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If you're an American at a protest supporting a statue of a Confederate general in 2017 wearing a swastika

What about those of us who are Americans that support the preservation of all American history, good or bad, regardless, who aren't wearing swastikas? Are we lumped in with the piece of shit racists as well?

The statue is irrelevant and isn't the problem. The problem is the racist people defending it and the fascist people wanting to tear it down.
A lot of tap dancing around the specific condemnation of Nazis on here. Unfortunately, not surprised one bit.
Another idiot shows up condemning those who have already condemned the actions of today but you will never see these 2 to 3 morons condemn the actions of BLM, Antifa, or Islamic terrorist. You hypocrites are worst than the white supremacist that marched today. I bet you make your families very proud.
How do you know? They have an affinity for Nazism. How do you know they stop at economic policy? Plenty of neo-Nazis have said they are perfectly fine with controlled state capitalism as long as it directed by and for the benefit of white people. You are going on generalizations that these people are the old right wing militia of the 90s that was rabidly anti-government. These people have shown no such anti-government stance. At least across the board. You seem to be focused on pedantry, but don't even know for a fact that what you're saying is true.

If someone says they're a Nazi, I'm really not going to ask questions about their position on interest policy. I'm going to assume they're a damn Nazi
Well these neo-Nazi groups tend to vote Republican. The Republican platform is not even close to what Nazism in the 1930s was, at all. They can call themselves whatever they want, but they aren't the same. I'd say it's not an issue and we're arguing semantics, but it's important to understand that the Hitler regime isn't here in America. Some, maybe not you, think it is. I'm far less interested in what a group calls themselves than what they actually do and stand for.
Like I've already once, to the first holier than thou that tried to generalize us all, be specific. If you want to call someone out, then do it by name. Stop being a coward and labeling the whole thread.
That is their only way to confront, lack of a spine.
How do you know? They have an affinity for Nazism. How do you know they stop at economic policy? Plenty of neo-Nazis have said they are perfectly fine with controlled state capitalism as long as it directed by and for the benefit of white people. You are going on generalizations that these people are the old right wing militia of the 90s that was rabidly anti-government. These people have shown no such anti-government stance. At least across the board. You seem to be focused on pedantry, but don't even know for a fact that what you're saying is true.

If someone says they're a Nazi, I'm really not going to ask questions about their position on interest policy. I'm going to assume they're a damn Nazi
So, do you believe that those who call themselves Antifa's are actually anti fascist? Or, do their actions suggest otherwise.
I'd love to see someone show just one post on these last 2-3 pages were someone was tap dancing around condemning nazis.

If theres just one, it shouldn't be too hard to find. Show us.
Please show us....I ask them better than you did but, they still will not answer.
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Again, how odd that on a day where literal Nazis are marching in the street and murdering people some of you simply can't just say it's bad with no equivocation or comparison.

The sad thing is, you don't realize you're just as bad as the leftists you bitch about. You're so myopic that you literally think democrats are as bad as f**king Nazis. Not only antifa or BLM, but just random "libtards" are as bad as people running people over with cars and chanting about eradicating Jews.

Get the F**k out of your bubble and get a tiny bit of perspective

It's the hypocrisy thats the issue. In America political violence should not be tolerated by anyone. But political violence coming from the left is whitewashed by the media.

Were you this outraged when some whacked out communist shot up a softball field filled with republican congressman? I read this thread quite often and I don't remember your handwringing about that one.

You just feel like you scored a political point on this one, so you're here to rub it in people's faces like they're Nazi sympathizers. I abhor Totalitarians in any form, as I assume everyone in this thread does. It's disgusting to suggest that anyone here is a Nazi sympathizer.
Idk who the murderer today was, but I saw "media" reports on twitter about "brutality" from the "white nationalists" and one reporter said "skulls were literally being crushed in the streets" and he tweeted 4 pics of a guy getting hit with a stick lmao.

If you can put politics aside, all this stuff is really hilarious in a South Park sort of way. Humanity has lost its damned mind. The amount of people standing around with their cell phones is really hilarious, too.

Also Trump condemned the shit, obviously, and called for peace. Twitter lost its damned mind. What's he supppsed to say? KILL WHITEY!!!??
I skimmed through the last 4 pages or so. Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen anyone that wasn't condemning the actions of the white supremacists today or Nazis.
I looked again too, didn't see a single person who didn't condemn it.

However, I do see some people who 'tapdanced' around condemning violence from BLM and ANTIFA, which makes their opinions on today null and void.
All these clowns should just head to their local Applebees and have their stick fights before the restaurants close down for good.
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To be honest, I can't evenfollow that train of thought. What's that moron trying to say?

How did hate for HRC cause her & Barrie to give us Benghazi, or the Gaddafi assassination, or the Russian expansion, or the Iran deal, or a nuclear North Korea?
I really don't understand what this guy is saying. Is he saying that Hillary and Obama did this to get even with us?
It's the hypocrisy thats the issue. In America political violence should not be tolerated by anyone. But political violence coming from the left is whitewashed by the media.

Were you this outraged when some whacked out communist shot up a softball field filled with republican congressman? I read this thread quite often and I don't remember your handwringing about that one.

You just feel like you scored a political point on this one, so you're here to rub it in people's faces like they're Nazi sympathizers. I abhor Totalitarians in any form, as I assume everyone in this thread does. It's disgusting to suggest that anyone here is a Nazi sympathizer.
I've been posting in this thread for years. I haven't been around recently because it's been 90% Alex jones conspiracy theories and race realism.

Anyone familiar with my years of posting know I'm the furthest thing from a leftist there is
Jim Gray taking down the Confederate statues downtown. Maybe he can use them to help fill the giant hole.

Well, nvm, I spoke too soon about Lexington...

Wonder if Eli will follow suit?

I thought both mayor and UK handled things relatively well, kind of like adults...I guess Gray tapdanced like a PC pussboi, but Eli basically said "look, idiots, this is ancient history, we will put up a plaque explaining/teaching history so students understand this is indeed history and it is not present and happening now". But he also covered it up and put the decision on a new former committee bc everybody is just a giant p-boi I guess. But history is educational and should be taught. It's important we don't forget slavery and all sorts of other bad shit. It teaches us where we've been and what we've accomplished. Sad.
I've been posting in this thread for years. I haven't been around recently because it's been 90% Alex jones conspiracy theories and race realism.

Anyone familiar with my years of posting know I'm the furthest thing from a leftist there is
Alex Jones is as nutty as Nazis are pieces of shit racists. Not sure what thread you're talking about, but I frequent here everyday and Alex Jones is a laughing stock, just like Richard Spencer.

You've gone off the deep end with the generalizations, blindly labeling fools. Again, if you have something to say to someone, then be specific. Who's the Alex Jones conspiracist?
white fragility is strong here
Mayor Gray is asking the city council to ask the state military commission for permission to move the confederate statues to veterans no, they're not going away.
Alex Jones is as nutty as Nazis are pieces of shit racists. Not sure what thread you're talking about, but I frequent here everyday and Alex Jones is a laughing stock, just like Richard Spencer.

You've gone off the deep end with the generalizations, blindly labeling fools. Again, if you have something to say to someone, then be specific. Who's the Alex Jones conspiracist?
This is the Paddock, after all. It's not like this board is afraid to call people out. If you read the constant threads on here each one of them have at least 1 poster the regulars routinely make fun of, and it's perfectly clear who that person is.
I'd love to see someone show just one post on these last 2-3 pages were someone was tap dancing around condemning nazis.

If theres just one, it shouldn't be too hard to find. Show us.
Still waiting for an answer. It shouldn't take around an hour to point us to this one post I am asking for.

Its almost didn't really happen or something.
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I suppose we've all read about this over the last month or two. When is it going to go mainstream and bring down the whole Russia conspiracy story? Hilariously, if it is correct, Trump will have the last laugh at those who scoffed at him for not agreeing outright that Russian was behind the "Hack," because there was no hack.
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One one hand, I don't give a shit if they leave confederate statues up...i just live not sure why ppl complaining about them can't do the same.

However, I also hate it when people say it's part of our heritage and we shpuldnt forget oyr countries past and story. The reality is, yes it's history, so it belongs In a museum..but United States government entities shouldn't display confederate things. Not because of some politically correct feelings or slavery, or whatever. Solely, You know, bc the confederacy committed treason against the US. Why would a US entity keep something up that tried to break off from it and declared war on it? The confederacy lost, therefore remaining part of the United States, therefore falling back into US jurisdiction and law.
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One one hand, I don't give a shit if they leave confederate statues up...i just live not sure why ppl complaining about them can't do the same.

However, I also hate it when people say it's part of our heritage and we shpuldnt forget oyr countries past and story. The reality is, yes it's history, so it belongs In a museum..but United States government entities shouldn't display confederate things. Not because of some politically correct feelings or slavery, or whatever. Solely, You know, bc the confederacy committed treason against the US. Why would a US entity keep something up that tried to break off from it and declared war on it? The confederacy lost, therefore remaining part of the United States, therefore falling back into US jurisdiction and law.

The confederate states did not commit treason, Jesus Christ. The Constitution gave every state the right to leave the Union.
I've been posting in this thread for years. I haven't been around recently because it's been 90% Alex jones conspiracy theories and race realism.

Anyone familiar with my years of posting know I'm the furthest thing from a leftist there is

If you're not a leftist you should hate the mainstream media as I do. You should know that they're going to use this tragedy to paint all Trump supporters as violent racists. They want people to equate Trump supporters with Nazis.

After you heard the news today you came here and played the same role as the media, by insinuating the people in this thread were violent Nazis condoning the attack today.
The confederate states did not commit treason, Jesus Christ. The Constitution gave every state the right to leave the Union.
Okay...except you left a little detail out. Your flaw is that you assume leaving the union was the only treasonous offense. Unfortunately you may want to go back and read the rest of your constitution.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them"

When they decided to pick up arms against the US...treason, when they killed American soldiers, treason. Jesus christ. Try again