How will they rule ??!

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Basically a domestic terror attack, launching a car into a crowd. Put a bullet in them w/no trial, fine by me - it's on camera.

Another point - counter protestors...unless someone is directly in danger, let the idiots march and move on. The counter protest to the original march is always the shit causing deal. I remember a few years ago the KKK was going to have a gathering in Louisville...big story on the news leading up to the meeting, everyone wanted it to be shut comes and like 12 guys showed up, no counter protestors and absolutely zero people gave them any attention.

Opposition makes these guys feel relevant. They are losers who today feel like they are big shit.
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Freedom of speech and the right to it is American whether you consider it hate speech or not. Oppose it, scream at them, call them names if you wish but, the moment you physically try to stop them, you are the one who is wrong.

Speak of the devil. I told you.

Eff all of these scumbags. They hate whites and Christians so badly.

But I love the hypocrisy by the collectivists. Whites are responsible for all things bad. They have no issues attaching everything to the right but then turn around and play the BS act of not to judge Muslims, not to judge Libs cause of Antifa, don't judge the black community for anything, don't judge illegals.

Judge whites, judge Christians, judge Trump supporters. Everyone else are "victims."
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Someone died? These mofos have lost their damn minds, both sides. Preserving a statue/having one removed isn't worth all this.

Lmao that's what started this?! A statue? Idiots. Everyone involved in the argument over a statue should be sent to N Korea.

UK/Lexington didn't even get that childish when idiots tried to start something over that campus painting and city statue.
Lmao that's what started this?! A statue? Idiots. Everyone involved in the argument over a statue should be sent to N Korea.

UK/Lexington didn't even get that childish when idiots tried to start something over that campus painting and city statue.

Yep. General Lee statue. They've already changed the name of the park from Lee Park to Emancipation Park and another park down the road from Stonewall Jackson Park to Justice Park.

Just obliterating history because people back then don't live up to their politically correct standards. Like it or not, and no matter how egregious I think their behavior/actions were by today's standards, people in the 1800's lived a different life. Social norms were way different. Judging them by today's standards, trying to erase them from history is a tad ridiculous, imo.
Yep. General Lee statue. They've already changed the name of the park from Lee Park to Emancipation Park and another park down the road from Stonewall Jackson Park to Justice Park.

Just obliterating history because people back then don't live up to their politically correct standards. Like it or not, and no matter how egregious I think their behavior/actions were by today's standards, people in the 1800's lived a different life. Social norms were way different. Judging them by today's standards, trying to erase them from history is a tad ridiculous, imo.

Worth dying over? People need to learn to pick their battles. Having a statue removed and the name of a park changed has zero effect on anyone's life. Not worth inciting a riot and putting people in actual danger.
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Yep. General Lee statue. They've already changed the name of the park from Lee Park to Emancipation Park and another park down the road from Stonewall Jackson Park to Justice Park.

Just obliterating history because people back then don't live up to their politically correct standards. Like it or not, and no matter how egregious I think their behavior/actions were by today's standards, people in the 1800's lived a different life. Social norms were way different. Judging them by today's standards, trying to erase them from history is a tad ridiculous, imo.
Yup, erasing history is what ISIS does. They destroy statues too.

Obviously theres got to be a better way to defend the statues than what the idiots did today.
Worth dying over? People need to learn to pick their battles. Having a statue removed and the name of a park changed has zero effect on anyone's life. Not worth inciting a riot and putting people in actual danger.
The white supremacy dipshits were going to march - had the permits etc. The battle for them was already lost as the statue/park name was already donezo. I can't understand why the "counter-protestors" even showed up and entertained the thought of sharing the street with them. The supremacy group probably feels they got a win today, which makes everyone losers.

I ignore my toddler when he throws a fit...I'd imagine that'd be good stategy to use in these scenarios. Let ppl march - don't give them an audience or make them feel important.
The white supremacy dipshits were going to march - had the permits etc. The battle for them was already lost as the statue/park name was already donezo. I can't understand why the "counter-protestors" even showed up and entertained the thought of sharing the street with them. The supremacy group probably feels they got a win today, which makes everyone losers.

I ignore my toddler when he throws a fit...I'd imagine that'd be good stategy to use in these scenarios. Let ppl march - don't give them an audience or make them feel important.

Agreed, but the fringes are powder kegs right now. A bunch of torch carrying white supremacists marching through an ultra liberal college town is a bad idea, period.
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Also, I'm not convinced that is the right person, but it's rather prevalent.
Yeah, I think that person started posting on facebook that it wasn't them. I imagine they wouldn't be on facebook if they were in custody.

Very well could still end up being a leftist, like 99% of violence comes from them.
Honestly any protest for skin color is just moronic. They always turn into complete shit shows. Why do people think doing this is effective? I don't get it. It makes you look foolish, plus they had to have known libtards would infiltrate and do even more harm.

This shit won't help heal our divided country.
Exactly. Who thinks marching with tiki torches, and saying the "N" word is going to make anyone think 'you know what they are right'? The whole thing is just really dumb.
Explain why it's bullshit. I'm not saying everyone who leans politically right is a racist nazi obviously. Most of us are just average people with different approaches toward public policy decisions. But the racist nazis that do exist are on the right. When was the last time you saw an extreme leftist communist nazi? The left has many problems as well, but they ain't nazis.
What do you think it means to be a nazi? Nazism is a philosophy that wants the state to control everything and shutdown free speech. What about that sounds like it's what conservatives want? Fascism and nazism are inherently left leaning ideologies.
I agree with you, but the nationalism is what makes it considered alt-right. That, and the fact you had dozens of them wearing swastikas today/yesterday.
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even willy wouldnt go that far

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Agreed, but the fringes are powder kegs right now. A bunch of torch carrying white supremacists marching through an ultra liberal college town is a bad idea, period.
Sorta like blm assholes marching and calling for dead cops. Only this is worse, right? Smh
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I agree with you, but the nationalism is what makes it considered alt-right. That, and the fact you had dozens of them wearing swastikas today/yesterday.
If those people think they're ideologies are aligned with the nazi regime, they're really dumb. But they do have swastika tattoos so maybe they are. My point is what those people believe are not what the nazis believed. The only similarity is the nationalist, racist bend to them. If that's all it takes to be a nazi we've done a gross disservice to what it means to be a nazi or a facist. The nazis were racist. That doesn't mean racists are nazis.
Again, how odd that on a day where literal Nazis are marching in the street and murdering people some of you simply can't just say it's bad with no equivocation or comparison.

The sad thing is, you don't realize you're just as bad as the leftists you bitch about. You're so myopic that you literally think democrats are as bad as f**king Nazis. Not only antifa or BLM, but just random "libtards" are as bad as people running people over with cars and chanting about eradicating Jews.

Get the F**k out of your bubble and get a tiny bit of perspective
Again, how odd that on a day where literal Nazis are marching in the street and murdering people some of you simply can't just say it's bad with no equivocation or comparison.

The sad thing is, you don't realize you're just as bad as the leftists you bitch about. You're so myopic that you literally think democrats are as bad as f**king Nazis. Not only antifa or BLM, but just random "libtards" are as bad as people running people over with cars and chanting about eradicating Jews.

Get the F**k out of your bubble and get a tiny bit of perspective
Those people can call themselves nazis, but they aren't the nazis of the 1930s. They're an awful bunch of people with no IQ to speak of. That doesn't mean they're the same as the nazis of Germany even if they call themselves nazis.
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I've got to believe that the longer this goes without a suspect being named, don't think it is the Michigan kid, then it is someone that doesn't fit the MSM narrative.
If you're an American at a protest supporting a statue of a Confederate general in 2017 wearing a swastika it seems like you're there to announce your views on matters of race. The political ideological particulars of German Nazism are not what align with the Confederacy, racism does. In fact i would argue the Confederacy fought for less government control, which is the opposite of nazi politics. Racism is where the two overlap.
Then why not call them neo-Confederates? Wouldn't that be more accurate? The only thing these morons have in common with the Nazi regime is their racism. They don't align on many of the tenets of what Nazism is. Like I said in a previous post, Nazis are racists, but not all racists are Nazis.
Those people can call themselves nazis, but they aren't the nazis of the 1930s. They're an awful bunch of people with no IQ to speak of. That doesn't mean they're the same as the nazis of Germany even if they call themselves nazis.
How do you know? They have an affinity for Nazism. How do you know they stop at economic policy? Plenty of neo-Nazis have said they are perfectly fine with controlled state capitalism as long as it directed by and for the benefit of white people. You are going on generalizations that these people are the old right wing militia of the 90s that was rabidly anti-government. These people have shown no such anti-government stance. At least across the board. You seem to be focused on pedantry, but don't even know for a fact that what you're saying is true.

If someone says they're a Nazi, I'm really not going to ask questions about their position on interest policy. I'm going to assume they're a damn Nazi
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