Starting PG looks to be locked up according to Kerr

I think uall hit it on the head it's about a foregone conclusion that we have at least 4 of the 5 starters figured out.

Pg- Butler
W- Robinson
F- Carr
C- Williams

SG is probably still up for grabs between Kriisa, Oweh and Brea. Imo when the dust settles after the summer I think Oweh gets the start. Krissa will backup Butler at PG and play SG. Brea will be the shooter off the bench and backup Robinson and/or Oweh. The 3 frosh will play in the backcourt as needed. Chandler should get some good run at SG to give us a solid 10 man rotation.

PG- Butler/Krissa Perry
SG- Oweh/Chandler Krissa/Brea/Perry
W- Robinson/Brea Noah
F- Carr/Almoror
C- Williams/Garrison

That bench could potentially burry their opponent's bench with the three point firepower.
As long as everyone transfers to this level of play it will be nice. I like that bench depth. I can definitely see Garrison starting as well at some point but as long as he gets plenty of PT it won’t matter.
Not really a surprise. He wasn't going to come here to not start.
Respectfully ... I reject your implication that Butler was promised that he would "start" as a condition of transferring to U.K. I agree with your literal statement that Butler "wasn't going to come here to not start", but I choose to accept that statement on the premise that Butler knew he was good enough to start and came to U.K. with the determination to work as hard as he could and put forth his best effort, trusting in himself that his best effort would win a starting position. To me, there is a vast difference between those two concepts ... and I don't believe that Coach Pope promised anything to anybody !
But, whatever ... Go 'Cats ! ! !
Respectfully ... I reject your implication that Butler was promised that he would "start" as a condition of transferring to U.K. I agree with your literal statement that Butler "wasn't going to come here to not start", but I choose to accept that statement on the premise that Butler knew he was good enough to start and came to U.K. with the determination to work as hard as he could and put forth his best effort, trusting in himself that his best effort would win a starting position. To me, there is a vast difference between those two concepts ... and I don't believe that Coach Pope promised anything to anybody !
But, whatever ... Go 'Cats ! ! !

You just typed a giant paragraph to refute something that was never implied in the first place. Smh.
Starting Oweh at SG makes it a defensive dominate team, I just looked and Oweh was 49% shooter and 37% from 3 last year. So that's not going to hurt you much on O and raises your defense in tournament games. I wonder who's the best defender amongst our shooters Brea, Kirisa, Chandler, Perry. My guess would be Brea. I do think we have enough shooters to bury teams and our best defense could be an offense that beats the other team to a hundred.
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Starting Oweh at SG makes it a defensive dominate team, I just looked and Oweh was 49% shooter and 37% from 3 last year. So that's not going to hurt you much on O and raises your defense in tournament games. I wonder who's the best defender amongst our shooters Brea, Kirisa, Chandler, Perry. My guess would be Brea. I do think we have enough shooters to bury teams and our best defense could be an offense that beats the other team to a hundred.
Thing I like about Oweh's shooting is that it has taken a leap each of the last 3 years. He didn't shoot a ton last year and would sometimes pass up open looks, but wouldn't surprise me if he takes another leap and goes something like 37% on double the attempts.

This team is going to be the best shooting team we've maybe ever seen here
I may be in the minority but why not start Brea and make Robinson the 6th man like he was at BYU? He clearly thrived in the role last year.
You earn PT and a starting spot so I could see different starters especially early on with a nice rotation off the bench. Robinson I’m guessing will be the 6th man.
Uh oh. Didn't we just have thsi argument last year? It matters who starts.
I know it was an argument and I was involved in it as well. It wasn’t starting it was usage. The former coach could/would not use his players to best advantage. That particular case was he refused to start two players who were FAR better than the ones who did start
The talent we currently have is…well..interchangeable. Given that Pope actually scouts opponents and uses analytics I believe he’ll start the five best to take advantage of a given game. And that could change game to game. So in this case it truly doesn’t matter who starts.
How do you guys think we stack up against what will be several X Cats and some decent transfers at Arkansas
Thing I like about Oweh's shooting is that it has taken a leap each of the last 3 years. He didn't shoot a ton last year and would sometimes pass up open looks, but wouldn't surprise me if he takes another leap and goes something like 37% on double the attempts.

This team is going to be the best shooting team we've maybe ever seen here
Tough to beat last years 3 pt shooting. I settle for close
Its basically just August, still 3 plus months to go before 1st real game.
Nothing is etched in stone as of late July.
I may be in the minority but why not start Brea and make Robinson the 6th man like he was at BYU? He clearly thrived in the role last year.
Why ? Brea was the 6th man at Dayton. He only does one thing, shoot 3's. He can't drive to the rim, can create, nothing but shoot. He needs to come off the bench as a offensive spark. By the way, his defense is terrible also. Robinson is the stronger defender, rebounder, better al around offensive player. I would start Kriisa before Brea.
PG - Butler
SG - Kriisa
SF - Robinson
PF - Carr
C- Williams

That lineup has the best balance offense / defense 1-5 . Oweh is better defensively than Kriisa, but not near the offensive player. Yes he shot a good % from 3, but on VERY limited attempts. JMO. Who ever ends up starting, they all will get plenty of playing time. I am really expecting a very big year from Kriisa, he just has the type of game I enjoy watching, he is not bad as a defender, and definitely not as bad as Brea.
He's [Kriisa] from Estonia. One of the stories about Estonia that some of you might not have heard is there love of singing. They're one of the small Baltic countries who had a great big Soviet-imposed chip on their shoulder. Back in 1988 while everything Russian-controlled was springing free, the country got together to sing patriotic songs. 2,000,000 of them. It took 4 years, but eventually Estonia and the other Baltics broke free. So, when you hear about Kriisa's love for talking s**t, his independent streak has a long background.

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That bench could potentially burry their opponent's bench with the three point firepower.
I tend to agree.

That starting 5 should be hard to score on.

I might disagree slightly about the bench. I think Perry could challenge Chandler for that 10th spot. Perry is maybe our best shooter. And he can score in other ways as well.

I expect that early in the season, Pope is going to play all three Freshmen a little bit just to get their feet wet, but I think by tourney time the Freshmen will be relegated to just watching.

Pope will ride the nine upperclassmen as deep into the postseason as he can.

And I think we will see Kriisa at the 2 some in that instance. He can play with Butler. That gives us another ball handler, passer, and shooter when we need more offense.
Our offense should be able to score with anybody in the nation. We have 7 players back that avg double figures last year. We got 9 upperclassmen of which 6 are 5th year and another a normal Senior that know how to put the ball in the basket. Coach is a offensive genius who knows how to get us points. All that said I think this team could sleepwalk to around 80 most games. I think Oweh is the one player who can give us what we need to start the game on defense. With him Butler, Robinson, Carr and Williams that should be the hardest team to score against. If this team can play defense like we think they can it's going to be very hard to beat. Like I said we could probably run n gun scoring with anybody it's going to be key defensive stops that push us over the competition imo. Anyway fun to talk about in July.
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I personally think Kerr is more saying he's the team leader, but I'd say he'll probably start.

From what we know of our system, a traditional PG isn't needed as much. If we play as fast as Pope is talking about, then starting will be mostly a prestige thing. We'll have to rotate so much to keep our legs fresh it won't matter much.

I like the idea of starting grown ass defenders to set the tone early though. Put teams on their heels from the jump ball.
That reserve 5 has at least 3 elite shooters and a 1-5 that can find the open man. Very dangerous
Wear them down with defense on the starting line-up, then stick the daggers in them with the second unit. A deadly formula for opponents.
He's [Kriisa] from Estonia. One of the stories about Estonia that some of you might not have heard is there love of singing. They're one of the small Baltic countries who had a great big Soviet-imposed chip on their shoulder. Back in 1988 while everything Russian-controlled was springing free, the country got together to sing patriotic songs. 2,000,000 of them. It took 4 years, but eventually Estonia and the other Baltics broke free. So, when you hear about Kriisa's love for talking s**t, his independent streak has a long background.

Estonia is 1-23 at Eurovision. That’s a winning percentage of .041.
I’m still leaning toward Oweh starting at the 2, but I wouldn’t be shocked at all to see Kriisa start at the 2, especially if for some reason the offense doesn’t click like we all expect it to. If we need an extra ball handler or we need a better shooter to space things, then Kriisa is probably the best guy at the 2.

If all the starting five really needs is a knock down shooter, then Brea could be the 2.

But I think Pope will want to start and set the tone with defense. If that is the case, then Oweh is the man.

It’s nice to have lots of weapons and potential combos. Going to be interesting to see who fits best together. It probably comes down to which guys play best together.

Think about this, everyone has Robinson penciled in to start, and we all feel that’s a safe bet, but he came off the bench last year. He might want to remain in the sixth man role and Kriisa and Oweh may both start together with Butler, Carr, and Williams. Brea and Robinson have both excelled coming off the bench, maybe they are more comfortable in that role.
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... I do think we have enough shooters to bury teams and our best defense could be an offense that beats the other team to a hundred.

Like a better defensive version of what we had early last year where it was a race to 100. But, again, I think this team can play better defense than last years team by leaps and bounds.