How will they rule ??!

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Let's be honest, your mom can't read, that's why

I didnt call you anything, I called the person who quoted me a liar

Look, another liar. So when I absolutely defended the left, on which issue was it?

lol ok.
How am I lying ? Everything I have said and everything others have said is spot on. Spot on 100%, look I know it triggers you. You get triggered when you're called out and proven wrong (which you have been several times in this thread ) don't get so out of sorts.

Do you condemn antifa ? BLM? MSM ? Asking for a friend
A "libertarian " [roll] ok bud.

Also, yes you absolutely have defended the left. And then some. Which honestly isn't a bad thing I guess but what's upsetting is people like yourself who defend and deflect all the garbage that comes from the left / MSM and trash the "right" I mean you pounced on here here after the "nazi" thing only to throw stones at repubs , etc... while completely ignoring (literally you refuse to even acknowledge the topic despite it being brought to your attention several times ) the violence , pandering , racism etc from the left.
Myself as well as most others on here who you call liars and trash actually condemn the actions of the idiotic fringe "right" / kkk/ nazi etc . You and you're kind do the exact opposite.
C'mon Frankie, name one time I defended the left? After all, I'm this big liberal... I mean libtard, so surely you can name one instance.
Lincoln Memorial on deck.

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The wisest woman in the world once said -- Anyone not willing to accept the results of an election is a direct threat to our democracy.

I say Trump should condemn these threats by name. There is no place for these domestic terrorists in our society. They should be shamed, silenced and suppressed at all costs. Bend the knee or lose the head.
"Any type of violence is deplorable and has no place in America . Regardless of which side. We should be united"

---- " you're a racist defending white supremacy!"

"Ok, kkk, white supremacists, nazis are awful, we condemn them, they are dangerous and will be held accountable "

"Still racist !! You took to many days to say it! Whites need to be deported " "transies need to be in the military!"
lol ok.
How am I lying ? Everything I have said and everything others have said is spot on. Spot on 100%, look I know it triggers you. You get triggered when you're called out and proven wrong (which you have been several times in this thread ) don't get so out of sorts.

Do you condemn antifa ? BLM? MSM ? Asking for a friend
I dont condemn anyone, what would that do? I go to work, take care of my family, pay my bills and live my life. You said I defended the left, I said you are lying about that, can you name a time I defended the left or are you admitting to lying?
Just saw more video of the group who brought down the confederate statue, funny watching people kicking a statue with their little tennis shoes.
lol ok.
How am I lying ? Everything I have said and everything others have said is spot on. Spot on 100%, look I know it triggers you. You get triggered when you're called out and proven wrong (which you have been several times in this thread ) don't get so out of sorts.

Do you condemn antifa ? BLM? MSM ? Asking for a friend
Can you name a time where I even defended or supported Antifa, BLM, the MSM, or any other group besides BBN ever? Asking for a friend.
lol ok.
How am I lying ? Everything I have said and everything others have said is spot on. Spot on 100%, look I know it triggers you. You get triggered when you're called out and proven wrong (which you have been several times in this thread ) don't get so out of sorts.

Do you condemn antifa ? BLM? MSM ? Asking for a friend
Still waiting, also still waiting to hear what I was proven wrong about. I would ask but since you're lying, you couldn't answer if your life depended on it.

When protesters, angry over the deadly incidents in Virginia this weekend, decided to take down a nearly century-old statue of a Confederate soldier in North Carolina on Monday, law enforcement stood back and watched.

At no time did officers with the Durham Police Department or deputies with the Durham County Sheriff’s Office intervene as activists brought a ladder up to the statue and used a rope to pull it down, according to multiple media reports.

No one was arrested Monday, however, a day later, Durham County Sheriff Mike Andrews announced investigators were working to identify the protesters and planned to bring criminal charges against them.

“We decided that restraint and public safety would be our priority,” Andrews said in a statement posted on his agency's website. “As the Sheriff, I am not blind to the offensive conduct of some demonstrators nor will I ignore their criminal conduct.”
Robert E. Lee: "I think it wiser, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war, bto follow the example of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife and to commit to oblivion the feelings it engendered."

Well, sure sounds like he'd be in favor of getting rid of Confederate statues.
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Ok you win. He's a nazi.

Honestly, I always assumed the propaganda about Soros was true, but if you research what he's done, it's pretty impressive. He's one of the most successful investors in US history for a reason.
Still waiting, also still waiting to hear what I was proven wrong about. I would ask but since you're lying, you couldn't answer if your life depended on it.

Exactly what I thought, duck and dodge the most basic of questions. Literally it's not that hard man. I know It can be difficult to concentrate when you're triggered (especially being an easily triggered person such as yourself ) but it's glaringly apparent that you are incredibly hypocritical.

And what were you proven wrong about ?? Seriously ? Lol Smh people have outlined it 50x the last few pages for you.

Short answer - being incredibly hypocritical, jumping in on the "nazis are bad!" train (conveniently right after the Charlottesville stuff happened ) while completely ignoring and refusing to admit the political terrorist organizations of the left.
Ok you win. He's a nazi.

Honestly, I always assumed the propaganda about Soros was true, but if you research what he's done, it's pretty impressive. He's one of the most successful investors in US history for a reason.

I didn't say he was a Nazi. I said he was a Nazi supporter.

He destabilizes foreign currencies and makes countries go bankrupt. I can't think of anything nice about the guy. Truly is a monster.
Robert E. Lee: "I think it wiser, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the example of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife and to commit to oblivion the feelings it engendered."

Hmm.. Appears, he'd clearly be in favor of getting rid of Confederate statues.
But they're not coming down because they're open sores of war. They're coming down because politically correct, victim culture has run amok.

Imbeciles brainwashed into believing that everyone who fought for the Confederacy was a racist slave owner and everyone who fought for the Union was a righteous slave freer.

If all it takes to tear stuff down is eccentrics raging and virtue signaling about racist and/or slave owner, then a lot more shit than just Confederate statues has to come down.

We burning all 20$ bills next? Can't possibly have a racist, slave owning honky plastered on our monies, can we? It's not very virtuous.
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