How will they rule ??!

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The majority of the Paddock's views on a BLM rally: "Those uppity violent thugs are racist trash!!! How DARE they talk!!!"

The majority of the Paddock's views on a KKK rally: "Those God-fearing innocents are just enjoying their first amendment rights"

Someone HINTS at violence at a rally not centered on white men: "SEE!!! all THEY do is's the anti-white agenda!!!"

Charlottesville: "Oh well.....that's not a fair representation!! One person doesn't speak/act for all of us. It's the anti-white agenda!!!!"
Ahh, another brain washed liberal who has reading comprehension problems. You guys really are dumb and ignorant. A lethal combo among voting age liberals.
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The majority of the Paddock's views on a BLM rally: "Those uppity violent thugs are racist trash!!! How DARE they talk!!!"

The majority of the Paddock's views on a KKK rally: "Those God-fearing innocents are just enjoying their first amendment rights"

Someone HINTS at violence at a rally not centered on white men: "SEE!!! all THEY do is's the anti-white agenda!!!"

Charlottesville: "Oh well.....that's not a fair representation!! One person doesn't speak/act for all of us. It's the anti-white agenda!!!!"

sometimes you have to step away and think, maybe this sort of thing just isn't your strong suit. nice try. but you should look at doing something different. rational thinking passed you buy.
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Paddock: Poor defenseless Nazi's and their matchsticks just minding their own business.
World: Nazi's hold unlawful march as one terrorist kills opposition leftist with a Dodge muscle car.
America: Slow to act with a heart full of hate this weekend.

Nazis, communists, anarchists, whoever, all have the right to protest if they do it lawfully and peacefully. They should all be free to do so without being violently attacked. That's their right.

When you imply otherwise, you become the thing you supposedly hate.
Why does an American who salutes Old Glory and sings the Star Spangled Banner, love a confederate hero?

why does someone who burns Old Glory, sits for the National Anthem, calls for the assassination of police officers, wants to remove all pieces of history they don't like, wants to abolish the Constitution consider themselves an American?
Lol there is no arguing here. Whatever the conversation is it will end in some dude saying "libs think..." I'll peace out soon. I'm strangely having fun.

That's the thing. You're not conversating. We've had others who thought we were all assholes before

Then when they actually started bringing intellectual conversation, they became a regular and an asset to this thread. Try it sometime.

John is one of my favorite posters now, and he started off about like you.

You'll be amazed at what can happen when you're not just a giant douche in mommies basement.
your attacking one terrorist group while supporting the other ones. you are no better than any of these idiots this weekend. Nazi's and American don't go together. we fought a war over it, they lost. those idiots this weekend or anyone sporting the swastika are vile scum. but, you aren't condoning any other terror group. just one. it isn't about the scum this weekend being bad with you, it's about your hatred of white people in general. you sir are the racist here.

I’m not supporting any terrorist group – or any group mentioned in this thread. And I have said nothing that would make a rational person think that.

Contrary to some lunatic conspiracy theorists here, I didn’t know anything about Antifa (and maybe I still don’t). Why would I even make that up?

But, anyway, just for those folks, I got on Wikipedia and saw that ANTIFA is a recent group in the US (although it has apparently been around in Germany for longer) to violently combat fascist groups like the KKK (or their ilk). Maybe that’s right, maybe not. But that’s what I got.

So, again, violence against anybody is bad. Nobody should take the law into their own hands. But, if ANTIFA’s only target is the white supremacist groups, then I have to be honest and agree that I have a hard time caring on the same level as I would if they were terrorizing actual people, instead of sub-humans. Likewise, I don’t lose any sleep when Muslim terrorists are killed. The difference for me is that I don’t want ANTIFA or any other group conducting violence on our streets, and especially not causing decent people to be hurt who might get caught in the crossfire

But I’m sorry, the white supremacists are still the scum of the earth. If that truth bothers some, I’m really glad.
This is what happens when America has strong leadership.

North Korea Backs Off Guam Missile-Attack Threat

At this point I don't see how people still hate trump so much. He's done absolutely nothing to impede anyone's lifestyle choices, he can't get anything through congress, and he's actually pretty entertaining. At the very worst, everyone should have an indifferent attitude toward him.

In reality, if anyone should be pissed at the guy it's his own base. No wall, no healthcare reform, no tax reform, etc. Liberals should be happy at how the first 7 months have gone.
The majority of the Paddock's views on a BLM rally: "Those uppity violent thugs are racist trash!!! How DARE they talk!!!"

The majority of the Paddock's views on a KKK rally: "Those God-fearing innocents are just enjoying their first amendment rights"

Someone HINTS at violence at a rally not centered on white men: "SEE!!! all THEY do is's the anti-white agenda!!!"

Charlottesville: "Oh well.....that's not a fair representation!! One person doesn't speak/act for all of us. It's the anti-white agenda!!!!"

Just ran a forum search on the word "uppity."

You're a liar and a lazy one at that. Try harder.
How am I a Briles slurper, for asking what he did? I seek the truth, you're terrified of the truth. You equate asking for facts about Briles and choosing not to judge him without facts as being a slurper. I see why you support Trump.

You want a truth? Trump is gonna be destroyed in one week and youre gonna spend the next 4 years whining about it.

BIGLY! HUUUUGE! He's gonna lose.

He's gonna lose, just accept it. I'm not sure why you're mad at me, I'm not gonna lose, Donald Trump is.

A Hillary supporter? Thats almost as bad as being a Trump supporter, except at least I'd be supporting a winner.
At this point I don't see how people still hate trump so much. He's done absolutely nothing to impede anyone's lifestyle choices, he can't get anything through congress, and he's actually pretty entertaining. At the very worst, everyone should have an indifferent attitude toward him.
Useful idiots + MSM is a VERY potent combo. This very thread is evidence, several times over.
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The majority of the Paddock's views on a KKK rally: "Those God-fearing innocents are just enjoying their first amendment rights"

What is so hard about linking some, errrr even a single example, when making such a despicable accusation? Not one person in a history of this board has celebrated anything about the KKK. All activists using violence as a tool should be stopped. Amazing how that getting spun as hate.
I’m not supporting any terrorist group – or any group mentioned in this thread. And I have said nothing that would make a rational person think that.

Contrary to some lunatic conspiracy theorists here, I didn’t know anything about Antifa (and maybe I still don’t). Why would I even make that up?

But, anyway, just for those folks, I got on Wikipedia and saw that ANTIFA is a recent group in the US (although it has apparently been around in Germany for longer) to violently combat fascist groups like the KKK (or their ilk). Maybe that’s right, maybe not. But that’s what I got.

So, again, violence against anybody is bad. Nobody should take the law into their own hands. But, if ANTIFA’s only target is the white supremacist groups, then I have to be honest and agree that I have a hard time caring on the same level as I would if they were terrorizing actual people, instead of sub-humans. Likewise, I don’t lose any sleep when Muslim terrorists are killed. The difference for me is that I don’t want ANTIFA or any other group conducting violence on our streets, and especially not causing decent people to be hurt who might get caught in the crossfire

But I’m sorry, the white supremacists are still the scum of the earth. If that truth bothers some, I’m really glad.
It's not wise to trust Wikipedia. Antifa terrorizes "actual people" on a regular basis, including liberals who don't subscribe to their cult. They would probably terrorize you, just because you made a negative reference to Muslim terrorists.
Nazis, communists, anarchists, whoever, all have the right to protest if they do it lawfully and peacefully. They should all be free to do so without being violently attacked. That's their right.

When you imply otherwise, you become the thing you supposedly hate.

When you're right, you're right. You are right, Sir.

As much as I despise the KKK. Mob justice is not justice.
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At this point I don't see how people still hate trump so much. He's done absolutely nothing to impede anyone's lifestyle choices, he can't get anything through congress, and he's actually pretty entertaining. At the very worst, everyone should have an indifferent attitude toward him.

In reality, if anyone should be pissed at the guy it's his own base. No wall, no healthcare reform, no tax reform, etc. Liberals should be happy at how the first 7 months have gone.
Yep, I used to say the same thing about Bush. Expanded entitlements, expanded govt (Homeland Sec), gave more power to government with the Patriot Act. Trump has accomplished outing what small shred of doubt about our media's honesty there was.
I'm honestly cool with taking down statues of Confederate generals, so long as it's legal (not like what we saw in NC), but now that we're in the business of tearing down monuments what's the over/under on tearing down the statue of Lenin in Seattle? I can't possibly fathom why these people haven't been protesting that statue.
Me either, but it is yet another precedent of bullying with violence to get their way. No order. The genie is out and no one on the left is interested in reigning them in. From UMizzou to Baltimore they leave nothing but scorched earth.
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I’m not supporting any terrorist group – or any group mentioned in this thread. And I have said nothing that would make a rational person think that.

Contrary to some lunatic conspiracy theorists here, I didn’t know anything about Antifa (and maybe I still don’t). Why would I even make that up?

But, anyway, just for those folks, I got on Wikipedia and saw that ANTIFA is a recent group in the US (although it has apparently been around in Germany for longer) to violently combat fascist groups like the KKK (or their ilk). Maybe that’s right, maybe not. But that’s what I got.

So, again, violence against anybody is bad. Nobody should take the law into their own hands. But, if ANTIFA’s only target is the white supremacist groups, then I have to be honest and agree that I have a hard time caring on the same level as I would if they were terrorizing actual people, instead of sub-humans. Likewise, I don’t lose any sleep when Muslim terrorists are killed. The difference for me is that I don’t want ANTIFA or any other group conducting violence on our streets, and especially not causing decent people to be hurt who might get caught in the crossfire

But I’m sorry, the white supremacists are still the scum of the earth. If that truth bothers some, I’m really glad.

You're right, the neo nazis and white supremacists are terrible, we all agree on that. We know what they are and what they stand for, and no one is going to let them gain any traction.

However, as you just wrote, you had no idea who antifa was, even though they have been reeking havoc across the nation for close to a year. Just last week in Portland they beat the shit out of people, burned down buildings at Berkeley, and now they're empowered. They just brawled with neo nazis and the media let them slide, called out the President when he condemned both groups fighting Saturday.

I said all that to say this, in the early 30's the people of Germany hadn't heard of actual Nazi's, they gave a pass to these guys raising hell, then before you know it they start gaining traction and the rest is history.
The pamphlet posted above is eerily similar to Nazi propaganda from that time.
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why does someone who burns Old Glory, sits for the National Anthem, calls for the assassination of police officers, wants to remove all pieces of history they don't like, wants to abolish the Constitution consider themselves an American?
Anarchism to socialism is the goal here pure and simple.
I'm honestly cool with taking down statues of Confederate generals, so long as it's legal (not like what we saw in NC), but now that we're in the business of tearing down monuments what's the over/under on tearing down the statue of Lenin in Seattle? I can't possibly fathom why these people haven't been protesting that statue.
Not news worthy.
Ha, knew they would go back to Russia again. They just can't help themselves.

Trying to set up a meeting with a world leader is not illegal, and I bet there were attempts to meet with many world leaders, but they will only report about Putin.

This is probably fake news though and it'll be debunked sometime tomorrow as these stories almost always are.
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That WaPo article basically reads that the important members of the Trump campaign acted appropriately. Certainly not damning, and maybe even a PR win.

In other news, Bannon may be fired by the end of the week...wouldn't bother me a bit.
Ha, knew they would go back to Russia again. They just can't help themselves.

Trying to set up a meeting with a world leader is not illegal, and I bet there were attempts to meet with many world leaders, but they will only report about Putin.

This is probably fake news though and it'll be debunked sometime tomorrow as these stories almost always are.

It's click bait, I read the article earlier and it points out that this aide continually asked people in the campaign to set up meetings with Russia. The article states that he was shot down every time.