How will they rule ??!

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Wasn't there a recent swastika emblem associated with some pro liberal/rainbow organization recently?

Yeppp. It was a huge swastika - rainbow colored. Very decorative. The Gay Rights group was attempting to "take back" the swastika- whatever the F that means . Didn't last long obviously

Imagine if Jimmy Steve down in Louisiana (who genuinely wasn't racist ) but made the same shirts, same swastika ... but it was red white and blue themed ... He'd be all over the news , white power blah blah blah
I agree with your premise that anyone who incites violence should be condemned, be they left, right, purple, Muslim, Christian, or born with congenital dwarfism. My point was that nazis specifically are associated with the right.
You see much more anti-semitism on the left today. Several pride rallies have banned jewish groups and signs.
My point was that nazis specifically are associated with the right.
And Antifa, a group that is on par with pieces of shit Nazis, are specifically associated with the left. So what's your point? The word "Nazi" doesn't make them any more worse than the word "Antifa". Again, pieces of shit all the same.

You asked the last time I saw those types of people on the left, I answered everyday. Antifa are the Nazis of the left.
You cut the last word nazi out of my quote which was the entire point. You do see extreme leftist communists all the time, Antifa being a classic example. My point was that whatever they may be they aren't specifically nazis. Communists and nazis hate each other, remember history?
This group demonstrating today are the very far fringe of the right. Most on the right do not agree. But, with the left, even the moderates want to stifle free speech with the PC movement. You on the left are completely intolerant of any opposing view and are willing to destroy the country when you don't get your way.
I agree with your premise that anyone who incites violence should be condemned, be they left, right, purple, Muslim, Christian, or born with congenital dwarfism. My point was that nazis specifically are associated with the right.

And you insinuated that it somehow makes the right "worse" by default , by having said "nazis"

Which it doesn't. Both the left and the right have extreme , hateful idiotic groups (the left moreso these days)
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This group demonstrating today are the very far fringe of the right. Most on the right do not agree. But, with the left, even the moderates want to stifle free speech with the PC movement. You on the left are completely intolerant of any opposing view and are willing to destroy the country when you don't get your way.

This ^^^
Here's an idea, how about the politically correct SJW's stop judging people from the 1800's by today's standard and trying to erase American history? Problem solved. Nazis nor Antifa would have a reason to even be in Virginia today.

Although, I will say, the Nazis are local, there to stand up for their state's and American history. Antifa was bussed in to turn it into a fight.
I have never insinuated one side was any better than the other. I merely pointed out that one side has nazis. How many communists do you see on the right? Both sides do reprehensible shit constantly. But to state that it's the EXACT SAME reprehensible shit is ignorant.

Who cares ? I mean I guess the idiots who are doing this on "the right " fit the term "nazi?" (Sorta ... not really but I'll play along ) but the idiotic hate groups on the left are the EXACT SAME in the sense that they are promoting hate and violence.

Why is this hard for you to understand ?
Notice there wasn't any violence last night. Absolutely none. No rioting, burning cars, smashing windows. Nazis, white supremacists, alt right, whatever you want to label them where there to protest, peacefully, the removal of American history. The violence didn't start until Antifa was bussed in this morning.
How have i been intolerant of opposing views? I've had a reasonable conversation detailing my opinion and where it contrasts with others. Seems a bit outlandish to say that discourse is destroying the country.
Of course you have claiming one side has Nazi's when that is just not true. There are people in both parties who are white supremacist and the left has held that mantra since its inception in this country. Your ignorance and need to paint the right as racist only proves my point of the left trying to destroy this country through division. This is not a left or right issue, this is a white nationalist vs the rest of us issue.
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This is a great point. Which is why the establishment on the right should be extra vocal in condemning this nonsense
So the right establishment needs to be extra vocal in condemning this nonsense, taking ownership of by default, but the left establishment never condemns, even openly supports, Antifa, BLM, Linda Sarsour, dictators, Muslim Brotherhood, and no one has a problem with it, including the liberal media. Hell, they lead the support half of the time. You wouldn't see that as a bullshit double standard would you?
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Do you mean the political doctrine of socialist facism espoused by the german nazi party was rooted in the extreme left wing of the political spectrum? Cause that's true. Now go talk to a modern American who likes to wear swastikas in public. To which side of the current political spectrum does that individual lean?

Which side? The left side
Whether or not you agree with the protesters from the right is besides the point now, this is the United States of America, and they have every right to March. Simply because you disagree with them DOES NOT give you the right to forcifully oppose them.

This is a trend that is dangerous, and its becoming a pattern that if someone doesn't have the same point of view then violence is justified. The left are the ones using this tactic, be it marches or people attending political rallies, or campus speeches.

Speaking of Nazis, they used control of the media, demonizing race, and suppression of info they opposed, and justified violence to further their movement, only one party fits that bill today and it ain't the right. Hell, Obama used the Govt as a weapon against political foes.

I've said it numerous times on here, but the left is guilty of doing exactly what they blame on the right.
This is a great point. Which is why the establishment on the right should be extra vocal in condemning this nonsense, because when the liberal media and left do it there is a far higher chance of it devolving into red team vs blue team bickering.
I am all for them denouncing it and should come out strongly condemning this behavior. This should be done with those attacking whites for just being white. The problem here is, if both side don't start condemning each of these types of attacks, you will see more of these types of demonstrations. Yes, Trump should start the ball rolling here but, the next time Blacklivesmatter start their hate speech or the antifa's start running their mouths hatefully or any organization does it, those with whom they are sided/affiliated with should come out fast and strong to condemn those doing it. We have not seen that from the left.

On another note, did not Hillary have ties with David Duke or another leader of a White Supremacist organization (KKK)? If so, could she have something to do with this to disrupt Trumps presidency?
Are you telling me you honestly believe that someone marching in Charlottesville right now with a swastika on their shirt voted for Hilary?
Yes, it is possible. Racism once again is not a left or right thing. I know many Democrats in Oklahoma who use the "N" word regularly who voted for Hillary. They also voted for Obama but admittedly hate Blacks.
I agree it is a double standard since i see many of those groups as harmful to open discourse as well. The left should be condemning violence and whomever espouses it wherever they find it.

Odd. I must have missed you coming on here and lecturing us all about how the left establishment should be extra vocal in condemning those groups. But, now it's a group from the other side, here you are. Imagine that.

Example: BLM has only been around a few years, many people can be forgiven for not knowing exactly what they do or do not stand for. Nazism is not new, those people are choosing to display that particular symbolism to promote its widely known and agreed upon ideas

That's the biggest bullshit excuse ever. Doesn't matter if they were started yesterday. When you become a political terrorists hate group, forgiveness goes out the window.

We can have this conversation if you want, but if you're going to make lame ass excuses, defending those that make your side look bad, then you can piss off.
Are you telling me you honestly believe that someone marching in Charlottesville right now with a swastika on their shirt voted for Hilary?

No, what I'm saying is the guy marching at Berkley right now is wearing a swastika and voted for hillary
Odd. I must have missed you coming on here and lecturing us all about how the left establishment should be extra vocal in condemning those groups. But, now it's a group from the other side, here you are. Imagine that.

That's the biggest bullshit excuse ever. Doesn't matter if they were started yesterday. When you become a political terrorists hate group, forgiveness goes out the window.

We can have this conversation if you want, but if you're going to make lame ass excuses, defending those that make your side look bad, then you can piss off.
This is what we have been saying for awhile about the left, there is always an excuse as to why those affiliated with them can do it.
Vehicular homicide in Charlottesville. Left or right?

This is happening in a very progressive and educated town, btw. Why can't these hipster f's be more like the backwoods racist ass sleepy rural towns?
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Makes me laugh seeing all these lefties bitching about nazis, but oddly didn't utter a word about any riots from BLM.

Political violence on all sides is wrong. You can't call one side out, while not saying a GD word about the other side.

Where the f*** were these people the last 8 years?
There were plenty of riots over the past 8 years to have proven they were sincere in equal treatment of people in this country. That does not really seem to be their objective. It seems they want revenge visited upon those who where not really involved but are the descendants of those at fault yet, they themselves where not nor have been done wrong. The sins of the fathers visited on the children if you will.
I hope all those Nazis die. Richard Spencer on down
I have so I won't sit this one out.

I have no interest in tacitly defending Nazis by comparing them to a group I find worse. Odd that others can't do that. You all sound like a bunch of leftists when a Muslim blows up a mall

"But but we don't know the motives and plus there are worse groups and not all Muslims"

Congrats on that!
These fvcking attention whores make me sick - on both sides.

If black lives really matter to you, go to the inner city and volunteer at a soup kitchen or hospital or something.

If you're trying to advance the cause of white people, go to Appalachia and help somebody build a house or repair a car or whatever.

Protesting is inflammatory and counterproductive, especially the way these morons do it. Hey, let's go to a liberal college town and march with torches. Great idea.
Yes, it is possible. Racism once again is not a left or right thing. I know many Democrats in Oklahoma who use the "N" word regularly who voted for Hillary. They also voted for Obama but admittedly hate Blacks.

I'll admit that I briefly volunteered for the Obama campaign during the 2008 primary. My job was to input the results of phone calls and returned mailers. It was the primary so only registered democrats got these calls and mailers.

GOOD GOD the stuff people would say
I have so I won't sit this one out.

I have no interest in tacitly defending Nazis by comparing them to a group I find worse. Odd that others can't do that. You all sound like a bunch of leftists when a Muslim blows up a mall

"But but we don't know the motives and plus there are worse groups and not all Muslims"

Congrats on that!
Ha, I wasn't talking about you. Good on you if you did call them both out.

My point still stands. If you (not you obviously) call one side bad, while ignoring another side, you are a humongous hypocrite who should probably have kept their mouth shut today about anything that happened in Charlottesville.
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I have so I won't sit this one out.

I have no interest in tacitly defending Nazis by comparing them to a group I find worse. Odd that others can't do that. You all sound like a bunch of leftists when a Muslim blows up a mall

"But but we don't know the motives and plus there are worse groups and not all Muslims"

Congrats on that!
YEAH!.... wait,...what?

even willy wouldnt go that far
Do you mean the political doctrine of socialist facism espoused by the german nazi party was rooted in the extreme left wing of the political spectrum? Cause that's true. Now go talk to a modern American who likes to wear swastikas in public. To which side of the current political spectrum does that individual lean?

The left has bashed whites non stop. They try to remove them and replace them in every capacity. There's a reason why the left wants open borders and is obsessed with diversity.

Have you thought that maybe when you see the hostility continue to increase from anti-white media and minorities that maybe it's gonna kick in a defensive response?

Forgive me if I don't give two shits about "disavowing" which the left constantly demands from the right yet is silent when it comes to the chaos they bring everywhere they go?

Does the left demand that their ilk disavow ANTIFA? How about when BLM chant for dead cops of kill cops? How about when blacks rob and kill whites? How about when students at Berkeley form a human chain to block white students? How about when Evergreen demands whites leave campus? Or when colleges teach about how awful whites are? How about when refugees and illegals rape or kill someone and then hide in sanctuary cities? Who tried to massacre Republicans?

Save me the self righteousness, leftists. A group of people rocking a flag or a symbol is hardly a "legit Nazi." They're not murdering people or snatching up Jews. Or promoting socialism and cleansing.

You know who that describes? The left. Who demonizes a group? The left does this with whites. Who is hostile toward Christians and aligns with a group who hates Christians and Jews? Who uses violence constantly while trying to silence opposing thoughts?

The left.
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