How will they rule ??!

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Wow! So you live in the city Bill or across the river like me?

I get the best of both worlds. Pay state income taxes to be stolen by a commuter college and it's Arena, along with all the other state issues, while living in a region that's entirely ignored by anyone in Frankfort and can't get a goddam bridge built that carries a significant portion of the nations GDP. All the while, I get to pay city tax to fund a $100 million trolley car that does a figure 8 around an area you can walk around faster.
Ruh roh? I think it says the opposite. There's no there there so Mueller purposely created drama that the liberal media can feign outrage over, keeping the conspiracy in the spotlight.

Again, two separate committees have received thousands of documents from Manafort with ease. Everything they have asked for he handed over. He has fully cooperated with the investigation, unlike Rice, Lynch, Rhodes, etc...

There's no reason Mueller couldn't have taken the same approach. Going out of his way to get a search warrant and having the FBI raid Manafort’s home was nothing but theater for the peasants. Looks like you fell for it.
I get the best of both worlds. Pay state income taxes to be stolen by a commuter college and it's Arena, along with all the other state issues, while living in a region that's entirely ignored by anyone in Frankfort and can't get a goddam bridge built that carries a significant portion of the nations GDP. All the while, I get to pay city tax to fund a $100 million trolley car that does a figure 8 around an area you can walk around faster.
Don't forget the parking $$$. Same here dude. I make best of it I can. Plan to have a cold one at Arnold's this week.
All show and you're the director. We get it.
No. That would be Mueller. If this wasn't for show give a reason why you think they had to get a search warrant and kick in his door.

It's not like he hasn't cooperated. He voluntarily testified, under oath, instead of pleading the fifth. He has handed over thousands of documents already. He's not hiding, on the run, using bleach bit on computers, smashing cell phones with a hammer.

What's the reason that Mueller, just like both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees did, with full cooperation from Manafort, couldn't call Manafort’s lawyer and request whatever it is he wanted? Enlighten me, please.
I haven't been to the West Coast in 5 years

North Korea develops capabilities to blow up the West Coast

Work calls and tells me I have to go to Seattle this Friday and SF next Thursday

NK is about as capable of hitting the US west coast with a weapon as I am of hitting San Francisco with a pistol from my house in Lexington.

They also have no shot at hitting an island the size of Guam unless they got lucky. Their ICBM program is smoke and mirrors.
Even the WaPo journalist who broke the story hints that, considering Manafort’s cooperation, it wasn't really necessary and is more than likely a show of force by Mueller.

Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort, confirmed that agents executed a warrant at one of the political consultant’s homes and that Manafort cooperated with the search.

Manafort has been voluntarily producing documents to congressional committees investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The search warrant could have been intended to send a message to President Trump’s former campaign chairman that he should not expect gentle treatment or legal courtesies from Mueller’s team.

The documents included materials Manafort had already provided to Congress, said people familiar with the search.

“If the FBI wanted the documents, they could just ask [Manafort] and he would have turned them over,” said one adviser close to the White House.

“Mr. Manafort has consistently cooperated with law enforcement and other serious inquiries and did so on this occasion as well,” said Maloni, the spokesman for Manafort.

Manafort’s allies fear that Mueller hopes to build a case against Manafort unrelated to the 2016 campaign, in hopes that the former campaign operative would provide information against others in Trump’s inner circle in exchange for lessening his own legal exposure.
I get the best of both worlds. Pay state income taxes to be stolen by a commuter college and it's Arena, along with all the other state issues, while living in a region that's entirely ignored by anyone in Frankfort and can't get a goddam bridge built that carries a significant portion of the nations GDP. All the while, I get to pay city tax to fund a $100 million trolley car that does a figure 8 around an area you can walk around faster.

I can't wait to get out of this POS city (Cincinnati).
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It is striking how much quicker the process is working on this Russia deal than the investigation into Hillary. I wish at least of them had destroyed their computer and used bleach bit to see what reaction they got. And none of them were sitting Sec of State.
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Gizmodo‏Verified account@Gizmodo
Fired Google memo writer took part in "sexist" skit while at Harvard for which administration issued formal apology

This guy is gonna doxxed into oblivion.

When you go up against the left, you're taking on the machine. They try to destroy you. These people traced back Romney cutting a guy's hair when he was 15. They expect you to be shamed all while these nuts go unpunished.

How do you think these weirdos, SJWs and Dem reporters would fare put under the microscope?
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[laughing] @jameslee32, I just want to make sure you read this part -- The documents included materials Manafort had already provided to Congress, said people familiar with the search. -- then tell me it wasn't all for show.

Needless to say, said documents have already been turned over voluntarily, twice, to two separate Judiciary Committees, and Manafort would have had no problem turning them over to Mueller as well. All it would have taken was a phone call to his lawyer. But, no, let's suit up in the dark of the night and kick in his door instead. Again, theater for the peasants. Got to make sure the imbeciles get their Russian conspiracy fill.

Bottom line, this headline -- Breaking News: 'Manafort Has Nothing To Hide, Voluntarily Turns Over Documents To Mueller In Russia Probe' doesn’t quite serve the conspiracy agenda the same as this headline -- Breaking News: 'FBI Conducted Predawn Raid Of Former Trump Campaign Chairman Manafort’s Home'
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[laughing] @jameslee32, I just want to make sure you read this part -- The documents included materials Manafort had already provided to Congress, said people familiar with the search. -- then tell me it wasn't all for show.

Needless to say, said documents have already been turned over voluntarily, twice, to two separate Judiciary Committees, and Manafort would have had no problem turning them over to Mueller as well. All it would have taken was a phone call to his lawyer. But, no, let's suit up in the dark of the night and kick in his door instead. Again, theater for the peasants. Got to make sure the imbeciles get their Russian conspiracy fill.

Bottom line, this headline -- Breaking News: 'Manafort Has Nothing To Hide, Voluntarily Turns Over Documents To Mueller In Russia Probe' doesn’t quite serve the conspiracy agenda the same as this headline -- Breaking News: 'FBI Conducted Predawn Raid Of Former Trump Campaign Chairman Manafort’s Home'

I also found it interesting that it's being portrayed as "breaking news" when it happened a month ago.
I also found it interesting that it's being portrayed as "breaking news" when it happened a month ago.
And the day after he voluntarily handed over the same documents and testified in front of the Senate Intelligence committee.
Just saw that Mattis released a statement talking tough on North Korea. I kind of blew off the Trump talk because we all know he's a braggadocious loudmouth, but when Mattis starts to talk I think it's safe to assume that we are seriously considering ending Un and North Korea, if necessary, in order to keep America and its allies safe.
LMAO, What do you suggest they do? I'd love to hear this!!! Hell, what did you guys do to stop Obama besides impotently rage? And Obama was very unlikely to have his troops shoot you for being a racist dick.

You DO know that it's just plain stupid to suggest they march or protest and get killed.....but hey, it's not YOU right? So who cares?

IF you ever actually served, you are a disgrace to your uniform.
So what do YOU suggest that WE do? If NK launches a nuke our way, we should...what? Are you saying we should drop rainbows, unicorns, flowers and happy thoughts on them?

Look, we all sympathize, but the "innocents" are supporting a madman, and they are willing to fight, kill and die for their "Dear Leader." Their blood will be on the hands of Kim Jong Il, the one who is rattling sabers, making threats, and showing aggression towards the USA and his allies.

If you ever actually were an American citizen, you are a disgrace to your country.
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All those criticizing Trumps response to north korea - how would you prefer our president respond to a direct threat of nuclear attack by an enemy?

Guess we could send them billions in hopes of apoeasing them for a time.
How about a beer summit and a hundred billion dollars?

The Kenyan muzzie POS guaranteed that this is our future dealing with the Iranian scum as well...

Thanks Obottom.
All those criticizing Trumps response to north korea - how would you prefer our president respond to a direct threat of nuclear attack by an enemy?

Guess we could send them billions in hopes of apoeasing them for a time.

I don't give a damn what some puny little liberal says. Let them go cry to their cuck little family. Piss on them. They don't speak for America. Matter of fact, I want to round up every liberal and send them over to NK naked with no food or water.
Has Trump used a nickname yet for Un?

I'd prefer he just say that little fat boy couldn't hit the US with one of his weapons even if his worthless grandpa crawled out of his lumpy ass and tried to guide it for him.

Then tell Seoul to buckle up.

I don't think NK could even hit mainland China with a missile.
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I would prefer Trump play things closer to vest. The way Reagan played Khadafi. KJU needs to be mysteriously hit by a bus or something.
Send em in
