter joke that we all should be disturbed by.
I believe that bc you don't see black peoples at these lil hipster ass racial protests..
I've been saying this from the beginning. Regular ass black folks don't give af about *any* of this. None. And again.....they like Trump more than you'll ever hear.

Put simply (side note) the Media is in a 2.5 year holding pattern of distraction until they have the next nominee lined up. I mean shit they literally made up the Russia thing. And rig that (D nomination) they will. The next D primary will be the least free election that has ever occurred in this country's history.

"Oh heeeyy there Berrrrrnie, I'm sorry friend we just can't find your candidacy application anywhere. Sorrrrrry! Just go have a seat the "Kamalala: We're with Her For Real This Time" rally is about to start.
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So you all are just going to ignore the fact that the President of the US went out in front the nation and lied for an hour and a half, rewriting history and ranting about everyone who opposes him? Right/Left doesn't matter. He's an utter joke that we all should be disturbed by.
Lied for the whole hour and half? Rewrote history? I didn't get to see it all - please provide examples.

Do you think the media opposition of Trump labeling him Hitler/KKK member is an utter joke & disturbing? Or do you just rant about him bc he isn't on your side?
Trump needs to just flat out stop press conferences and the press briefings.

If Trump wants to announce something major, do it on a prime time speech, a rally, or even on twitter.

No more talking to the con men in the media. They are total anti American scum. Be done with them.

Saw a headline on TV this morning that said "Trump speech sparks chaos"

Liars. All of them.
Trump needs to just flat out stop press conferences and the press briefings.

If Trump wants to announce something major, do it on a prime time speech, a rally, or even on twitter.

No more talking to the con men in the media. They are total anti American scum. Be done with them.

Saw a headline on TV this morning that said "Trump speech sparks chaos"

Liars. All of them.
This. Every time I check CNN's home page, it is all negative, all the time toward the current administration. Give them nothing. Go directly to the people. No filter. F@ck Fake News.
So you all are just going to ignore the fact that the President of the US went out in front the nation and lied for an hour and a half, rewriting history and ranting about everyone who opposes him? Right/Left doesn't matter. He's an utter joke that we all should be disturbed by.

"Rewriting history." That's rich coming from the left. Your entire perception in based off how media spins things and spoonfeeds you.

According to you, I should be disturbed by Trump but not disturbed that we had a media who was exposed as DNC propaganda, disturbed by an intent to flood our borders with savagery from the third world, Islamic violence, masked Democrats trying to split our heads open to silence speech, more government and that we just had a president who used the NSA to spy on Americans, the press and his political enemies, etc.

You don't get to endorse Hillary and Obama and then come lecturing us, you POS.
The country uniting and doing well is bad for business for the MSM. Need chaos because chaos gets viewers. That is how depressing society is now. Just like the rubbernecks who have to slow down to see an accident. No accident and everyone just goes on their merry way without a second thought. MSM treats Americans the same way. Have to create narratives to get people to slow down and watch.

Why people cannot see this is so far beyond my comprehension. Fox caters to those who love Trump because they get to feed off the negativity of other networks to create their narrative and get their viewers. CNN and others do the same but on the opposite end.

Trump was the media's darling for decades. He loved them because they made him into a celebrity and they loved him because he was good for ratings. Same applies now except they went negative because he has an "R" beside his name and its not good for business getting libs to watch your network while supporting a Republican. If Trump had a "D" beside his name he would have been their Messiah even more so than Obama was because he would have crushed Obama in the ratings department.

Its all a big game in the name of making money and they are playing a lot of people for fools.