How will they rule ??!

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Spicer resigns because of the appointment of Scaramucci to communications director. Trump asked him to stay on, but evidently Spicer wasn't too happy about the choice of his new boss.
There have been some mistakes in hires obviously but imagine if the press held Obama and his admin accountable and scrutinized them the way they have done all of these people. Dems just keep on keeping on. It doesn't matter one iota to them as they don't answer to anybody.
Lack of media attention? I can only assume you don't watch the news because there has been coverage almost daily for the past week. It was the #2 story reported this morning on GMA right after OJ's parole. The Minneapolis Police Chief spoke on the issue. Perhaps it's just Fox and the right-wing media that isn't covering it.
Just for "Minneapolis police shooting"... About 4,450,000 results (0.54 seconds)

For comparison I tried a few others...
"trayvon martin shooting" ....About 558,000 results (0.45 seconds)
"ferguson police shooting" ...About 643,000 results (0.73 seconds)
"cleveland police shooting"...About 1,940,000 results (0.62 seconds)

There are no riots being covered...perhaps because there are no riots. To claim "lack of media attention" is as tone deaf and blind as one could possibly be.

So you think the media is covering this story the same as those other shootings? The tone is the same?

Try typing in the female victims name, and see how many hits you have.

Typing Mike Brown shooting brings up 74,800,000 results
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So you think the media is covering this story the same as those other shootings? The tone is the same?

Try typing in the female victims name, and see how many hits you have.

Typing Mike Brown shooting brings up 74,800,000 results

This is where fuzz will backpedal and make some obscure post that has nothing to do with topic at hand. Because he knows he's wrong. He knows it .

It's ok; I don't think "less" of her per say. I have a great amount of pity for him though.
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They deleted Lauren Southern's Patreon account for no reason other than she's not a left wing lunatic.

It's baffling to me as well.

Trump was by far the best GOP candidate for liberals in terms of political leanings. He's a liberal on many issues that the left gets fired up about. Cruz and Rubio by comparison are religious zealots and would have been a much bigger threat to things the left cares about.

Best I can tell, they are protesting just because Trump is a brash dude who says what he thinks. Heaven forbid.

The libs are counting on open borders to deliver them permanent control of Washington D.C. To them, its just a matter of time until we reach a tipping point in a bunch of GOP leaning western states (like the way Nevada has flipped). Trump is slowing down their dream with his border law enforcement. They were also counting on using climate change to gain more control of our daily lives and promote a globalist agenda. Trump is standing in the way of this goal too. Its driving them to madness.
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So you think the media is covering this story the same as those other shootings? The tone is the same?

Try typing in the female victims name, and see how many hits you have.

Typing Mike Brown shooting brings up 74,800,000 results
In fairness, Mike Brown is a common name and shooting is a common word, so it's unclear whether all of those hits on Google are about the shooting. Also, Justine was killed only a few days ago so the number of stories is only going to increase as time passes.

The media is certainly covering this case different than the Brown case in one respect. They are certainly not playing the race card in this one, and they certainly did in Brown. I'm glad that they aren't doing it this time (because I don't believe that this case was a race killing at all), even if the motive is completely hypocritical. They are covering it similarly in one respect, but it's something that I have a problem with. In both cases, there is a narrative of an innocent victim being gunned down by a police officer who was completely in the wrong. This narrative is accurate with respect to one, not both, of these shootings.
In fairness, Mike Brown is a common name and shooting is a common word, so it's unclear whether all of those hits on Google are about the shooting. Also, Justine was killed only a few days ago so the number of stories is only going to increase as time passes.

The media is certainly covering this case different than the Brown case in one respect. They are certainly not playing the race card in this one, and they certainly did in Brown. I'm glad that they aren't doing it this time (because I don't believe that this case was a race killing at all), even if the motive is completely hypocritical. They are covering it similarly in one respect, but it's something that I have a problem with. In both cases, there is a narrative of an innocent victim being gunned down by a police officer who was completely in the wrong. This narrative is accurate with respect to one, not both, of these shootings.

Agreed, but my point was that he simply used "minneapolis shooting" as the reference, that opens the point he was attempting to make to include many stories not even connected to the shooting at hand.
Agreed, but my point was that he simply used "minneapolis shooting" as the reference, that opens the point he was attempting to make to include many stories not even connected to the shooting at hand.
Good point. I had thought that he was referring a google search for Justine Damond shooting. Minneapolis shooting could mean anything, especially when there have been two other very controversial shootings just recently, one in Minneapolis proper, and one in a Minneapolis suburb.

So true.

Imagine what Trump could do if his own damn party didn't constantly handicap him. This is why people like Kid Rock have a real shot at winning.

2018 should be about getting more Trump supporters in office, not just defeating the democrats.
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I think most of these police shootings are preventable. Everything from poor candidates to poor training. Im as quick as anyone to criticize.

But the president has no business pouring fuel on the fire.
It would be very amusing to watch the left all of a sudden act like they support the Police if Trump did speak out, though.
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Spicer resigns because of the appointment of Scaramucci to communications director. Trump asked him to stay on, but evidently Spicer wasn't too happy about the choice of his new boss.
Hoping Huckabee will get the permanent job. Man she is bad ass. I don't care all that much for Mike Huckabee, but he raised a hell of a daughter.
Hannity is gonna have Spicer, Prebius and Scaramucci on tonight. Should be interesting.

Scaramucci was a great hire IMO. Trumps communication team is going to be better.