How will they rule ??!

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If you ever wanted to win a war or be perceived as tough, you'd never want a leftist in charge.
Anyone else find it somewhat troublesome that schools etc across the nation are trying to "teach" kids as young as like 5 about "genders " / trans/ and sex organs and anal sex etc etc?

I'm glad we home school. My oldest son (7 ab to turn 8 in September) just started tackle football this year. Since we belong to the parish , he's able to play all the sports (he played flag last year ). He starts wrestling in the fall.

We were somewhat heavily considering private/ catholic school this year but decided against it. Basically all the public schools in Jefferson County are garbage.

My oldest starts pre-school this year and we sent him to a Christian private school. It will be super expensive next year though. No way in hell will I allow my kids to go to public school in today's environment if we can afford it. It's essentially giving them to the state to brainwash them. No way should my kids be taught about trans, white privilege, gay history, etc.
Just because you tell this lie every time you come to this thread doesn't make it so. Do you honestly think that we don't see you for exactly what you are? Speaking of pretending, you're the only pretender I see here.

So me going off of the fact that every single report/account/rumor out there all say that Manafort has cooperated to the fullest extent, above and beyond what has been asked of him, then claiming that a warrant/raid was unnecessary, excessive, headline creating, conspiracy feeding showboating is me "pretending to know every fact, every piece of evidence and lead."? That's quite a reach on your part.

Also, me going by the information laid out in the actual story to prove my point above about this entire thing being a charade, information straight from the source who leaked this to WaPo, information corroborated by Manafort's spokesman, that the same documents Mueller got a warrant and raided Manafort’s home to obtain, Manafort had already voluntarily turned them over to everyone who had previously requested them is me "pretending to know every fact, every piece of evidence and lead."? Again, the only person pretending here is you.
You should work for CNN with this scoop.

I enjoy the DC circus but I won't pretend to know what's in the head of The Donald or anything Mueller has on his desk or where he's going. I'll leave the "facts" to you professionals. lol
You should work for CNN with this scoop.

I enjoy the DC circus but I won't pretend to know what's in the head of The Donald or anything Mueller has on his desk or where he's going. I'll leave the "facts" to you professionals. lol

You do realize that I haven't repeated anything concerning Manafort’s cooperation with the investigation or the content of information obtained by Mueller from Manafort's home that wasn't actually in the WaPo story that broke this news?

I'm not pretending anything. I'm going off of what was reported in the article, an article you obviously didn't read. That explains the numerous strawmen and deflections you've thrown out since you first quoted my original post.
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Wtf is wrong with our educators?? So now, they're teaching kids to be afraid of words instead of explaining them.

How did America become so politically correct?

A school board in Portland, Ore., has dropped “Lynch” from the names of two elementary schools, claiming it had negative connotations and made some people feel uncomfortable.
How did America become so politically correct?

That's a damn good question.

we sent him to a Christian private school.

That's also funny because any of these "religion is bad don't talk about it....unless it's Muslim" folk and all the "everybody deserves the same things and total equality!!!!" people would never ever ever ever send their children to fn public school.
Liberal colleges are recruiting conservative professors to 'stir up some trouble'.

  • The University of Colorado Boulder launched a program in 2013 to bring conservative professors to its ultraliberal campus.
  • The first person tapped, Steven Hayward, stirred up controversy during his yearlong position, but administrators didn't mind.
  • Other liberal colleges have begun to adopt similar programs to diversify thought on their campuses.

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The real answer to the "how did we get so politically correct" question sounds racist therefore I'm scared to explain any further.

Pfttt, F that.......

We have been over run by a bunch of politicized nancies that learn words to trigger voting blocks into being against conservatives(or white people) and boom!

Before immigration got out of control we had things handled and the Dems couldn't get over the hump consistently enough to change our BS president at a time their policies worked over and we were flooded with immigrants and foreigners that they finally had enough backing.

Clearly that's only in national voting and not local because your state govt's are still heavily republican minus 2-3 states.

Think about that for a minute and you'll realize just how corrupt one base has to be to get their policies in place.

You should see the stats for the past several decades on white people voting and the Dem Party. They haven't got the majority of white voters since like the 40s. There's a reason they want open borders, importing refugees/Muslims and continue a war on whites via media, academia and Hollywood. They need a welfare state who votes for bigger government and minorities and the third world will do it.
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[laughing] Damn. I was simply giving my opinion, based on the facts at hand, about what I thought Mueller’s intentions behind the raid were. Didn't know that you would have to go into "Ruh roh!" mystery solving mode to comprehend it. My bad.
He is just smart enough to avoid going into any detail of his positions as to not show his ignorance.
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[laughing] they are now saying 2016 was the hottest year on record. The propaganda is so predictable. Why do people still buy this bogus scam?
Anyone else find it somewhat troublesome that schools etc across the nation are trying to "teach" kids as young as like 5 about "genders " / trans/ and sex organs and anal sex etc etc?

We were somewhat heavily considering private/ catholic school this year but decided against it. Basically all the public schools in Jefferson County are garbage.

My kids go to Jefferson County schools. They are doing great, there's no political influence, and they sure as hell don't talk about gender crap.
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My kids go to Jefferson County schools. They are doing great, there's no political influence, and they sure as hell don't talk about gender crap.

Really ? Ok that's actually refreshing then.

I know there are some good public schools around here but many many many of them are awful. I went to private grade school (our lady of Lourdes ) but a public high school "Waggener " (except for my sophomore year ) and it was God awful.
Why is science just thrown to the side and Deemed unimportant when it comes to human biology/ transgenders?

Because humans are better than science. We have the power to change the world, change nature, and be whatever we want.

One day we will be allowed to be Dolphins if we wish. Or we can be black. Just like South Park predicted...

That *will* happen. Racial reassignment surgery. If I identify as black, why can't I change my pigment and get a penis enlargement?

the liberal hatred of whites is off the charts dumb and funny. Notice how the crazy korean dictator who always uses threatening rhetoric and is increasing his provocative actions isnt to blame in the liberal mind for current escalations in tensions. nevermind the recent unanimous vote to sanction them that included china and, in the liberal mind it somehow becomes entirely about 'white supremacy'
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Because humans are better than science. We have the power to change the world, change nature, and be whatever we want.

One day we will be allowed to be Dolphins if we wish. Or we can be black. Just like South Park predicted...

That *will* happen. Racial reassignment surgery. If I identify as black, why can't I change my pigment and get a penis enlargement?

Can I go half black, half Asian so I can make more money AND have the giant hammer?

the liberal hatred of whites is off the charts dumb and funny. Notice how the crazy korean dictator who always uses threatening rhetoric and is increasing his provocative actions isnt to blame in the liberal mind for current escalations in tensions. nevermind the recent unanimous vote to sanction them that included china and, in the liberal mind it somehow becomes entirely about 'white supremacy'

What the f*ck ever. I'm so sick and tired of this white supremacy shit. The "you're a cis- racist male!! " wtf is cis? GFY

It's like ... the left / crazies (whatever you wanna call them ) have removed any type of "defense" straight white (or any white ) person could have. They tell us we're "born, raised racist " even if our parents weren't "racist " or even if were not "racist " we are still racist bc we as white males cant help it. Like it's fawkkkking biological.

I know this gets said a lot by racists but I'm literally in no way shape or form racist. At all. You can't even have a discussion with someone on twitter without them being backed into a corner , covering their ears and yelling "racist!"

I thought the whole "war on whites " predictions a couple years back were absolutely absurd.
Now... well... I mean maybe it's not a "war" so to speak but it's pretty effing troubling.
My kids walk 600 yards from my house through a park to their elementary school. It's probably 20% minority students if you want to group it that way.

Is it Dunn? Just a guesss - it's one of the better public schools.

What high schools do you like (public?)

St. x and trinity have gotten so GD expensive , smh.

I'm seriously serious lol. W TF???????? Has happened to people?? This shit is so ABSURD- and ignorant , "wtf?" Stuff seems to happen EVERY day now.

I fee like even if I were trans, while there should ABSOLUTELY be NO mental, physical harm/ taunting etc etc .... that I would still understand that not every living person is gonna jump on train and advocate that I'm "whatever gender I wanna be"

You're a man? Ok except you literally have a Vagina so...
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