How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

DO IT! Let's get this started in Europe and on our own soil. Yeah, I'm all for this.

Hmm, now why would 35 percent of Democrats be so against an ID to vote. On an unrelated note, who is it that doesn't want immigration enforced or a wall built and wants sanctuary cities? Can't remember.

There has never been an intelligent reason supplied when asked why we shouldn't need an ID to vote. It's always some claim that blacks and minorities don't know how to get an ID or are too poor to get one.

You can't require an ID to rent a car, get a hotel, buy alcohol and cigs, cash a check, get a job, fly, etc and then claim it's racist to verify your identity to vote.

Rack the shit outta this.
Yeah, can't be historically accurate. We need to have a transgendered black Muslim save us from Nazi Germany during WW2.

I do get a chuckle out of a black guy in Star Wars talking about diversity. That franchise has went so SJW. Basically anything with white men is not acceptable and despite most races associating with their own race, we have to make every movie into one big giant bowl of "diversity" and go down the list and check off every group.

I have even heard the argument from a gay person that it wasn't just enough that GLAAD showed that 18 percent of all movies had a gay character in it (never mind this is about 6x their population size), they needed portrayals of HIV infected people.

There's no appeasing these groups. They always want more and people like this should never be encouraged or enabled.
I have never like Clay Travis or Jason Whitlock but I will be damned if they have not stepped up hugely to take on this Kaepernick bullshit. ESPN on the other hand has been apoplectic as to why the backup on the worst team in football that also preaches hatred of white america has not been offered a starting QB job.
When people like @cardkilla run a city and go overboard to try to convict 6 cops (3 black) for the death of crack head with no evidence you get future headlines like this:

'Nobody kill anybody': Murder-free weekend urged in Baltimore
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Bottom line is the country is much better off without John McCain in Congress. Anything good or honorable he may have done in the distant past is far outweighed by his actions in recent years.

Hopefully, as a country, we can move past this feigned sadness and get back to proving whether or not Trump was pissed on by hookers like the book McCain sought out and gave to the FBI says.
Watching the same people in the media lionize McCain after taking a collective shit on him when he ran for POTUS in absolutely infuriating.

They did the same thing to Romney. They accuse you of putting blacks in chains, rape, murder, etc and when they lose, the job is done and they just move on. Then the next round starts with people like Bill Maher who said something like, "Romney wasn't a bad guy. I disagreed with him but he wasn't the worst. But this new Republican (Trump), he's the worst so you better listen up."

Trump and Bush beat them so they got tons of wrath from the left. Granted, I don't like Bush but you can see the way those two were treated by Hollywood/Media/Dems and compare it to Clinton and Obama.
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It's a similar thing to this

Whites move away from an area as their property value decreases & crime increases

"Whites don't want to live around us. They're racist. It's white flight."

Whites move into a neighborhood that is rundown & pure crap where minorities reside
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Watching the same people in the media lionize McCain after taking a collective shit on him when he ran for POTUS in absolutely infuriating.
I was reading an account of the '08 election - can't remember what it was, seems like it was a book. Anyway, McCain had always been a favored Republican in the Times/Post/Network crowd. "Maverick" just meant you could count on him to screw with Republicans, which made him as much of a hero as one could be on the political right. Anyway, that favored status, per this account, deluded him. 'They love me' he thought - they'll be fair. He was surrounded by people who advised him not to think that way - that in a national race against a Dem, especially a mythic figure (to the left, anyway) like Obama, he would be skewered, and he needed to prepare for it. Didn't listen. Soon enough, the Times published nearly a full page, front page expose on an "alleged" affair - a clear character hit piece. This at the same time none of them would touch John Edwards' real affair. At the time it was the starkest example I'd seen as to the double standard employed in Rs and Ds. He never had a chance to win that election anyway, but it does show how bubbled he and most others can be. Say what you will about DT, at least he harbors no illusions about media, and takes them on head first.
I was reading an account of the '08 election - can't remember what it was, seems like it was a book. Anyway, McCain had always been a favored Republican in the Times/Post/Network crowd. "Maverick" just meant you could count on him to screw with Republicans, which made him as much of a hero as one could be on the political right. Anyway, that favored status, per this account, deluded him. 'They love me' he thought - they'll be fair. He was surrounded by people who advised him not to think that way - that in a national race against a Dem, especially a mythic figure (to the left, anyway) like Obama, he would be skewered, and he needed to prepare for it. Didn't listen. Soon enough, the Times published nearly a full page, front page expose on an "alleged" affair - a clear character hit piece. This at the same time none of them would touch John Edwards' real affair. At the time it was the starkest example I'd seen as to the double standard employed in Rs and Ds. He never had a chance to win that election anyway, but it does show how bubbled he and most others can be. Say what you will about DT, at least he harbors no illusions about media, and takes them on head first.

I always wanted someone who'd punch back. Trump is a dream come true for regular people.
Poll: Just 6% Of Americans Say Russia Story Is 'Important'
Despite deluge from MSM, nobody cares

The verdict is in: Nobody cares.

Bloomberg News released a poll on Monday and here are the top issues people care about:

    • Health care -- 35%
    • Unemployment and jobs -- 13%
    • Terrorism -- 11%
    • Immigration -- 10%
    • Climate Change -- 10%
    • Relationship with Russia -- 6%
    • Taxes -- 4%
    • Other -- 4%
    • Trade -- 2%
    • None of these -- 2%
    • Not sure -- 2%
The question posed to those surveyed was "Which of the following do you see as the most important issue facing the country right now?"

So, 79% said, "Not Russia."

Just 6% said Russia — despite the nonstop coverage from the mainstream media on unsubstantiated allegations that Trump and his campaign team colluded with Vladimir Putin to swing the 2016 election Trump's way.

Nobody cares. In fact, the Russia relationship is just 2 points above "Other" and the combined "None of these" and "Not sure." As one-time adviser Van Jones called it, the Russia story is a real "nothingburger."

But you know what else the poll found? Some really good stuff for Trump...

I'm always shocked that terrorism registers on these polls. Never crosses my mind.
Are all the Trump supporters who agreed with his we're not the world police statement now supporting his increased warmongering in the middle east? I thought we needed to get out of there? We've now extended more into Syria and Yemen and now looking like Libya is next.

I love going back through the pages to see how you guys have 69'd your positions on a number of topics (free trade, russia, middle east, profiting from the WH, playing golf, etc.). Keep up the good work comrades, your supreme leader Mr. Putin, I mean Trump applauds your newfound courage. Mother Russia has you in her prayers, one day you will deliver America to her without any bloodshed.

Also thank you for pulling out support for Syrian rebels, Mr Putin appreciates the win.
I've said it be fore, but if I was Trump, I would hire special investigators to investigate every single person in Congress and all those within 2 degrees of separation from anyone with the last name Clinton.

Don Jr. should. Not a member of the admin - getting blasted for the campaign meeting. $$$
I've said it be fore, but if I was Trump, I would hire special investigators to investigate every single person in Congress and all those within 2 degrees of separation from anyone with the last name Clinton.
bwaha you guys and your Clinton/Obama delusions. I don't think anyone has been investigated more than Clinton by GOP witch hunts over the years and she's still kicking. How much more taxpayer money you wanna waste on Benghazi? But having nearly all of his staff and inner circle hide secret meetings with Russia, give out favors, ask foreign gov't's to hack opponents is just fine and dandy.

The lack of respect for the checks and balances of the executive vs legislative vs judicial is very strange by your types. It seems you are ready to relinquish all power to Trump.
He's friends with the Clinton's. He gives em money. Just like Cal.

He used that bs to get elected and I feel stupid for believing him. I really thought him and sessions would rip Washington apart, and that was dumb.

Still, trump is not a world apologist pussy and for that I am grateful.
bwaha you guys and your Clinton/Obama delusions. I don't think anyone has been investigated more than Clinton by GOP witch hunts over the years and she's still kicking. How much more taxpayer money you wanna waste on Benghazi? But having nearly all of his staff and inner circle hide secret meetings with Russia, give out favors, ask foreign gov't's to hack opponents is just fine and dandy.

The lack of respect for the checks and balances of the executive vs legislative vs judicial is very strange by your types. It seems you are ready to relinquish all power to Trump.


Makes me laugh every time