How will they rule ??!

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You never answered my question about young DWS in that 4chan thread. Real or not? Is it her and why would she be in public with em out?

The red reptile one? I couldn't find what you were talking about. Can you resend it with more detail? I'd like to see it
The latest new member of Harvard's male swim team.

I suppose s/he strikes me as a more likely member of Seal Team 6 than an M to F trans like Caitlyn Jenner.

[I know you're out there. Who'd hit that?]
I find it discomfiting or unsettling or, IDK, strange that someone would voluntarily have a double mastectomy and post Instagram pics of it because she wants to be male.
What's kills "trans" people the most (they won't admit it ) is that they know deep down they will NEVER be the gender they're TRYING to become. #biology

Left/ feminists- "women aren't defined by pretty dresses and makeup and boobs!"

Trans - "make me the most stereotypical female ever please !"
A woman writes a children's book about wizards and all of a sudden she's a go-to for politics?
I actually know adults (otherwise intelligent, or at least apparently) who read those books. I have no idea why any non "young adult" reads a young adult "book". These books are a joke for anyone over the age of 16, and Rowling is a joke, period. I am so sick of this YA crap infesting my Goodreads page. Ridiculous.
If Trump puts congress on Obamacare, he will be close to GOAT status for me. What an epic way to send a huge FU to the establishment.
If he does this, which I'm really hoping he does, I'll be a fan of his. I'm far from a fan of Trump, and I didn't vote for him (didn't vote Hillary either). If he does this, I'll almost for sure vote for him in 2020 should he run.
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Saw where Venezuela went ahead with yesterday's vote to rewrite their Constitution, even after the US warned a harsh reaction. Now Tillerson is talking heavy sanctions, including the US no longer purchasing oil from them.

I'm not so sure that's such a good idea. That will only make the country more poor and make the situation for the citizens worse. This isn't the Middle East. This is right in our backyard. If there's a major refugee crisis, they'll be knocking on our door. I'm not a fan of this, but I'm thinking a regime change before it gets too bad. Give the people their country back.

Better answer. Don't hurt the people. Go after the Commie bastard in charge.
U.S. Sanctions Venezuela's President Maduro, Freezes U.S. Assets
The Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has personally sanctioned Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, adding him to the list of specially designated nationals, freezing any U.S. assets he may have and generally blocking U.S. persons from transactions involving him.

Today's sanction is a follow up to last week's announcement by the Trump administration in which the Treasuey revealed sanctions on 13 senior Venezuelan officials in an attempt to deter Maduro from moving forward with plan to rewrite Venezuela’s constitution in what opponents regard as a potential power grab move. Needless to say, that particular attempt failed.

Today's escalation comes in response to this weekend's election which gives Venezuela's ruling party new, sweeping powers. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert charges the new assembly formed from this election “is designed to replace the legitimately elected National Assembly and undermine the Venezuelan people’s right to self-determination.”

I actually know adults (otherwise intelligent, or at least apparently) who read those books. I have no idea why any non "young adult" reads a young adult "book". These books are a joke for anyone over the age of 16, and Rowling is a joke, period. I am so sick of this YA crap infesting my Goodreads page. Ridiculous.
I was a kid when those books were being written, so I'm still a young adult, so I guess I'm not who you are talking about. However, a lot of people my age say they grew up with the Harry Potter books. I certainly don't feel that way, but I recently reread them. They're easy reads and I think Rowling is a tremendous writer. She is, however, a dope when it comes to politics. I'm not going to dislike the books/movies because I disagree with the author's politics. I'd be doing myself a disservice at that point.
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The one where she is showing her tits?????

Is that DWS with those big succulent nipple titties???
I liked em! Looks like they've got personality. Found this there too.

Shes on drugs.
The cool thing about Maxine Waters is she believes there's a groundswell of millenials that want her to run for potus.

Of course the dnc won't allow that, but lol at the trainwreck of someone in the dnc trying to tell that lady she has to go "to the back of the bus"......not going to happen quietly.
If Trump puts congress on Obamacare, he will be close to GOAT status for me. What an epic way to send a huge FU to the establishment.
Trump has no power to put Congress on anything.
Yes, it would be great if Congress was required to live with a lot of the rules they create...but they do not.