How will they rule ??!

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Paddock: Poor defenseless Nazi's and their matchsticks just minding their own business.
World: Nazi's hold unlawful march as one terrorist kills opposition leftist with a Dodge muscle car.
America: Slow to act with a heart full of hate this weekend.

where were you when BLM was burning down cities, assassinating cops, then getting invited to the White House?
Please calm down, man. It's not worth your health. This is not that serious. This is all fun and games, I don't harbor ill will for you... I simply quoted the post where you lost your rag and called us all, what was it, oh yeah... "you guys are trash... You are lying again, habitual liar, more proof that you're trash! I post on here when I know you clowns are being hypocrites about something, You make up lies to make yourself feel better. Just accept the fact that you're a clown and habitual liar.

I'm a libertarian and despise the left and the right because they're both terrible and destroying this country. I go at you guys because you are the absolute worst. Just terrible human being with no honor who habitually lie and get into groups and try to bully others
" and insinuated you were triggered. You then verified that accusation by going on another tirade off of a 1-word post.

As for the proof, well, you've thrown out a lot of shit to unpack in the past day, but we can start with proving all the insults you tossed out about us (as a group, as you insinuated) being liars and bullies. Again, man. Think small at first. Baby steps.

Start by re-reading what you've already posted. I hear you can get so mad you can forget what you said. Good luck, buddy.
First lie, I always defend the left. Second lie, you're a liberal.

I said about you as a group because you lied. I know y'all are into alternative facts, but I'm old school and when someone doesn't tell the truth, that's a lie.

The bully aspect, I had 6 or 7 of you coming at me not even knowing why they were mad. It didn't matter, reason and logic go out the window when your trying be a bully and fit into the group.

Let me reaming you again, YOU came at me.
Paddock: Poor defenseless Nazi's and their matchsticks just minding their own business.
World: Nazi's hold unlawful march as one terrorist kills opposition leftist with a Dodge muscle car.
America: Slow to act with a heart full of hate this weekend.
How was it unlawful James?
somehow I believe Soros is behind all of this.

they were all organized, all knew the others were going to be there. none represent anything a conservative or Trump supporter actually stands for. and the left media got exactly what they could have hoped for out of it. too staged to me.
I would be shocked if Soros wasn't involved in it some way, even if it was only a tiny bit.
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Paddock: Poor defenseless Nazi's and their matchsticks just minding their own business.
World: Nazi's hold unlawful march as one terrorist kills opposition leftist with a Dodge muscle car.
America: Slow to act with a heart full of hate this weekend.
Opened your eyes for once did you. They have been closed the last 8 years, purposely I suspect and know.
Got banned for sticking up for Cal and calling out the haters and trolls. At least that's what I was told. But wouldn't be ashamed for being banned by calling you libtarded fool out.

Suck a Donald Trump pickle. Go America.
Yeah, and all those libtard views I spew, like... learn facts before speaking from a place ignorance. That is so long are and I see why you're mad. Its like if a retard and a liberal had a baby, a libtard.
it seems like people like you are the one's making "white supremacists" relevant. you keep bringing it up. you make a point nearly every time you type to include that term. no one here is disagreeing. no one here ever defended those idiots. they are not relevant. the media however, are trying their damnest to make them relevant so they can have their "gotcha" moment. and you are eating it up.

You’re just clearly wrong. If you read my original post, you would see that it was, contrary to your point, about why I think anti-KKK/white supremacists/ Nazi/etc. protestors should stop having these rallies to counter those irrelevant nut-jobs. Other than that, all I did was describe the vileness of the KKK (does that term bother you less than white supremacists?) in different derogatory terms while respectfully communicating with other posters that responded to me.

And your complaint that I keep mentioning “white supremacists” is strange, since the topic was in fact about the white supremacists gathering in Charlottesville and the group/groups there to counter them (which again I said seemed to me to probably be a bad idea). And, I never said anyone here disagreed with the (accurate) characterization of ALL WHITE SUPREMACISTS as low functioning, mentally deficient, likely child- molesting individuals.

Not talking about these morons doesn’t make anything better. In fact, as I’ve said a number of times, I think they should be called out, ridiculed, mocked, etc., as much as possible, everywhere they go, and non-stop. They should never be allowed to think they are normal or accepted in our society.
First lie, I always defend the left. Second lie, you're a liberal.

I said about you as a group because you lied. I know y'all are into alternative facts, but I'm old school and when someone doesn't tell the truth, that's a lie.

The bully aspect, I had 6 or 7 of you coming at me not even knowing why they were mad. It didn't matter, reason and logic go out the window when your trying be a bully and fit into the group.

Let me reaming you again, YOU came at me.
My man... lol. You called us all liars, bullies, trash, hypocrites and terrible human beings... in 1 post, before I ever muttered a word to you.

You are ****ing deranged. Do you hear me? Seek help.
Off topic here, but if I'm gay or lesbian, I'm pretty pissed that they have lumped transgender folks in with me. I don't care if you want to put your wang in another dude's ass or if you want to go muff diving with your BFF, but the transgender thing bugs me. Rant over.
Why? Apparently the only thing they seem to hate is their bodies.
You’re just clearly wrong. If you read my original post, you would see that it was, contrary to your point, about why I think anti-KKK/white supremacists/ Nazi/etc. protestors should stop having these rallies to counter those irrelevant nut-jobs. Other than that, all I did was describe the vileness of the KKK (does that term bother you less than white supremacists?) in different derogatory terms while respectfully communicating with other posters that responded to me.

And your complaint that I keep mentioning “white supremacists” is strange, since the topic was in fact about the white supremacists gathering in Charlottesville and the group/groups there to counter them (which again I said seemed to me to probably be a bad idea). And, I never said anyone here disagreed with the (accurate) characterization of ALL WHITE SUPREMACISTS as low functioning, mentally deficient, likely child- molesting individuals.

Not talking about these morons doesn’t make anything better. In fact, as I’ve said a number of times, I think they should be called out, ridiculed, mocked, etc., as much as possible, everywhere they go, and non-stop. They should never be allowed to think they are normal or accepted in our society.

all this coming from the guy who came running to the paddock to have his told ya so moment wtih whitey but claims to have no idea who Antifa is? this weekend was one incident started by a bunch of idiots. you want to know who Antifa is? every single other incident you have seen on the news for the last year of riots, protests, assaults, accross college campuses and cities? every single one of those that have been on the news, that was Antifa and BLM. except your precious media have gone to great lengths to protect them.

are you calling out, ridiculing, mocking non stop these other domestic terror groups? doesn't sound like it. you are just attacking the one that suits your agenda.
all this coming from the guy who came running to the paddock to have his told ya so moment wtih whitey but claims to have no idea who Antifa is? this weekend was one incident started by a bunch of idiots. you want to know who Antifa is? every single other incident you have seen on the news for the last year of riots, protests, assaults, accross college campuses and cities? every single one of those that have been on the news, that was Antifa and BLM. except your precious media have gone to great lengths to protect them.

are you calling out, ridiculing, mocking non stop these other domestic terror groups? doesn't sound like it. you are just attacking the one that suits your agenda.
Hes lying. He knows exactly who ANTIFA is. Claming ignorance is laughable. How would someone not know of a political terrorist organization that has committed numerous acts of violence?
all this coming from the guy who came running to the paddock to have his told ya so moment wtih whitey but claims to have no idea who Antifa is? this weekend was one incident started by a bunch of idiots. you want to know who Antifa is? every single other incident you have seen on the news for the last year of riots, protests, assaults, accross college campuses and cities? every single one of those that have been on the news, that was Antifa and BLM. except your precious media have gone to great lengths to protect them.

are you calling out, ridiculing, mocking non stop these other domestic terror groups? doesn't sound like it. you are just attacking the one that suits your agenda.

Wow, I seem to have touched a nerve with you talking negatively about white supremacists. I don’t intend to try to follow your rambling, but I do intend to keep up the assault on your brethren. If that hits too close to home for you, I’m glad.
Wow, I seem to have touched a nerve with you talking negatively about white supremacists. I don’t intend to try to follow your rambling, but I do intend to keep up the assault on your brethren. If that hits too close to home for you, I’m glad.

What assault are you speaking of? And who's brethren?
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Wow, I seem to have touched a nerve with you talking negatively about white supremacists. I don’t intend to try to follow your rambling, but I do intend to keep up the assault on your brethren. If that hits too close to home for you, I’m glad.
You guys are going to get so creamed in 2018 and 2020. I can't wait.

You idiots learned nothing from this past election.
Wow, I seem to have touched a nerve with you talking negatively about white supremacists. I don’t intend to try to follow your rambling, but I do intend to keep up the assault on your brethren. If that hits too close to home for you, I’m glad.
Tootle pip, it is insinuations like this that shows us what you are. Veiled insults are one of the libtards go to attacks.
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Wow, I seem to have touched a nerve with you talking negatively about white supremacists. I don’t intend to try to follow your rambling, but I do intend to keep up the assault on your brethren. If that hits too close to home for you, I’m glad.

your attacking one terrorist group while supporting the other ones. you are no better than any of these idiots this weekend. Nazi's and American don't go together. we fought a war over it, they lost. those idiots this weekend or anyone sporting the swastika are vile scum. but, you aren't condoning any other terror group. just one. it isn't about the scum this weekend being bad with you, it's about your hatred of white people in general. you sir are the racist here.
These idiots don't realize that if they get what they're asking for that their lives are not going to be a good as they are now. Who do they think will provide the means of production and distribution? They will not be able to sit at home on their collective fat ass and receive a check. They will be forced to work and for a lot less money than they get for free now.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Quote me on that, or the guy who said it first.
They think rich people will pay for it. They also think they can sit on their couch and receive a check.
your attacking one terrorist group while supporting the other ones. you are no better than any of these idiots this weekend. Nazi's and American don't go together. we fought a war over it, they lost. those idiots this weekend or anyone sporting the swastika are vile scum. but, you aren't condoning any other terror group. just one. it isn't about the scum this weekend being bad with you, it's about your hatred of white people in general. you sir are the racist here.
Game, Set, and Match.
ymmot31 said:
These idiots don't realize that if they get what they're asking for that their lives are not going to be a good as they are now. Who do they think will provide the means of production and distribution? They will not be able to sit at home on their collective fat ass and receive a check. They will be forced to work and for a lot less money than they get for free now.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Quote me on that, or the guy who said it first.

I have been saying this for awhile now. This is the honest truth of it all and they are really too dumb to see it. That is why there are people like us to save them from themselves. Although, sometimes I wish we could send them to a country that supports their ideas. They would all start crying like Geyser Soso begging us to rescue them from their enslavement to socialism.
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Hes lying. He knows exactly who ANTIFA is. Claming ignorance is laughable. How would someone not know of a political terrorist organization that has committed numerous acts of violence?
Because they agree with him politically. See, it's not terrorism if your politics line up. To them, "it's fighting the good fight" or being "warriors for freedom."
After the purge. Terminology reminiscent of Fascist, socialist, and Nazi style rhetoric. The left embraces these kind of groups.
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Paddock: Poor defenseless Nazi's and their matchsticks just minding their own business.
World: Nazi's hold unlawful march as one terrorist kills opposition leftist with a Dodge muscle car.
America: Slow to act with a heart full of hate this weekend.

The majority of the Paddock's views on a BLM rally: "Those uppity violent thugs are racist trash!!! How DARE they talk!!!"

The majority of the Paddock's views on a KKK rally: "Those God-fearing innocents are just enjoying their first amendment rights"

Someone HINTS at violence at a rally not centered on white men: "SEE!!! all THEY do is's the anti-white agenda!!!"

Charlottesville: "Oh well.....that's not a fair representation!! One person doesn't speak/act for all of us. It's the anti-white agenda!!!!"
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