How will they rule ??!

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I may have took some liberty with the actual words.
Wouldn't it be interesting to find out who this aide is/was? Almost sounds like someone trying to set Trump up.

With all the Russian hysteria, someone around him was constantly urging him to meet with Russia? Weird.
Woodrow Wilson and FDR sent various nationalities to prison camps.

I want any and all mentions of them wiped from history books, and statues anywhere on American soil destroyed.


Hillary envoked fdr during the election as a cause to come together...when he imprisoned an entire race based on nothing but race.

One of the biggest gaffes in political history. And completely untouched by msm

Did Bannon run over that lady? where is all this 'off with Bannon's head' coming from?
Wouldn't it be interesting to find out who this aide is/was? Almost sounds like someone trying to set Trump up.

With all the Russian hysteria, someone around him was constantly urging him to meet with Russia? Weird.
The name was shared in the article.
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would never list Islamic or leftist violence...probably cause it would take a helluva lot more than one tweet.

Did Bannon run over that lady? where is all this 'off with Bannon's head' coming from?
Bannon has plenty of self interests, is possibly a leaker and quite frankly imo is more trouble than he is worth. The talk of his time running out started before this Charlottesville tragedy.

Many of his pet projects have flopped or really struggled in the roll out. Guys that Trump really likes (Kelly) or have some political capital (McMaster) do not like him. At this stage, Kelly and McMaster will win out. (I don't think Trump is too happy with Bannon either, fwiw)
I'm honestly cool with taking down statues of Confederate generals, so long as it's legal (not like what we saw in NC), but now that we're in the business of tearing down monuments what's the over/under on tearing down the statue of Lenin in Seattle? I can't possibly fathom why these people haven't been protesting that statue.

How can statues of Washington and Jefferson stand? Slaveholding traitors to their countries.

To make it closer to home: how can there be a memorial to WWII. Those soldiers fought to preserve a country that was white supremacist, by any definition. So racist in fact that none other than Adolf Hitler admired our racial policies.

The fact that you won't get answers to these questions tell you that there's a nefarious mindset behind selectively choosing which history we're allowed to have. When they've erased history, they can insert themselves into that void. And beat you to a pulp if you dare defy them.
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How can statues of Washington and Jefferson stand? Slaveholding traitors to their countries.

To make it closer to home: how can there be a memorial to WWII. Those soldiers fought to preserve a country that was white supremacist, by any definition. So racist in fact that none other than Adolf Hitler admired our racial policies.

The fact that you won't get answers to these questions tell you that there's a nefarious mindset behind selectively choosing which history we're allowed to have. When they've erased history, they can insert themselves into that void. And beat you to a pulp if you dare defy them.

That is what concerns me, there is a growing number of people that truly don't understand, nor appreciate what the creation of the United States brought to the world.

What would happen if these people were called upon to serve the nation if it called?
China is a communist state that enforces strict control over its populace, they are not a friend of free people. They are also rapidly expanding their military, and look to control Asia and the South Pacific.
How can statues of Washington and Jefferson stand? Slaveholding traitors to their countries.

To make it closer to home: how can there be a memorial to WWII. Those soldiers fought to preserve a country that was white supremacist, by any definition. So racist in fact that none other than Adolf Hitler admired our racial policies.

The fact that you won't get answers to these questions tell you that there's a nefarious mindset behind selectively choosing which history we're allowed to have. When they've erased history, they can insert themselves into that void. And beat you to a pulp if you dare defy them.
I suppose I should've been more clear. I'm fine with having a confederate museum. I think that'd be a great thing to have to preserve the history. The civil war wasn't as cut and dry as we may think. For instance, Robert E. Lee was anti-slavery and anti-secession. Stonewall Jackson bought slaves so he could free them and educate them. The leader of the Union army, William Sherman, was a vile racist.

So, I get that we want to preserve history and some Confederates weren't the root of all evil. I just don't think monuments should be erected for individuals that ultimately fought against the United States.
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Same thing ISIS does.

Half of these people don't even live in that town and will probably never step foot in the state again. Awhile back I saw one on TV. They're part of outside advocacy groups from very liberal cities such San Francisco, etc...

They scour the Southern states looking for these types of things; Confederate statues, crosses on government/public property, American flags, throwing big money behind it, bringing people in, causing a fuss, and demanding they come down.
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So NK backed off its Guam threat according to reports - Trump talk won 1, lost 1 last week.

All those in media that blasted his fire and fury + other comments should admit they were wrong...they won't, but if they did they'd get more credibility when they go into outrage mode like they did this wkd.
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That is what concerns me, there is a growing number of people that truly don't understand, nor appreciate what the creation of the United States brought to the world.

What would happen if these people were called upon to serve the nation if it called?
China is a communist state that enforces strict control over its populace, they are not a friend of free people. They are also rapidly expanding their military, and look to control Asia and the South Pacific.

We are seeing the results of leftists infecting entire generations and society with their filth. They have brainwashed kids into idolizing stuff like socialism (I had two professors who loved socialism) and communism. They have told men to not be men and that it's toxic masculinity. They believe everything is owed to them and anyone who disagrees with them is a racist. It's bizarre.

These nuts couldn't even win a fist fight or have more self discipline and control over their emotions than a toddler has. They are great at yelling and sucker punching and running and making their hair very bright colors and can switch genders at the drop of a hat. Not the type who would do very well in actual combat and certainly don't want these people near weapons.

It's just depressing as hell how ignorant these group of people are and how media, academia and Hollywood are owned by them and have disregarded any common sense, rational thought and have equated love of country to being a Nazi. They think they're rebels yet advocate for bigger government. These dumb monsters just freaked out about the "one percent" a few years ago and now openly serve as soldiers for Soros, Buffett, Google, Apple, social media giants, DNC-run media, etc.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm blown away that these brainwashed zombies think they're the good guys and that the end justifies the means for everything they do. The level of mental illness and arrogance is staggering on this side.

Watch World War Z and look at those zombies and how they spread their virus and you'll see the left and SJWs are on par with them. [laughing]

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Half of these people don't even live in that town and will probably never step foot in the state again. Awhile back I saw one on TV. They're part of outside advocacy groups from very liberal cities such San Francisco, etc...

They scour the Southern states looking for these types of things; Confederate statues, crosses on government/public property, American flags, throwing big money behind it, bringing people in, causing a fuss, and demanding they come down.

They did the same thing with Ferguson. These losers come to these places and destroy because that's all they know how to do: destroy.

One of the most interesting set of events was Charleston. The media couldn't goad those people into riots after the shooting like they did in Ferguson and Baltimore and all of the other places. So what did the media and Dems do? Created hysteria over the confederate flag. It was such a ridiculous pivot.

I shouldn't be shocked by how reactionary sheep are when the media decides to stir shit up. They have the attention span of a gnat and go and destroy something, fight somebody, riot and loot and go nuts on social media until the media points them to the next thing to be furious over. I mean, can anyone even keep up with how insane the left is over everything? In a month's time, if you were asleep, you will have missed about 50 things the media tells you to be pissed about.

The last four weeks or so it has been North Korea, Charlottesville, Boy Scouts, Stephen Miller immigration debate, Mooch's language, Trump Jr., trans soldiers, ACA, "secret" Putin dinner, Macron handshake, etc. They're just the most petty vile pieces of filth imaginable. They honestly have no idea how to do anything except assault, riot, attack and consume like the parasites they are.
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We are seeing the results of leftists infecting entire generations and society with their filth. They have brainwashed kids into idolizing stuff like socialism (I had two professors who loved socialism) and communism. They have told men to not be men and that it's toxic masculinity. They believe everything is owed to them and anyone who disagrees with them is a racist. It's bizarre.

These nuts couldn't even win a fist fight or have more self discipline and control over their emotions than a toddler has. They are great at yelling and sucker punching and running and making their hair very bright colors and can switch genders at the drop of a hat. Not the type who would do very well in actual combat and certainly don't want these people near weapons.

It's just depressing as hell how ignorant these group of people are and how media, academia and Hollywood are owned by them and have disregarded any common sense, rational thought and have equated love of country to being a Nazi. They think they're rebels yet advocate for bigger government. These dumb monsters just freaked out about the "one percent" a few years ago and now openly serve as soldiers for Soros, Buffett, Google, Apple, social media giants, DNC-run media, etc.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm blown away that these brainwashed zombies think they're the good guys and that the end justifies the means for everything they do. The level of mental illness and arrogance is staggering on this side.

Watch World War Z and look at those zombies and how they spread their virus and you'll see the left and SJWs are on par with them. [laughing]
I'm one of about 9 conservatives in academia and it can be a little exhausting at times. It's why my posts on here are sporadic. I get worn out of the political discussion because it's nonstop on my campus.

Anyways, I was talking with colleagues of mine about the Charlottesville incident and Trump's message. I said I can see why people would like Trump to specifically call out neo-Nazis or the KKK, but I thought Trump was getting at the larger picture of the violence that's been going on for a while now with both sides being responsible. The person I was talking to said, "what do you mean, by both sides?" I said groups like ANTIFA are on the opposite side of the white supremacists and both have committed acts of violence throughout the year. The person asked me to name 1 time ANTIFA did something violent. I pointed out the Berkley incident of them destroying their own campus because someone they disagreed with was coming to speak. My colleague said they understood that because they were stopping hateful speakers from coming to campus. So, here for them it's ok to be violent so long as you agree with the one carrying out the violence.

Another conversation I had with a different colleague was about after Trump won the election. I said I wasn't a huge fan of him, but I need to move on with my life and get the things done that I need to get done. Basically I was saying that marching down the streets everyday for 4 years isn't a realistic option for those who opposed Trump. Well, later this individual left to "discover himself" in Thailand for a few months. When he came back he posted a long story on Facebook about why he left. Part of it was a summary of our conversation, unless he had another just like ours. He said he couldn't believe how some were just so willing to move on and ignore all of the hate. Worst part is he took that as a DIRECT insult to him.

I could write a lot more about the conversations I've had with other academics on political issues, and I'm sure I will another day. Ultimately, it's rather appalling to be on a college campus right now and listen to some of these openly hateful ideas shared so freely.
I'm one of about 9 conservatives in academia and it can be a little exhausting at times. It's why my posts on here are sporadic. I get worn out of the political discussion because it's nonstop on my campus.

Anyways, I was talking with colleagues of mine about the Charlottesville incident and Trump's message. I said I can see why people would like Trump to specifically call out neo-Nazis or the KKK, but I thought Trump was getting at the larger picture of the violence that's been going on for a while now with both sides being responsible. The person I was talking to said, "what do you mean, by both sides?" I said groups like ANTIFA are on the opposite side of the white supremacists and both have committed acts of violence throughout the year. The person asked me to name 1 time ANTIFA did something violent. I pointed out the Berkley incident of them destroying their own campus because someone they disagreed with was coming to speak. My colleague said they understood that because they were stopping hateful speakers from coming to campus. So, here for them it's ok to be violent so long as you agree with the one carrying out the violence.

Another conversation I had with a different colleague was about after Trump won the election. I said I wasn't a huge fan of him, but I need to move on with my life and get the things done that I need to get done. Basically I was saying that marching down the streets everyday for 4 years isn't a realistic option for those who opposed Trump. Well, later this individual left to "discover himself" in Thailand for a few months. When he came back he posted a long story on Facebook about why he left. Part of it was a summary of our conversation, unless he had another just like ours. He said he couldn't believe how some were just so willing to move on and ignore all of the hate. Worst part is he took that as a DIRECT insult to him.

I could write a lot more about the conversations I've had with other academics on political issues, and I'm sure I will another day. Ultimately, it's rather appalling to be on a college campus right now and listen to some of these openly hateful ideas shared so freely.

Unreal and not surprising. It's like talking to a cult. Everything is justified. I got into it with my former liberal professor on Twitter like I routinely do. He's awful. His hypocrisy is constant yet he's fine with it.

I showed him some DNC leaks and media collusion and his response was, "Oh, you don't think the same went on with the RNC?" He goes nuts about Fox, Hannity, Trump, Tucker and how awful they are all the time. He has never once said a single critical thing about Democrats.

I checked his twitter yesterday and he did the same thing as you described above. WH correspondent tweeted about violence from both sides. Professor goes, "Both sides? You're trying to run interference and excuse white supremacy. Pathetic."

I replied to him that I had never seen him bring up Antifa or BLM despite consistent violence. I looked to see if he mentioned Scalise and nope, nothing. He took a day to respond that those groups are a false equivalence and me bringing them up is a concersarion-ender for him."

GD sheep. Me pointing out his hypocrisy and silence on ignoring leftist violence is a false equivalence? Who the hell has hurt more people? It's not even a debate. How can you claim to be fair and be silent about those hate groups?

Again, we must realize that Dems believe in violence for their cause. They believe the end justifies the means no matter what just like your coleague's excuse.
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Unreal and not surprising. It's like talking to a cult. Everything is justified. I got into it with my former liberal professor on Twitter like I routinely do. He's awful. His hypocrisy is constant yet he's fine with it.

I showed him some DNC leaks and media collusion and his response was, "Oh, you don't think the same went on with the RNC?" He goes nuts about Fox, Hannity, Trump, Tucker and how awful they are all the time. He has never once said a single critical thing about Democrats.

I checked his twitter yesterday and he did the same thing as you described above. WH correspondent tweeted about violence from both sides. Professor goes, "Both sides? You're trying to run interference and excuse white supremacy. Pathetic."

I replied to him that I had never seen him bring up Antifa or BLM despite consistent violence. I looked to see if he mentioned Scalise and nope, nothing. He took a day to respond that those groups are a false equivalence and me bringing them up is a concersarion-ender for him."

GD sheep. Me pointing out his hypocrisy and silence on ignoring leftist violence is a false equivalence? Who the hell has hurt more people? It's not even a debate. How can you claim to be fair and be silent about those hate groups?

Again, we must realize that Dems believe in violence for their cause. They believe the end justifies the means no matter what just like your coleague's excuse.
Somehow they can't comprehend that I'd be against the KKK and ANTIFA at the same time. It's astounding. The thing is most of them are very smart individuals and pleasures to be around so long as politics don't come up. Now, I have nothing against hanging out with folks on the left. Some of my best friends are on the left. I'm talking about how some of these people think being white is terrorism. Not that white people have done terroristic things, but being white in and of itself is terrorism. Figure that one out. It's like they're having a pissing contest on who can come up with the craziest philosophies.

What really annoyed me during the election cycle was constantly hearing about how awful and racist people who voted for Trump are. Every week I was hearing about how states that voted Trump were nothing but KKK members. It's only slightly calmed down. You can only be quiet for so long while someone from Orange County says the only reason Ohioans and Kentuckians voted for Trump are because they're racist, bigot, homophobes that hate the poor. I'm from Ohio and have family roots in Kentucky so that hits home.

I could go on for pages on this thread about academia. The problem I perceive with most of them is that they intentionally separate themselves with differing points of view, so they're lives are just one big echo chamber politically. I think a lot of academics will have less than 5 conservative friends. Not people they know, but actual friends they go out of their way to talk to/spend time with.
Lol... I drove by that this weekend. It's on the corner of a street next to a bar. Lots in that area go for around $400K per quarter acre.
I've never seen it. I thought maybe it's part of some type of art park/museum and it doesn't stand alone. Surely Seattle didn't step back and say "we really outta erect a statue of Vladimir Lenin."
nothing to see here from the future dictator of the formerly United States:
A website used to organize inauguration protests on January 20, 2017, in Washington, D.C. is now the target of a request for data by the U.S. government that is unusual—and, says one legal analyst, “chilling.”

After pursuing legal action against about 200 protesters and attempting to extract data from 100 locked phones seized during the event, the Justice Dept. is now seeking to identify other participants with a demand to the web hosting company DreamHost: turn over the 1.3 million IP addresses of the computers that visited, along with the contact information, submitted comments, email content, and photos of thousands of people.

But yes, please continue ranting about trannies and the media.
nothing to see here from the future dictator of the formerly United States:
A website used to organize inauguration protests on January 20, 2017, in Washington, D.C. is now the target of a request for data by the U.S. government that is unusual—and, says one legal analyst, “chilling.”

After pursuing legal action against about 200 protesters and attempting to extract data from 100 locked phones seized during the event, the Justice Dept. is now seeking to identify other participants with a demand to the web hosting company DreamHost: turn over the 1.3 million IP addresses of the computers that visited, along with the contact information, submitted comments, email content, and photos of thousands of people.

But yes, please continue ranting about trannies and the media.
Sounds like the Obama supporters that are still working there are trying to continue his policies of spying on the American people.
nothing to see here from the future dictator of the formerly United States:
A website used to organize inauguration protests on January 20, 2017, in Washington, D.C. is now the target of a request for data by the U.S. government that is unusual—and, says one legal analyst, “chilling.”

After pursuing legal action against about 200 protesters and attempting to extract data from 100 locked phones seized during the event, the Justice Dept. is now seeking to identify other participants with a demand to the web hosting company DreamHost: turn over the 1.3 million IP addresses of the computers that visited, along with the contact information, submitted comments, email content, and photos of thousands of people.

But yes, please continue ranting about trannies and the media.

We warned you what was going to happen when you were supporting Obama trampling privacy rights and violating civil rights at every step.

You didn't listen.

So you have no right to complain now that Trump has requested your IP address. Leave that to those of us who aren't lunatic fringe hypocrites.
There hasn't been one person on here who has supported white supremacists. None.

Lol, say often enough it becomes truth, right?
He has been brain washed like many on the left to believe that all white people are bad. Only the "familiars" are tolerated until the agenda is complete.
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He has been brain washed like many on the left to believe that all white people are bad. Only the "familiars" are tolerated until the agenda is complete.

Do white lunatic liberals ever stop to think what would occur if all of us on the right just vanished over night? You don't think that Frankenstein you created regardig race would turn on you? You think your pitchfork mob would stop and say, "it's okay, guys. He has a BLM shirt." No. That war on whities and the concept of "whiteness" would be your way cause that's jow tribalism works.

You're united in your hate of white men but your group would eat each other at the drop of a hat if we were gone.

Also, conservatives, you think this group who continues to assault people, tries to silence speech and tears down statues and burns flags have any regard for the Constitution? They are monsters who go nuts about "old white guys" and perceived oppression (while pushing to have oppressive government) so you think these people care to protect that doctrine?