How will they rule ??!

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In fairness, I should probably stop referring to the "execution" of Justine Damond. It probably wasn't an "execution". The word "execution" implies intent. This is probably just a tragedy created by an absolute idiot who somehow saw fit to give another absolute idiot a gun and a badge.
I'm on team "cop was nervous and trigger happy".

That should result in a manslaughter charge.

For the life of me I can't figure out why this investigation would take more than a day.
You are right about Obama, but my own respect for law enforcement kind of went a bit downhill recently, and I can't directly blame Obama. When unqualified idiots in law enforcement start executing innocent civilians, there's a problem. However, I still think that the vast majority of these people are heroes. I still have a great deal of respect of the vast majority of the men and women who put their lives on the line for us. I have no respect for that idiot who executed Justine, and even less for the idiot who gave him a gun and a badge in the first place. None.

I think most of these police shootings are preventable. Everything from poor candidates to poor training. Im as quick as anyone to criticize.

But the president has no business pouring fuel on the fire.
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I think most of these police shootings are preventable. Everything from poor candidates to poor training. Im as quick as anyone to criticize.

But the president has no business pouring fuel on the fire.

I don't want him to say anything. We know who did this and won't forget. We are not the trash that is known as the left. We aren't going to burn down cities or riot or give them justification for when they lose it after their next career criminal dies.

Everyone hates a crooked cop and when those are exposed, may they get their comeuppance but the left should know they are awakening a sleeping giant who is going to bitch slap the piss out of them after years of their bull crap.
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Trump delegates ALL legislative initiatives to Congress and delegates ZERO political strategy to staff and advisors. Both are huge problems.
The audacity of Democrats never ceases to amaze me. Eff every single one of them. The stuff they let the Obama admin and Hillary get away with yet we get this constant BS about Trump? Eff every single one of them.

It's time to be done with these people. We should not answer to them or let their inability to hold the left accountable for anything hinder this nation anymore.

I want this country to purge these psychos out of power and get rid of the RINOs and pussies in the party.
This is a professor at Evergreen State; the one who wanted whites banned from campus. o_O

As a nation we have not learned our lesson about race. Now the roles are reversed with the hate and ignorance. The left cannot or will not see the damage caused and their leaders want to keep it that way. Keeping their uneducated base intact keeps them in power and rich. I heard the other day that the average worth of republican senators was about 7 million each. The problem is, it was higher for democrats. This is why neither side wants this changed. Glib moronic people can come to power and not really know what they are doing and get rich in the process.
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Honestly, how can someone not hate the Democrat Party?

Investigating Trump/Russia "collusion" and supposed "meddling" in our election cause they lost.

Meanwhile, we have proof that the media and DNC colluded to rig a primary. We have proof the media colluded with Clinton to skew info to the public and we have proof that Ukraine worked with Clinton on Trump yet WE DEAL WITH THIS CRAP? Not only that we just had an administration that spied on enemies and a political candidate and used branches of the government to attack his opposition.

The left wants to talk about a dictator and freedom of the press? We just had a POS who used the IRS on conservatives, used the NSA on the media and opposition, used tax payer's money to fund special activist groups and make sure Iran gets nukes.

Dems should not get to dictate anything.

Yeah...when the history of our times is written I can't wait to read the chapter where Obama stood up to Putin


The world is going to be a horrible place when these type of morons make up majority of the eastern hemisphere and a solid chunk of the United States.

That top one gives even more credence to the fact that SJW/liberals interfere with nature and encourage these things. Boys are naturally drawn to boy toys and the same for girls. It's ideologues like this who try to stop that to prove some stupid point.

Honestly, people should really do all they can to avoid leftist crazies teaching their kids.
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Someone explain to me how race relations are supposed to improve when the only thing that's allowed is a one-sided lecture to white people while everything else gets ignored? Our country is at a boiling point.
Lmao there ya are . Please please try and defend this. Please . Explain the rather lack of media attention on this compared to the other "racist" shootings .

I'm sure myself and many others could use a laugh. You and Cardkilla are a breath of fresh comedic relief :)

Lack of media attention? I can only assume you don't watch the news because there has been coverage almost daily for the past week. It was the #2 story reported this morning on GMA right after OJ's parole. The Minneapolis Police Chief spoke on the issue. Perhaps it's just Fox and the right-wing media that isn't covering it.
Just for "Minneapolis police shooting"... About 4,450,000 results (0.54 seconds)

For comparison I tried a few others...
"trayvon martin shooting" ....About 558,000 results (0.45 seconds)
"ferguson police shooting" ...About 643,000 results (0.73 seconds)
"cleveland police shooting"...About 1,940,000 results (0.62 seconds)

There are no riots being covered...perhaps because there are no riots. To claim "lack of media attention" is as tone deaf and blind as one could possibly be.
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I think I'll watch Dunkirk and then just say eff off to Hollywood all together.

When these people say fight Trump, what are they fighting exactly? I hear words like fascist, racist, sexist, etc. thrown around... but other than one quote about grabbing women that occurred 20 years ago... they never give a clear explanation of what they're fighting or how he is any of those things.
Seems to me these people have no clue about anything and just want something to cry about.
When these people say fight Trump, what are they fighting exactly? I hear words like fascist, racist, sexist, etc. thrown around... but other than one quote about grabbing women that occurred 20 years ago... they never give a clear explanation of what they're fighting or how he is any of those things.
Seems to me these people have no clue about anything and just want something to cry about.

It's baffling to me as well.

Trump was by far the best GOP candidate for liberals in terms of political leanings. He's a liberal on many issues that the left gets fired up about. Cruz and Rubio by comparison are religious zealots and would have been a much bigger threat to things the left cares about.

Best I can tell, they are protesting just because Trump is a brash dude who says what he thinks. Heaven forbid.
It's baffling to me as well.

Trump was by far the best GOP candidate for liberals in terms of political leanings. He's a liberal on many issues that the left gets fired up about. Cruz and Rubio by comparison are religious zealots and would have been a much bigger threat to things the left cares about.

Best I can tell, they are protesting just because Trump is a brash dude who says what he thinks. Heaven forbid.

I KNOW! It's so frustrating. It's just their instincts to hate and protest Republicans and do whatever the media tells them.

He's not religious. He' seems socially liberal and has been pro gay marriage since day one, which other candidate can say that?

You would think a guy who fights Islam would get people who care about women and gays to support them but nope, no logic or common sense whatsoever.
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Someone explain to me how race relations are supposed to improve when the only thing that's allowed is a one-sided lecture to white people while everything else gets ignored? Our country is at a boiling point.

Paul Congemi, a Republican candidate for mayor in St. Petersburg, Florida: “My advice to you if you don’t like it here in America, planes leave every hour from from Tampa Airport, go back to Africa,” link
In Alabama we're having election for Sessions seat.

Representative mo brooks spent the entire political season bashing trump. Even got into personal attacks about him being an adulterer blah blah.

Now he's running ads riding trump coat tails. It's absolutely disgusting the way politics are. Needless to say, that trash republican won't be getting my vote.
In Alabama we're having election for Sessions seat.

Representative mo brooks spent the entire political season bashing trump. Even got into personal attacks about him being an adulterer blah blah.

Now he's running ads riding trump coat tails. It's absolutely disgusting the way politics are. Needless to say, that trash republican won't be getting my vote.

Establishment is lost. The only way future Establishment politicians will win will be to lie and say they are "anti-establishment". This Mo Brooks character seems like a chode.