
I was stationed near Izmir at the foot of the Taurus mountains. Some of us would do an occasional hike into the mountains. Beautiful scenery and you would normally see a camel caravan or two. Another time, we went way up in the mountains For a week or so on a mission. the villages had no electricity and we would see sheep herders with their flocks and dogs. At night you would hear the wolves howling.
I hope that was a calm time during your service so you could enjoy it somewhat. I think I'll just stick with the Appalachian mountains.
Funny story from Saturday, we went to see the movie Twister, as we were walking out there is a couple setting to the side, he young man was wearing an Arkansas t-shirt, I saw a guy with a Kentucky shirt on, he walks up to the young man and says, I just want to thank y'all from the bottom of my heart for taking coach cow off our hands, we really appreciate it!!! As we walked away, both of them were laughing and shaking hands!!
I hope that was a calm time during your service so you could enjoy it somewhat. I think I'll just stick with the Appalachian mountains.
Like anything, there was both good and bad. I'm glad I was there though. It was a great chance to see and work with another culture and to see how good we have it here. In line with your old job, there was a lot of wild boar there. The big shots were always visiting and playing war games so they could go hunting.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and partly cloudy. Rain expected later this afternoon. We may not exceed 87°F at all today, which is fine with me.

Monday, Monday.... Wishing y'all an outstanding day.

@cordmaker : Here we are coming into Newark early evening March 16. Look closely and you can see Freedom Tower NYC just behind wing tip.

Good morning folks.

Hot and muggy in the east. Just finished a longish run and I’m sitting on my back porch eating a slice of ice cold watermelon. What is better than that first bite of a perfectly sweet and crisp watermelon when you are overheated and dehydrated.

Gotta get ready for a long work week. Hope all is well with you folks.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. Good rain chances later this morning.

Found an iPhone yesterday during my walk. T-Mobile is carrier. Language en Español. Drop it by local T-Mobile dealer later today after chemo.

Olympics opening ceremony Friday. Some events, such as Rugby and Soccer, start preliminary play today. Go USA!

Chemo at 9:45 am.

Wishing y'all a good day.

Ground beef at Icelandic supermarket (Nettó) goes for roughly $10 / lb.

Good morning folks. Cloudy and incredibly muggy in the east.

Strange days we are living through. Less than two months ago Biden put out a brash, sneering video daring Trump to “make my day” with an early debate. Now he’s staring off into space in his Delaware basement, dreaming of taking down CornPop in the pool parking lot while Hunter googles Countries with No Extradition and tries to cut a bulk deal with Motel 6 for his “art work.”

I’ve noticed the days already getting slightly shorter during my morning walks. But still lots of summer ahead. Hope you guys are enjoying it.
Good morning folks.

Hot and muggy in the east. Just finished a longish run and I’m sitting on my back porch eating a slice of ice cold watermelon. What is better than that first bite of a perfectly sweet and crisp watermelon when you are overheated and dehydrated.

Gotta get ready for a long work week. Hope all is well with you folks.
A beer in a frosted mug?


Went fishing this morning at a pond (lake size so pond is not a good measure) that I have only gone to 2 times at Ft Sill with each time yielding nothing. I was bank fishing those first 2 times with not a whole lot of bank accessible. This time I was in the kayak. Only got 4 strikes but hooked all 4 of them and landed them so... Warrior-Cat 4 -- Largemouth Bass 0.

There was a lot of grass covering at least have of the lake/pond. Ran frogs over the grass and weedless worms through it. Caught the bass on the worms. Water was clear and I could see many little bass all over the place. that bodes well for the future.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. Slight chance for showers. Our high may reach 88°F today. Received a good soaking rain yesterday. Loving this weather.

Got another MRI scheduled for October 1st. May come sooner. So far everything stable.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

My buddy's other house in the Haverhill, MA area. Presently occupied. Built around 1740. He and his wife live next door. Amazing history up there.

Good morning folks. Grinding away at another work day -- a very busy one. Got in at 7:45 and just looked up to see it is closing in on noon. "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace to the last syllable of recorded time." Or something like that. Maybe it's more what the Doors sang: "Trade in your hours for a handful of dimes."

Happy hump day. Another weekend glimmers right there on the horizon. I'm feeling like seeing the ocean. Maybe my wife and I will visit her brother in Rehoboth Beach. Sleepy Joe should still be locked in the basement so it'll be safe.

Have a good one.
Good afternoon. Just got finished frying up a pound of bacon. A friend brought over a bunch of home grown tomatoes and we are going to have BLT's this afternoon.

It has been cloudy and just now got to 80°F even though it started out at a warm 74°F . We are supposed to have rain but we have not seen any in two days.

Happy hump day folks. Even though I have been retired a long time, the weekends are the best. It does not make sense but that is just the way that I am wired.
Good morning folks. Grinding away at another work day -- a very busy one. Got in at 7:45 and just looked up to see it is closing in on noon. "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace to the last syllable of recorded time." Or something like that. Maybe it's more what the Doors sang: "Trade in your hours for a handful of dimes."

Happy hump day. Another weekend glimmers right there on the horizon. I'm feeling like seeing the ocean. Maybe my wife and I will visit her brother in Rehoboth Beach. Sleepy Joe should still be locked in the basement so it'll be safe.

Have a good one.
Or from Dr Hook, How much soul much a poor man sell just to rub two coins together?
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Good afternoon. Just got finished frying up a pound of bacon. A friend brought over a bunch of home grown tomatoes and we are going to have BLT's this afternoon.

It has been cloudy and just now got to 80°F even though it started out at a warm 74°F . We are supposed to have rain but we have not seen any in two days.

Happy hump day folks. Even though I have been retired a long time, the weekends are the best. It does not make sense but that is just the way that I am wired.

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