How will they rule ??!

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Saw where Lahren is a huge hypocrite since she is a critic of Obamacare but is still on her parents insurance at age 24.

Struck me as odd since I was on my parents' insurance at the age of 24 before Obamacare existed.

Yes it depended on the policy. Some would cover up to 25 iirc. Obamacare made all participating policies do so, im pretty sure.

So it mqy or may not be due to obamacare. Of course the media will never look into it, because the truth is immaterial. The story is all that matters
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Saw where Lahren is a huge hypocrite since she is a critic of Obamacare but is still on her parents insurance at age 24.

Struck me as odd since I was on my parents' insurance at the age of 24 before Obamacare existed.

How does being on parents insurance and being a Critic of Obamacare make one a hypocrite?

A. That's the way it works.
B. Might not even be because of Obamacare
C. You can be critical of something and still have to use it if there are no other options. It's like saying obama critics were hypocrites because he was still our president.
Do liberals and black supremacists understand that the Confederate HBO show is not a conservative idea? Haha. I don't think so. They seem to not understand that it's a studio filled with Democrats making a show fantasizing about the south and the Dem Party winning a civil war.

They honestly seem to think it's an idea from conservatives. No. None of us wanted this show. This is a show that HBO tried to make to appease the career victim crowd and those same people turned on them and started eating each other.
Read about the Chelsea Handler/Tomi Lahren debate on MSN. They are still showing this at the bottom of the page...

MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about.

I'm pretty sure they could have explored "better ways" while still allowing rational people to point out the lunacy of the left. What they are exploring is called partisan censorship.
CNN got rid of its comments some time ago. Maybe MSN is exploring a complete ban, too. HuffPo is nearly there with prescreening, ABC has a quick ban for anyone in the center or right, NBC was ok as of 6 months ago.
I hate the censorship that is going on. If msn does away with comments, I'll quit them, too.
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Decided to subject myself to reading about the new Al Gore movie. After several articles, none of which were particularly flattering to Mr. Gore, I came across this paragraph which perfectly captures Gore's personal "inconvenient truth".

Repeating the impact of “An Inconvenient Truth” would be difficult under the best of circumstances. The film, which earned nearly $50 million at the box office, gave Mr. Gore an unexpected second act in public life after his nearly victorious 2000 presidential run. He was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. He launched the Climate Reality Project. He also became rich, amassing a net worth estimated at as much as $300 million, including renewable energy investments as co-founder of Generation Investment Management.

Dumbass dems decry honest capitalism at every turn, and yet, still laud this c-sucker as some kind of savior even as he bastardizes capitalism by stealing their money through fear, deceit, and manipulation of facts.

Here is the article if you care to read it. Washington Times, not Post.
Even if I didn't have a brain that allows me to see through the dems bullshit, I would still be a rep because we have the best looking chicks. There can be NO debate about that.
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The ACLU of Kentucky has filed a lawsuit challenging Governor Matt Bevin's social media practices

^ this is real life. Sued because he blocked people on Facebook/twitter :joy::joy:

The attorneys filing the complaint should be sanctioned imo.

If a twitter account is banned, then one can still view the subject matter without logging in, or by logging into a new account.

So neither the information nor the person is being restricted at all. Just the one particular account login.

Case over.

Theyd had a better case citing facebook since it only allows one account. But you can still view without being logged in. So thats still a loser.
Saw where Venezuela went ahead with yesterday's vote to rewrite their Constitution, even after the US warned a harsh reaction. Now Tillerson is talking heavy sanctions, including the US no longer purchasing oil from them.

I'm not so sure that's such a good idea. That will only make the country more poor and make the situation for the citizens worse. This isn't the Middle East. This is right in our backyard. If there's a major refugee crisis, they'll be knocking on our door. I'm not a fan of this, but I'm thinking a regime change before it gets too bad. Give the people their country back.
It will only change when it gets bad enough. Until people die, there will be no change.

Valero, Phillips 66, & Chevron refine their oil. Citgo is owned by Ven. government. You decide.
Maybe because it was a Sunday, but this weekend there was a foiled terror plot to bring down a plane in Australia, another terrorist went on a stabbing spree (killing one, injuring six) in Germany, and neither got much attention.
I'm sure neither one had anything to do with islam.
Decided to subject myself to reading about the new Al Gore movie. After several articles, none of which were particularly flattering to Mr. Gore, I came across this paragraph which perfectly captures Gore's personal "inconvenient truth".

Repeating the impact of “An Inconvenient Truth” would be difficult under the best of circumstances. The film, which earned nearly $50 million at the box office, gave Mr. Gore an unexpected second act in public life after his nearly victorious 2000 presidential run. He was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. He launched the Climate Reality Project. He also became rich, amassing a net worth estimated at as much as $300 million, including renewable energy investments as co-founder of Generation Investment Management.

Dumbass dems decry honest capitalism at every turn, and yet, still laud this c-sucker as some kind of savior even as he bastardizes capitalism by stealing their money through fear, deceit, and manipulation of facts.

Here is the article if you care to read it. Washington Times, not Post.

They played the preview for this when I saw Dunkirk, and some fatass in front of me shouted "Fake News" at the end of the preview. The woman directly behind him said "have another sandwich." He shut up pretty fast.
They played the preview for this when I saw Dunkirk, and some fatass in front of me shouted "Fake News" at the end of the preview. The woman directly behind him said "have another sandwich." He shut up pretty fast.

If the dude was faster on his feet he should have replied "go to the kitchen and make me one." I don't think he expected a response :D
I was reading this USA Today Editorial (quoted only in part):

"Trump was the first U.S. president to enter 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. supporting marriage equality. When Hillary Clinton was backing her husband's decision to sign the Defense of Marriage Act that limited gay rights, Trump was an LGBT trailblazer in opening his Mar-a-Lago club to gay couples.

"It is shortsighted to call Trump anti-LGBT. Supporting LGBT rights does not mean that you have to be an LGBT Santa Claus who continually stuffs the stockings and leaves presents under the tree. Trump has to make decisions for the nation, not one group, and sometimes that means you don't get what you want.

"When it comes to LGBT politics it is sexuality first, country second. It is just the opposite when you are POTUS. Trump's decision may be unfair, but it was not incorrect."

I was surprised USA Today would print that.
The latest new member of Harvard's male swim team.

I suppose s/he strikes me as a more likely member of Seal Team 6 than an M to F trans like Caitlyn Jenner.

[I know you're out there. Who'd hit that?]