How will they rule ??!

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These people live on a different planet. Nothing they make up is working. If anything, it only makes his base even stronger and is bringing more folks to his side because now they have made him a victim.

Yup. It's all negative Trump up down their front pages. Unreal. Not even close to being balanced. You won't see any retractions or corrections just go on to the next set of propaganda bs. It has me questioning every article they have out. Nothing is real anymore. They sold out the free press for complete propaganda. Hate Trump all you want but you can't put that back in the bottle. Zero confidence in any media. Half truths, lies, and propaganda. The gig is up.
Since the Awan arrest, the msm abruptly stopped with Russian boogeyman act that was constant for 7 months.

Imo thats a tipoff that this arrest is about to unlock alot of russia/dem intel. We will see

They are about to run with this. ha ha. Sorry bastards.

Shock Claim From Inside DNC: Seth Rich Leaked Emails To Moscow Lawyer One Month Before His Murder

With the 'Russian hacking' conspiracy theory hanging by a gossamer thread, a new claim from a prominent Seth Rich investigator casts further doubt that the DNC servers were breached by a foreign actor - yet maintains the charge of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election:Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails to the same Moscow attorney who met with Trump Jr. in June 2016.

According toRadar Online, an anonymous staffer currently employed by the DNC contacted prominent attorney, GOP lobbyist, and Seth Rich investigator Jack Burkman with the claim thatRich met with Natalia Veselnitskaya one month before his murder -giving her a cache of DNC emails later released by WikiLeaks.

“They claimed the Russian lawyer had met with Rich about a month before his death, four to six weeks, and Seth provided her with emails that were, apparently, leaked later on WikiLeaks." -Jack Burkman

Of note, Veselnitskaya - whodoesn't speak English,would have needed an interpreter to meet with Rich unless he spoke Russian.

Jack Burkman represents the family of Seth Rich, and has beenpushing the Seth Rich - Russia connection for months, calling for an investigation into links to the murder. In January, he told Infowars Rich was murdered by Russia after uncovering evidence that they hacked the DNC.

They are about to run with this. ha ha. Sorry bastards.

Shock Claim From Inside DNC: Seth Rich Leaked Emails To Moscow Lawyer One Month Before His Murder

With the 'Russian hacking' conspiracy theory hanging by a gossamer thread, a new claim from a prominent Seth Rich investigator casts further doubt that the DNC servers were breached by a foreign actor - yet maintains the charge of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election:Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails to the same Moscow attorney who met with Trump Jr. in June 2016.

According toRadar Online, an anonymous staffer currently employed by the DNC contacted prominent attorney, GOP lobbyist, and Seth Rich investigator Jack Burkman with the claim thatRich met with Natalia Veselnitskaya one month before his murder -giving her a cache of DNC emails later released by WikiLeaks.

“They claimed the Russian lawyer had met with Rich about a month before his death, four to six weeks, and Seth provided her with emails that were, apparently, leaked later on WikiLeaks." -Jack Burkman

Of note, Veselnitskaya - whodoesn't speak English,would have needed an interpreter to meet with Rich unless he spoke Russian.

Jack Burkman represents the family of Seth Rich, and has beenpushing the Seth Rich - Russia connection for months, calling for an investigation into links to the murder. In January, he told Infowars Rich was murdered by Russia after uncovering evidence that they hacked the DNC.
Did I read that gibberish correctly? As the facts have changed and it now appears there was no Russian hack, Burkman's story has changed from (1) Seth Rich discovered the Russian hack and was killed by the Russians for it, to (2) Seth Rich gave the emails to the Russians directly and was killed by them for it (there is even a newly discovered meeting with Russian mystery lawyer Veselnitskaya to back this up).

At least the first version made some sense.
WND article with book excerpt from D'Souza's "Big Lie" book.
Author Dinesh D'Souza on 'ploy of seizing the Hitler card'

Think about this: we know the name of the philosopher of capitalism, Adam Smith. We also know the name of the philosopher of Marxism, Karl Marx. So, quick, what is the name of the philosopher of fascism? Yes, exactly. You don’t know. Virtually no one knows. My point is that this is not because there were no foundational thinkers behind fascism – there were several – but rather that the left had to get rid of them in order to avoid confronting their unavoidable socialist and leftist orientation. This is the big lie in full operation.

These people live on a different planet. Nothing they make up is working. If anything, it only makes his base even stronger and is bringing more folks to his side because now they have made him a victim.

I agree its kilking them. They dont realize it because they live in an echo chamber.

So Megyn Kelly's show got canceled? Haha. That desperate need for attention last year has seemed to have had a very short pay off.

There is no shortage of leftist media voices. Why would she think that people would give a shit?
So Megyn Kelly's show got canceled? Haha. That desperate need for attention last year has seemed to have had a very short pay off.

There is no shortage of leftist media voices. Why would she think that people would give a shit?

Trump made her famous and then she got greedy and wrecked her career.
So Megyn Kelly's show got canceled? Haha. That desperate need for attention last year has seemed to have had a very short pay off.

There is no shortage of leftist media voices. Why would she think that people would give a shit?
Ha, that show never stood a chance. The left hates her, and the right who used to mostly like her, hates her now too. Shes gonna be a ratings disaster no matter where she goes as nobody will watch.
Speaking of "Corruption has so many faces...."
JK Rowling slams Trump for refusing to shake a handicapped boy's hand...

But it turns out to be a lie, and to my knowledge Rowling has not retracted.
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Read about the Chelsea Handler/Tomi Lahren debate on MSN. They are still showing this at the bottom of the page...

MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about.

I'm pretty sure they could have explored "better ways" while still allowing rational people to point out the lunacy of the left. What they are exploring is called partisan censorship.
Saw where Venezuela went ahead with yesterday's vote to rewrite their Constitution, even after the US warned a harsh reaction. Now Tillerson is talking heavy sanctions, including the US no longer purchasing oil from them.

I'm not so sure that's such a good idea. That will only make the country more poor and make the situation for the citizens worse. This isn't the Middle East. This is right in our backyard. If there's a major refugee crisis, they'll be knocking on our door. I'm not a fan of this, but I'm thinking a regime change before it gets too bad. Give the people their country back.
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Read about the Chelsea Handler/Tomi Lahren debate on MSN. They are still showing this at the bottom of the page...

MSN has temporarily removed commenting on our websites while we explore better ways for you to engage in discussion on the issues you care about.

I'm pretty sure they could have explored "better ways" while still allowing rational people to point out the lunacy of the left. What they are exploring is called partisan censorship.

Saw where Lahren is a huge hypocrite since she is a critic of Obamacare but is still on her parents insurance at age 24.

Struck me as odd since I was on my parents' insurance at the age of 24 before Obamacare existed.
Maybe because it was a Sunday, but this weekend there was a foiled terror plot to bring down a plane in Australia, another terrorist went on a stabbing spree (killing one, injuring six) in Germany, and neither got much attention.