How will they rule ??!

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I have a friend who moved to Maryland about 6 years ago. He was back in Kentucky a few weeks ago and he stopped by. He told me someone on his wife's side of the family has had six sex changes. SIX. Each time they have a sex change, they have less "material" to work with. After six sex changes... apparently this person is like a Ken doll now.

Anyone who thinks having a sex change is a normal desire... mental.
It's your money and your life, do what you want to with it. You want to bounce back and forth between sexes, if that's your thing man, go for it. Bruce is now Kaitlyn? The Wachowski brothers are now the Wachowski sisters? Whatever man, you do you. BUT not one thin dime from the government or any health insurer should go toward it. Not a single penny, ever. It's all on you, brother/sister/whatever sex you identify as. Our health care system should be making expenditures to address and cure mental illness, not indulge it.
The Children's Hospital fiasco in Cincinnati is a great example of left wing Democrat leadership.

Children's Hospital, one of the best children's hospitals in the world, plans on doing a >$550 million expansion in one of Cincinnati's worst neighborhoods. In addition to that, they've committed $11.5 million dollars of gifts to the neighborhood to address community needs. All they need is city counsel to approve a zoning change. WITH NO REQUEST FOR ANY PUBLIC FUNDING.

^Who wouldn't want that in their city?

Enter Mayoral Candidate and City Counsel member Yvette Simpson, along with Wendall Young. $11.5 million being handed to Avondale isn't good enough. They want 5% of the development cost as a handout to Avondale and it's community organizations.

So rather than approving a deal for one of the best hospitals in the world to do a half billion dollar expansion, while the community receives a handout of $11.5 million and reaps the benefits of the expansion, the politicians are trying to hold up the deal to extort more money that can be handed out to their friends (yes, some of their friends, such as ex-Mayor Dwight Tillery, run "community organizations" who aren't getting a handout from Children's as it currently stands).

Not that I'm a Cranley fan, but hopefully this seals the deal for Simpson. Unbelievably poor judgment and corruption shown by someone who wants to lead the city. Can't imagine any business that doesn't have the resources and reputation wanting to expand in the city under a Simpson Administration.
Having worked in downtown Cincy off and on for over 30 years, this is just one example in a long list of Cincy screwups.

Its a donut city for a reason.
It's your money and your life, do what you want to with it. You want to bounce back and forth between sexes, if that's your thing man, go for it. Bruce is now Kaitlyn? The Wachowski brothers are now the Wachowski sisters? Whatever man, you do you. BUT not one thin dime from the government or any health insurer should go toward it. Not a single penny, ever. It's all on you, brother/sister/whatever sex you identify as. Our health care system should be making expenditures to address and cure mental illness, not indulge it.

I agree 100% with you. Government funding and pushing it on young children are the two big issues I have with it. Your child is 2. They probably couldn't identify the number 13, but are aware enough to know they identify as the opposite sex? GTFO. Sounds more like "progressive" parent(s) wanting their child to be that way.
I know it's a waste of time because they aren't white and YOU'RE in no danger at all...but....

You people do realize that 99% of N. Korea's populace are trapped under the rule of a lunatic dictator and perfectly innocent......right?
Ftcampbellcat is a racist. He doesn't care about the innocent persons of color who live in the U.S. that could be victims of a nuclear strike.

Let's try to ruin his life.....
Can always count on a snarky remark. We're simply pointing out how effed up Hollywood is. But I appreciate your attempt at humor and mocking.
Good point. This thread wasn't full of pizzagate conspiracy trash. No siree Bob! And every ridiculous, stupid story associated with trans whatever isn't posted here to show "the moral decay and impending doom of Western Civilization"; nope, they just get posted here to poke fun at it. No one ever takes that shit way too seriously here and greatly extrapolates the influence and affect those ideas/actions have on broader society to an insane degree!

Not at catspause illustrated dot com political thread
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You do realize that they are not trying to stop a mad man from possibly killing millions of innocent people right? See how that works? No, of course not, you're one of the appeasement bunch. Continue to turn a blind eye snow flake.

LMAO, What do you suggest they do? I'd love to hear this!!! Hell, what did you guys do to stop Obama besides impotently rage? And Obama was very unlikely to have his troops shoot you for being a racist dick.

You DO know that it's just plain stupid to suggest they march or protest and get killed.....but hey, it's not YOU right? So who cares?

IF you ever actually served, you are a disgrace to your uniform.
Good point. This thread wasn't full of pizzagate conspiracy trash. No siree Bob! And every ridiculous, stupid story associated with trans whatever isn't posted here to show "the moral decay and impending doom of Western Civilization"; nope, they just get posted here to poke fun at it. No one ever takes that shit way too seriously here and greatly extrapolates the influence and affect those ideas/actions have on broader society to an insane degree!

Not at catspause illustrated dot com political thread

Guilty as charged on #PizzaGate hahaha

Damn democrat pedos
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LMAO, What do you suggest they do? I'd love to hear this!!! Hell, what did you guys do to stop Obama besides impotently rage? And Obama was very unlikely to have his troops shoot you for being a racist dick.

You DO know that it's just plain stupid to suggest they march or protest and get killed.....but hey, it's not YOU right? So who cares?

IF you ever actually served, you are a disgrace to your uniform.

So basically you're saying if the govt is tyrannical and has absolute control, the people should just roll over and take it? That makes alot of sense coming from a leftwinger, kind of points to why Trump is President now.

What do you reckon North Korea's policy on gun ownership is?
Thinly veiled (or not veiled at all really) threats of nuclear war may move me to the "Trump needs to get off Twitter" camp.

Actually see those tweets as the opposite...he was slightly walking back the fire and fury comments of yesterday with the "hopefully it will never come to that" - trying to be reassuring, while being Trump is a tough job.
Actually see those tweets as the opposite...he was slightly walking back the fire and fury comments of yesterday with the "hopefully it will never come to that" - trying to be reassuring, while being Trump is a tough job.

Definitely difficult being Trump with every single damn word being scrutinized.

Certainly a pale comparison when Obama was colluding with rusia by saying "now that the election is over, I have some flexibility"

Shit if Trump said he'd already been tried for impeachment.

Obama can kiss my ass.
But there are actual pedos like Dennis Hastert who get 15 motnh sentences for years of serial child abuse (years and years of getting away with it)... too many hollywood boy wunderkids like Cory Feldman and lord of the rings kid speaking out about rampant hollywood pedophelia...

it's like killing one cockroach and not chekcing your infested walls
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The FBI raided Manafort but not the Clintons, or Awan brothers etc...
Mueller flexing his muscles, showboating, is all that it is. Manafort has cooperated to the fullest extent, handed over all documentation requested, even voluntarily testified in front of two separate committees. There's absolutely no reason that Mueller couldn't have simply requested/subpoenaed the information he was looking for.
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I have a friend who moved to Maryland about 6 years ago. He was back in Kentucky a few weeks ago and he stopped by. He told me someone on his wife's side of the family has had six sex changes. SIX. Each time they have a sex change, they have less "material" to work with. After six sex changes... apparently this person is like a Ken doll now.

Anyone who thinks having a sex change is a normal desire... mental.
I'd call BS on the "six sex changes". Six surgeries...perhaps. Sex changes rarely happen with one surgery.
Any physician who truly conducted six changes male -> female -> male ->... would lose their license for medical malpractice.
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The Children's Hospital fiasco in Cincinnati is a great example of left wing Democrat leadership.

Children's Hospital, one of the best children's hospitals in the world, plans on doing a >$550 million expansion in one of Cincinnati's worst neighborhoods. In addition to that, they've committed $11.5 million dollars of gifts to the neighborhood to address community needs. All they need is city counsel to approve a zoning change. WITH NO REQUEST FOR ANY PUBLIC FUNDING.

^Who wouldn't want that in their city?

Enter Mayoral Candidate and City Counsel member Yvette Simpson, along with Wendall Young. $11.5 million being handed to Avondale isn't good enough. They want 5% of the development cost as a handout to Avondale and it's community organizations.

So rather than approving a deal for one of the best hospitals in the world to do a half billion dollar expansion, while the community receives a handout of $11.5 million and reaps the benefits of the expansion, the politicians are trying to hold up the deal to extort more money that can be handed out to their friends (yes, some of their friends, such as ex-Mayor Dwight Tillery, run "community organizations" who aren't getting a handout from Children's as it currently stands).

Not that I'm a Cranley fan, but hopefully this seals the deal for Simpson. Unbelievably poor judgment and corruption shown by someone who wants to lead the city. Can't imagine any business that doesn't have the resources and reputation wanting to expand in the city under a Simpson Administration.
Wow! So you live in the city Bill or across the river like me?
I know it's a waste of time because they aren't white and YOU'RE in no danger at all...but....

You people do realize that 99% of N. Korea's populace are trapped under the rule of a lunatic dictator and perfectly innocent......right?
You're right. Let's just let NK do what it wants then, shall we?
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Having worked in downtown Cincy off and on for over 30 years, this is just one example in a long list of Cincy screwups.

Its a donut city for a reason.
If you're here now, that's changing in a big way. Kroger has noticed with a proposed urban grocery in OTR. So with all the apartments getting built, it appears the donut is being filled.
Mueller flexing his muscles, showboating, is all that it is. Manafort has cooperated to the fullest extent, handed over all documentation requested, even voluntarily testified in front of two separate committees. There's absolutely no reason that Mueller couldn't have simply requested/subpoenaed the information he was looking for.
Ruh roh!