How will they rule ??!

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No surprise to me that they root against us. This is the group who advocates for us to be invaded, won't protect citizens, wants to disarm us, hates the military, wants a war on cops, aligns with Islam, burns our flag, hell, even murders in the womb and has a domestic terrorist group Antifa that assaults us.

They've tried to sabotage this nation for quite some time so I expect them to be take the enemy's side.
Don't you like the NFL? (New Fascist Left)
‘Nation,’ mag of the far left, finds Russia hack nonsensical

You know it’s time to pack it up and move on from a Democratic-driven political hit when even the left-of-left liberal-leaning magazine, The Nation, starts to say, hey, guys, there are no facts here.

In other words: This whole Russia-hacked-the-election-with-President-Donald-Trump’s-help mantra may finally be crumbling.

Nation writer Patrick Lawrence took a look at all of the facts of the past year surrounding the supposed Russian government hack of the Democratic National Committee and concluded, rather embarrassingly for the left, that there really aren’t so many facts after all. His story title says it all: “A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack.”

What about all those DNC emails that painted Hillary Clinton and her staff in a poor light, and that came just at a critical campaign moment for the Democratic candidate? Weren’t they driven, as the left is fond of saying, by the colluding hands of Russia and Trump’s campaign?

Once again, even the Nation seems to be saying — fact free. The email leaks seem due to an inside leaker, not outside hacker.

Lawrence cites research from the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity to find: “All those interviewed came in between 90 percent and 100 percent certain that the forensics [of the hack from Russia] prove out. … ‘The laws of physics don’t lie,’ [VIPS’] Ray McGovern volunteered at one point. … When I asked [VIPS’] Edward Loomis, a 90 percent man, about the 10 percent he held out, he replied, ‘I’ve looked at the word and it shows there was no Russian hack. But I didn’t do the work. That’s the 10 percent. I’m a scientist.’ “

And yet — the DNC won’t admit defeat.

“U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded the Russian government hacked the DNC in an attempt to interfere in the election,” a DNC spokesperson told Breitbart. “Any suggestion otherwise is false and is just another conspiracy theory like those pushed by Trump and his administration.”

Right. Except for one thing: Only three intelligence agencies, not 17, as initially believed, actually drew that conclusion in a report, the Intelligence Community Assessment.

The takeaway? America’s still waiting for the facts and evidence to show the left’s main argument — that Team Trump stole the election from Clinton with the help of the Russians. And when a committed player of the far left like The Nation starts to wonder on this — and show evidence to the contrary — maybe it’s time to move on from that message.
The DNC will never admit it was not hacked, because to do so requires an admission that it got stabbed in the back by one or more of its own.
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Yeah, mofos literally lost their minds today. People getting plowed by a car, flying through the air, makeshift blow torches.

I mean, seriously, wtf is wrong with people? Regardless of if I'm in favor of preserving American history, when all is said and done, it's still a stupid statue not worth suffering great harm or dying over.

I spent this beautiful Saturday with a butt on the smoker and a case of Dogfish IPA. I'm the true American patriot


Yeah, mofos literally lost their minds today. People getting plowed by a car, flying through the air, makeshift blow torches.

I mean, seriously, wtf is wrong with people? Regardless of if I'm in favor of preserving American history, when all is said and done, it's still a stupid statue not worth suffering great harm or dying over.

I spent this beautiful Saturday with a butt on the smoker and a case of Dogfish IPA. I'm the true American patriot


Can't say I feel strongly enough about anything to waste a day marching for a cause...especially with the way things are nowadays.

You'd have to think 80% of the attendees were looking forward to conflict...20% peace/love/hippy people not living in reality?

Things generally speaking are too great in America for me to step out for a controversial issue...gimme walks for cures any day. Geez.

(and by controversial issues I'm talking - pro choice/pro life, immigration, police issues...white supremacy/kkk ain't even controversial, eff that noise and anyone involved in that bullshit. A defined opposition has possibly made them relevant...sad thing is if they were ignored they'd know they are completely irrelevant and not worth a damn thing.)
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Okay...except you left a little detail out. Your flaw is that you assume leaving the union was the only treasonous offense. Unfortunately you may want to go back and read the rest of your constitution.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them"

When they decided to pick up arms against the US...treason, when they killed American soldiers, treason. Jesus christ. Try again

Why did they pick up arms? Was it treason when an Army was formed to force them back into the Union?

The Constitution never would've been signed if the colonies would've believed they could never get of the Union, and especially if it would've been forced at gunpoint.
You'd have to think 80% of the attendees were looking forward to conflict...20%

No doubt. Last night they saw all the racist idiots there unopposed, then bussed in their own army of idiots this morning to challenge them.

Things generally speaking are too great in America for me to step out for a controversial issue..

Your privilege is showing, cracker. Better check it.

If I am Trump I make a statement tomorrow calling out the white power groups, and announce full investigation into suspected murderer and his ties w/any group, make statement about DOJ looking into domestic terrorism as charge.

Then say same measures will be taken if any similar events occur w/any group.

Come out swinging on these pieces of shit and you can come out swinging on others...don't be hypocritical.
No doubt. Last night they saw all the racist idiots there unopposed, then bussed in their own army of idiots this morning to challenge them.

Your privilege is showing, cracker. Better check it.

Lol - what can I say. Don't need much to be happy. Got a baby, couple dogs, roof...

Was publically schooled in Louisville, so I do have some street cred.
I agree it is a double standard since i see many of those groups as harmful to open discourse as well. The left should be condemning violence and whomever espouses it wherever they find it. Where you get disagreement from people is that most of the groups you mentioned here are relatively new political phenomenons. Example: BLM has only been around a few years, many people can be forgiven for not knowing exactly what they do or do not stand for. Nazism is not new, those people are choosing to display that particular symbolism to promote its widely known and agreed upon ideas.
Really? I'd say people know a lot about BLM, from the Ford Foundation grant of (what?) $80 million to Soro$' support to the $130 million war chest BLM is sitting on (and paying out in lavish amounts to its "staff"), to its calls for the deaths of cops and whites, to its association with the New Black Panthers. BLM has put its name in the media constantly and the media loves to cover it. I know a whole lot more about BLM than I do the American Nazi Party. My knee jerk reaction is that anyone who supports the ANP (if that is its name) has fascist tendencies, but I know for a fact that anyone who supports BLM is a fascist or has severe fascist tendencies, and is certainly a supporter of a hate group. Someone would have to show me that the ANP is not what I assume it to be in order to convince me that it is any different than BLM.
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The virtue signaling from the MSM and people like cardkilla after today is going to be absolutely maddening. They may even get worse than they already are.

It'll start with the Sunday shows tomorrow. All Trump supporters are going to be called every name in the book.
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What I've never understood is why these "protests", which are anything but peaceful, are allowed to happen. Police literally sit there and watch like they're paid to not do anything.

If I am Trump I make a statement tomorrow calling out the white power groups, and announce full investigation into suspected murderer and his ties w/any group, make statement about DOJ looking into domestic terrorism as charge.

Then say same measures will be taken if any similar events occur w/any group.

Come out swinging on these pieces of shit and you can come out swinging on others...don't be hypocritical.
I suspect that the Far Left escalated the situation. If there is going to be a full investigation as to the skinheads over this, it needs to follow federal investigations into Antifa, any university which explicitly or tacitly allows leftist suppression of free speech, and the Minneapolis Police Department.
She is so wrong. The myopia of the fascist left will kill it. I doubt I'm right wing and I know I'm not religious (I did go to my daughter's baptism 2 decades ago), but what I have become is ardently anti-left, anti-fascist left, and anti-progressive (because, e.g., true progs believe that trans should start at 2 and 9-year-old girls should be forced to shower with tg boys). I am also a JFK/Reagan patriot. So, if Amy Siskind thinks that Trump supporters are some monolithic, homogeneous group that she and her ilk can shame and change, she's gonna fail spectacularly, again.

The fascist left has just lost touch, if it was ever in touch.
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Lmao that's what started this?! A statue? Idiots. Everyone involved in the argument over a statue should be sent to N Korea.

UK/Lexington didn't even get that childish when idiots tried to start something over that campus painting and city statue.

This was my biggest gripe. Overzealous shitsticks gave the left exactly what they wanted to use in gaslighting the public.
I suspect the little fat racist who murdered someone escalated the situation. You know, by murdering someone
I suspect that you don't know what you are talking about and that you are wildly speculating. The violence was out of control long before the driver of the vehicle struck anyone. Moreover, you have no idea whether this was a murder, whether this was an accident, whether the driver was trying to escape a mob in a panic, or, for that matter, whether he was a racist to march with the skinheads, one of the Leftist rioters, or a bystander who happened to be in Charlottesville for any one of a multitude of legitimate reasons. But, carry on with the virtue signaling. That'll show 'em that you're one of the "good" conservatives!
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Worth dying over? People need to learn to pick their battles. Having a statue removed and the name of a park changed has zero effect on anyone's life. Not worth inciting a riot and putting people in actual danger.
100% agree.

I'll go farther and say any 'normal' conservative would have known what a crapfest that rally/protest was going to be on its face, alone, but should have also understood that it was going to draw Antifa and BLM flies like a van-full of elephant shit. I'd argue that if you went there, you knew full well what you were getting into and you are just as culpable in the outbreak of violence. I'm looking at Baked Alaska and those other Twitter jackasses, too. Just as guilty, IMO. They willfully poked the rat and ended up setting their cause back.
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This has been coming to a head for over a year, the violence didn't start today. One side didn't create this.

There is real and serious divide in the nation right now. We're not all going to agree, no need to try and force your opinion and beliefs on other people. We're a large populace with many different points of view. What people in KY think, and what people in Calif think are not going to be the same, because our day to day lives have nothing in common, and that's perfectly fine.
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It was premeditated murder. The guy drove into the crowd away from a clear street. Not away from the crowd into the clear.

Then reversed to get away. If he was so scared, why retreat to where he was initially scared of? Murder.
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This has been coming to a head for over a year, the violence didn't start today. One side didn't create this.

There is real and serious divide in the nation right now. We're not all going to agree, no need to try and force your opinion and beliefs on other people. We're a large populace with many different points of view. What people in KY think, and what people in Calif think are not going to be the same, because our day to day lives have nothing in common, and that's perfectly fine.
I agree with this. I'm not sure where we go from here to be honest. I think it's going to get a lot worse.

I think there's a lot of people that are secretly happy this happened. They can say "see we've been telling you about white supremacy." I don't think they're doing this out of hatred towards white folks, but rather people love to say I told you so and we have an us vs. them situation in every political aspect and today some folks on the left get to stand on their moral high ground. This isn't just an issue with democrats. Tomorrow, it may be the right's turn to stand on their moral high ground and say I told you so.