How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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It's pretty incredible how major scandals are just left to die when they're from Democrats.

Lois Lerner pleads the Fifth

Lois Lerner Escapes Criminal Contempt Charges After DOJ Finds She Did Not Waive Rights

Add that the over dozen of Obama scandals but what's even more incredible is how Clinton being a puppet for Soros and donors is just completely overlooked. You have proof yet the content is completely ignored.

Here's the thing, when you endorsed Hillary Clinton, you can take your fake outrage over Trump and these stupid controversies and shove it up your ass. I'm supposed to take you seriously when you ignored all of this and vouched for that person? I'm supposed to trust you as being on the "ethical" side and a good judge of character?
Remember when Reebok decided to get involved in their SJW BS and bash Trump over complimenting someone being in good shape?

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ALSO, these dicksuckers in the House look like they're pulling the same bullshit with tax reform they did with the Obamacare repeal. Do it all in secret then make everyone vote on whatever shit sandwich the lobbyists wrote in a backroom.
Absolutely incredible that claiming it was hacked without giving over the server was just accepted as fact by the sheep. That would be like me claiming to be robbed and then not letting the cops dust for finger prints or look inside my house.
They know what they are doing (media/dems). Most of the time when going into a little detail on the Russian meddling/"hacking" they only mention the internet trolls spreading fake news stories...they don't mention DNC servers/WikiLeaks - and there is probably a reason for that........
At this point, with much delay and dissaray, it must be repeal only; or nothing.

If nothing, put it to a vote. Then every gop member voting against repeal needs listed and posted on every medium imaginable. Without a vote, they have an out.

Then make it crystal clear, repeatedly, that the inevitable failure coming is obamas plan all along. Wont be easy with all the fake news, but thats gotta be the move.

Oh and get rid of useless paul ryan asap
I tend to agree with Newt Gingrich that we're well on our way to Speaker Pelosi if the Rs don't get their heads out of their asses SOON.

The economy is all that matters. ****ing around on tax reform is going to ensure we lose all the momentum gain campaign promises and election.
I'd assume his campaign has addressed it, but I'd assume Robert Ritchie is what actually will be shown on the ballot? Can they throw a Robert "Kid Rock" Ritchie on there?

In some states Kid Rock could be on the ballot, but I don't think Michigan is one of them. He will have to get Bob Ritchie out there.
I'm gonna become muslim. Why not? Shit i can rape, steal, kill and do anything i want

I've been thinking about this for a while...

Best way to shut this muslim acceptance crap down is for The White Man to fully embrace and just run amok all over this damn stupid country...

or maybe that's what they want. idk.
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No way they should have taken up healthcare before the midterms and before tax reform and spending. Just stupid.
I've been thinking about this for a while...

Best way to shut this muslim acceptance crap down is for The White Man to fully embrace and just run amok all over this damn stupid country...

or maybe that's what they want. idk.

Yep, Mash. That's how to beat it
Given the complete failure of Paul Ryan and Mitch to lead, don't they have to go?

Why are we continuing to accept incompetence?

Im no fan of mitch. But hes not to blame on the legislative debacles since the election. Paul Ryan needs to drive legislation out of the house before the senate takes it up. Everything is stuck in the house.

Mitch definitely needs to do a better job getting these votes in the senate. But some of those Rs dont really vote party line, while the dems do.

Plus, libs HATE Mitch but love Ryan. Thats pretty telling and says alot.

Really, Ryan is trying to stay in the front of peoples minds, but not make any waves. That way he can gear up for a presidential run. We need just the opposite.

Also, Trumps team must shoulder some blame. They need to get some of this stuff through, or it could be trouble come 18 and 20
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The House begging Ryan to take the job did nothing but inflate his ego. MM should be the Senate Whip, he excelled at that. Setting direction and being the (droopy) face of the GOP there is idiocy.
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Im no fan of mitch. But hes not to blame on the legislative debacles since the election. Paul Ryan needs to drive legislation out of the house before the senate takes it up. Everything is stuck in the house.

Mitch definitely needs to do a better job getting these votes in the senate. But some of those Rs dont really vote party line, while the dems do.

Plus, libs HATE Mitch but love Ryan. Thats pretty telling and says alot.

Really, Ryan is trying to stay in the front of peoples minds, but not make any waves. That way he can gear up for a presidential run. We need just the opposite.

Also, Trumps team must shoulder some blame. They need to get some of this stuff through, or it could be trouble come 18 and 20

I think everyone hates Mitch.
Can this work?

All along these cocksuckers in the Senate had a repeal bill locked and loaded and just now they decide to live up to their campaign promises?

Get every one of those sons of bitches on record. Anyone who promised a repeal and votes no needs to be recalled (if that can happen).
No votes: Mike Lee, Jerry Moran, Rand Paul and Susan Collins

The first 2 essentially killed the bill yesterday.
STILL waiting for an explanation for the execution of Justine Damond. STILL waiting for the SJWs to chime in about this. They rarely hesitate to provide input on other police shootings.
The police officer who shot her was Mohammad Noor. He was black.
Whites in Minnesota must riot, because we must assume her killing was racially motivated, because that's what the black community does...even when the victim is black and the officer is black.

Put on your face-covering bandannas and practice your "Hands up! Don't Shoot!" chants, white Minnesota.