How will they rule ??!

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Eliminating red tape is a top priority for President Trump, who has issued several executive orders dealing with regulations, including the elimination of two federal rules for every new one introduced.

Officials said the administration has gone further, eliminating 16 regulations for every new rule proposed.

Trump halted $181 billion worth of Obama administration regulations on his first day in office by issuing a regulatory moratorium. Additionally, the administration and Congress have saved at least $60 billion in regulatory costs by rolling back Obama rules through the Congressional Review Act.
Eliminating red tape is a top priority for President Trump, who has issued several executive orders dealing with regulations, including the elimination of two federal rules for every new one introduced.

Officials said the administration has gone further, eliminating 16 regulations for every new rule proposed.

Trump halted $181 billion worth of Obama administration regulations on his first day in office by issuing a regulatory moratorium. Additionally, the administration and Congress have saved at least $60 billion in regulatory costs by rolling back Obama rules through the Congressional Review Act.
I'm telling yall. After a few years or so, it'll be almost like Obama was never President. Trump is going to cut and gut nearly every single thing Obama did. It'll be like Obama was never there.

Obamas manufactured "legacy" will be no more.

25 years from now there will be signs everywhere "White straight males need not apply"

This can't be fawkking serious . W T F?

Just when I think I can't be anymore dumbfounded by the IGNORANT and DANGEROUS left extremists... is see something like this
I think I might have to do what Krazy is doing and just take a break. I took one from March to May because of how insane the left and the media are and it's mid July and I'm exhausted from their bull crap.

Every single week they move on to some new fake outrage and they go nuts on Twitter and then we all fight and the cycle continues.

Yeah man I'm kinda with you. Like seriously... the amount of absolutely ignorant and hypocritical things I see on twitter etc is mind boggling . Like ...? I mean even majority of DEMOCRATS (not snowflake "I'm chick with a wiener and I identify as a trans bi racial porcupine ") but actual dems... I mean I disagree with many of their stances but at least they used to be GENUINE! They at least seems intelligent

Whatever the F you call it now.. fringe left ? Snowflakes ? Extremists ? Idk but it's kinda creepy . It's genuinely disturbing
No problem, as often as they have been shooting each other lately will make it easier than what it was going to be anyway. You snowflakes are too weak and too stupid to defend yourselves. You kill each other, allow Sharia to start to grow here, and vote for people who have for years kept you poor and in the dark. We would have kicked your ass without it but, we can just sit back and watch you morons kill each other.
EVERY report of this shooting has been accompanied by photos of both the shooter and victim. Only the blind don't know his race.

Of course the right has always taken the side of the cop in these things...until the victim is a white.

Lmao there ya are . Please please try and defend this. Please . Explain the rather lack of media attention on this compared to the other "racist" shootings .

I'm sure myself and many others could use a laugh. You and Cardkilla are a breath of fresh comedic relief :)
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I'm telling yall. After a few years or so, it'll be almost like Obama was never President. Trump is going to cut and gut nearly every single thing Obama did. It'll be like Obama was never there.

Obamas manufactured "legacy" will be no more.
He should propose an executive order rescinding O'bamas Nobel prize. Maybe name a Nobel "czar", just to dick with him a little more.

I was hoping he would open an investigation on Barry and I think the reason he didn't was because it was going to hurt our country too much to justify it. We've been very dirty on the world stage for awhile now.
I still have to believe it was an accident. I had a gun go off by accident. Fortunitly, it was pointed down range but it still scared the he'll out of me. Makes me even more careful to keep my finger off the trigger.

That said, why the he'll did the fool have his gun out in the first place?

And what should his penalty be? Fired for sure.

An "accident " lol
Video exists of unarmed man running on foot from police after a traffic stop and he is shot in the back multiple times... video of an unarmed man walking down the street while multiple cops watching and he is shot 16 times...14 of those when he is already on the ground and not moving...

No, what is pathetic is the reflex to blame the victim until it's someone who looks like you or perhaps your mother or sister. When it gets close to home your attitude changes. The cop was wrong in each of those cases but y'all want to justify the shootings if it takes place in the hood.

This my friends. This *^^^^^ is a post of somebody who has run out ways to defend his ... less than intelligence "stances "

You're so insanely hypocritical it amazes me that you had the balls to even post that garbage
This can't be fawkking serious . W T F?

Just when I think I can't be anymore dumbfounded by the IGNORANT and DANGEROUS left extremists... is see something like this

The BBC fired Jeremy Clarkson and considered replacing him with the lesbian on the Great British Baking Show. He was likely the biggest star on the biggest show with a huge male following. She is good on a baking show but cars, no.

Socialist do stupid things and have no business sense.
Lmao there ya are . Please please try and defend this. Please . Explain the rather lack of media attention on this compared to the other "racist" shootings .

I'm sure myself and many others could use a laugh. You and Cardkilla are a breath of fresh comedic relief :)

The American media would probably let it slide if they could. The Australian media will NEVER let it go. I suspect that their media is probably as Left as ours, but priorities are priorities. One of their own, a wonderful human being, was shot down like an animal by a Pig. That's not going to be accepted, ever. She was slaughtered like an animal. Had this been a black victim, Minneapolis would be on fire right now- and I honestly wouldn't bitch about it. I would be just as livid. There is going to be hell to pay for this, regardless of what our media overlords tell us. This one is not going away easily.
Fuzz is such a POS. They are so brainwashed and will deny reality. Amazing how they're okay with playing down the racial aspect when whites get killed and if the cop isn't white but will amazingly turn career criminals into martyrs and side against all cops. They don't riot or give a shit when black supremacists execute cops but they will lose their marbles over a guy who just assaulted and robbed a shop owner.

When the cop is in the wrong like Walter Scott (even though this moron decided to run because of child support), we will say something. People like Michael Brown deserve no sympathy just like the scum in Milwaukee and Charlotte.

It's always interesting that they're behind anyone who isn't white. They love career thugs who live in nests for crime and have a record longer than their arm but white woman in pajamas shot by a Muslim? Nah. Identity politics suddenly aren't popular.

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The left loves GOP losers. Theyll shower them with praise. Probably in hopes the losers stay in power and non threatening positions.

The left hates Trump just like how NFL teams hate the Patriots. They like when you suck and hate anyone who can beat them. They also love cucks and RINOs who are critical.

Why do you think our rivals liked Tubby but hates Cal? Silly comparison but you get it.

The left does the same tactics every single time to anyone conservatives run against them- claim sexism, assault, racism, claim you're going to bring back slavery and imprison gays and in Romney's case, claim you murdered someone.

Then when they lose, it becomes "Oh, they weren't that bad but this next guy is Hitler." Rinse and repeat.
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Had an innocent civilian been assassinated by a so-called police officer, particularly if the victim was a minority, and if the officer was white, President Obama would have been screaming from the rafters. Even if he was just grandstanding, he would have spoken up. I want President Trump to speak up. This needs to be addressed, and quickly. This is an international black eye for America. It needs to be addressed- immediately.
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Bigger collectivist: Karl Marx or the race realists in this thread?

Tough call

They are doing the work of Marx by legitimizing the propaganda and the division. Problem. Reaction. Solution.

Twitter is fake. Fakebook. Message boards. That is not real life. The problems that are inflated with hate and division on the internet is not an accurate picture of real life. Not even close.

Meanwhile the bankers and politicians take all our money while we fight over the problems they created to distract us from their theft. Wake up people. A civil war is exactly what they want. As long as we are fighting each other they can make more money.

Useful idiots.

You're so goddam stupid.

[roll] Legit laughed out loud at your response.

And ya.. man... @cardkilla ... I dunno man, surely I mean surely you're slightly trolling because I can't fathom someone who actually thinks this way and agrees with all the outlandish things posted in this thread and on twitter etc from the left / liberals/ snowflakes/ extreme leftists - (whatever you wanna Call em)

It's genuinely mind boggling to me. I am not some
Huge trump supporter . I didn't even vote for him . Didn't vote for Hilldawg either . But he's doing pretty good and he's calling out the idiots in the media who are trying to turn our country into one giant crimson toned menstruation.

I feel ... intense pity for you. Intense .
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Apparently, the Minneapolis police chief is quoted as saying that the shooting of Justine Damond "shouldn't have happened".

Well, golly. I wasn't really sure whether it should have happened or not. (if anyone fails to detect it, I am being a bit sarcastic).

In all seriousness, I agree that "it shouldn't have happened". That's an understatement of the first order. The American media might to want to let this one go. They can go do you know what to themselves. This isn't going away. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE.
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Had an innocent civilian been assassinated by a so-called police officer, particularly if the victim was a minority, and if the officer was white, President Obama would have been screaming from the rafters. Even if he was just grandstanding, he would have spoken up. I want President Trump to speak up. This needs to be addressed, and quickly. This is an international black eye for America. It needs to be addressed- immediately.

Havent seen Trump saying anything about wishing he had a sister just like her.

It really cant be overstated the damage done by obama to race relations and respect for law enforcement
Are all the Trump supporters who agreed with his we're not the world police statement now supporting his increased warmongering in the middle east? I thought we needed to get out of there? We've now extended more into Syria and Yemen and now looking like Libya is next.

I love going back through the pages to see how you guys have 69'd your positions on a number of topics (free trade, russia, middle east, profiting from the WH, playing golf, etc.). Keep up the good work comrades, your supreme leader Mr. Putin, I mean Trump applauds your newfound courage. Mother Russia has you in her prayers, one day you will deliver America to her without any bloodshed.

Also thank you for pulling out support for Syrian rebels, Mr Putin appreciates the win.

Why do you hate America u POS?
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