How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Am I comfortable with Trump requesting IP addresses? No. Am I going to loudly voice my opposition? No.

The left finally has something to be uneasy about. And I finally agree with them.

But they've spent so much time with the made up Russia stories, this Nazi bullshit, etc. that I'm not going to help them now that they have a legitimate gripe. Let alone the hypocrisy of them supporting Obama's unprecedented invasions of privacy and disdain for the Constitution every day of his presidency.

So sorry Cardkilla. Trump's getting your IP address from that whackjob website. Just hope he doesn't follow in Obama's footsteps and start sending drones after people he deems terrorists with no due process.
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Also, I wish Trump would do every single thing Obama did that violated the Constitution. The political uproar and ensuing lawsuits would hopefully get us Court precedent ensuring it never happened again, as opposed to having it ignored under Obama.

And the lefties would be losing their minds and hopefully suffering in the meantime, so win win.
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Wasn't Cincinnati largely built/inhabited by Germans aka Nazis? Just looking for good reasons to tear that craphole down and then proceed up the east coast like a hurricane wiping out racist hate symbols. Who's with me?

I'm your first volunteer. I'd love to go on a war path through Ohio. The likes of Sherman in the civil war, scorched earth campaign.
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The white national group is scheduling a campus tour. Next stop University of Florida. That should be fun.

Now, wouldn't UF stop that? This is what I don't understand. The town of Charlottesville was embarrassed and used by out of town goons to spread hate and violence. So now they're going down to Gainesville to do the same. If city leaders have any sense and balls they will stop this junk before it happens.

Lexington supporters urged citizens to go "full throttle" at tomorrow's city council meeting. Don't know what that means, sounds threatening. Supporters also used phrases like "we must prepare for the fight". Uhhh. Hopefully Lexington will nip this crap in the bud. People just want a reason to hate the other side. Pathetic and sad.

This was after LFUCG said they were not preparing to move statues because (beside the fact they don't have permission to do so...) they've never received one complaint about them. Idk how that works, Lexington has "marched" twice over what I thought were the statues, but I could be wrong.

Basically, people are stupid as hell, and if we would just elect dogs as our political leaders things would be pretty dang great.
I LOVE these companies all jumping on the "we're private businesses and don't want to do business with people who's thoughts and actions offend us" bandwagon now that they're the ones who are offended.

I hope somebody gets a swastika cake rejected from a bakery and we can revisit that whole argument about forcing people to do things for money against their will.
The white national group is scheduling a campus tour. Next stop University of Florida. That should be fun.

Now, wouldn't UF stop that? This is what I don't understand. The town of Charlottesville was embarrassed and used by out of town goons to spread hate and violence. So now they're going down to Gainesville to do the same. If city leaders have any sense and balls they will stop this junk before it happens.

Lexington supporters urged citizens to go "full throttle" at tomorrow's city council meeting. Don't know what that means, sounds threatening. Supporters also used phrases like "we must prepare for the fight". Uhhh. Hopefully Lexington will nip this crap in the bud. People just want a reason to hate the other side. Pathetic and sad.

This was after LFUCG said they were not prerogative to move statues because (beside the fact they don't have permission to do so...) they've never received one complaint about them. Idk how that works, Lexington has "marched" twice over what I thought were the statues, but I could be wrong.

Basically, people are stupid as hell, and if we would just elect dogs as our political leaders things would be pretty dang great.
Anyone that shows up wearing armor, helmets and carrying weapons, of any kind, should be immediately arrested. Let em yell what ever they want but stay in their designated area. BOTH SIDES!!!
Anyone that shows up wearing armor, helmets and carrying weapons, of any kind, should be immediately arrested. Let em yell what ever they want but stay in their designated area. BOTH SIDES!!!

Why not just let them go at it? Why not just let it happen? Put them all in a stadium and just hose it out afterwards lol.
Anyone that shows up wearing armor, helmets and carrying weapons, of any kind, should be immediately arrested. Let em yell what ever they want but stay in their designated area. BOTH SIDES!!!

This part of your post will be forgotten if something breaks out... you Nazi scum you! [eyeroll]
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I LOVE these companies all jumping on the "we're private businesses and don't want to do business with people who's thoughts and actions offend us" bandwagon now that they're the ones who are offended.

I hope somebody gets a swastika cake rejected from a bakery and we can revisit that whole argument about forcing people to do things for money against their will.

Yes please. Right-wing groups should be doing this across the company just to see what happens. Cakes with aborted fetus decorations, swastikas, pictures of Putin, transvestite surgery decorations, etc.
Friend works for police. Said could it could be bad. Looks like FBI has done alerted them.
City may burn.
Right but we get em on our turf, and the mfers will just fall right off our cliffs. That's key. Also they can't navigate I75 worth a crap, so we can really ambush them there.

Yeah, home team would definitely win this battle. But I don't think Kentucky could take over Ohio without the help of Tennessee or West Virginia.