How will they rule ??!

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Sean Spicer and Tucker Carlson are living in an alternate universe where Don Jr. and his emails don't exist. Yet The Donald tweets about his son's Russian political motive anyway. Fake/Real news?
Sean Spicer and Tucker Carlson are living in an alternate universe where Don Jr. and his emails don't exist. Yet The Donald tweets about his son's Russian political motive anyway. Fake/Real news?
Ahhh, here come the delusional liberal left again grasping at straws and the only thing they have left. You guys are easily bought by the left. You will give everything you have to believe them, even your souls. Poor lemmings, may God have mercy on your soul.
Amazing that him being a Muslim and Somalian were not in the headlines by liberal media.

The media won't be able to downplay this. They'll instead focus on the outrage about it compared to the perceived lack of outrage for other police killings and attribute it to the fact that the victim was white, pretty, and blonde, and they will also use it to whip some hate for the police in general as opposed to this particular officer, who, at best, seems to have made a very serious error in perception and judgment. They won't attribute it to the fact that it least appears that, unlike others, she was a completely innocent victim. Nor will they focus on the lack of outrage from the SJWs. Speaking of SJWs, I have yet to see any of our board SJWs commenting on this, and I even clicked the "show ignored content" to look for comments.
The media won't be able to downplay this. They'll instead focus on the outrage about it compared to the perceived lack of outrage for other police killings and attribute it to the fact that the victim was white, pretty, and blonde, and they will also use it to whip some hate for the police in general as opposed to this particular officer, who, at best, seems to have made a very serious error in perception and judgment. They won't attribute it to the fact that it least appears that, unlike others, she was a completely innocent victim. Nor will they focus on the lack of outrage from the SJWs. Speaking of SJWs, I have yet to see any of our board SJWs commenting on this, and I even clicked the "show ignored content" to look for comments.
They like their liberal leaders are corrupt and have no moral compass. They long for the destruction of this country but are too dumb to see the how that out come will destroy them too. Their eyes are glazed over with a God like worship for the evil they follow.
I've turned off the TVs and stopped keeping up. There is no point at this point in even trying really.

Just do what libs do and vote my party has to be better than the Dems no matter what.
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I am seeing the GOP healthcare bill won't pass which is great.

Democrats really should be worried because the longer Obamacare exists then the more likely people will be badly effected.

Let that policy ride and see what happens then!
If I were a liberal (and I thank God every day I am not) the last thing I would bring up are emails.

And if I did bring up emails, I better had not have been a hypocrite and have not criticized Hillary for her actual real email scandal.
I am seeing the GOP healthcare bill won't pass which is great.

Democrats really should be worried because the longer Obamacare exists then the more likely people will be badly effected.

Let that policy ride and see what happens then!
No doubt the more Obamacare implodes, the worse it looks for democrats. But the GOP ran and promised to repeal Obamacare. It just makes the GOP look stupid and incompetent (which is what they mostly are) and doesn't help their case for 2018 IMO.
Screw the GOP and democrats. The only person I 100% trust is Trump.

I wouldn't be surprised if people in the GOP do not want Trump to be the guy to get rid of Obamacare/do something new. Its no secret that many in the GOP were, and still are nevertrumpers.
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Disagree. They have tried and essentially they can turn that into:

Look, ideally the govt shouldn't control a private entity sector so it's going to be extremely hard to overcome democrats that want it to fail and overcome true conservatives that believe govt shouldn't be involved.

Bottom line folks we tried and it's not best for us to do healthcare, look at what happened to Obamacare. Honestly anything we pass turns out the same out cuts people off.
The far left has gone nuts. I'm done identifying as a democrat.

OR -- BE a Democrat

Be one that calls for accountability from the Marxists

There's nothing wrong with letting that small % of radicals know that they can't Revolt when they don't get their way

There are PLENTY of Smart, commonsense, Constitutional-Republic preferring, Financially more conservative than socially minded D-arty people that are NEEDED as a part of who we are

The debates are good - the differences can often be good

but when one element of one party starts calling for open violence
starts calling for overthrowing a legally elected president
starts blatantly ignoring their own egregious lawlessness but ATTACKS anyone and everyone who still stands for national sovereignty.......then that element needs to be sidelined and/or removed from the table

committed communists were never more than 7% of the population of the USSR
but they overtook the socialist revolutionaries, the vast expanse of Russia and brutally exterminated and enslaved a largely peanut / WORKER BEE population......

They highjacked your party
OR -- BE a Democrat

Be one that calls for accountability from the Marxists

There's nothing wrong with letting that small % of radicals know that they can't Revolt when they don't get their way

There are PLENTY of Smart, commonsense, Constitutional-Republic preferring, Financially more conservative than socially minded D-arty people that are NEEDED as a part of who we are

The debates are good - the differences can often be good

but when one element of one party starts calling for open violence
starts calling for overthrowing a legally elected president
starts blatantly ignoring their own egregious lawlessness but ATTACKS anyone and everyone who still stands for national sovereignty.......then that element needs to be sidelined and/or removed from the table

committed communists were never more than 7% of the population of the USSR
but they overtook the socialist revolutionaries, the vast expanse of Russia and brutally exterminated and enslaved a largely peanut / WORKER BEE population......

They highjacked your party

Well said sir.

The problem is, I don't see any moderate dems calling them out. It's utter bullshit.
Julian Assange Associate: I Have Not Been Contacted by Investigators – I Could Tell Them These were Leaks Not Hacks

In December former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, who is a close associate of Julian Assange, said he had met the DNC leaker and he was not Russian.

For months Murray has insisted the DNC was not hacked but rather the documents were leaked to Wikileaks.

Earlier this month Craig Murray wrote about the Russian conspiracy that has taken the liberal US media by storm.

Murray says the Russian hack investigators have not contacted him. Murray claims he could tell them the documents were leaked and not hacked.

There is a very plain pattern here of agencies promoting the notion of a fake “Russian crime”, while failing to take the most basic and obvious initial steps if they were really investigating its existence. I might add to that, there has been no contact with me at all by those supposedly investigating. I could tell them these were leaks not hacks. Wikileaks. The clue is in the name.

So those “17 agencies” are not really investigating but are prepared to endorse weird Crowdstrike claims, like the idea that Russia’s security services are so amateur as to leave fingerprints with the name of their founder. If the Russians fed the material to Wikileaks, why would they also set up a vainglorious persona like Guccifer2 who leaves obvious Russia pointing clues all over the place?

Of course we need to add from the Wikileaks “Vault 7” leak release, information that the CIA specifically deploys technology that leaves behind fake fingerprints of a Russian computer hacking operation.

Crowdstrike have a general anti-Russian attitude. They published a report seeking to allege that the same Russian entities which “had hacked” the DNC were involved in targeting for Russian artillery in the Ukraine. This has been utterly discredited.

Some of the more crazed “Russiagate” allegations have been quietly dropped. The mainstream media are hoping we will all forget their breathless endorsement of the reports of the charlatan Christopher Steele, a former middle ranking MI6 man with very limited contacts that he milked to sell lurid gossip to wealthy and gullible corporations. I confess I rather admire his chutzpah.

Given there is no hacking in the Russian hacking story, the charges have moved wider into a vague miasma of McCarthyite anti-Russian hysteria. Does anyone connected to Trump know any Russians? Do they have business links with Russian finance?…

…The old Watergate related wisdom is that it is not the crime that gets you, it is the cover-up. But there is a fundamental difference here. At the centre of Watergate there was an actual burglary. At the centre of Russian hacking there is a void, a hollow, and emptiness, an abyss, a yawning chasm. There is nothing there.

Those who believe that opposition to Trump justifies whipping up anti-Russian hysteria on a massive scale, on the basis of lies, are wrong.
Sean Spicer and Tucker Carlson are living in an alternate universe where Don Jr. and his emails don't exist. Yet The Donald tweets about his son's Russian political motive anyway. Fake/Real news?

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Wait didn't you tell us the emails from the DNC and Clinton, rape man didn't mean shit?

Make me a bicycle ClOWN @jameslee32
Looks like now the plan is the same as '15. Full repeal, but not replace, then take two years to come up with a replacement. Pretty sure full repeal will take 60 votes. Not sure how they plan to get it done, but after every other failure, it's worth a try.

Julian Assange Associate: I Have Not Been Contacted by Investigators – I Could Tell Them These were Leaks Not Hacks

In December former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, who is a close associate of Julian Assange, said he had met the DNC leaker and he was not Russian.

For months Murray has insisted the DNC was not hacked but rather the documents were leaked to Wikileaks.

Earlier this month Craig Murray wrote about the Russian conspiracy that has taken the liberal US media by storm.

Murray says the Russian hack investigators have not contacted him. Murray claims he could tell them the documents were leaked and not hacked.

There is a very plain pattern here of agencies promoting the notion of a fake “Russian crime”, while failing to take the most basic and obvious initial steps if they were really investigating its existence. I might add to that, there has been no contact with me at all by those supposedly investigating. I could tell them these were leaks not hacks. Wikileaks. The clue is in the name.

So those “17 agencies” are not really investigating but are prepared to endorse weird Crowdstrike claims, like the idea that Russia’s security services are so amateur as to leave fingerprints with the name of their founder. If the Russians fed the material to Wikileaks, why would they also set up a vainglorious persona like Guccifer2 who leaves obvious Russia pointing clues all over the place?

Of course we need to add from the Wikileaks “Vault 7” leak release, information that the CIA specifically deploys technology that leaves behind fake fingerprints of a Russian computer hacking operation.

Crowdstrike have a general anti-Russian attitude. They published a report seeking to allege that the same Russian entities which “had hacked” the DNC were involved in targeting for Russian artillery in the Ukraine. This has been utterly discredited.

Some of the more crazed “Russiagate” allegations have been quietly dropped. The mainstream media are hoping we will all forget their breathless endorsement of the reports of the charlatan Christopher Steele, a former middle ranking MI6 man with very limited contacts that he milked to sell lurid gossip to wealthy and gullible corporations. I confess I rather admire his chutzpah.

Given there is no hacking in the Russian hacking story, the charges have moved wider into a vague miasma of McCarthyite anti-Russian hysteria. Does anyone connected to Trump know any Russians? Do they have business links with Russian finance?…

…The old Watergate related wisdom is that it is not the crime that gets you, it is the cover-up. But there is a fundamental difference here. At the centre of Watergate there was an actual burglary. At the centre of Russian hacking there is a void, a hollow, and emptiness, an abyss, a yawning chasm. There is nothing there.

Those who believe that opposition to Trump justifies whipping up anti-Russian hysteria on a massive scale, on the basis of lies, are wrong.

Absolutely incredible that claiming it was hacked without giving over the server was just accepted as fact by the sheep. That would be like me claiming to be robbed and then not letting the cops dust for finger prints or look inside my house.
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Can this work?

All along these cocksuckers in the Senate had a repeal bill locked and loaded and just now they decide to live up to their campaign promises?

Get every one of those sons of bitches on record. Anyone who promised a repeal and votes no needs to be recalled (if that can happen).

Not fair in reality. Just because they ran on it doesn't mean the bill is good(I really don't know) so I don't care that they aren't passing it.

Actually happy about it. Let these losers see what Obama had in mind over the next few years and no one will want govt run healthcare anymore.
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Not fair. LOL what?

All the Rs ran on repealing Obamacare, but it's unfair to them to actually have to vote on repealing Obamacare?

Making them all get on the record is the most fair thing I've ever heard - FOR THE VOTERS.

There's no way the Rs and Ds ever agree on a 5,000 page replacement. Which is awesome. But maybe, just maybe they can agree on things like opening insurance markets across state lines, expanding the use of HSAs, allowing a tax deduction to anyone who purchases health insurance (not just businesses and the self employed, and not subject to AGI floors), require medical service providers (as a condition of licensure) to post the prices they charge for procedures, and require uniformity.

All that can be done with a few simple pages. We don't need giant expansions of the federal government and entitlement programs.

Then, the people who truly can't get insurance on the open market, and who don't qualify for a current government safety net, we can worry about that small fraction once everything else is taken care of rather than doing the opposite.