How will they rule ??!

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If Trump being president for 4 years keeps Hillary out of office, that's a win. With her levels of corruption there's not telling what the next 8 years would be like. She was fitting the turn this into a one party system and plant her Clinton roots even deeper.

It was such a win, IMO, that I wouldn't be too upset if the WH went to the Ds. We dodged a bullet and also shook up their whole party. They took a beating in more ways than one, even if Trump does virtually nothing for the next 3.5 years..

I hear you about dodging a bullet with Hillary, and I'm extremely happy about that. However, the democrats are insane, imo. They can't be allowed to be in a position of control until we've made serious progress turning this thing around. I don't want my country to fall into socialism. And that is where we are headed. I'm afraid it's just a matter of time, and it makes me sick thinking about it.

The corruption in our government is so bad, the next natural progression is socialism. Trump has to succeed.
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No justice. No peace. Looks like Denny didn't have to go to that remote Japanese island after all huh Skippy.

Talk big judge but he is already out.

Ex-speaker Dennis Hastert released from federal prison
Before Judge Thomas Durkin handed down the sentence, Hastert acknowledged he abused Individual A and other boys in his charge.

“I want to apologize to the boys I mistreated when I was a coach,” he said. “They looked (up) at me and I took advantage of them.”

The former speaker served 20 years in Congress and eight years as the highest-ranking member of the House before retiring in 2007. He is the longest serving Republican speaker in history.

At his sentencing last year, Durkin called Hastert a "serial child molester" and ordered him to attend a sex offender treatment program.

"Nothing is more disturbing than having serial child molester and speaker of the House in the same sentence," Durkin said.
I just read the AP story about Noor. I think he's getting a bad rap. Sure, he shot someone he might not ought to have, but he's a good dude. Police work was his calling. Everyone liked him, with the exception of the three people who have sued him in the two years he's been a cop. I'm sure there is a totally plausible reason he discharged his weapon right in front of his partners face.

Something I haven't seen mentioned yet is, how was Price dressed? I mean, was she asking for it? Too many unanswered questions to jump to a conclusion.
No justice. No peace. Looks like Denny didn't have to go to that remote Japanese island after all huh Skippy.

Talk big judge but he is already out.

Ex-speaker Dennis Hastert released from federal prison
Before Judge Thomas Durkin handed down the sentence, Hastert acknowledged he abused Individual A and other boys in his charge.

“I want to apologize to the boys I mistreated when I was a coach,” he said. “They looked (up) at me and I took advantage of them.”

The former speaker served 20 years in Congress and eight years as the highest-ranking member of the House before retiring in 2007. He is the longest serving Republican speaker in history.

At his sentencing last year, Durkin called Hastert a "serial child molester" and ordered him to attend a sex offender treatment program.

"Nothing is more disturbing than having serial child molester and speaker of the House in the same sentence," Durkin said.

Yeah, but there's no way the Clinton's and Pedostra are running a child sex ring, right?
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25 years from now there will be signs everywhere "White straight males need not apply"
He is confused.

Probable no votes on clean repeal w/no replace:

Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
Susan Collins - Maine (voted against the repeal bill in 2015)
Shelley Moore Capito - WV (voted for in 2015)

Possible No:

Rob Portman - Ohio (voted for in 2015)
Dean Heller - Nevada

Moran, Lee & Paul would flip to yes on clean repeal.
True. I was speaking about the BCRA replace bill and should have made that point clear. A straight repeal could be easier for fiscal conservatives unwilling to fund the subsidies of the ACA. Still not a great week for McConnell and Trump so far.
I think I might have to do what Krazy is doing and just take a break. I took one from March to May because of how insane the left and the media are and it's mid July and I'm exhausted from their bull crap.

Every single week they move on to some new fake outrage and they go nuts on Twitter and then we all fight and the cycle continues.
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Russia Russia Russia Russia

I hate the media.

Just stop it

Russia made the mistake of kicking Soros out of their country and cut off his influence and funding
Other Billionaires had their assets either frozen or kicked out

Anyone remember "Pussy Riot" -- the hilariously irreverent gags they were pulling like desecrating Orthodox churches and using (frozen?) chicken for sexual pleasure in public.....they were supposed to be some type of symbol of resistance and (I GUESS?) garner western support when the Russian govt eventually kicked their ass

There were these neat NGO's in Russia that were receiving foreign money and trying to steer the culture there - as they have elsewhere

Russia put a stop to it - eliminated the outside money and influence and then proceeded to start calling the US out (previous admin) for not "really" trying to stop ISIS

They gave plenty of specifics about how we weren't targeting at least one oil refinery and other clearly military targets

Turkey and I think Iraq also openly accused the US of dropping arms shipments to ISIS

NATO continued to expand east under both Bush and Obama -- Obama sent tanks, troops into Poland and conducted war games --- Finland received troops -- but received updated weaponry....

we even started messing around in the damn Balkans again and were talking about something along the lines of a balkan wide army that would be NATO loyal --- those are all power grabs -

I don't think Putin is some kind of saint but I think he DOES stand against this thing that others call "The New World Order"

I think that, and his admin's stubborn insistence on retaining their culture, borders and sovereign control -- INFURIATES the George Soros' of the world.....

THATS why Russia has become the international bad guy IMO

They've PISSED off a bunch of Billionaire European White Men who IMMEDIATELY started organizing and agitating OTHERS to prepare to do their fighting for them

I think Trump might have POSSIBLY helped this nation avoid war with Russia to be honest

If he's ousted - don't be surprised if we start down that road again

And ALL THAT SHIT is centuries old
The British had what they called "THE GREAT GAME" where they jockeyed with their Russian rivals for international influence and control

Read about it in Fromkins' "A Peace to End All Peace"

Honestly -- I think the element within our nation that wants the USA to adopt a warlike stance with Russia

Is being flat out BITCH-PUNKED by Europeans

The same way so many social justice WARRIORS are marching for socialism / communism / violence / overthrowing the govt / hating white people / hating pictures of carrots ---

(Marx, Engels, Lenin etc)
As they scream about how they want to end WHITE MALE CAPITALIST PATRIARCHAL POWER

You gotta admit


You wage war -- by deception
So here are some things few are hearing about the Trump admin -- I can provide links to all but won't be doing that until later tonight

Until then - feel free to cross check any of

And ask yourself 2 questions:

1) If I'm being objective about it - using my Brain - isn't this program/development a GOOD thing?

2) Why am I not hearing ANYTHING about this stuff?

*******Some Good things the Trump Admin has been doing*****

1) Targeted international sex trade and pedophiles - in all of last year there were maybe 400+ pedophiles arrested --- this admin has made the issue a priority and arrested over 2,000 in one month

2) Cracking down on illegal Opiod sales and trying to reduce the damage of addiction in rural / urban areas

3) HUD & VA Admin have cooperated to help homeless veterans -- over 1500 homeless vets have been placed in homes

4) US VA and Canadian VA are cooperating to share best practices in helping vet's who need better service

5) VA now extends PTSD help / counseling to GI's who have less than honorable discharges

6) VA establishes program to reuse or close facilities not in use -- many were were empty and being maintained by US Taxpayers -- will save MILLIONS in tax money per year

7) Water deal reached between Palestinians and Israel - verbal agreement from China in resume importing US Beef - struck down corporate controlled non-democratic TPAA in first week of Presidency -

8) VA becomes MORE TRANSPARENT and is first Govt agency to create adverse actions system for employees and ties settlement activities back to Sr Approval

9) Dept of Energy investing 46M in new solar power projects

10) DOE is now aligned with Black Colleges and Universities in order to help better market their talent / technology and ideas to the commercial / government sector (Amended EO)

11) DOE creates open dialogue about sexual violence on college campuses - moves to expand the dialogue to include those who have been FALSELY ACCUSED of Rape

12) Dept of Labor receives over $72M in grants to assist former prison inmates with re-establishing themselves with jobs / homes

13) ICE (Immigrations/Customs) - will be trained to help target and stop activities related to Female Genital Mutilation

and some little things...

randomly stopped by the Womens LPGA event -

offered direct assistance to the Afghan-girls robotics team who was coming to the US for a competition

treats GIs / Border Patrol / Police with respect and gratitude.....

There ARE positive things that are happening

There's probably stuff I'm missing -- I'll keep looking

Is he perfect?

Does he deserve to be run down EVERY DAY on EVERY MEDIA OUTLET - about Batshit crazy CONSPIRACY THEORIES and LIES?

They can't find ONE THING in the list above to talk about????

Not very objective is it?

Certainly not very nice


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So, honest question. What do some of y'all think will happen in 2020? Will trump run again? If so/ will he win? If not will a different Repub (or non Dem ) win? Or will the democrats do *whatever * it takes to take back the presidency?

There is no one to run against Trump on either side.

Then consider his fight and resolve and you are wasting time and money to even try.

We still have 3 years until we are there but it's tough to see much changing at this piint
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I just read the AP story about Noor. I think he's getting a bad rap. Sure, he shot someone he might not ought to have, but he's a good dude. Police work was his calling. Everyone liked him, with the exception of the three people who have sued him in the two years he's been a cop. I'm sure there is a totally plausible reason he discharged his weapon right in front of his partners face.

Something I haven't seen mentioned yet is, how was Price dressed? I mean, was she asking for it? Too many unanswered questions to jump to a conclusion.

Is it possible she offended his faith? Maybe she triggered him by being unescorted by a male relative? I'd say he has a strong case against her estate.

The 'resistance' fell quiet for a night...the church of harry potter was having a meeting

If I didn't belong to this thread I wouldn't have even heard about it.

Just because it's not on television or mainstream internet pages - doesn't mean it's not happening --- I read how one of stalins tactics was to make resistance always feel like it was isolated - on an island-disorganized and divided

All while the communist operatives created NEW political entities by generating political consciousness with previously non-existing groups

Sound familiar?

Sn organized effort to counter Marxism and their allies / enablers will have to be organized in places like this, in coffee houses, wherever -- it won't get help from the media

It'll have to be like the French Revolution a bit

At least the part that was good
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