How will they rule ??!

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Google European People History


Interesting. I'm sure we're just exaggerating and this is no agenda or conspiracy just like how our media has our best interests and isn't biased.

Oh, google white mother with baby.

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So now you see...pull out and then you are blamed for the aftermath. Stay and you are blamed for not getting out.
That is assuming the same rules of engagement and "hearts and minds" policies happened under each. It did not.
You have to be ignorant or blind to not see what they're trying to do through advertising and entertainment. It's not an accident. It's about as blatant as possible.

Interracial mixing directed at whites
Every TV show has a gay character
TV commercials aim to make white people appear stupid, weak or lame

I walked down the mall a couple of weeks ago and looked at the signage in the store windows as I passed by and nearly all of them only featured minorities. The only one that included a white person on it was a little white girl in a big "diversity" collage of children of every race.

If someone thought television reflected reality, they'd believe that 50 percent of the country was gay or black.

While that chart doesn't break out by sexual orientation that number is estimated at about 5%... then look at demographics by age...

... and think about who those stores are selling to...THEIR target audience is about 50/50.

What is the problem you have with diversity?
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lol, Google "couple" or "mother with baby" or "inventors" or and you see a page full of white people. Because white people are the majority and the "default" and don't get a descriptor. Click on the mixed race couple under "white couple" and you see they're labeled "black and white couple." The white couples are just labeled "couple." "American inventors" come up black because people search for/label "African American inventors." The term "US inventors" shows a bunch of white guys.

When you're so racist that instead of common sense explanations, seeing people of color must be a nefarious conspiracy...
These NFL guys are the typical useful idiots that the left uses and takes advantage of so well. I doubt if any of them can give a logical, thought-out, reasonable, non-talking points-babble argument why they're kneeling in the first place.

And I am all for them exercising their 1A right to freedom of speech to do it, but as with any action, they must face its consequence.

Just as most redneck conservatives couldn't give any " logical, thought-out, reasonable, non-talking points-babble argument" why they support half the issues that they claim to support.

While that chart doesn't break out by sexual orientation that number is estimated at about 5%... then look at demographics by age...

... and think about who those stores are selling to...THEIR target audience is about 50/50.

What is the problem you have with diversity?

hahaha, Obama propaganda.

Just as most redneck conservatives couldn't give any " logical, thought-out, reasonable, non-talking points-babble argument" why they support half the issues that they claim to support.
You just described most Democrats o a tee.
Just as most redneck conservatives couldn't give any " logical, thought-out, reasonable, non-talking points-babble argument" why they support half the issues that they claim to support.

That coming from the kid touching democrat type who thinks they are above the law.

Keep on Fuzz, you'll be in prison one day. If you ever get caught. Just depends on the secrecy of your network
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You just described most Democrats o a tee.

I think that describes a lot of people to a tee, honestly. If you vote party line without doing research on what a candidate's record is and what the candidate's platform is, you're exactly what he described.

"I love Jeebus" isn't a good reason to vote straight line R anymore than being pro- choice is a reason to vote straight line dem. If people took a step back and evaluated what their priorities are, most would probably vote libertarian or Independent - as evidenced by this year's election, in which a left leaning independent with an R beside his name won.
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I think that describes most people to a tee, honestly. If you vote party line without doing research on what a candidate's record is and what the candidate's platform is, you're exactly what he described.

"I love Jeebus" isn't a good reason to vote straight line R anymore than being pro- choice is a reason to vote straight line dem. If people took a step back and evaluated what their priorities are, most would probably vote libertarian or Independent - as evidenced by this year's election, in which a left leaning independent with an R beside his name won.

Well, Jeebus stopped being the reason years ago. I could piss on jeebus and not give a shit. Don't care. Christians are the least of my worry and i trust them more than i do any other sector including fellow Atheists. And I'm a Atheist.

The left have become so awful that normal libertarians are driving in droves to Trump. Say what you will. Any anti-trump supporters should be hauled off an never been seen again. A bunch of pussies.
They're going to try and remove him from office based on this IMO
I really believe that

If we started pulling politicians out because of their mental health.....then we probably should have started with the authors of TPP......not the person who killed it

It's going to be interesting to see how subtle and semi-intelligent they appear while doing this

Gonna need some "experts" to tell us what symptoms he's displaying

Throw in a merciful / spiritual angle with someone from the Brave New Vatican on there telling us how Trump's soul is sick for not welcoming the .....dawn of aquarius ....or some shit

maintain the Constant barrage of fear and continue to parade strategically placed, cross eyed / SSRI popping entertainers who patiently explain mental WELL BEING to us

Queue up Pussy Riot in some American church somewhere



Theyve been deftly planting those seeds since election. Im sure theyre just tracking the social media/digital reactions to those seeds to determine if/when theyll make a push with this.

You mean our commander in chief wont disclose intimate details of military actions for the enemy to hear?

What is the problem you have with diversity?

Actual diversity? None. This so called diversity, which is a masked anti-white movement is where people have major issues.
Was really hoping to see us do something other than double down on Afghan

I don't support the idea of more military action there

At least they're sealing off Pakistan and trying to get India to help


I mean - why wouldn't someone wanna come in and HELP


a little confused by this right now
I think Trump saw what happened to Iraq once Obama left and doesn't want that mistake to happen again. Not that we should be there forever, but Trump wants to at least win since we are there, and then get out.
Well, Jeebus stopped being the reason years ago. I could piss on jeebus and not give a shit. Don't care. Christians are the least of my worry and i trust them more than i do any other sector including fellow Atheists. And I'm a Atheist.

The left have become so awful that normal libertarians are driving in droves to Trump. Say what you will. Any anti-trump supporters should be hauled off an never been seen again. A bunch of pussies.

No true libertarian is supporting Trump. Someone may call them self libertarian and support Trump, but they aren't libertarian. There are absolutely irreconcilable differences between Trump's actions / statements and principles of liberty.
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No true libertarian is supporting Trump. Someone may call them self libertarian and support Trump, but they aren't libertarian. There are absolutely irreconcilable differences between Trump's actions / statements and principles of liberty.

#FakeNews. Go rat somebody else out and get them banned asshole

I'm part of a libertarian chat group (not on here) and Yes, 99% of them are total Trump. Go eff yourself narc boy

While that chart doesn't break out by sexual orientation that number is estimated at about 5%... then look at demographics by age...

... and think about who those stores are selling to...THEIR target audience is about 50/50.

What is the problem you have with diversity?

I love how your try to lump all minorities into a class as one. That is very, very racist and shows your white bias.
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Could get nasty outside of Trumps rally tonight. Looks like Soros is busing in a lot of ANTIFA. With the MSM and politicians practically sucking them off the last week, could be something to watch tonight.
I think Trump saw what happened to Iraq once Obama left and doesn't want that mistake to happen again. Not that we should be there forever, but Trump wants to at least win since we are there, and then get out.

I agree with ya. In my personal opinion there is no end game in the middle east. The people and the culture is to erratic to ever be govern by anyone other than a harsh dictator. The only option I see is dividing Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria up and letting other countries like India, Russia and Turkey assimilate those lands.
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No true libertarian is supporting Trump. Someone may call them self libertarian and support Trump, but they aren't libertarian. There are absolutely irreconcilable differences between Trump's actions / statements and principles of liberty.
A Bernie Sanders commie supporter probably shouldn't be giving advice on libertarianism.
There's no way a true Libertarian would be a big fan of Trump. Maybe when compared to the alternative, he's seen favorably, but I dislike a ton of stuff he's done. Most libertarians would want to be much more isolationist and Trump has done nothing in that regard. In fact, we're probably less-isolationist than before.

His immigration policies are exactly counter to the libertarians. Tariffs on China and other imports, he isn't cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. He isn't cutting other government programs at all.

I could go on and on and on.

Free trade, free migration, and less dependence on the government are necessary to a true libertarian.

Anyone that is a huge Trump supporter in no way could consider themselves to be a Libertarian.
Could get nasty outside of Trumps rally tonight. Looks like Soros is busing in a lot of ANTIFA. With the MSM and politicians practically sucking them off the last week, could be something to watch tonight.

I wonder if someone got injured by a Soros paid protester if they could sue Soros and how strong of a case they would have?
ohhhhh:eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes: do

I wished cancer on him on the night wisconsin beat us in 2015. He ran and told a few mods and I was banned for a month.

I still have no regrets with that thought. dude is a total piece of shit. DGAF what his opinion is. Anytime he says, "Americans think Trump..blah blah" It's just him projecting his opinion on what he thinks. Classic case of "projection by identification".
Yep, I'd imagine Obama was in the room directing the health insurance lobbyists when they were writing Obamacare. Too bad they didn't take him up on his, "if you like your doctor you can keep it," "each family will save $2,500 per year in premiums," "No one making less than $250,000 per year will see their taxes increase," etc. ideas he had.

Honestly, what would you expect Trump to do? He's outlined his general goals for tax reform. He has the entire Democrat party, and vast majority of the Republican establishment dead set on working against. Their opposition is based entirely on a made up narrative intended to ensure a DC outsider will never try to upset the apple cart ever again.

What specifically should Trump do differently so McConnell and Ryan start actually working for the country?
There was a clear goal for Obamacare, to get more people access to healthcare. The Mass plan devised by Mitt Romey was given as a model. As long as we maintain private insurance and health networks as the primary means to pay for healthcare, nobody can promise that your doctor will remain in your health insurers network of providers.
There is nothing in the ACA that says you can't keep your doctor. Doctors make the decision to join or not join networks. That happened before Obamacare and will continue to happen as long as we maintain our model that has existed for decades. Obama was wrong to make a statement that was beyond his control.

It was mandated that everyone obtain healthcare insurance. Paying a penalty because you failed to do so is no more of a tax increase than paying a speeding ticket for being caught speeding.

I disagree with your apple cart theory. I think there are other outsiders who could come to Washington and be more accepted by either and both parties. Coming in announcing that you have all the answers, you're smarter than the Generals, you're shit doesn't stink and everyone else's does, you never make mistakes and can never admit mistakes...yeah, you're going to put some people off.

So where are your answers? We get the Repeal part of Obamacare but have no idea about the Replace part. Tax reform? What is the goal? For billionaires to play less? Want to simplify the tax codes? Bravo!
Tax code always comes down to revenue generation. If you want tax cuts then how will they be paid for? We do run a pretty big deficit.

Conservatives used to be the party that talked about the deficit and debt. I guess when Reagan spent all that time doing so and then tripled the debt that shut them all up.

What should Trump do? He said he had all the answers. Let's see his detailed plans. It looks to me like he just wants credit for doing things but no liability for the unintended consequences. He should sell us HIS plan which starts by having one. "Repeal and Replace" and "Tax Reform, you're going to love it. Bigley" isn't a plan.
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Is this true? Never researched their platform but have never heard a libertarian have this viewpoint other than the liberals on here than pose as libertarians.

You're correct, Qwes. No Libertarian I know wants illegal immigration. Never met a one. I know Jary Gohnson (Rex Kwon-hahaha) was all for amnesty, but a majority of us are not. Believe it or not, some of us Libertarians actually love the Constitution.

Not like the fake libertarians who are nothing more than liberals in a Che Guevara t-shirt.

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