How will they rule ??!

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2 more articles about Trump's golf and vacations to Mar-a-Lago. Trump is out of the white house because he knows it is compromised. Golf is just an excuse to discuss politics in a venue with less chances of leaks.

Gets out of the White House because he knows it's compromised? Come on...

Well? Do you have enough evidence. After months of leaks and "chaos". Come on...

POTUS TRUMP Must Demand Lie Detector Testing of All Top Level Employees and Move from White House Immediately

In President Donald Trump’s first 126 days in office, from January 20 to May 25, there were at least 125 news articles based on classified information that were published in prominent national news outlets reported the Daily Caller.

The 24 page report, “State Secrets: How an Avalanche of Media Leaks is Harming National Security,” exposed a stunning number of Deep State leaks against this Populist president.


I guess he's the right color and gender to not get ridicule from the right-eous. Meanwhile Russia is giving the Taliban guns to kill guys like that. Your buddies, the Russians.

Just another example of the bumper sticker patriots who voted for the whiner in chief.

Make everything about race, then call people with a different point of view racist...this is why Dems have lost power across the country.
Well? Do you have enough evidence. After months of leaks and "chaos". Come on...

POTUS TRUMP Must Demand Lie Detector Testing of All Top Level Employees and Move from White House Immediately


In President Donald Trump’s first 126 days in office, from January 20 to May 25, there were at least 125 news articles based on classified information that were published in prominent national news outlets reported the Daily Caller.

The 24 page report, “State Secrets: How an Avalanche of Media Leaks is Harming National Security,” exposed a stunning number of Deep State leaks against this Populist president.


I wonder how many classified leaks there were under previous admins?
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Well? Do you have enough evidence. After months of leaks and "chaos". Come on...

POTUS TRUMP Must Demand Lie Detector Testing of All Top Level Employees and Move from White House Immediately


In President Donald Trump’s first 126 days in office, from January 20 to May 25, there were at least 125 news articles based on classified information that were published in prominent national news outlets reported the Daily Caller.

The 24 page report, “State Secrets: How an Avalanche of Media Leaks is Harming National Security,” exposed a stunning number of Deep State leaks against this Populist president.


If that's the case, whose fault is it though? Who's calling the shots and appointing staff?

All this means to me if it's true is that Trump is a pretty bad judge of character.
If that's the case, whose fault is it though? Who's calling the shots and appointing staff?

All this means to me if it's true is that Trump is a pretty bad judge of character.

I would imagine there is still quite a few Obama appointees in place, also there were plenty of Reps that don't want Trump to succeed.
There is a real struggle for power going on in DC right now. Career politicians that are comfy with the way things have been, and a President that was elected by the people to shake up Washington.
Haha, John, what does that say about Obama and Hillary? We got enough crimes from their leaks to last 45 centuries worth of imprisonment

Not gonna argue that but that doesn't make it ok, does it?

I would never get away with this at my job. "Sorry boss, I made a bunch of bad hires and missed all my targets. Not my fault though, it's the guys I hired that fvcked up."
If that's the case, whose fault is it though? Who's calling the shots and appointing staff?

All this means to me if it's true is that Trump is a pretty bad judge of character.

He is a business man not a politician. Your word means something in business but not in politics. These dirty rats set him up from the jump. You do realize he still doesn't have close to a full cabinet. He went with people he could get through and barely got these F's through. He probably thought he had enough dirt on them to keep them loyal but their handlers have the real dirt with the 5 kids in ck's basement.

The gloves are off. He tried to play nice and work with them. Burn em all DJT.
Not gonna argue that but that doesn't make it ok, does it?

I would never get away with this at my job. "Sorry boss, I made a bunch of bad hires and missed all my targets. Not my fault though, it's the guys I hired that fvcked up."

Guess it depends if your a democrat. Apparently committing treason is ok when leaked as long as your a democrat
Haha, John, what does that say about Obama and Hillary? We got enough crimes from their leaks to last 45 centuries worth of imprisonment

Not to mention the leakers get made examples of. Right Skippy?

I'll start it. Name a suspicious death linked to the Clinton Crime Family after you post.

-Vince Foster
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Make everything about race, then call people with a different point of view racist...this is why Dems have lost power across the country.
Well, number 1, didn't make it about race. Was thinking more about religion and gender. Many folks on here have no problem bashing a veteran who doesn't share their views. And no 2, where did I call anyone a racist?

And no 3, Republicans bring up race as much as Dems do.

You guys just keep up all the winning you're doing with Drumpfess in charge. Are you tired of all the winning yet? I think it was actually a typo and he meant whining...because he whines about everything. Is he EVER going to take responsibility for ANYTHING that he does? He has no problem taking credit off the backs of others, but can't handle a lick of criticism.

Interesting points made by Republican Flake in Politico article. Republicans are responsible for the current partisanship in Washington when they said their #1 objective was to make Obama a one term President. Just like Obamacare repeal...they made all these grand statements about what they were going to do. Now that they own the government they are running around like a bunch of chickens because they know they were full of $hit.

It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime. It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us. It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued.
If that's the case, whose fault is it though? Who's calling the shots and appointing staff?

All this means to me if it's true is that Trump is a pretty bad judge of character.

if the obstructionists weren't holding up his staff, I would agree. But also, it's not like he has a lifetime of political friendships. Seeing a problem and cutting it is all you can really do. There will be some misses and some home runs.
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I guess he's the right color and gender to not get ridicule from the right-eous.

Well, number 1, didn't make it about race.

Lol. Either the biggest idiot on the planet or the greatest troll job in the history of trolls. I think it's the trump derangement syndrome, myself. Moron can't even remember which "ism" he shouted 5 minutes prior.
I'm not inclined to believe another anonymously sourced story about Russia. Second, the topic, the actual topic, of the meeting was adoption. That's a fact. Sure, a different topic was proposed before the meeting, but the meeting was not about the proposed topic. I'm really tired of the media's misleading crap on that fact.
JMO, the vast majority is sick to death of Russia bullshit.

The idiot politicians and media are missing it... Yugely.
This is the bullshit you should be going after Trump for but you can't because it all ties back to the Dems and Rep collusion. Eric Prince, Kelly, and McMasters are problems. Get the f out of Afghanistan and burn the fields. "Private contractors" like Dyncorp and Blackwater will traffic everything from minerals, drugs, and humans. This is a disaster.
McMaster And Mattis Have Twelve Months To Succeed In Afghanistan
Recently we learned that Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater Worldwide, and Steve Feinberg, financier, and owner of DynCorp International, a leading military logistics, and training contractor, approached the Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis, with their plan to use contractors instead of American troops to stabilize Afghanistan. The meeting was arranged at the behest of President Trump’s advisors who want to ensure their boss is apprised of the full range of options in Afghanistan.

The Secretary decided to stick with an in-house solution, that is to say, more of the same, for a war we are, in his words, “not winning.” Secretary Mattis is no enemy of contractors, but hopefully, he reflected on what Messrs. Prince and Feinberg said before he briefed President Trump last week on the way ahead in Afghanistan.

Lol. Either the biggest idiot on the planet or the greatest troll job in the history of trolls. I think it's the trump derangement syndrome, myself. Moron can't even remember which "ism" he shouted 5 minutes prior.
Obviously a troll. Have you noticed there's usually only one consistent dem that posts on this thread. Last summer it was someone with Moe in his name (not Moe_schmoe). Then he suddenly disappears and it was someone else, but I forget the name. Then cardkilla comes in. Maybe there was some overlap, but I don't think I ever saw the leftists in this thread converse with one another.
I guess he's the right color and gender to not get ridicule from the right-eous. Meanwhile Russia is giving the Taliban guns to kill guys like that. Your buddies, the Russians.

Just another example of the bumper sticker patriots who voted for the whiner in chief.
We don't sweat them or you snow flakes.
Make everything about race, then call people with a different point of view racist...this is why Dems have lost power across the country.
He is scared of people like that. He knows that there are a lot more of them out there and him and the left know that even with Russia helping them (the dems, that is the real truth) they still can't beat us.
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Well? Do you have enough evidence. After months of leaks and "chaos". Come on...

POTUS TRUMP Must Demand Lie Detector Testing of All Top Level Employees and Move from White House Immediately


In President Donald Trump’s first 126 days in office, from January 20 to May 25, there were at least 125 news articles based on classified information that were published in prominent national news outlets reported the Daily Caller.

The 24 page report, “State Secrets: How an Avalanche of Media Leaks is Harming National Security,” exposed a stunning number of Deep State leaks against this Populist president.


So Trump spendds 95% of his time in the White House, golfs for 4 hours a week and you think he's golfing and talking business at his resorts because the WH is compromised? He's meeting world leaders, his entire national security team and cabinet in the White House but he intentionally has meetings on the golf course to avoid it?

Come on. Use some common sense. There may be leaks and he should take precautions but it's still the safest, most secure place in the world.