How will they rule ??!

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hahaha, white supremacists. Still laugh at that.

They are no more a threat to society than a fart in the wind.
No kidding. Before this past Saturday, when is the last time they openly killed people? Years, probably decades ago.

I'm not sticking up for nazis as I'm sure some libtard would think so, but did they really think their identity politics BS wasn't going to make radicals on the other side angry?

Identity politics is a cancer in America. Democrats openly promote it.
How can the media not call that out? I don't understand why they aren't equally enraged about them as they are neo nazi's. Both groups methods are one in the same.

Because they're went too far down the rabbit hole. Trump is the worst human being alive according to them. He's worse than Hitler. If they take his side (America) over Kimberly (N. Korea) then that gives credence to the possibility that someone may be worse than Trump.

The media wants that change Obama spoke of... and if it takes supporting a true dictator and a nuke hitting our country and killing millions, then so be it. They're all in.

Why not just let them go at it? Why not just let it happen? Put them all in a stadium and just hose it out afterwards lol.

Gladiators? Yeah, step aside MMA, here come da punks and Nazi's to do battle to da end. As I said before, we would have to eventually deal with the white supremacist another way. Those punk snowflakes would be wiped out rather quickly.
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Took about 3 weeks to be honest
No, you are a liberal and it took you 3 weeks of drying the tears out of your eyes enough to see that he was still president. You guys have given him no chance to show what he can do. You snowflakes cannot handle the reality of losing. It happens, but the education you guys have been subjected to only taught you that every one wins which means, no one does.
I think the vietnam war memorial wall needs to be taken down ASAP. Because we invaded that poor country and killed a bunch of innocent people for nothing. I mean how would you feel if your from Vietnam and had a family member fighting for the Vietcong? Might trigger someone or hurt there feeling about what happened in the past.

Sound logic right?
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Just Obama about to buy some kids to molest.
I don't post much because you guys are trash. I have never once defended the left on here. You are lying again, habitual liar, more proof that you're trash! I post on here when I know you clowns are being hypocrites about something, but I have never defended the left. You are so ate up by your politics that you can't see anything else. You make up lies to make yourself feel better. Just accept the fact that you're a clown and habitual liar.

Notice that you never bring up any specific issues, you just cry and make up nonsense about me defending the left. I'll ask one more time, when did I ever defend the left?

I'm a libertarian and despise the left and the right because they're both terrible and destroying this country. I go at you guys because you are the absolute worst. Just terrible human being with no honor who habitually lie and get into groups and try to bully others.

A "libertarian " [roll] ok bud.

Also, yes you absolutely have defended the left. And then some. Which honestly isn't a bad thing I guess but what's upsetting is people like yourself who defend and deflect all the garbage that comes from the left / MSM and trash the "right" I mean you pounced on here here after the "nazi" thing only to throw stones at repubs , etc... while completely ignoring (literally you refuse to even acknowledge the topic despite it being brought to your attention several times ) the violence , pandering , racism etc from the left.
Myself as well as most others on here who you call liars and trash actually condemn the actions of the idiotic fringe "right" / kkk/ nazi etc . You and you're kind do the exact opposite.
“I’m not intimidated by Robert E. Lee’s statue. I’m not intimidated by it. It doesn’t scare me,” said Crenshaw. “We don’t want America to think that all African Americans are supportive of this.”

Crenshaw, along with some Buffalo Solider historians and Sons of Confederate Veterans are coming together to help protect the Confederate markers from toppling over in Dallas.

They feel the monuments, like the Freedman’s Cemetery, tell an important story and help heal racial wounds.

“Some people think that by taking a statue down, that’s going to erase racism,” said Crenshaw. “Misguided

Like this Lady's thinking.
Oh I thought Bernie was a joke of a candidate. Then again, so was Trump. That's one reason I refused to vote for any of them. But God damn, he surely couldn't have been as bad as Trump.

Yes he could have. Just as your girl Hillary would
Have been awful as well.

He won. Get over it. :) don't be so triggered bro
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Because they're went too far down the rabbit hole. Trump is the worst human being alive according to them. He's worse than Hitler. If they take his side (America) over Kimberly (N. Korea) then that gives credence to the possibility that someone may be worse than Trump.

The media wants that change Obama spoke of... and if it takes supporting a true dictator and a nuke hitting our country and killing millions, then so be it. They're all in.

To think Trump was called out for condemning violence on many sides, when there was in fact violence from many sides is disappointing.

The left is becoming, and promoting the very thing they are protesting, right before our eyes.

It's almost taken straight from the Nazi's playbook. Harrass and intimidate dissenting views, lump all opposing groups into one category, dehumanize them to a point where violence is accepted, erase from history anything or one that you disagree with, being books or landmarks.
This group scares me far worse than neo nazi's, they are gaining momentum rapidly, and no one that is in a position to call them out will.
To think Trump was called out for condemning violence on many sides, when there was in fact violence from many sides is disappointing.

The left are becoming, and promoting the very thing they are protesting, right before our eyes.

It's almost taken straight from the Nazi's playbook. Harrass and intimidate dissenting views, lump all opposing groups into one category, dehumanize them to a point where violence is accepted, erase from history anything or one that you disagree with, being books or landmarks.
This group scares me far worse than neo nazi's, they are gaining momentum rapidly, and no one that is in a position to call them out will.

Bill, the next time one of those antifa guys kills or attempts to kill someone, Trump should go out and denounce left radical groups by name. Just like he did with the KKK and Neo-nazis.

American people need to hear the denouncements from both sides. Most of the terror is coming from left wing radical groups.
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My mom read your post and I quote:

" Nail I am no proctologist but I know an Asshole when I see one"

I figured your ass was jealous of all the shit your keyboard produces.
Let's be honest, your mom can't read, that's why
My man... lol. You called us all liars, bullies, trash, hypocrites and terrible human beings... in 1 post, before I ever muttered a word to you.

You are ****ing deranged. Do you hear me? Seek help.
I didnt call you anything, I called the person who quoted me a liar
A "libertarian " [roll] ok bud.

Also, yes you absolutely have defended the left. And then some. Which honestly isn't a bad thing I guess but what's upsetting is people like yourself who defend and deflect all the garbage that comes from the left / MSM and trash the "right" I mean you pounced on here here after the "nazi" thing only to throw stones at repubs , etc... while completely ignoring (literally you refuse to even acknowledge the topic despite it being brought to your attention several times ) the violence , pandering , racism etc from the left.
Myself as well as most others on here who you call liars and trash actually condemn the actions of the idiotic fringe "right" / kkk/ nazi etc . You and you're kind do the exact opposite.
Look, another liar. So when I absolutely defended the left, on which issue was it?
A "libertarian " [roll] ok bud.

Also, yes you absolutely have defended the left. And then some. Which honestly isn't a bad thing I guess but what's upsetting is people like yourself who defend and deflect all the garbage that comes from the left / MSM and trash the "right" I mean you pounced on here here after the "nazi" thing only to throw stones at repubs , etc... while completely ignoring (literally you refuse to even acknowledge the topic despite it being brought to your attention several times ) the violence , pandering , racism etc from the left.
Myself as well as most others on here who you call liars and trash actually condemn the actions of the idiotic fringe "right" / kkk/ nazi etc . You and you're kind do the exact opposite.
Still waiting on what time I defended the left. I mean if I did that's my prerogative, the only problem is, I never have and you're lying.
To think Trump was called out for condemning violence on many sides, when there was in fact violence from many sides is disappointing.

The left is becoming, and promoting the very thing they are protesting, right before our eyes.

It's almost taken straight from the Nazi's playbook. Harrass and intimidate dissenting views, lump all opposing groups into one category, dehumanize them to a point where violence is accepted, erase from history anything or one that you disagree with, being books or landmarks.
This group scares me far worse than neo nazi's, they are gaining momentum rapidly, and no one that is in a position to call them out will.
The Nazi's used Jewish people as a rallying point. Sound familiar? Whites are the problem with our nation?