How will they rule ??!

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I suspect that you don't know what you are talking about and that you are wildly speculating. The violence was out of control long before the driver of the vehicle struck anyone. Moreover, you have no idea whether this was a murder, whether this was an accident, whether the driver was trying to escape a mob in a panic, or, for that matter, whether he was a racist to march with the skinheads, one of the Leftist rioters, or a bystander who happened to be in Charlottesville for any one of a multitude of legitimate reasons. But, carry on with the virtue signaling. That'll show 'em that you're one of the "good" conservatives!
Remember guys. Absolutely no tacit support at all. If the guy's name was Malik, had dreads, and ran over some alt-right guys I'm sure WildcatofNati would be demanding everyone hold the phone on all this "BLM is responsible" talk. It's not like the guy in custody was wearing the same clothes as a group of neo-Nazis, has the same haircut as a lot of neo-Nazis, is on video obviously accelerating into a crowd when there was a completely unblocked street that he could have reversed through behind him. All of that is just circumstantial!

Nati's not tacitly excusing murder! Why no! He's just being level headed and making sure we get the facts. I respect a man of such upstanding moral fiber
Remember guys. Absolutely no tacit support at all. If the guy's name was Malik, had dreads, and ran over some alt-right guys I'm sure WildcatofNati would be demanding everyone hold the phone on all this "BLM is responsible" talk. It's not like the guy in custody was wearing the same clothes as a group of neo-Nazis, has the same haircut as a lot of neo-Nazis, is on video obviously accelerating into a crowd when there was a completely unblocked street that he could have reversed through behind him. All of that is just circumstantial!

Nati's not tacitly excusing murder! Why no! He's just being level headed and making sure we get the facts. I respect a man of such upstanding moral fiber
My guess is he hasn't seen the video. If he has seen it, then you're right. I read that as he wasn't aware the video had been released. Perhaps, he was doing better things with his day then scour the internet about Charlottesville. Maybe his son had a little game, I don't know. Shouldn't assume he's excusing murder either. He never claimed to have seen the video and didn't think it was murder (at least that I've seen).
I think there's a lot of people that are secretly happy this happened.
My guess is he hasn't seen the video. If he has seen it, then you're right. I read that as he wasn't aware the video had been released. Perhaps, he was doing better things with his day then scour the internet about Charlottesville. Maybe his son had a little game, I don't know. Shouldn't assume he's excusing murder either. He never claimed to have seen the video and didn't think it was murder (at least that I've seen).
Then why is making accusations about who escalated this situation? Why did he say antifa needs to be investigated AFTER the neo-nazis?

If he doesn't know then maybe he just shouldn't comment
My guess is he hasn't seen the video. If he has seen it, then you're right. I read that as he wasn't aware the video had been released. Perhaps, he was doing better things with his day then scour the internet about Charlottesville. Maybe his son had a little game, I don't know. Shouldn't assume he's excusing murder either. He never claimed to have seen the video and didn't think it was murder (at least that I've seen).
Correct. I was not aware that a video was online. Regardless, even if the video shows a clear cut murder, that does NOT mean that the Left did not start the violence (and, if it didn't, this is the first time), and I can't imagine how the video gives any information as to the background of the driver, or an explanation as to why he was there in the first place.
Then why is making accusations about who escalated this situation? Why did he say antifa needs to be investigated AFTER the neo-nazis?

If he doesn't know then maybe he just shouldn't comment
Again, the situation was initially escalated long before the driver killed anyone. The Left started the violence. As in Berkeley, as at numerous Trump rallies, as at numerous college campuses, and as in Baltimore, Ferguson and numerous other cities. Also, on a baseball field near D.C., in which one of your comrades essentially tried to take down the US Congress. If you seriously think that these neo-Nazis are wreaking anywhere NEAR the amount of havoc that Antifa and other far Left organizations are wreaking, there must be a serious cover-up of it from the MSM, which is ridiculous on its face.
Then why is making accusations about who escalated this situation? Why did he say antifa needs to be investigated AFTER the neo-nazis?

If he doesn't know then maybe he just shouldn't comment

Because antifa is as much after violence as neo nazis. Both are the violent arms of their movement.

Do you think the counter protesters showed up today to peacefully oppose? Has that been their behavior in the recent past?

So, according to this guy, the Nazis are the Spartans, Antifa are the Persians, and the movie 300 was fuel to the hatred that caused today's events? If that isn't the dumbest shit ever. Idiots always trying to be smarter than what they are and wanting to analyze everything.

How about some people are just fvcked up, morally bankrupt, pieces of low life shit? The word isn't a just, beautiful, awesome utopia. It's full of crazy, unspeakable, horribly bad things/people, and a damn movie has zero bearing on any of it.
It's a legit question. There is far more black on black crime than there is interracial crime.

Agreed. Not to say we shouldn't be proactive in ending racist crimes , etc but literally black o black crime is an epidemic... and NOBODY talks about it, at all. I wonder what a typical leftist/ BLM response would be ??

Yep. See this is what kinda concerns me going forward. Not trying to sound tin foil, or extreme ... but in say... 5 years? Will those of us who don't agree with all this media/ left/ sjw/ - bullshit not have any outlets ? Will we even be able to find legit non incredibly slanted articles, viewpoints , videos ?

Twitter literally donated $$ to hillarys campaign.
Yep. See this is what kinda concerns me going forward. Not trying to sound tin foil, or extreme ... but in say... 5 years? Will those of us who don't agree with all this media/ left/ sjw/ - bullshit not have any outlets ? Will we even be able to find legit non incredibly slanted articles, viewpoints , videos ?

Twitter literally donated $$ to hillarys campaign.

And by $$ I mean a LOT of $$
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Jesus F Christ . Will this insanity ever end? It's effing disgusting to be honest.

The divide has become so extreme. The left (yes left ) has become SO extreme it's worriesome . I honestly don't think I could be "friends" or respect in any way someone who adheres to the current left/ MSM / blm/ sjw/ super liberal platform.

I don't understand. I don't understand how so many people are falling into this line of thinking . Political parties aside ... it's absolutely absurd . I thought most people , like myself , who kinda always so both political parties as pandering, corrupt etc , would be more vocal in calling out the MSM / snowflake left . But instead, the exact opposite is happening.

I don't see it getting better anytime soon either
I dream of the day that police treat black people with the same dignity and patience they do white supremacists.
Just two days ago WaPo was glorifying political violence from the left...

What draws Americans to anarchy? It’s more than just smashing windows.

By day, they are graphic designers, legal assistants, nonprofit workers and students. But outside their 9-to-5 jobs, they call themselves anarchists — bucking the system, shunning the government and sometimes even rioting and smashing windows to make a point.

What the court documents call “malicious” and “violent” acts, the anarchists see as a necessary way to draw attention to poverty, racism, educational inequality and other problems.
Just two days ago WaPo was glorifying political violence from the left...

What draws Americans to anarchy? It’s more than just smashing windows.

By day, they are graphic designers, legal assistants, nonprofit workers and students. But outside their 9-to-5 jobs, they call themselves anarchists — bucking the system, shunning the government and sometimes even rioting and smashing windows to make a point.

What the court documents call “malicious” and “violent” acts, the anarchists see as a necessary way to draw attention to poverty, racism, educational inequality and other problems.
Why do leftist totalitarians call themselves "anarchist", anyway? An anarchist advocates for no government, while these people clearly wish for a Soviet style government, albeit one guided more than new Left SJW ideology than one guided by old Left Marxist ideology.
I dream of the day that police treat black people with the same dignity and patience they do white supremacists.
I know of a recent incident involving a white person, who was not a white supremacist, who was not treated with much dignity or patience at all by the police. She had a hole blown into her stomach, and she wasn't even doing anything wrong at all. As a matter of fact, she was trying to help.
I also know of a recent incident in which a Hispanic man was not treated with a lot of dignity and patience by the police. They entered his residence pursuant to a warrant- but the warrant was not for his residence. He was shot down like a dog- and so was his dog. Unlike the previous shooting, there is supposedly an explanation. To say that it deserves skepticism is an understatement. Want some more examples? I have them a-plenty.
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I also know of a recent incident in which a Hispanic man was not treated with a lot of dignity and patience by the police. They entered his residence pursuant to a warrant- but the warrant was not for his residence. He was shot down like a dog- and so was his dog. Unlike the previous shooting, there is supposedly an explanation. To say that it deserves skepticism is an understatement. Want some more examples? I have them a-plenty.


Great So you're making the argument that it's not just black people that incidents happen to.
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We've all heard the saying "you fvck with the bull, you get the horns."

There is NO question that in today's divisive, hate filled political climate, that if you start a rally for a far left or far right cause, there are going to be problems. There are left wingers openly calling for Trump to be killed, and right wingers actually hoping North Korea nukes the west coast. Way too much emotion for anything to go down peacefully, and that goes for both sides.
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I know of a recent incident involving a white person, who was not a white supremacist, who was not treated with much dignity or patience at all by the police. She had a hole blown into her stomach, and she wasn't even doing anything wrong at all. As a matter of fact, she was trying to help.

We've all heard the saying "you fvck with the bull, you get the horns."

There is NO question that in today's divisive, hate filled political climate, that if you start a rally for a far left or far right cause, there are going to be problems. There are left wingers openly calling for Trump to be killed, and right wingers actually hoping North Korea nukes the west coast. Way too much emotion for anything to go down peacefully, and that goes for both sides.

We've all heard the saying "you fvck with the bull, you get the horns."

There is NO question that in today's divisive, hate filled political climate, that if you start a rally for a far left or far right cause, there are going to be problems. There are left wingers openly calling for Trump to be killed, and right wingers actually hoping North Korea nukes the west coast. Way too much emotion for anything to go down peacefully, and that goes for both sides.
America would be a much better place if the alt right and radical left were eliminated.
Yep. See this is what kinda concerns me going forward. Not trying to sound tin foil, or extreme ... but in say... 5 years? Will those of us who don't agree with all this media/ left/ sjw/ - bullshit not have any outlets ? Will we even be able to find legit non incredibly slanted articles, viewpoints , videos ?

Twitter literally donated $$ to hillarys campaign.
Google's founder worked BO and HRC campaigns. This is just the beginning.