How will they rule ??!

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All those criticizing Trumps response to north korea - how would you prefer our president respond to a direct threat of nuclear attack by an enemy?

Guess we could send them billions in hopes of apoeasing them for a time.
Its really amusing watching clowns who have done nothing to stop N.Korea for 25 years, criticizing Trumps tactics.
I don't give a damn what some puny little liberal says. Let them go cry to their cuck little family. Piss on them. They don't speak for America. Matter of fact, I want to round up every liberal and send them over to NK naked with no food or water.
The North Korean people has already got it bad enough. And now you want to send all of these liberal, pieces of shit over there on them to. Have you no heart?
I don't think NK could even hit mainland China with a missile.
China has propped them up...they likely have decent stuff. The last step for them to be able to send one long range is to successfully re-enter the atmosphere intact...may not be far away if they somehow surprised everyone the last few days with how far along they are.
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No matter how Trump handles North Korea, I bet it'll be a lot more successful than whatever Hillary would've done, or not done for that matter.
All those criticizing Trumps response to north korea - how would you prefer our president respond to a direct threat of nuclear attack by an enemy?

Guess we could send them billions in hopes of apoeasing them for a time.

Obama would have already dropped the sanctions, sent them aid, praised his grandpa as a revolutionary and apologized for Bush.
And ISIS (and pretty much every terror group)

Saying Obama was a disaster on foreign policy is a hell of an understatement.

a disaster, of course. but he accomplished exactly what he set out to do. weakened us, empowered our enemies, hell supported our enemies. and got a standing ovation from the media every step of the way.
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Caveat - I'm not sure how to fact check this but if it's remotely accurate, I think anyone would be hard pressed to say that our nuclear program is "stronger and more powerful than every before."
may not be far away if they somehow surprised everyone the last few days with how far along they are.
From what I have heard and read this isn't that big of a surprise to those who needed to know. Supposedly Trump was briefed on how far along they really were back in December. That's the reason for such tough talk from the administration. They tried it the diplomatic way for six months and it got them nowhere.
How much yall wanna bet that Mosque explosion in Minnesota ends up being proven to be a hoax?
I'd call BS on the "six sex changes". Six surgeries...perhaps. Sex changes rarely happen with one surgery.
Any physician who truly conducted six changes male -> female -> male ->... would lose their license for medical malpractice.

You could be right. Just sharing what I was told.
Funny that you have any small inkling of the special investigation on trump. Yet, don't have an opinion on the DWS, Awan brother scandals that is NOW being under special investigation with a helluva lot more evidence. wonder why that is? Hmmmm
Seems Mueller has his hands full these daze but he's not supposed to be partisan. I blame Hildagarde.
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No. That would be Mueller. If this wasn't for show give a reason why you think they had to get a search warrant and kick in his door.

It's not like he hasn't cooperated. He voluntarily testified, under oath, instead of pleading the fifth. He has handed over thousands of documents already. He's not hiding, on the run, using bleach bit on computers, smashing cell phones with a hammer.

What's the reason that Mueller, just like both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees did, with full cooperation from Manafort, couldn't call Manafort’s lawyer and request whatever it is he wanted? Enlighten me, please.
Am I supposed to defend Mueller and the FBI also? The pure speculation is maybe he lied to them or is holding out.

Hilarious, if only there were a president before Trump who could have dealt with this. Or I know, anyone familiar with who the secretary of state was that let NK constantly test missles without repercussions
Gawd, reading that thread is depressing... so many utterly insane/delusional progtards... we can't let these people back in power. Ever. Definitely not before we've appointed 6 more SC justices.
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Am I supposed to defend Mueller and the FBI
You already have, even after the journalists who wrote the piece pointed out this was nothing but muscle flexing. Then here comes you, thinking this is some "Ruh roh!" bombshell, being played for a fool because you just have to believe Russia collusion is real.

The pure speculation is maybe he lied to them or is holding out.

But he isn't. That's a fact. If he were lying to investigators/Congress, refusing to turn over documents, ignoring subpoenas, and/or pleading the fifth it would front page news. Get a grip.

Any unbiased observer shouldn't have any speculation based on the reality of how cooperative he's been thus far. He's turned over everything that has been asked of him. Matter of fact, as already pointed out, the shit Mueller got a warrant and went all Rambo to get, Manafort had already turned the same stuff over to the House and the Senate, no questions asked. Theater. Enjoy the show, peasant.
I guess if you look under an invisible rug long enough, you can always create "russian crimes"
That's exactly what Mueller is going to do with Trump.

At the end of this charade (wouldn't be surprised if its just before the 2018 midterms) Mueller will send some report to Congress full of probably fake bullshit to try to get Trump impeached, even non illegal stuff.

Mueller is the deep states only hope at removing Trump. They'll throw fake BS at the wall if they have too.

God help Mueller and the deep state if they succeed. What's happening in Venezuela is a laughable joke compared to what will happen here.

Hope he can't even get a job at a waffle House. Nothing against waffle House BTW. I love it.

Great day to be white in America ain't it? Or is it the fact that guy is so out of touch with reality.

Dumbass would be starting QB in Miami if he wasn't so stupid about Cuba. @cardkilla loves him and would vote for him in 2020 I'm sure.

That's the stupidity we decent smart people are fighting against.
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Obama will be remembered in the future as the weakest and worst President in the history of this great nation.

A globalist POS that cared more about the middle East and people that want us dead, than the great people of this country.

He certainly was the one in charge when this country went super far left, that's for sure. Every SJW fantasy became normalized and they all felt embolden under him.

Think back. Did you ever recall stuff like microaggressions? Toxic masculinity? Manspreading? The war on whites? Man hating? This much of an obsession with race? Trans? This guy helped transition this country from some bit of normalcy into pure insanity and killed race relations.
Its really amusing watching clowns who have done nothing to stop N.Korea for 25 years, criticizing Trumps tactics.

While acting like, and even outright claiming in some cases, that no other president has ever threatened another world leader like Trump did.

Except for I just saw a montage of Bubba, Bush Jr, and Obama, at one point in time, all three threatened North Korea that, if need be, the US could to wipe them off the map. Just more phony, selective liberal outrage.