How will they rule ??!

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Leftists, in what universe are you the good guys? Your mass desire to assault and silence anyone and censor any opposing view makes you modern day book burners. Eff every single one of you clowns.

Look at this.


There are rich conservative entrepreneurs out there, why haven't one of them created a pro free speech social media platform? This question puzzles me.

It would be a guaranteed money maker too, everyone is sick of the leftist censorship on these sites.
Check out @DrewLiquerman's Tweet:

Welp glad Clinton took care of that for us....

Oh wait what? You mean the bad guys LIED?? NOOOO

We'll get to have this exact same scenario with Iran anytime now. Thats if we're lucky.

NK is lead by a madman. Whereas Iran really wants death and destruction. We may not get the warnings and tests. May not find out till they launch a missile
I have a friend who moved to Maryland about 6 years ago. He was back in Kentucky a few weeks ago and he stopped by. He told me someone on his wife's side of the family has had six sex changes. SIX. Each time they have a sex change, they have less "material" to work with. After six sex changes... apparently this person is like a Ken doll now.

Anyone who thinks having a sex change is a normal desire... mental.
We had to have this convo with our 7th-grade daughter recently. She is/was full-on brainwashed into the whole gender identification thing, telling me that she was taught that 'sex' is determined by physical attributes while the brain determines true gender. We had to intervene at that point. Her jumping point for questioning was 'where does all this (gender-bending mentality) come from if it's just a binary system?'
We had to explain what a hermaphrodite is and all the variants that description can entail. How gender reassignments at birth can be completely blind guesses by doctors/parentd that end up having terrible life-long effects on the child. That those are real people with real gender identification problems who need hormone therapy and gender reassignments, physcho therapy, etc. It sucks and God bless them, for there by the grace of God go I. And I drove the point home by asking her how she thought those people with those real transgender problems felt when seeing all these physically normal, yet mentally bored children, cheapen their daily struggles by likening their troubles to associating with a unicorn and dressing as such. All those true transgenders really want is normalcy, while these millennials want to bastardize their own normalcy to feign some level of identification struggle for nothing more than attention and filling the empty hours of their otherwise vapid lives. Blew her little brainwashed mind with basic common sense, man. Lol. Scary.
Why in the world are her teachers teaching her about transgenders?

*ive had this theory for a while, and it goes with the "the state is destroy the family unit and taking over parental roles" - DARE and sexual education at very young ages do more harm than good and lead curious children to make bad decisions. Pretty simple and straightforward. There's no damn reason a second grader needs to know all the drugs, what they do, and what they look like. No good reason for that. The sex ed stuff is a little different, maybe, but there's no damn good reason a 5-6th graded should be taught how to correctly perform sex acts and offered condoms if they ever need it.

And this was over a decade ago, so I can't imagine what they're teaching kids today - I guess how transgenders have sex and stuff. GD kid's can't write cursive, can't do math, but they can tell you how about transgenders and meth. Brilliant!

*our sex teacher was pretty hot, snd she gave a banana a bj, put a condom on it, etc...and her daughter is a pill whore and her son OD'd. Sad, but you couldn't reach your own kids, for whatever reason, and maybe it's not your fault, so why in the world are you having parent/kid lessons with strange children? It's weird to think about, tbh. How did that stuff become curriculum.
You already have, even after the journalists who wrote the piece pointed out this was nothing but muscle flexing. Then here comes you, thinking this is some "Ruh roh!" bombshell, being played for a fool because you just have to believe Russia collusion is real.

But he isn't. That's a fact. If he were lying to investigators/Congress, refusing to turn over documents, ignoring subpoenas, and/or pleading the fifth it would front page news. Get a grip.

Any unbiased observer shouldn't have any speculation based on the reality of how cooperative he's been thus far. He's turned over everything that has been asked of him. Matter of fact, as already pointed out, the shit Mueller got a warrant and went all Rambo to get, Manafort had already turned the same stuff over to the House and the Senate, no questions asked. Theater. Enjoy the show, peasant.
The show is about all we got with this mess. I enjoy it immensely and incredibly more unbiased as you could ever hope to. Look at you. Pretending to know every fact, every piece of evidence and lead. It's comical in itself. I'm contemplating throwing in even more Scooby Doo from this point forward just to see more classic bravado.

Which Hillary Super PAC did this, you think?

The party of love and science, ladies and gentlemen. The ones who said Trump didn't have the temperment yet they can't stop losing their shit nine months later and have an obsession with drawing Trump having sex with Putin and now have resorted to making a chicken with hair. A very mature group this is.

Oh, and I wouldn't expect anything less from the left to side with North Korea and take issue with Trump instead. This group would cheer for ISIS over us.

Which Hillary Super PAC did this, you think?

The party of love and science, ladies and gentlemen. The ones who said Trump didn't have the temperment yet they can't stop losing their shit nine months later and have an obsession with drawing Trump having sex with Putin and now have resorted to making a chicken with hair. A very mature group this is.

Oh, and I wouldn't expect anything less from the left to side with North Korea and take issue with Trump instead. This group would cheer for ISIS over us.

In their defense, their odds on him being there are probably way less than 50/50 on a given random day, but this vacation was well publicized. Morons.
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incredibly more unbiased as you could ever hope to.

Just because you tell this lie every time you come to this thread doesn't make it so. Do you honestly think that we don't see you for exactly what you are? Speaking of pretending, you're the only pretender I see here.

Look at you. Pretending to know every fact, every piece of evidence and lead. It's comical in itself.

So me going off of the fact that every single report/account/rumor out there all say that Manafort has cooperated to the fullest extent, above and beyond what has been asked of him, then claiming that a warrant/raid was unnecessary, excessive, headline creating, conspiracy feeding showboating is me "pretending to know every fact, every piece of evidence and lead."? That's quite a reach on your part.

Also, me going by the information laid out in the actual story to prove my point above about this entire thing being a charade, information straight from the source who leaked this to WaPo, information corroborated by Manafort's spokesman, that the same documents Mueller got a warrant and raided Manafort’s home to obtain, Manafort had already voluntarily turned them over to everyone who had previously requested them is me "pretending to know every fact, every piece of evidence and lead."? Again, the only person pretending here is you.
Isn't it pretty obvious the warrant for Manafort isn't about any sort of Russia collusion (whatever the **** that means)?

Yes, per all reports, he's fully cooperated with the Russia investigation.

But as we all know, Mueller isn't there to investigate Trump campaign collusion with Russia. He's there to take down Trump by whatever means necessary.

A search warrant on Manafort is about getting any and all information possible to find something, anything, illegal Manafort has done in the past.
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Anyone else find it somewhat troublesome that schools etc across the nation are trying to "teach" kids as young as like 5 about "genders " / trans/ and sex organs and anal sex etc etc?

I'm glad we home school. My oldest son (7 ab to turn 8 in September) just started tackle football this year. Since we belong to the parish , he's able to play all the sports (he played flag last year ). He starts wrestling in the fall.

We were somewhat heavily considering private/ catholic school this year but decided against it. Basically all the public schools in Jefferson County are garbage.